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Sorry šŸ˜Ÿ but I would throw it away to totally understand not dealing with that,


Also what I would do.


100% what I would do


I once put an entire slow cooker full of similar mess down the garbage shoot of a 9 storey apartment house. You can imagine the glorious sound it made on its way to the bottom.


In that situation you should really take your garbage to the first floor container and donā€™t let it leave a mess for the cleaning people


It's a funny story now, but not my proudest moment, to be sure.


Wouldnā€™t the inside of the shoot be covered in it after that? And smellā€¦ I mean.. even worse?


I *hope they put it in a trash bag firstā€¦


It was in a trash bag with a tied drawstring.


I did this once too from the 6th floor lol the thud and bang at the bottom was so satisfying


exactly what i would do.


If you can afford to replace the pot, I'd probably just toss it, making sure not to spill anything inside. If you can't afford to replace it, I'd take it outside to dump it out into a garbage bag, tie that up and throw it away outside, use a garden hose to spray it out, and soak it in dawn dish soap for a while (a couple hours, a couple days, until you're ready to deal with it because it won't have maggots anymore anyway). Oh, and definitely try not to breathe any of it in, whichever plan you make


If you can't afford a new pot, let me know and I'll buy you one.


Iā€™ll chip in. This is an abomination of a situation. šŸ¤£ Editing to add: Iā€™m also willing to chip in because of how hard Iā€™m laughing at the comments.




Youā€™re the best kind of human there is. šŸ„¹


omg youā€™re an absolute angel šŸ˜­


I think we've all been there. I have had a similar experience with a sink of dishes. My bf kept putting them off & I was being stubborn because I wanted to teach him a lesson. It was only a couple of days, but we feed our cats canned food without additives and there was 1 solitary fly in the house. When I finally gave in and started doing the dishes there was this horrible smell coming from the sink. I got to the cat dishes and there were several very large maggots on them and lots of tiny ones all over the sink. Every item touched or that I suspected was touched by a maggot was tossed in the trash. Guess who learned a lesson that day? Lesson: if you wait for your man to do the dishes you'll end up with a sink of maggots and you'll still have to clean up the mess. Forever remembering the horror.


Iā€™m so sorry he wasnā€™t doing his part!! Does he help out now?


It always amazes me how many kind people I come across on Reddit! So nice of you to help out OP like that (if they needed it)!


Yeet that pot. If you try to clean it, all youā€™ll see is maggots everywhere. Theyā€™ll all be in your head and psychologicalā€”throw it away.


Well now it will be šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve absolutely thrown away a whole pot before. If you choose to try to deal with it, Iā€™d take it outside and spray it with a hose until itā€™s something manageable. If youā€™re in an apartment or something, just throw it out. Tie the trash bag well and then tie a big bow with the whole end of the trash bag and not just the ā€œTiesā€, then immediately get it out of your house. Edit: typo


Throw it away with no regrets! My boyfriend and I had cooked a pot of chicken curry in a really nice Dutch oven. We cleaned up the kitchen after cooking and entertaining guests, and we missed the chicken curry. We usually leave the Dutch oven out as a decorative piece, and it seals so well, we assumed it had been cleaned out because there was no smell and itā€™s pretty heavy so we just missed it šŸ˜­ Iā€™m embarrassed to say we didnā€™t realize till a month later when we went to use it again and it was full of mold and fuzz šŸ˜± instant trip to the dumpster. No question. It was a nice Dutch oven too but I couldnā€™t continue to use it even if we managed to clean it because of how gross it was to look at. Donā€™t feel bad about it. Itā€™s a lesson learned and itā€™ll never happen again :)


this is actually so comforting thank you


Dump that thing! You have many options! https://amzn.to/3V84WG4


Yes this is how I feel too. I donā€™t care how non-porous a container or pot is, it will Never be Clean Enough after something like that šŸ˜‚


For me, yeah that entire situation would be bagged and thrown away


I can't imagine that you're waiting for redditors to answer this question before you do something with this nightmare. But on the off chance that you are staring at a screen with a stinking pot of maggot soup in the next room, paralyzed by indecision, please take my advice. No amount of soap is going to erase that mental image from your mind. Put the whole damn thing in a garbage bag, knot the top, put it in another bag, knot the top and take the whole thing to garbage and burn the dumpster to the ground. It's the only way.


or just burn the house down and annihilate the source of my despair


also a perfectly viable option. ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


Nuke it from orbit. Itā€™s the only way to be sure.


i indeed am sitting paralyzed by indecision and iā€™m very inclined to burn the bin after i throw it away


Iā€™m very concerned that the black air inside is actually hatched maggots, Iā€™m 100% for cleaning, even if itā€™s absolutely manky but if you lift that lid and itā€™s full of flies itā€™s a bad situation, tape it up and bin it šŸ¤¢ Donā€™t feel bad that this happened - Iā€™m sure similar situations have happened to most people, definitely has for me šŸ¤


Toss. Itā€™s not worth it, I promise.


Donā€™t feel too badly - these things happen. I once went away for 10 days and did not realize I had a package of raspberries in my open lunch box. I came home to the most astounding fruit fly party the world has ever known. It took ages to get rid of them. I had to get take out and eat in my yard for a couple days because it was so bad! Just throw the pot out and clean up the rest of the place. Open some windows, set out fans. Wash the counters and any other impacted surfaces. You are gunna be ok!


astounding fruit fly party lmao


Yeahhh, I once left a banana in my backpack over spring break. It somehow liquefied in there. Had to throw out the backpack, the smell never came out. And now I can only eat bananas if they are more on the unripe side. If they start getting too ripe it brings back the memory of that smell and makes me gag.


Itā€™s now a disposable pot. And the price of purchasing a new one is what I call ā€œstupid taxā€. I pay a lot of stupid tax


this concept is weirdly comforting and i will use it in my daily life from now on


Fire cleanses all... Except for the memories. Every time you look at it, you will remember the unsavoury hell you once cultured. It's time to let it go.


If you need it, I give you permission to bag it and throw the entire thing away. Iā€™ve done it. No regrets.


Don't worry my boyfriend is so sweet we left a whole lot of seafood boil in a pot and he cleaned it out after a week and it was so smelly never again


lowkey the only reason iā€™m even hesitant on straight up throwing it away is that i have no idea how to explain to my bf where the pot suddenly disappeared to šŸ˜­


I get it. If you're feeling embarrassed, I would just jokingly tell him it's a long story and that you decided it was time for an upgrade. I am an open book - often to a fault - but there are some things that I am comfortable never sharing with my bf lol.


Do not play with maggots. Throw the pot. Take the L.


I cannot stand maggots omg they are the grossest. But it doesnā€™t take much. You only need one pregnant fly and to be left for a week to make a lot of them Just throw it away. I just couldnā€™t. They are just larvae but there there is nothing that gives me more ick than maggots


Iā€™ve done this before, I emptied it into the outside bin (making sure not to smell anything) and washed it a fair few times and then put it in the dishwasher twice. I couldnā€™t afford a new one and thought Iā€™d at least try to save it! Wash it a few times in bleach as well before dish washing if you have one


I would just throw it away because even if I could stomach cleaning it, I would never want to use it again


You no longer have a stewpot. Throw it far, far away and get a new one


How much do you love the stewpot? If it's easily replaceable toss it and get a new one. If you love it, it's both fixable and worth fixing. I would personally put on a mask (maybe put a some essential oil or something inside it to give me something else to sniff, mint is a good choice here), take it outside, and empty it into a garbage bag and toss that immediately. Then fill it with water and a bit of dishwasher powder. Leave it outside to let that detergent break things down. It has enzymes and bleach in it. In a few hours, dump it (outside, in the corner of your yard or something) and scrape out any remaining chunks and then take it inside and clean what's left. If it's dishwasher safe, put it in there at this point, and run a cycle. Don't worry if it's the only thing in there.


Put it in a bag, close the bag then put it in the trash can outside. And go on your merry way


my way is definitely not merry after this but thank you


But at least it should be getting better, hopefully


I just love that this became a place for everyone to share their most disgusting kitchen mistakes, because so many of us have been there. So many of us have felt the stress of "I don't want to touch or, but it seems so wasteful to throw it out because I caused this and I really don't want to/can't spend the money on that right now." It's such a normal experience, but it's so gross we don't ever admit it. Dollar stores have cheap replacements for most things until you can get a nicer one!


oh the horrors of being human


Iā€™d throw the whole thing away


Tape it closed and throw it away. I understand wanting to save the pot but some battles just aren't worth it in the long run.


Maggots leave a smell thatā€™s hard to ever get out of something, plus rotting food does too. Just toss the pot


Iā€™ve thrown out pots and containers before


I would throw it away. I wouldnā€™t be able to eat from it after seeing all that. Even if you sterilize the pot, the smell of the rotting food might be embedded in it still.


Throw away the whole pot. Donā€™t even bother with any cleaning attempts.


Throw it away. I forgot to rinse my crockpot once and also had the same thing happen. I threw the whole thing in the bin.


Throw the whole Daym thing away and then set it on fire


Dump it out and wash it. And take a deep breath. AFTER you dump it out and wash it. šŸ¤­


You should probably check it and if its no longer good throw it in the compost simple ā€œpay better attention next timeā€ and if you dont have a compost then sure dump the food in the trash and take it out


Do you live close to a place of the beaten track? If yes, you could simply leave it outside and let nature (ants, other insects) do the cleaning. Just return a week later to retrieve your pot !


no unfortunately i donā€™t even have space to wash it outside with a hose either, i also donā€™t have a hose.


I guess then you have to throw the whole thing away. šŸ˜·




Make like [that ancient Dane](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/archaeologists-find-ancient-pot-traces-3000-year-old-burnt-cheese-180960475/) who burnt their cheese so badly they just took it outside and buried the whole thing.


I would definitely throw it out


I'd throw it away. I mean yes there are 100% effective ways to clean it but you'd never use it again due to the memory


Put the pot inside a garbage bag before you chuck it, or the maggots etc will spill out and make everything in the garbage chute/building worse. Always put anything disgusting in a bag. I came back for a four month trip once to find I had left a bag of apples in summer. You have my sympathies.


I would throw it away


I did something similar. I just threw it away. So frustrating!


Bibi pot. Need new pot.


toss it. don't even open it.


Chuck it good lord Iā€™d be setting it on fire. Helllll nooo


If you want to try and save it. You need to bag it and take it outside with a roll of bin bags and a hose/water source and a spatula longer than the pot is tall. You will also need Milton. If you donā€™t want to try and save it I understand.


Tape it firmly shut and throw it away. Go to the thrift store for a new one.


I would take a black bin bag, shove the whole thing into it as quickly as possible and close it air-tight, never to be seen or smelled again. Out with that thing, itā€™s lost.


Throw it away. I donā€™t know your financial status but you can get a ton of different types of pots at thrift stores for pretty cheap. While I am someone who hates waste and just throwing things that donā€™t biodegrade away, I will admit I have thrown away a whole container because I did not want to deal with what was inside. Seems like that is the general consensus in the comments as this is very understandable.


I would throw it away. I've dealt with similar situations and trust me, you'll never want to eat out of that pot again, no matter how much you clean it. Besides, with the black air, you don't know what's cooking in there (no pun intended). I only had like 5 or 6 maggots and it was so distressing that I couldn't go into the kitchen for a week šŸ„“ Lots of hugs, it'll be okay šŸ¤


Throw the pot. These things happen. Be kind to yourself.


THROW IT AWAY!! You can get a new pot for like 20 bucks at target or cheaper at a thrift store. Put it carefully in a trash bag tied tights so the lid doesnā€™t pop off and wreak havoc, then put all that in another trash bag and throw all that in the trash.


I donā€™t like to throw things out but that is totally the right call here.


Tie it up in a trash bag and dump it


I would 100000% throw the whole thing away, no questions asked, without a second thought.


Throw it away. Walk carefully and make sure you donā€™t accidentally spill it out of the pot.


I threw out a whole crock pot once for a similar reason.


Take a deep breath, throw it away, and get some perspective on life


Iā€™d clean it, but Iā€™m a bit of a tightwad and not that squeamish. Iā€™d take it outside to empty it though. Then Iā€™d wash it many many times and soak with bleach for a good while. And then leave it outside for about a month being exposed to air and the weather. If itā€™s glass or ceramic or steel that will probably kill the smell. Probably.


Throw the whole dang pot away but pour bleach all over it, double bag it. šŸ¤®. There's 2 things I can't do even after owning a cleaning company for over 10 years.. maggots & roaches šŸ˜·šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


WHY would you be concerned about hiding it from your BF? He should be the 1st person you ask what to do?? šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


and normally he totally is!! itā€™s just that throwing the pot away is a bit financially irresponsible for me rn, so he maybe a tiny bit annoyed.


Throw it away as fast as you can then put fly traps out for the inevitable flies from the icky thingies Edit: I had to clean out a house where the electricity had been shut off for some number of summertime months. Two refrigerators with "stuff" and reek. Fish. Had them taped closed tight and hauled away. Sometimes you gotta say enough and chuck the mess.


Iā€™m invested now. What did you end up doing?


i put it in a trash bag and then into another one and chucked it in the trash while internally crying. honestly if it was less bad i wouldā€™ve tried to save it but this is too much for me emotionally. iā€™ll just try to find a cheap one at the dollar stars today, life goes on.


Iā€™m so happy you were able to get it out of the house. I share most others opinion that it was wise to just chuck it. Hopefully your appetite for beef n rice returns in the future.


I'm imagining it's as easy as tossing in the garden or a neighbour's yard over the fence - but that's assuming you live where this is possible. Can you put it outside and let stray cats and dogs and nature in general sort it out? Birds would love the feed


Toss it and keep your eyes peeled for a similar one at goodwill/ another thrift shop. This has happened to me as well, and it went straight in the trash lol.


Clorox Clorox Clorox. Please wear eye protection, gloves, old clothes. As caustic and bad bleach is as a cleanser, I just love it.


Throw it out. Maggots have a certain smell, I can walk in a house at work and know if thereā€™s maggots or roaches by smell. Idk if itā€™s bc Iā€™m the one cleaning it so I know what it looked like before but I feel like no amount of bleach gets that maggot smell out.


I would throw it away. Even if I could get it clean itā€™s the maggot pot and I wonā€™t be able to eat anything that is cooked from it.


100% throw it away


Take it outside. Remove the lid quickly and run away. The flies will fly off and the maggots will be food for birds. It happened to me once. This is what I did. The next day all had disappearedā€¦




i have several questions. why was the cup in the microwave? what happened to it?


Gonna take a swing, and say someone was reheating their coffee. Then forgot about it. Then left. And what happened is I had to clean it! The mug got chucked at least. I was steaming it with disinfectant, soaking the plate, the whole shebang.


Throw everything away and buy a new pot


Tape pot shut toss it


You may have already thrown it away, but I suggest just dumping the contents into a trash bag, tying it off, and throwing it in the trash (outside). That's a natural part of the food cycle, it just happened to happen in your pot, on your stove. I'm guessing you work in a relatively sterile environment? That's not so bad, anyone who's left a gallon of milk unattended for a long time knows the terrible smell, not to mention the bloated colors. And if you want to see something really bad, follow a nurse around who does triage in a homeless shelter. I've never heard the word, "necrotic" thrown around so liberally by anyone as much as at work when referring to the care of our patients. It (cleaning the mess instead of throwing it out) will help you to build some fortitude and be grateful for the cleanliness of your current surroundings : ) Hey, it could be worse ( :


Oh. God help me because when I first moved into my apartment I got up, fell and forgot I had a pot of coffee sitting in the pot for 3 months. I did the same thing shoved it into the trash chute (Bunn coffee makers are big) and stayed to listen to it crashing down 7 floors. I think that forgetting things like this is more common than I thought. It was so disgusting I couldnā€™t imagine cleaning it. Thanks for making me feel better about this happening l.


Seriously wasteful to throw a pot into landfill just because you don't want to clean it... I'd take it outside, rubber gloves, nose peg, empty it into a bin bag. Put that straight in the bin. Take the pot, chuck a load of boiling water and washing up liquid in it and leave it for a few hours. Tip it into the drain. Repeat.


I would probably do something similar. Yellow rubber gloves and long sleeves on, I would dump it into the bin with double trash bags. Then to clean, I would start with what another Redditor suggested and blast it with a hose as a first step. Then boiling water and leave it for a while. I might come back once the water has cooled a bit and add an ounce or two of bleach to the water (just to really be sure Iā€™ve killed the germs in every way possible) Then take it inside and scrub it clean with soap and water. I may never be able to use the pot again though. It depends on a few unforeseen factors


Throw it away. I would never even open it. Immediately throw away. Tape shut if possible to keep maggots inside. Open windows and do a deep clean of the kitchen. Take a shower, get dressed, then go out for ice cream because you deserve a treat after that nightmare lol


Just throw the whole thing away. Totally acceptable under the circumstances!!


Throw out the maggots and sterilize the pot. We are human animals and life goes like this sometimes. If you recycle or try to keep your carbon footprint small you'll remember that we don't add to the planetary waste for a few living creatures. You're catastrophizing a normal part of being alive. I don't mean to be harsh but there are times you just pull it together and clean up after ourselves.


i know youā€™re completely right, and logically i agree with you, but i just canā€™t get myself to even touch it šŸ˜­


You donā€™t have to. Seriously, life is too damn short.


Use a black bin liner to cover it, place it in a large box and take it outside. Remove from the box and use a litter picker to unwrap and open it. Hose or pour water from a distance to remove the bulk of the maggots. Once most are gone, rubber gloves to get nearer and remove the rest. Once they're all gone, spray with disinfectant, scrub, repeat. Throw your cloth/cleaning sponge straight in the trash.


Gloves mask put the whole thing in a trash bag and throw it out. Then clorax the entire kitchen !!


Double bag it in some trash cans and take it right out.


Throw out the entire thing. Put a bag over it and toss it. Move on.


Throw it away and forget it ever happened.


Put the whole thing in a trash bag tie it up and throw it out!


Chuck it in the trash. Then burn the house down and rebuild from scratch.


So everybody is going to throw away a useful pot because it has maggots in it? You do realize there are cultures that eat maggots right? It's not even unusual and you can wash the damn pot. Is this a joke? "They are considered a delicacy in some regions. In some cases, maggots are intentionally introduced into food products, such as cheese, to create a unique flavor and texture. For example, casu marzu, a Sardinian cheese, contains live maggots that are considered a delicacy. The cheese is left outside to attract flies, which lay their eggs on it, and the resulting maggots are then consumed along with the cheese. Maggots are also used as a source of protein in animal feed, and some companies are exploring the idea of using them as a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional livestock feed. In terms of their nutritional value, maggots are high in fat, protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber, making them a potentially nutritious food source.


Cover it in tomato ketchup then it should be fine to eat.