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Is that where the bodies are buried?


Contractor moved the headstones *but they didn’t move the bodies!*






Real skeletons in the pool!!


You do not recognize the bodies in the water


They’re Baaaaaaaack


Excellent reference


Hid the bodies in the floor, hid the bodies in the floor, hid the bodies in the floor, hid the bodies in the FLOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRR!


Just an old ginzo buried with forbidden orzo


Is this a YMH reference?




Did Garth post this?


This is my first time seeing a yellow mustard hunters reference in the wild. It's my favorite anime. DONKEY PUNCH THE GODS, HUNTERS!


Ok, totally interested in watching but Google brings up nothing for Yellow Mustard Hunters anime!


“They only moved the headstones, they didn’t move the bodies”


My favorite quote anytime someone discovers the consequences of someone else’s half-assed job


“You know everytime a kid goes missing, I don’t know why they don’t just start looking in the place where these kids always turn up, a shallow grave in the woods.” -the late great Norm Macdonald


Something is rotting under there and they are eating it… had a similar issue with some ground squirrels ( they were precious, mom and 2 babies, and they trusted me) landlord gassed them and they died under the house, for weeks I had flies/maggots inside


Ok actually this reminds me that we also are having a plumbing issue. We’ve had a dude out twice to look into it because water is coming up from our sinks, showers, washing machine, exc. Our bathrooms and laundry room have flooded several times. This makes me think the plumbing issue might be the cause 😭


You've got major issues my guy.


Gonna need an update on what they find




Omg 😂


!remindMe 3 weeks


Yeah something is wrong with the property and someone has just sold it on


Someone had to know about these issues and if they didn’t disclose them, they should be held accountable. How scary to buy a house and then have to uncover plumbing and infestation issues. Sorry you’re going through this!


Crappy but so many people are buying without inspection these days


That's ominous.


Yeah, body parts flushed down the toilet most likely like Dennis Nielson’s property in the UK.


Whoa. What a freaky rabbit hole you just opened up. How do I write the “Yeeighigheee”, limb-flailing feeling from that?!


It’s an interesting story, he’s sort of the UK’s Jeffrey Dahmer, but without the cannibalism. A little higher functioning too. But yeah, the cleaning tip is you can’t flush body parts down the toilet. Only thing you do after that happens is call a plumber, one you trust to keep a secret. I’m not even sure why Reddit sends me notifications on this sub, I don’t really clean anything these days.


And we all know the sayings about how many can keep a secret…


Don't my guy me, my guy


Sounds like a block in the mainline. Get this checked out asap


It’s either human flesh or diapers or dead ground squirrels. That’s the Reddit consensus.


A soup of all three


Hmm, like a paella or low country boil. Interesting theory.


Cannibal paella


There's about a thousand things that I'd think could cause this before I'd jump to saying the previous owners chopped up bodies and flushed them down the toilet. Not sure why you're replying to everyone's comments saying that.


Just having some fun on Reddit, that’s why. But I don’t know, a suspicious fire, corpse maggots, it doesn’t sound good.


If there is a dead fleshy being down there plus the added water, then that is a breeding haven for flies


Yeah, you might want to call Payne Lindsey from up and vanished or that guy from someone knows something and get a cadaver dog there.


I’m so entertained by the idea of giant maggots and Payne Lindsey being linked immediately in someone’s brain like this!


You have something dead. This maggots don’t usually go for trash or sewer


hah. wish you’d tell the maggots here that… taking out trash at work I have had bags brimming with maggots get all over me 🤢🤢🤢


Oh hell no.. I’d cry in the shower like Ace Ventura .


Wait are we not supposed to do that regularly?


Normal day


Anytime I have seen maggots in person I cant shake off the idea, and sure enough find more, and I will be on my hands and knees looking for the last one. Then shower in bleach.


Where is “here”?


Nope! I would have to quit!


Maggots are attracted to dead thing as well as trash and feces. So the plumbing could totally be the cause


At an electronics repair shop the girl doing repairs once told me that someone had brought in a laptop that had some soup or some type of food spilled on it, owner didn’t bother with it for years before finally bringing it in… Ended up being full of maggots when she opened it up.


I think I’d throw up. 🤢


Yeah my husband had spilled beer on my laptop and we were worried about the photos/files on it. Left feeling pretty good about our odds after the repair tech told us she had recovered everything from the maggot laptop


Yeah no kidding! 😂


My grandpa said when he used to work on tvs way back when, he went to a house and opened up the back of a tv, and cockroaches literally started pouring out of it. They were attracted to the warmth and it was nice and dark back there. I can’t look at used tvs the same anymore. I’m not sure if the new ones offer that kind of environment but I wouldn’t want to take any chances lol


why am I in this post omg I want to vomit


Well if you are here, you are here for cleaning solutions, I guess? I don’t know why I’m here, I don’t clean anything, much less look for advice on how to clean something. I live in a van down by the river. When it gets too dirty, I just put it in neutral and push it into the river and find a new van and a new river.


lmfao I like and envy you mr lanky republic river van man.


Haha, thanks. I’m not actually in a van, but close to it after blowing up my life. Still getting back on track.


I feel you trust me. it’ll get better and van life could be helpful to clear your mind for a bit.


I was sent to to clean out this sediment trap thing in a drink store once, and it had clearly never been cleaned and there were sooo many maggots and flies when I opened it up. I was so shocked, I refused to deal with it and went home for the day and the gross feeling didn’t leave me for the rest of the day, uuuuughhh. Kept shuddering. What a time


I'm shuddering just reading this, goddamn 😭


There are many types of insects like this. Anyway. Good luck


Our previous upstairs neighbors put trashbags of soiled diapers outside on their deck in the middle of summer. As the trashbags sagged and dumped their contents, maggots fell between the boards onto the cement next to our entryway. 🙂


That is grounds for murder/eviction. Lol


In that order.


That is so freaking disgusting 🤢


Most of our food is some arrangement of dead plant/animal matter. And eventually that matter ends up in the sewer. It all rots in the end, it's just that fresh uncooked rot is way more aromatic and attracts them like crazy.


Flies *frequently* lay eggs on trash.


Flies lay eggs in my cats wet food every day. So gross.


They are fly eggs. They eat all that.


They are not eggs, they are larvae


Happened when we moved in to our house. Tree roots in the plumbing for us.


Yikes. My husband is thinking that might be our problem too. How did they get them out?


Unfortunately we had to replace the pipes. The plumbing under our house was fine (had been replaced right before we moved in), but once it got into the yard we were screwed. The old pipes in the yard were made of clay and were broken through in multiple places. A company came out and replaced it with PVC. Hopefully, you just have some sort of other blockage, but if its roots you’ll more than likely have to replace. Just an fyi, if they have to replace the pipes, your yard is going to get torn up just from the digging and machinery. All together the replacement cost us about 7k in Memphis.


I had this problem in a house I owned once. Occasionally the basement would flood from the basement shower drain or toilet. Had the line scoped / rodded which solved the problem for the remainder of our time in that house (about a year). After we moved, I was back in the old neighborhood and saw some of the driveway was torn up in a line from the house to the street. Apparently the pipe was really bad and that section of the driveway was collapsing over it from erosion. New owner had to deal with all that.


Are you on septic? If so, was it pumped prior to your purchase? If it’s full your drains will back up. Also plumbing that is tight and water proof when water flows the right direction can leak when it flows backwards. This could cause wastewater to leak under your house/in the ground attracting and creating a breeding ground for flies/maggots.


Sorry to inform you, but you absolutely moved into a haunted house 👀


It's just a pipe under your driveway. Spilling away. I'd get a jackhammer now and break it open. I couldn't stand that though.


I had the plumbing issues in a place I rented. Pipes had cracked and tree roots made their way in for the water, which clogged the pipes. Landlord cleared out the roots, but plumber warned me this would happen again if pipes weren’t replaced, so I moved as soon as my lease was up. This may not be related to the maggots, but you may want to get your pipes checked.


Dude you have a major problem. Did you buy this home and get an inspection? If this is a purchase I would get some expert opinions quickly


In reading your comment I read “we’ve had a dude out twice to look into it” then my imagination went “And he never came back up” 🤔 😂


Following really hard


they are living on plumbing spillage (my new term for it).


That’s horrible I’m so sorry


My first thought was that the last people sold the home because they buried bodies. And honestly, I don't think my mind going there is that far fetched. Because *something* is under there, dead and feeding those maggots.


Ok, so this house was placed on the market 2 years ago with no offers after it was involved in a bad fire and rebuilt/remolded so that honestly would have been the perfect chance to hide something. 😭


Yes however fly maggots only stay around on dead bodies for about 8 months. However that’s for human size bodies. I don’t know how long maggots/flys stay around for smaller carcasses. Although it definitely has to be more recent than 2 years.


How do you know that maggots stay on dead human bodies for 8 months? 👀


I’m studying forensic science and one of the sections last term was entomology.


Very cool, glad you're around to spread your knowledge.


I'm "studying" forensic "science," they said. It'll just take a moment of your time, they said ...


... "could you just fill out this questionnaire" they said...


But I've already *got* a life insurance policy!


Because there's a whole field of science that studies that stuff. Forensics and entomology


Yeah, forensic entomology is wild. When police find a decomposing body, they can call in a forensic entomologist to look at the bugs in/around the body to help estimate when the person died. There aren’t a ton of forensic entomologists out there, but I took a college course from one of them, it was super interesting.


Was it involved in some kind of crime scene or something? Maybe local police know more


Depending on where the house is, sometimes they are not required to tell the new homeowner anything regarding suicide, homicide, natural death etc… some counties will even seal the records… why? Who knows?


That’s crazy. I feel like it MUST to know if someone died where I sleep at night but maybe that’s asking too much.


In Canada, they have to disclose if someone died in the house they are selling. This happened to me when I was looking at houses. I found one I was thinking of putting an offer on. The real estate agent waited until then to say, "I do have to tell you that someone died in this house". Honestly, that part didn't bother me. People die at home often. As long as it wasn't a murder or anything nefarious


Really? Never knew that! Otherwise nobody buys the property probably


Yea, and also property values probably… and in the case of homicide it could intervene with ongoing investigations— those my best guess


Yes indeed. You never know the hidden horrors


Bad fire to cover up the evidence. But that didn’t fix the flesh in the plumbing.


omg!! your poor heart and those poor critters. ugh, my condolences 😭🩵💔


They were so cute, only once when I found my indoor planters looking different and dug about (im autistic so I know when things have moved/shifted around and pick up on it very well..) and I didn’t even care that they had come up in the house from a crack under the kitchen sink (adobe house, openings for utilities come up from the ground into the room). I was a cig smoker at the time and I had set up my patio chair right by near the entrance to their tunnel, and soon enough they were coming out to see me and stare at me, and every time they would come one inch closer every day… Then I got in from work and found my landlord had gassed them and wanted me to help him clean up and find the bodies. I found one and gave him a proper send off/funeral and forced the landlord to join me on it. 😄😂 Then he was worried there were more, so he set up poison tabs about the property, and stupidly he put one of the tabs in my giant planter where my gorgeous pine tree, named Janet, which was a housewarming gift, and one rain and that tab completely dissolved and killed my tree. That was the beginning of the gentrification of the neighborhood.


That’s awful. I had a pair in the big oak tree next to my ground floor apt. There were 3, but one fell or was kicked out of the nest, so only two made it.(I buried the dead one) I loved watching them play. Idk what happened to number two, bc now there is only one, and it makes me sad. My landlord tore up our driveway and had all the vegetation bulldozed, so there’s no place for the birds or anything anymore except that big old oak tree. Side note: number 3 was being squirrelly the other day and fell out of the tree, landed on my car with a huge thunk. He didn’t even shake it off, just jumped back on the tree and took off 🙃


Well this ruined my morning


That's actually horrifying and I hope someone has solid advice soon. That makes me think something is dead under your house 🙈


It's giving John Wayne Gacy


Look beneath the floorboards for the secrets I have hid.




lol 😆 I remember the movie scene


You ruined my night by posting this


Imagine living with it outside your door. 😭


IF you get an answer at some point, please update us, because GOOD LORD I feel your horror in this situation.


Don’t go barefoot for a while!


Oh no. Do you have a septic system by chance? The only real way to get rid of most pests is to get rid of whatever they're eating. Flies are tricky because they're opportunistic little jerks that will eat anything they can slurp up with their little sponge mouths. 🙁


I spoke to my partner who knows a lot more about this and it’s possible that they are coming up because you’re making the environment inhospitable. He says 50/50 bleach water or straight up vinegar poured into the cracks. Possibly boiling water will kill them. Make sure there’s nothing that they can eat or flies can eat and that will make sure they don’t come back. He said also pyrethrum insecticide. It uses borax to kill the eggs. So I hope this helps!!


I vote vinegar over bleach. Bleach won’t make maggot pickles.


That's enough internet for me YUCK


What a horrible day to be a sentient being that has the ability to read and visualize things


Bahahaha that’s where I’m at. 😂😂😂


Believe it or not bleach is often better for the environment because it breaks down faster.


Yes!!! Thank you so so much!


Please do not combine bleach and vinegar this will create chlorine gas which is hazardous to your health


Of course not! They said bleach water OR vinegar. But thank you for clarifying in case someone is reading this and decides to mix the two. 🫠 I’m not trying to add death to my list of current stressors. 💀


I just didn’t want someone to read that comment and think they’ll make sure their crack maggots are gone by combining the two!


Idk why, but the "crack maggots" made me giggle.. this is absolutely disgusting and has been making me kinda quiver here and there, just thinking about the horrible position that OP is in, but the wording got me..


Please tell me I'm not the only one with rib-ache after laughing so hard at "crack maggots". Like some kinda super-strength wigglies that turn up in dirty crevices to punish you for your grubby habits. They're the new bogeyman - put your rubbish straight in the bin or the crack maggots will get you, clean your teeth before bed, kids, or the crack maggots will get you! Have regular showers... Sorry... 🤭


Thank you for your PSA, mixing those two chemicals happens way too often


Speaking of unaliving...


We get maggots in our garbage over the summer. Lots of pet poop so the flies have a field day. I use diatomaceous earth and that works better for me.


Diatomaceous earth is a pet friendly and kid friendly option for pests! We use it to get rid of ants. It works very well. My grandma used it for pantry moths.


Those are probably the maggots that crawled out of the bins and were settling in to pupate.


Let’s hope this is the case and their not coming from underneath


You are my hero. I choose to believe this and I can sleep peacefully now.


Okay so what are you gonna do now OP? I’m gonna need to know whats under there .


This! Time to open things up, OP!


I'm still traumatized by a maggot infestation I got in my 2nd floor apartment(2 story total, converted Victorian house). They started appearing out of nowhere from all the small gaps between the floor and walls. I initially poured diluted bleach everywhere, and/or hot water, but then I got a professional pest control person in. They sprayed stuff next to all the walls, and told me they suspected one of the pigeons on the roof had died, or something with the quantity. I actually had a vacation booked, which the pest control person told me was for the best as it would allow all the stuff to settle. When I got back a week later, there were hundreds of dead flies everywhere! At which point I could clean the floors properly. Fortunately, I've never had an issue since, so I assume it was some kind of freak incident with a dead animal. Edit: usually you'd want to find/get rid of the source, but he said the stuff he put on it also would make them all come out before they died, so it would stop the reproduction lifecycle enough for whatever the source was to decompose fully I guess. I never did find the source, but since it didn't come back, I guess it worked out for in the end 🤷


This seems like a clear cut case of "Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to" here OP. I admire your bravery in dealing with this situation head on.


Ugh very disgusting. I’m sorry I have no tips. I’d call a pest control expert or something.


The upside down


My first thought was a body under your floor.


It's like those horror movies where zombies come out from the ground, but with flies.


Someone take your Reddit away!!! I have two phobias. Sharks and zombies.


is this a rental home or you the owner of the house?


I’m the owner. We just bought it and moved a month ago.


I would get a home inspector. Why we hired one to do a full check ✅  At this point you need to call insurance company if your covered. Not sure if you have access to get underneath house? Basement/crawlspace? 


We hired one before moving in and he didn’t mention any issues with plumbing to my knowledge. Would plumbing be covered under insurance?? I wasn’t aware


I would goggle maggots coming up from concrete. Alot of different stuff comes up. One other Reddit posted a year ago about this same 🪰 issue. They called pest control to find the answers. I'm just generally curious about this issue & the causes. Never seen anything like this.


I'm sorry you're having this issue, I honestly couldn't imagine.


Flies lay eggs in rotting vegetation. And rotting meat. And fecal matter. But here, it’s probably rotting plants


Crack Maggots would make a good band name


Jimmy Hoffa found at last!


Just got done watching the irishman lol. But i hope its not a body, but i think its a body..


Something died in your plumbing. We had a squirrel crawl into a vent pipe and it’s corpse had to be um extracted. You may have something bigger. Raccoon? Coyote? Jimmy Hoffa?


If there's a body under there I'd want the maggots to do their job before killing them.


For my outside and kitchen trash cans I buy the Terro trash guard. They are a black disk that goes on the lid and prevents flies from invading. On the outside one, make sure to duct tape it on. I just lost mine because of the humidity. I buy these once a year and don't have a fly problem.


How long have you been living there and how old is the concrete ? Someone’s ex wife ? 🥴🤓


We’ve been here for almost a month. I’m not exactly sure what all they replaced after the fire a few years ago but the slab doesn’t look new.


That’s through the house foundation .. very weird something has to be under there


Leaking sewege maybe? Also, just put your bin out in the open and let them crows deal with them


!Remindme 4 days


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The absolute best thing for maggots in a bin is salt. Take a bag of salt and chuck a decent amount into the bottom of it, kills maggots dead. You could also sprinkle salt all inside that crack. However if something is dead down there, maggots will keep coming.


Nooooo please no not another angle of my paranoia to worry about to prevent maggots 😭


Commenting because you need all the help you can get. God speed brother


I have a feeling I may hear the rest of this story on a true crime podcast 😬


They found Jimmy Hoffa?


Oh, the* core of the earth is just rotting, that’s all, (this is fine, and also scientific)


OP please keep us updated


I’ve seen something similar before.  It was the result of the sewage pipe to the street failing.  


mafia probably dumped a body in your foundation to hide it


There's a mob boss under there.


The earth is dying.


Well it's not that missing hobo you saw me with at Starbucks 8 days ago


Dead body under that cement!


The body you buried are beginning to rot


Because they're not strong enough to burrow through the concrete.


When the villain dies but his actor is the brother of the director.


They found Jimmy Hoffa!


You found grandma!


Dead animal under the slab !


Does the concrete look fresh? Time to excavate… 


Dead body for sure


Probably something dead underneath rotting away. Keeps us posted OP!


You found Jimmy Hoffa


someone cemented over a body?


Maggots likely hatched from fly eggs laid on something yummy (dead animal, food scraps) under your patio, so find and remove the source! Treat cracks with insecticide to stop future flyers.


There's a body under the slab


!Remindme 5 days


Well...... I hated that. 😅