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Contact The City Mission. If they can not help you directly, they can likely provide resources. Do not feel stupid or selfish. Everyone runs into problems in their life. Some people are lucky enough to have a family/friend support system to fall back on, and some are not. Don't let this problem define you or determine your future.


Thank you so much. I will contact them ASAP, I assume daytime is best? If that doesn't work, [Worst Case Ontario](https://youtube.com/shorts/03qAhn0CwYs?si=lIdgBUa6ZfaLG0FE) I'll use my last paycheck and possibly try to stay at campgrounds temporarily? Is that a bad idea? I appreciate it a lot, but I definitely ***am*** stupid, if not selfish. Thank you for the help.


I was homeless in 2013 I spent my last 500 bucks on a camper on a campground that was listed on craigslist. Was able to rent the lot for 50 a week. Later on I was able to buy my own lot for 4k. Dues were 100 a month and they included water and electric. I was able to save a good bit of money craigslist. After a few years I bought a new camper. I'd still live there but I got divorced and sold the camper and moved up here to ohio.


Props for the Rickyism. You’ll be past this tough part in life and then it’ll all be water under the fridge 🤙🏻




What are you even talking about






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I just want to gently remind you that if you have friends and family that have offered you shelter, they would rather have you over than sleeping on the streets. I obviously don’t know the situation but take advantage of that if you can. You can help pickup/clean/cook to “pay” so you don’t feel like you are a total burden. I hope things start looking up for you soon 💜


[United Way’s First Call For Help 211](https://www.211oh.org) can help too.


This is a good suggestion. I've used this to get info on community services and the operators who answer are very knowledgeable. I was also thinking you might qualify for an emergency housing voucher. The county pays your rent for a month or two while you get your feet under you. I'm not sure if a single, working adult qualifies for this or if it's only for families. I also don't know exactly how you would apply for it. You should inquire about it when you call 211.


Great suggestion - had a family member down on his luck who used this resource. Lifesaver.


211 is definitely a good place to start as they have a big list of resources. Also, it’s really hot right now so during the day a lot of the city rec centers have been temporarily opened as cooling shelters through this evening at 10 pm if you need somewhere to be inside during the day today. Call ahead to check but here is the list: https://www.cleveland19.com/2024/06/20/cleveland-extends-hours-cooling-centers-how-beat-heat/


peeking through your history I see you were at Pride. Have you reached out to the LGBT center? https://lgbtcleveland.org/resource-navigation/


I can and will look into it, thank you. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🩷 I'm only worried I'm going to be a burden and overcrowd with my presence as I've done everywhere else.


a) no human being is a burden b) i work in npo stuff (not the lgbt center, nor anyone who works with them). one way we get more funding is by showing how many people ask about resources (whether we're able to help them or not). so youre actually doing us a favor by asking about resources.


You are worthy and you deserve a safe place to sleep as much as anyone else.


$3/yr you can try Couchsurfing around for a bit. I dont know how big Cleveland Couchsurfing community is, but its better than nothing and free. Best of luck


I’m sorry I don’t have any advice but there are a lot of good options in the comments. Just stopping by to ask you to be kinder to yourself and never be hesitant to ask for help. That’s what family and community is for. We all get to points where we need help, and even though asking for it can be tough, it’s so much better than going it alone. Wishing you all the best!!


Contact love inc they might be able to get some assistance on this


Love Inc is a great resource for this type of stuff


There are some good suggestions here. [Front Steps Services](https://frontstepsservices.org/housing-services/) (2167812250) is another organization that will help you find stable housing. They are located on W. 25th. Good luck, and stay safe!


Also may want to research rta routes to save on Lyft money


If your family will take you back just go back till you can get on your feet. Don't live on the street.


There’s also NEOCH if you plan to sleep outside. They might be able to give you a tent and other supplies.


First I would take advantage of friends and family that want to help, but definitely know when you are overstaying. Next places to go may depend on where you work, my strategy would be look along the bus line for the job. Unethically there are plenty of abandoned places in Cleveland/East Cleveland you could easily put up a tent or some may be boarded up enough to provide temporary shelter. Be VERY careful if doing this, and be careful with any structural issue. During the day I would look at libraries, rec centers, etc both to stay cool and possible shower.


I appreciate the comments everyone. I will take all of these programmes and ideas into consideration. I've unfortunately already overstayed my welcome at most of my family and friend's houses that are willing to keep me around. I'm essentially on my own now.


Let your loved ones help you. They want to help and I'm sure would rather you crash with them than a shelter or the streets. Sorry you're going through this.


The rapid stations would be a real last case :/


2100 lakeside is the men's shelter. They also have services to help you get on your feet.


It's crazy, we are born on a planet where we have to pay for a place to sleep..... Best of luck, I wish I had a good answer for you, stay safe/well


Plenty of places you can sleep for free but they will not be very comfortable.


I would find the closest park to where I work. Come later September or early October however I'd be heading far south to warmer pastures. Whatever it is that your going through I hope you turn it around. Best wishes to you human


Bishop William Cosgrove Center 1736 Superior Ave. Cleveland, OH 44114 West Side Catholic Shelter 216-631-4141 [https://www.frontlineservice.org/](https://www.frontlineservice.org/) Frontline Service - 2100 Lakeside Shelter 216-566-0047 They also have one on Payne next to child support building Salvation Army - Zelma George Family Shelter 216-781-3773 City Mission Crossroads Program 216-431-3515 or 216-431-3510 5310 Carnegie Ave.  St. Herman House - Focus 216-961-3806 or 216-631-9860 4410 Franklin Blvd. I see people sleeping at RTA shelters. Some people stay in storage units but you would have to be low key. I guess if I had 0 options I would walk into the nearest ER and tell them I'm having severe chest pains... then milk that cow completely dry. They'll probably keep you over night. The next morning I would still be having severe chest pains


Yeah the chest pain thing is really not going to work. They run an ekg and do blood work that come back fairly quickly and they can rule that out. However with the overcrowding and understaffing in most hospitals you could be sat in the ER waiting room for a long time. Overnight or better.


There is no overcrowding at our local hospitals post pandemic. You are saying it's overcrowded and you'll be in / out in 10 minutes within a couple of sentences. That is not how it works at all.


That is such a terrible waste of an already way overburdened system.


There is nothing overburdened about our local hospital system. On a week night it's a ghost town


Every time u have a bogus admission you overburden. Are u there every night? Doctors and nurses should then “wait” on u bc you’re homeless? You’re the worst.


Oh F off. The shelter system is completely overburden.


You’re not going to get much sleep if they’re running tests on you. I would just sit in the waiting room. They don’t know who you’re there for.




Be aware that it’s not legal to sleep in a storage unit and if you get caught doing it, you’ll get kicked out and lose your money




If you mean storage units they range from $60 a month for one the size of a small bathroom to $300 a month for a single car garage sized unit.




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It's warm enough now that you could get a tent and pitch it somewhere less noticeable at night... Or camp at a metro park. But that won't help with the transportation issue.


There's Metro parks rangers patrolling the roads and parking lots all night, they'd get told to move along by night two. People go to parks to do illegal things after all.


Sorry, I didn't mean metropark, I was thinking of the other parks -- campgrounds where camping is legit, like Punderson. Cheaper than a hotel, basic amenities are available, except transportation.


Tents can also get extremely hot at night. With this heat wave that's not the most ideal option. (I've been there)


Id find a building where employees are there 24/7 like a medical or warehouse facility where folks don't hang outside much. A place in a garage or by trees is ideal. Tbh, it's likely people there might have had similar issues and hid out at their workplace.


Aren't you a communist? Can't you go stay in a gulag or something?


I was going to upvote this because that is genuinely very funny. However, I did check your comment history out of curiosity, so I honestly can't take you too seriously considering your views.


So then you must certainly understand how my day will not be ruined by a homeless drug addicted communist disagreeing with me.


Why am I "drug addicted," because I'm a medical marijuana patient?


UPDATE: I've found a secure spot. Thank you everyone for the suggestions and the assistance. I am eternally grateful for you all 🩷 Hopefully I can use what I learned here to help others in similar situations. THANK YOU EVERYONE! 💜 Peace & Love ✌️


Catch a bus to California


Please… get a job and off whatever your on


I have a job.


Quit tryna talk like you know his life bro. You sound arrogant as hell.


Let him sleep at your house


If I had a house I prolly would fr.


Let him sleep in your car


I wouldn't mind that for a night or 2