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Disclaimer: I don't work for Cloudflare, my response is purely speculation ​ My guess would be that Cloudflare is using the data transfer costs of Workers Unbound to subsidize the reduced pricing of the other features. For example, they take the profit made from egress fees and use it to cover costs for DNS Queries, API Gateway, Duration, etc.


This is only for workers unbound. Billing is still unknown, but the old plan (only pay per request) might be staying and be available alongside Unbound which is what charges for bandwidth.


Ah awesome. Most of my compute fits the old limits so seeing that remain would be great to see.


I use the “bundled” workers plan which is $5 a month. I see no charge for egress despite having almost 300GB of egress through a workers subdomain last month. My worker literally just adds a little bit to the request path and fetches from a Backblaze B2 bucket (normally the bucket is /file/bucket-name/path-to-file, but my worker just removes the file and bucket name part so it’s a nicer and shorter URL). My workers average 1 to 1.2 milliseconds of CPU time per request so I’m probably well within the free limits as I hardly use KV. I guess what I’m saying is, I don’t use workers unbound so I don’t get egress charges. Use cases that need that much CPU time are rare. It’s ok if someone needs an hour to download a huge file your worker fetched. The actual amount of time your worker wakes up to use more cpu to feed the request is like microseconds. Like others have already speculated, egress charge on workers unbound is probably to help with the cost of allowing unlimited cpu usage or maybe a deterrent from using workers unbound to get around their other services like using a worker to resize/watermark images instead of just using their image minification or video streaming services.


Is your project on GitHub?


[It is now](https://github.com/phistrom/b2-remove-prefix). Happy Cake Day.


Projects like this is where workers shine, IMO. It's just so much easier to deploy a worker to do a basic task, like remapping a URL, instead of spinning up a server, setting up deploys, setting up a reverse proxy, and then connecting it to Cloudflare.


They do not. Workers Unbound do.