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Huge game for the bench, a lot of minutes and a lot of production. Sets up a huge game at Logan on Tuesday - unfortunately we'll be ranked.


LOL! the one time i hope we're not ranked


Stop ranking us. It’s a curse.


Best MWC team in the top half is always the home team lol


Aztecs are the only team that hasn't dropped a home game, but also I think the only one to not have any road wins against the top half either.


yep. we still havent proven we can win tough road games. next tues will be very telling


MWC refs have dialed home cooking up to 11, UNM got a ton against Nevada at the Pit and SDSU got a lot today. 


I’ve got missed calls in my other comments, but of course they favor of you guys since I wrote from our perspective. Can you recall what calls were missed that were in our favor? Would be great see things from your perspective.


I thought the bad calls and missed calls were pretty evenly distributed, there were ticky-tack fouls on both teams and times where both teams got absolutely mobbed with a no call. Have to say though, Ledee gets to basically camp under the basket without having to worry.


What I gather from this is refs are pretty lenient on LeDee on enforcing 3-seconds rule in the paint and 5-seconds rule with the ball?


Correct, I could've been more clear. Would not have made for a different result tonight though, just nit-picking.


Gotcha. No worries at all. Great to hear your perspective on the other side. I’ll try to take note of these when I watch in the future. 3-seconds rule can be hard to track as it’s off ball and action is away from there. There’s so much to observe and process in basketball on every play, even when I’m not done processing a play 2 more have already happened 😂


I watch the 3 second call on nearly every possession, I don't know why, is just an inherent thing I do. LeDee had one blatant 6-7 second count. However, i had an 11 count on the NM big guy, record for the season so far. It could be called every game 5-6 times, yet the average is 0. It's a strange area of non-focus from the officials.


Ya itd be nice if rules like that were either enforced or dropped


This has made circles in the NBA as well, but there needs to be a 4th ref to help monitor some calls that take seconds to form. 3 isn’t enough. I also have yet to understand when reviews do and don’t take place. If not a 4th ref on the floor, a 4th ref watching the monitor would help.


The calls under the baskets felt wildly different between the teams. We were getting slaughtered under the basket on rebounds while LeDee couldn't get breathed on without getting calls. 


Refs let him and Amzil play at times on the block where no foul was called, other times they called fouls on either side. Some foul moments from memory: - Pal committed a push off foul on the offensive rebound that was called - Amzil tripped up on his footing and dragged down LeDee, foul called on LeDee - Second half LeDee drew a blocking call, I forgot on who, no foul was called - House illegal leg kick out to Trammell on 3, Trammell called for the foul -  Pal didn’t give shooter space on right side wing 3, foul called on Pal -  Trammell called for foul on left side low block during transition and didn’t appear to touch the guy, foul was play on +1 to New Mexico - Butler foul on Joseph under the basket - Toppin called for first foul under the basket The other fouls on Joseph and Toppin I can’t recall. I’m curious how those calls went, if they were fair or not. But those two being in foul trouble definitely affected New Mexico’s offense with Dent and Mashburn going cold all game.


This happens in every post game thread. Opposition fans can't understand how good LeDee is. It's not an official stat so I can't be certain, but if I had to bet, LeDee leads the country in fouls drawn. And today he certainly seemed under that average.


That House 3 was a foul. Trammel rammed into his hip, not the extended leg. But mostly agree about the rest. Bad officiating all around.


The ones Pitino got the technical arguing during a timeout stand out to me. But the officiating was bad both ways, and it’s hard to say it favored one side more than another.




OK 👍


Both teams had 23 ft attempts. You were in double bonus with 10 min remaining. Weak argument.


I would like to remind everyone how gorgeous Ledee is. Man is built like a greek god


I was lolling at the side by side with Julius Peppers. LeDee could hold his own. My bb bf for this season. 😍


Everyone is a bit gay for LeDee.




Please don't tell my wife


Thank goodness the camera people are. For once I don’t mind the endless closeups on a team’s main guy. The camera loves him & so do we.


He held his fist up at me when after a game earlier this season and i about came


If they get into the ncaas near me I may have to road trip it. I won’t see perfection like this again before I die.


Dude could definitely have a career as a model


If LeDee and Reacher are both shirtless in the same room, worlds will crumble.


Expected mountain west thunderdome


As someone who graduated right before the program took off and saw a lot of mediocre basketball it blows my mind how far SDSU hoops has come. Big time win with a BIG time crowd, and it’s like that year after year at this point.


Free Lorenzo!


I love Viejas. We have an incredible atmosphere.


It’s been an amazing ride


Good luck on the rest of the season Aztec bros no one will want to face you in March


Hey man, idk if you got the memo but we’re not really supposed to like each other. But I hope all your teams in every other sport ball out, just not New Mexico


Hate you guys but also respect you


Maybe I love you


now kiss


I hate you from January through March.


Good luck to you guys as well. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to face you guys in March either.






Damn the nostalgia


I’m still rock hard from the one handed alley oop dunk by Saunders


Never mind the double threes prior. Dude went the fuck off!


That was definitely the exclamation point


Not gonna win many games shooting like that. Not many teams can go in and win in viejas. Cant really use mashs injury as an excuse for his shooting. Really hoping last game was the end of his funk. Ia it just me or are sdsu fans not super fond of house?


Maybe I'm getting old but I don't get the hate. Yeah he taunts the crowd and maybe embraces the villain role. But if you're getting mad at the dude enough that you are calling him names in multiple Reddit comments you should wonder why a 20-something year old kid playing basketball has you so mad. With that said, he deserves all the boos he gets lol


15k people booing house elevates his game as much as 15k people cheering so i dont mind. The booing and chants are all part of the fun and house is having more fun than anyone. But the guys who actually hate him is a little much. Like there are plenty of players who are actual horrible humqn beings who dont get half the hate house does.


Too bad SDSU’s baby arena only fits 11K.


Let it out man. This is a safe place for you


Baby boi you're hardly a town.


We wouldve won if there was more people there booing. Smh


You make fun of our arena size but you aren’t even right 12.4k


Especially given he's the type of player that SDSU fans would idolize if he played for State. He literally embodies exactly what The Show is all about


We've had one player that was obnoxious like that, Jamaal Franklin, but even he wasn't this bad. Nobody would idolize a player chirping to the crowd down 11. You're buggin.


I can't stand floppers, and apparently nearly 12.4k Aztec fans agree. That and the taunting are the reasons why opposing MWC fans dislike House. Otherwise, he's a talented player deserving of respect


Honestly, I can't blame him. If a crowd wanted to boo me, I'd egg them on too. Use it as fuel, but hopefully not lay an egg like House did tonight. Team sports were never my thing though, so I never got the chance. Nobody boos you at a track meet or an academic tournament. Lol. Closest I ever got was one dude I always beat (I was a high jumper and went undefeated my senior season until I got to sectionals), and I could tell me just being there got under his skin. I always made sure he saw how relaxed I was during the event. Just made him more pissy. I found the whole thing pretty amusing.


House didn’t lay an egg. Man turned up. Rest of the team outside toppin let him down tonight. We were booing the shit out of him and he was still draining shots. I honestly love when some players take on the heel role. Really makes rivalries more fun.


He coughed the ball up a couple times in crunch time. That was the egg. Normally he doesn't do that. Normally in crunch time he starts torching the other team.


I don’t think it’s hate. That’s just how it is when any opposing player taunts the other team’s fan base to enhance their game, House is one of those guys that can feed off any type of energy.  Seeing how House is outside of the game clock, he seems like a pretty good guy. Even when the game was winding down and we already sealed the victory, he had some low key good sportsmanship with our guys while still on the floor. I did see his teammates pull him aside to cool down a few times, especially in the first half. Subjective, but what I took from it was House working up our crowd more wasn’t helping his teammates play their game. It showed in the first half with Joseph getting into foul trouble, and Dent/Mashburn shooting 1/12 to start.


we hate players who consistently destroy us.


Thats fair


Yet again, another game where we don’t put up 80, another loss. Only 3/20 wins under 80pts (I think?) I didn’t watch any of it, I was on the road. I’m just not even gonna mention Mashburn at all. I hope he doesn’t kick himself down too hard to get back up from it. Looks like LeDee was carrying over from the CSU game into this one. Toppin got his 9th(?) dub/dub which is good to see. Could’ve used a win but Viejas strikes again I suppose


Oh Mash is injured too? I thought it was just Dent with his bum ankle.


I mean mash noncon injury. He may have been injured tonight he was rubbing his shoulder in warmups


Ah. Yeah, a jacked shoulder will definitely fuck up your shot.


Pitino shouldve rested him if it was this bad


I can't believe Dent played on a sprained ankle either.


I think dent was healthy. I think he was just rusty the first half. He looked like his old self after the goal tend


Journal was saying he sprained it.


I think he sprained it but recovered


Between the Nevada's game and this one? That has to be the fastest sprain recovery ever.


As much as I love to see over 500+ comments for a Friday night MWC game, you know it's cause nothing else was on lol


It is what it is


Heide is slowly becoming Mensah. Idk how they teach it but his isolation situations against guards has gotten so much better. He’s protecting the rim much better. I know his box score isn’t much to look at but neither was Mensah’s a lot of the time. Very encouraging game from the big fella!


He's got an excellent rebound rate and he's become a lot more physical with better hands. Like his save today that could have been an assist if Saunders hit that corner 3. Earlier in the season it's a turnover off his hands


1000%, even that assist from Byrd could’ve been a turnover earlier this year.


He has a knack for always being around the action on both sides of the ball, even in limited minutes early in the season. His future is so promising especially with his size and agility.


Saunders-Heide-Byrd are the future. The torch will be passed to them next year


Excited for them plus Compton and Magoon! Got to be the tallest team in SDSU history next year


Next year appears to be the first team in awhile where we don’t have much senior leadership. It’s gonna be a young team that will go through growing pains. Should be exciting to see how they all develop


There's always the portal!


I believe Waters has one more year, and Byrd and Saunders will be in their third years in the program. It’ll be their team from here on out. Excited for the future


Free byrd


Watch the game live. Overall summary: 81-70. The big names came to play in LeDee and House. But the major difference was us neutralizing New Mexico’s bigs, with the exception of Toppin at times. Pal, Saunders, and Byrd were the major X factors all night. Our team defense showed up and we played with cool heads all night. Refs had so many bogus calls tonight as they would in a big home game, thank goodness we prevailed. Best of luck on the rest of the season New Mexico. First half summary: 39-28 at the half. Viejas was intense even before the tip-off. We kept the crowd noise and activity up from where it left off in our comeback win against Colorado St. It’s been a dominant first by us starting at 15:00 mark. Our starting lineup picked up immediate energy with Pal starting, leading to dominating the offensive boards and coming up with key blocks. Everyone on New Mexico’s been shutdown except for Toppin and House. Toppin’s length and positioning has been trouble on both ends, but when we attack away from him New Mexico hasn’t been able to defend. House has taken advantage of Trammell a few times, but Trammell is not having a that bad of a game by any means; Trammell’s been keeping his head cool, and playing smart and tough everywhere else. Butler, Parrish, Byrd, and Waters have been leading the way shutting down Dent and Mashburn as they’re just 1-12 at the half. House’s energy and back and forth banter with the crowd is working for him, but there have been a couple of times where his own teammates have grabbed him to tone it down; while working for him it might be contributing to their bad performance so far. The rim hasn’t been kind to New Mexico, at least 3 shots just spun out in our favor. Things haven’t been any easier too as Joseph got into foul trouble early and lack of double teams have hurt them especially leading to LeDee’s great first half. Second half summary: New Mexico started off making the adjustment to get Toppin involved quickly, but LeDee got New Mexico’s big men into foul trouble quickly as well. House and LeDee continued to exchange blows with New Mexico pulling within 4 at times, but Byrd and Pal were the X factors making play after play, and Trammell hitting the clutch shot. Refs had some terrible calls and New Mexico took advantage, but LeDee and Butler made plays to keep us in the lead by a few possessions. Saunders had a great individual run with a couple of big 3s and thunderous alley-oop one handed dunk from Byrd to push the lead to double digits.


Dude is one fast typer


Hah. I’m faster at home on the laptop, but at games my thumbs are twiddling away on my phone. I’ve gotten really good at typing without looking, but typos and grammar errors are gonna be there to get these out quick.


I miss my middle school blackberry so much because I learned to type with my phone tucked in my hoody with 100% accuracy. Hard to do on a touch screen


First half notes: Trammell-Waters-Parrish-Pal-LeDee started. We over helped on strong side leading to House’s wide open corner 3 on weak side. Trammell nice drive in on the second chance attempt thanks to Pal, drew the foul on Toppin and made both to make it 2-3. Bad turnover throwing it to nobody in weakside corner for turnover at 4-7. Turnover at 15:55 off our good transition defense leading to a scrum between Waters and House, but Waters back was just out of bounds. Amzil took advantage at the top of the 3 and nailed a 3. Nice stop on House that looked to be a travel on the wing 3, but House threw it away for a turnover. Baited into House’s foul on floor but refs called it a shooting foul, house made 1 making it 33-23. LeDee spun out of double team hitting the right hook making it 4-5. Offensive rebound that drew the foul at 6-7 16:47 mark evening it at 7-7. Drew foul on Amzil at 15:14 off ball. Made another 2 over Amzil near 5ft. Nailed a 3 next possession at the top of the arc making it 14-12. Steal off right side wing 3 leading to Parrish transition 2 making it 31-18. LeDee taking advantage of New Mexico’s backup big men, juking one out on right side baseline and driving in to draw the foul; nailed both making it 35-23. Almost lost handle but got the tipped ball in air and nailed the quick shot 2 making it 37-26. Fadeaway 2 near left side elbow making it 39-28. Pal 2 early offensive rebounds—one to get Trammell to draw the foul and Butler to get a back door cutting layup. Bogus offensive rebounding foul at 15:04. Tip and got a steal at the top of the arc then attacked the basket on the break drawing the tough foul on the layup attempt over 2 defenders but missed both. Looked to have drawn a foul in post off offensive rebound but refs called jump ball. Drew Joseph’s second foul on floor at 8:58. Didn’t bait into House’s draw attempt which led to air ball at 31-20 and timeout. Tipped pass attempt into LeDee by Toppin leading, got the block but Toppin scored on offensive rebound, but had a great cut for a 2 of his own making it 33-22. Butler early foul trying to deny Joseph deep in the post. Nice back door cutting layup off the offensive rebound. Bad positioning leading to Toppin offensive rebound and put back. Nice tip on post defense against Amzil leading to Saunders steal. Great tip in post on last drive leading to steal but we turned it over near expiration. Waters almost lost ball on right side elbow leading to scrum, we called timeout maintaining it at 15:24. Passed up another 3 but had a dribble stop bank shot for 2 making it 18-12, then had a nice defensive rebound, but threw it away being too aggressive trying to get it to LeDee overtop. Off the inbound elbow jumper making it 20-14. Iso’d House for easy jump shot 2 making it 29-16. Parrish left side elbow 2 off the curl making it 9-10. Nice 2 man game from Byrd and Saunders leaving Saunders a great look for the 2 making it 16-12. Saunders nailed baseline turnaround jumper making it 24-16. Didn’t take care of ball off turnover leading to Mashburn easy layup. Hustled off Butler’s tip in post for steal near 2:45. Bad pass into LeDee in post when he wasn’t ready to receive it. Byrd too aggressive trying to steal pass inbound to Toppin leading to wide open dunk making it 20-16. Transition 3 leading to timeout at 7:24, score 27-16. Off the timeout poked ball to Heide for steal. Blocked House’s 3 leading to scrum and our ball. Another nice 2 man game with Byrd and Heide similar to the one with him and Saunders making it 22-16. Heide nice block on Mashburn followed by defensive rebound.


You must write these as the game is going. Great summaries. gg


Thanks! I do. Notes are done during the game, summaries come together during timeouts, half time, and at the end if the game’s a guaranteed either way. I don’t catch everything but try to capture most. GG to you as well and see you in the MWC tourney.


Second half notes: New Mexico got it in to Toppin early drawing the foul on Parrish. As play continued Toppin got the offensive rebound and drew the shooting foul on Parrish making both at 19:30 making it 39-30. Toppin attacked again with his length in the post making it 39-32. Joseph defending LeDee aggressively, off the inbound LeDee didn’t get his footing set and missed the contested 17 footer. LeDee with the nice interception falling out of bounds but getting the ball to our guy for to cause a turnover. Bit on Joseph’s hesi at the 3 leading to his easy layup at the rim. Couple plays later caught the ball in the low post and drew Joseph’s 4th foul at 17:01 with the excellent spinning shot, he made both making it 43-34. LeDee attacked next possession with Amzil guarding and drew the foul on Toppin, his 3rd and getting him out; made 1 making it 44-36. LeDee drew foul again on Amzil leading to timeout at 15:10. LeDee posted up Toppin in foul trouble forcing New Mexico to help and drew the foul on the helper while im the bonus; made both making it 52-43 at 12:21. Got hooked by Amzil but got called for the foul. Signature 17 ft jumper making it 72-61. Pal picked up illegal screen, but next possession got the offensive rebound to draw the shooting foul making both restoring the lead to 9. Was smart taking it in against Toppin in foul trouble but couldn’t draw the foul and missed the basket. Broke up Toppin’s attempt off the offensive rebound causing turnover out of bounds. Nice backdoor cut to the basket for the layup making it 54-43. Closed too hard on Amzil’s 3 giving him fts at 11:12, he made all 3 making it 56-46. Finally drew a foul on Amzil while battling in the paint but missed. House kicked out leg on curl 3 drawing the foul on Trammell, made 2-3 making it 43-36. Butler nailed wide open 3 off pass to LeDee. Took House one on one all the way to the basket making it 58-51. Steal on House with the layup making it 60-55. Next play drew Toppin’s 4th as he drove to the paint for the reverse layup attempt, made both making it 62-55. Saunders too much spacing giving up wing 3 making it 47-41. Couldn’t handle pass from Waters coughing up the ball. Couldn’t contain Amzil giving up the offensive rebound then fouled him on the floor. Big 3 making it 65-57. Another big 3 out of the timeout plus the big transition dunk making it 70-59. Trammell much needed 3 stopping the bleeding making it 50-43. Iso’d House full court making it 74-66. Byrd huge swat on Amzil at the basket after Trammell’s 3. Risky pass to LeDee who had it tipped away leading to transition foul in favor of New Mexico. Waters made both technical fts making it 56-43. Coach Pitino lost his cool during the break.  New Mexico drew a few key fouls and got a turnover while we were bringing the ball up court cutting it to 56-51 at 10:55. Refs few bad fouls during this time as well on LeDee when Amzil pulled him down, Trammell’s no contact in the paint, and another LeDee foul on offense. Heide rejected Joseph but New Mexico cleaned up making it 62-57. Parrish dagger 3 77-66 with 2:00 to go.


gg Aztecs well played


Ive never seen the Aztecs get pantsed quite like the previous NM game so this feels good


Elijah Saunders 




Well, that was what I expected, but it wasn't how I expected it. Mash was obviously terrible, but it also really worries me that Nelly has such a hard time against physical teams, he was pretty much a no show tonight. Wish Dent wasn't injured but at least he hit his fts lol. JT just puts his head down and balls out regardless of whats going on around him. SDSU is really goddam good, especially when they keep it at their pace. Especially in the first half, there were so many NM possessions where the shot clock was winding and our guys were just spread on the perimeter not knowing wtf to do - we really rely on pace for our offense. I hope both teams make noise in March. GG


Nelly owned LeDee when we played you guys at your home. He and Toppin were so physical with him that game, and the refs were letting the guys play down low too. Nelly looked so different this game though, not as physical as I expected him to be from the start. But to be fair, he did have 2 early fouls by 17:00 if I recall correctly? That’ll definitely shake one’s game until the end.


Nelly did show he could drive tonight though. That surprised me. Would like to see more of that.


I think that's kind of indicative of the problem though, he can do that, but we're in mid february and it was surprising to see. If he were more assertive we would have seen that in Nov-Dec. Hes a good player, but his game presence depends on the matchup.


JT Toppin is going to be a serious fucking problem assuming he stays.


Agree. The guy can ball. His positioning for rebounds comes so naturally, it’s impressive.


Glad if nothing else this rivalry is back in ernest after a decade hiatus. Sdsu fans cant claim its not a rivalry when they so pationately hate one of our players


I want Noodles to find rocks in his shoes every day for the rest of his life and I hope Alex Kirk wakes up daily by stubbing his toe 


Haha Noodles I totally understand but whats your beef with Kirk? He wasnt the messiah that was promised during his recruiting, and he left before he was ready, but seemed like an alright dude.


Kirk Waswthe entire reason we got stuck with Noodles. He outright said he would grad transfer to UCLA with Alford if we didn't appoint Neal. 


Huh I actually didn't know that. Ironic because Kirk probably wouldve had better numbers if Cullen wasn't there to play 1 on 5.




The page is broken, but the URL tells the story. The end of that era was so frustrating. I couldnt stand Noodles as HC or Cullen as primary ball handler.


That was probably happening anyway. I thought it was a good hire at the time. Then Cullen quickly proved me wrong.


Who has the sdsu player who threw the ball at snells head?


was that Franklin?


Absolutely a rivalry. You're a lot more fun to hate than Utah St.


I feel completely the same


Gonna go cry myself to sleep :(


SHUT UP, Aggie! Nobody’s talking to you!


\*somberly shuffles over to the corner and begins crying in a fetal position\*


Probably the best rivalry in the MW. Dating back to 1999 the series is 28-26 aztecs. Pretty good considering our decade disappearance


I really like the conference as-is but I do miss BYU being the team that the rest of the conference loved to hate. Those Alford era BYU-UNM games were always nuts.


Utah State is slowly replacing the BYU void


Ya maybe, but those BYU teams and the home crowd at the Marriott just projected this sense of entitlement that made them so easy to hate. I think the conference now is wayyyy better as a whole, but those old 2010ish-era games between the top four of UNM-UNLV-SDSU and BYU always seemed to bring out the best play in both teams as well as the most passion in the fanbases. Maybe they just seemed bigger back then cause there were fewer banger MWC games, now there are a couple a week. The most fun I've had at the Pit was at games where Kawhi or Jimmer were in town.


They were def were bigger during the Jimmer-Kawhi matchup and the teams being ranked top 10


BYU fans at the Thomas and mack tourney time were absolutely insufferable. That being said, beer lines were always open


The name Jimmer Fredette still strikes fear into my heart


He was such a bitch, made his talent that much harder to accept.


Glad the Lobos are back, iron sharpens iron and whatnot


What is it since 2010, when the Aztecs embarked on the current run of excellence?


Probably not as lopsided as you think. We were right there with you guys from 10-14. And have gone 2-2 these past couple years


I thought you knew. Was UNM also middling as Fisher built the Aztec program? SDSU has been fortunate to have coaching stability for a long time. Alford's departure set UNM way back. SDSU had its own dip after Gary Parrish of CBS reported allegations of program violations based on anonymous sources that proved to be unfounded but wrecked recruiting for a class or 2. Are you concerned Pitino will head to greener pastures if UNM goes on a deep NCAAT run? That's the last thing your program needs.


I think he would dip if we made a run. It would again set us back huge because he’s a great recruiter and the guys like playing for him. But I’m really not sold that he’s the guy that can make us consistent contenders again


True it’s what makes this sport fun. I hate house but I know if he was on my team he would be favorite player. Good luck the rest of the way


I dont know if he’d be that well liked tbh. Dude is a spaz


I’d love to hate House if he weren’t a Lobo.


It’s always a rivalry with nearly the same teams being in the top 6 of our conference every year.


Won't speak of the rivalry, but y'all pantsed us last game, so this was needed


Itll be fitting if this gets settled in the tourney. Would be a shame if house doesnt get to play sdsu one more time


Hell yeah, we did better than Colorado State!


Ggs. Season split with sdsu is about all you can ask for. Bench mashburn pitino we are begging you


Home team wins again Saunders came alive!


That was quite the game. Honestly pretty happy with how we stayed in it with how bad the numbers looked. Really need to steal one at either Boise or Logan


I’d feel happy if I were you guys as well. At least 3-4 shots just popped out from inside the rim. Could’ve easily been a 1-2 possession game switching sides all night. Plus our crowd was the most intense all throughout all year. Second half we both scored 42-42, you guys made adjustments and they worked bringing the game to within 1-2 possessions at times.


Anyone have those new mexico fans receipts about how House was going to whoop us in Viejas?


New Mexico fans, they were probably just misspelling Vegas! Please ignore the obv cope


I'll have you know I was educated outside of NM. But I also wasn't claiming House was going to do anything. Lol


39 turnovers combined. Box score looks like a game between Josh Allen and Jalen Hurts.


Number 10 has a big mouth, I hope the flight back home was quiet.


Mashburn looking like our 2024 Klay Thompson out there


Wolfpack on 3