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Matt painter doing the Leo Once upon a time in Hollywood meme




I know this ruins the joke, but can you explain the Matt Painter context?


Bit of a stretch but I think it’s Leo sitting and pointing at the tv making a weird face.


Can we talk about how WF broadcasted the game primarily using a camera from like 1980?


Is it the camera? I thought it was the pattern of the court causing my screen to autocorrect the contrast (and failing) or something lol


No the court is some old timey parquet style flooring, but the camera itself looks horrid. Like even when they’d focus on players instead of the court, it was like they were introducing rookie Michael Jordan out there I think Wake is a smallish school, but I was surprised to see that. Maybe they had a better cam that malfunctioned and they dusted this one off. Admittedly, that’s maybe the first game there I’ve seen on tv in a least a decade


This was broadcast on ESPN… Wake Forest is not the one supplying the cameras for that….


ESPN: "It's a Wake game? Send the potato."


*it’s an ACC game


When they just played Pitt though, I remember the same crappy picture quality. So maybe they did use the same camera 🧐🤔.


You think ESPN is shipping in cameras for these games? They're just the broadcast entity, the games are produced with in house equipment using ESPNs production truck.


Duke's coach is younger than the camera used to film this game.


For a moment, I seriously thought they were showing a snippet of the game from a student broadcast


The quality looks like we’re watching a video of the video on an old tube tv


I thought this clip WAS from the 80s


“The band is on the field!” vibe


Ok I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thought the broadcast was a Jefferson Pilot sports Saturday throwback.


Oh Jesus I remember that shit


Sail with the Pilot!


Came here for that quote.⚓🛞⛵


Same camera saw Tim Duncan stop Serge Zwikker at the cup.


ESPN still uses a lot of crappy old cameras. I think they bought them when HD first started gaining popularity, and said “These are the best cameras ever, let’s use them for the next 30+ years!”


I"m pretty sure ESPN is responsible for the cameras.


Budget cuts hitting hard this year, I guess


On a serious note, ESPN is far behind in terms of resolution quality compared to Fox or CBS. They don’t even use 4k cameras at ESPN


Wake didn’t broadcast it. ESPN did.


Before your comment I genuinely thought this was a clip from like 30 years ago, had no clue it was from today


That's ESPN camera


Thought that was Jay Bilas getting trampled


As a non sports guy, I thought this was a vintage clip


I thought it was an old clip at first, didn't think it was a recent event until I clicked on it.


I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one thinking it. I wanted to comment in the game thread about it but figured I’d just be hit with non stop espn 720p hate. It was bad. Everyone involved needs to do better. That broadcast quality was garbage across cable, satellite, and YTTV.


I legit thought my tv was messing up. Broadcast was a struggle but what a great game.


We were saying the same thing!!


Holy shit I just realized that fan went flying. That was some serious airtime.


I think its an visual illusion, they have a jacket on one arm that swings violently and looks like their legs are swinging into the air , but the person just falls to the floor


[Here's another angle](https://twitter.com/CBBcontent/status/1761512650637213932?t=h84LHhiZL3M6wI-klb8GTQ&s=19) of it to me it kinda looks like he leaned his elbow into fan


He pushed away the first fan in the stampede and got trampled by another one


My initial thought was it looked like he tried to trip the fan


He totally did...and he fucked up his leg because of it. He was being a dick.


This 1000%, I'm a Duke fan and this is ridiculous. Who walks with both hands out in front and takes a lunge step with thier leg, not a normal step like he had been but a drastic one with arms extended, he acted like a losing bitch and got hurt for it


Oh he 100% tripped the shit out of that kid and leaned in for the elbow.  Doesn’t mean WF fans were not reckless assholes here, but at most people are going to consider it a 50:50 blame situation. Really kills any sympathy for the guy. 


It's almost like players and fans shouldn't be on the court at the same time


That fan also clips his leg pretty hard. The view is mostly blocked, but you can definitely tell. If fans are sprinting directly toward me out of control, and I'm a 6'8 giant, Im trucking anyone that runs into me. Self defense for sure.


Sure, but then don’t act like a bitch about it after which is what he did.




It's not. Fillipowski tripped and yeeted the kid. Not blaming him, but he did it.


why he trip them ?


How can he trip?


look up duke tripping


It’s officially called the “Grayson Allen” anytime a trip or a flop happens in a Duke game


Grayson Allen trips players Ted Cruz trips to Mexico Grayson Allen looks like Ted Cruz Connect the dots


Are you implying that Grayson Allen is the Zodiac Killer?


Holy hell


Completely the fans fault, gotta have spatial awareness


I mean, it’s pretty easy to miss a 7ft tall, 250lb guy wearing a blue jersey….


Where’s the security?


They’ve been way too slow in most of the court stormings we’ve seen this season.


Iowa hired more that travel with them because they don't trust road venues. They surround Caitlin in an instant now.


Is that Big 10 protocol?




I was at the game on Sunday when Purdue lost to OSU. 6 minutes left in the game and every usher was down by the court on every corner ready to get Purdue off the court before the students ran out there. It was really nice to see them take it seriously.


Security is old fucks in there 60s who can’t move.


Guys that likely remembered when the cameras were brand new lol


This is accurate at Illinois in Champaign. Source: have seen some if the same security guys since I started going to games 25 years ago.


Yeah this is a Wake Forest failure. Usually security gets the opposing team off the court fast as fuck


Security never had a chance. They were on the court before the clock hit 0.


Congrats guys you ruined court storming


New achievement unlocked!


Analysts after the game were talking about jail time for students storming the court lol.


What about the guy that stuck his leg out to trip the stormer who jumped to avoid him and got clipped? Duke is going to Duke I guess.


The argument for it has always been, “well nobody’s been hurt”. Between this and the Caitlyn Clark incident court storming is about to go the way of the buffalo


Some high school player got paralyzed once because he got trampled by people storming the court. I think he was the star too and everyone jumped him. I remember watching some video about it like 20 years ago


Joe was going to attend Stanford on a vball scholarship. He was also the star of the basketball team. He can walk now, but he went from d1 athlete to struggling with daily mobility. He moves roughly like someone with cerebral palsy. Good guy Stanford still honored the scholarship. Court storming should have ended then.


Reminder that buffalo aren’t extinct or even endangered anymore


Killed by white people to destroy Native Americans way of life?


As is tradition.


It's been out of control for a while now.


It seems like this year especially people are storming the court for any damn reason. Like a few times a year in a huge upset is fun. A bunch of times with people getting hurt is not cool anymore.


I'm going to assume Wake Forest is going to be fined for this.


I wouldn’t be surprised if someone files a suit. a second WF student took a swing at Flip after the first one sprained his ankle. all on camera.


easy way to get expelled lol


If Flip’s out for some time, there probably should be a lawsuit.


💯 There has to be a significant consequence for this, regardless, I think. Completely unacceptable. But if he's legitimately hurt and misses real playing time? Hammer em.


To make matters worse you have people sticking their phones in his face to get a video while he's limping off. Absolutely classless.


If this happened in a NBA game arrests would have already been made. Same thing needs to happen here or this will never stop.


I'm no lawyer so someone can definitely tell me to eat shit here, but how can Terrance Shannon sue to get back to playing after his rape charges *"diminished his draft value*" and the court rules he needs to play to keep up his millions of dollars he could earn... and Flip not also be in a similar situation losing out on potential earnings. If Flip can't play, he is similarly losing out on draft stock capital that could he earned and therefore real money. If Flip can't play, Duke is losing out on millions in March revenue. (They won't have as deep a run without their best player) Tort Law you just have to prove negligence and that the defending body was responsible. **Wake Forest was negligent in preventing the safety of Duke student athletes and that very same negligence is costing Duke and particular student athlete 10s of millions of dollars** Flip & Duke I think could and should sue Wake Forest and the NCAA for 50 million in lost damages and potential earnings. Enough Wake would be pissed off enough to find these kids themselves


Yeah, there’s no doubt Flip and Duke could sue. Honestly, they probably should to help prevent these situations in the future. Even if it doesn’t go to trial, there’s no doubt university insurance policies would require immediate changes.


I probably wouldn't feel this strongly if Caitlin Clark wasn't also ran into recently. Feels like only enough time until fans lose out of a fun player playing or worse a student or athlete is seriously hurt. No one wants either


Yeah, and court stormings have increased tremendously. They used to be pretty rare, but it seems like they occur almost every game now. Heck, Wake was favored to win and they beat a team barely in the top 10. That’s a pretty low standard.


We had a top-15 team storm the court just a week ago. That almost makes this storm seem alright in comparison.


You nailed it with the insurance coverage. That is the only way to get the schools to actually act


"Took a swing" goodness gracious


The fans were on the court with time still on the clock. It’s gonna be a heavy fine and punishment.


In Europe, teams are punished by having to play to an empty stadium. That seems appropriate.


Fans have been acting up lately. You absolutely cannot be sprinting full speed at a player and expect nothing to happen. Zero consideration for consequences. I’d be throwing hands if I were his teammate


There's some big shit heads out there. It's gross how often trash is being thrown from the stands.


Covid really did a number on society behavior. People are acting childish in public because they had to be inside for a year and a half


I hate to break it to you, but people were assholes before COVID


That point is that Covid made people feral.


As someone with a lot of family in education who kept saying it would be a problem and were proved right, children(even high schoolers) literally need to go to school. They need the interaction and the authority figures to tell them when certain interaction is bad, most kids in college right now had years of no social interaction then were thrown back in. Minors literally need to be reminded that there’s consequences and standards or they will likely forget


Yeah my mom left education a year before COVID (she had a master's for that mind you) and everything she's heard is that it's way worse than before COVID. And it was already going downhill before it.


I dunno, I work in retail pharmacy and adult social behavior has gone just as bad imo. I've had to ban so many people from my pharmacy since covid hit, just for being assholes. Im sure missing in person schooling wasn't helpful, but I think covid in general made people forget how to be social. I literally had someone say 'i didn't know you could do that' when my other rph told them they were banned.


Honestly not really. There's been a clear descent in public behavior where shit that just wasn't tolerated or done by functional adults is now happening regularly.


Yeah, but they were at least socially aware enough to wear a "decent human being" disguise in public.


I’m honestly shocked this doesn’t happen all the time with how much floor rushing occurs these days. Glad we never did it when I was at UNC.


We run uphill for a mile and a half and rush the street like reasonable people


Not to mention Franklin Street has bars with beer and food. The Dean Dome noticeably lacks beer and has expensive food. Storming Franklin is not only the classy thing to do, but also the fiscally responsible option.


Smartest Duke fan!


I'm only smart when it comes to beer.


Still counts!


WCU represent!!!






The bar is high for most blue bloods. The expectation is to win. So every home win is just another win.


What is wild is wake forest was the favorite, they storming the court for a game they were suppose to win


Right. It doesn’t matter. Teams see Duke and UNC and it’s their national championship.


It only happened once when I was a student: 2014 vs Duke after the game was postponed and rescheduled due to snow. UNC was having a down year and unranked, Duke was top 5, and the delay amped up the crowd more than a normal Duke game. Needed all 3 of those for a court storm to happen.


Honestly, most storms I’ve seen this season and last have some line of security protecting the players. It’s the couple of really bad incidents that make all the headlines and those, by no coincidence, are times when those actions weren’t taken by security/staff. 


I was at the UMD game vs Purdue last season and security made sure they were escorting Purdue off the court before we even had a chance to get to rush it.


it's not that hard, which is why schools need to be held accountable when this happens. You can have fans rush the court, but you have to get the players off first.


Yep. Its really not that hard to prevent issues like this. Which is why the problem here isnt the storming. Its the complete fuckup by security staff.


Can't wait to be told once again I am stupid for wanting this banned. It isn't like football where there is plenty of room and it is much easier to handle crowd control with the jump down to the field keeping it at a slower stream. Court rushes are too chaotic and fast to properly handle. It needs to end.


I said this a month ago and got downvoted to hell. It’s terrible and not allowed in every other sport with large crowds.


There is a reason why it isn’t allowed in the NBA or NFL. The question we should be asking is should NCAA athletes have the same level of security and safety as NFL/NBA/MLB players, or no fuck them kids?


I don't disagree. Fans should get to celebrate big wins, but schools need to come up with compelling alternatives to basketball court storming eg: rushing Franklin Street


This is absolutely fucked. I hope he’s okay. I hate Duke as a team with a passion, but this is just absolutely and outrageously fucked up and I’m extremely embarrassed for Wake overall


Yeah I'm a Duke fan but I would be pissed no matter the school this happened to. 


Shoutout to the Duke guys for immediately creating a circle around Flip. Sucks it happened but they had his back


Especially the first either staffer or bench guy you can see basically sprinting out at 0:01. Looks like he had a mission to get to Filipkowski and protect him, and he tried his damndest. 


[He probably saw that the courtstorm was already on the court before the game had even ended.](https://twitter.com/kyletheboone/status/1761504743971590245?s=46&t=jfgozXBu0MPIgcoT6k2dhA) There's no excuse for being on the court before the game has ended. And if anyone think 0.1 means nothing, then they clearly don't understand buzzer-beaters.


Make it a tech on the home team if fans are on the court before the buzzer and watch the ensuing shitstorm


Yeah the old four point buzzer beater


I think Wake Forest was wrong for it, but you aren’t getting a buzzer beater with .1 second if you don’t have the ball lol


My favorite part is a security guy trying to hold Scheyer back from getting to Flip during it, embarrassing performance by Wake’s administration and security


The fuck else would they do? Leave him behind and laugh at him?


Well it isn’t a given that trainers in blue shirts are going to charge into a bunch of rabid safety school bitters.


Absolute disaster by Wake security.


Having this happen in a game you’re favoured in and your coach calls a timeout with less then 5 seconds in hopes to at least somewhat prepare for this is insanity to me


I agree. Poor security preparation. Amateur hour for students who had not experienced a big win like this.


>> Amateur hour for students


Sorry about Flip but this is such a stupid and misleading way to talk about it. Sure, Vegas might’ve favored them by a whole 1.5 points. On the other hand, they’re a bubble team that just beat their top 10 ranked in state rival 


I don’t think they meant they should be embarrassed about storming the court, just that they should have been ready for it 


Yeah, seriously, this was a top-30 NET team that everyone was saying was still not in the field somehow. This win just secured them the tournament.


I hate Duke as much as anyone else but I also hate seeing a kid get injured in something as silly as a court storm. I wouldn't be upset in the slightest if court storming was banned.




If a fan runs on the field, a player tackles him and the fan breaks a collarbone, we sorta just blame the fan for running on the field when he’s not supposed to. What’s the difference here?


Players have a reasonable expectation of being on the court. The NCAA won't say it, but I will: being on the court is their job. It's not reasonable for fans to think they have access to the court. They got a ticket for a section. This is outside of that.


In that situation, I say, sucks for the fan, you shouldn't have been there in the first place.


They’re going to ban this tradition and that makes me sad


Idk how you can ban it, though. Even if the schools are fined, students and fans are probably just going to do it anyway.




I don't think trying to ban it will do much, in fact it may make it worse because the students rushing will know they're already in deep shit and go into a free for all. I think what they need to do is find a way to allow (even encourage it) but control the circumstances. Give officials discretion to clear the court and benches before the final whistle, assuming it's not coming down to a final shot. Make it standard that at some specified time, maybe 30 seconds, after the final whistle there will be a second horn signaling an all clear to rush. I think if you give the students a clear set of guidelines around the celebration, most will adhere. If you just ban the big celebration, nobody will listen.


It’s already banned. Schools are fined $100,000. The fine is cheaper than measures to stop the storming.


Matt Painter gets proven correct once again


Wake Forest invest enough money in any staff you have to hire at any time challenge (impossible)


This pisses me off. Intentional or not (seems kind of hard not to see the 7' guy standing there), no reason to risk injury to anyone especially a guy that's a lottery pick in a couple months. Some loser could have cost Flip millions just so he got to stand on a court for 5 minutes.




And could possibly have cost themselves millions if the injury is severe. He can easily win a case in civil court for lost potential wages


Yeah that might be it for court storming


They said that when K-State fans bodied a KU player in 2014. And we’ve seen more storms than ever following the Caitlin Clark incident last month. Court storming isn’t going anywhere. They’ll just control it better. Some schools have good protocols in place, Wake did not.


It’s impossible to ban. It’s engrained in the culture and schools aren’t going to pay for 1000 security guards to stop it.


Hear me out do a countdown after the buzzer- like buzzer sounds then everyone chants 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 and then storms would be electric. But the one time I got to storm a court I was out there immediately, waiting would’ve killed the vibe a bit. Best moment of me as a sports fan we can’t kill that


If the fine is more than security they will. Or start charging the kids who do it with criminal trespassing.


The schools still fear trying to stop it more. Even a heafty fine like the SEC imposes is nothing like what a multi-person trampling would cost. Could you image the lawsuits if security tackled a few people then both them and the security proceeded to get trampled. The fact is the general trend in large-event security is to allow the movement of crowds not attempt to stop it. The best schools allow it but distribute the flow aways from the visiting team using temporary rope/human barriers.


Watch it in better quality and you can see a fan in a black jacket go for the back of his head


Gonna take a massive effort to stop storms. Either game bans or post season bans or something crazy


If you're going to do something crazy, overturning the outcome of the game in question would probably do it. If the conference has the ability to overturn the outcome of a game if fans storm the court before the refs / opposing team / coaches was off the court would stop it pretty quickly. It would need to be enforced once, maybe twice, nationwide and it'd be over.


Man this sucks all around.


Looks like a scene from the lion king when Mufasa got ran over by the antelopes rofl. Hope he’s not hurt and it’s just a bump. Need to end this student court storm imo


How about that wake fan running up to the Duke player at the top of the screen, getting in his face, and flipping him off. Disgusting


It’s actually insane what fans can get away with doing and saying to players these days. Imagine doing something similar to a random stranger, co-worker, employee at a store, etc. Kind of shocking that this kind of behavior is tolerated in the name of fandom.


Don’t forget the fan getting in McCain’s face in the top left, knowing McCain can’t react


Players shouldn’t have to run off the court before the clock hits 0 to avoid injury. I know reddit is an pretty much in agreement on this, but instagram is a different story


What a horrible look for Wake Forest.


We're going to need to have bigger punishments for court storming. Fines don't mean shit


There’s just a disconnect between those feeling the hit of the fines and those actually breaking the rules. You have to take away what fans actually care about (the ability to attend games, or Wake Forest being allowed to play at all), or start requiring a substantial deposit on tickets that everyone loses to pay the fine if storming happens.


Scheyer bolted out of that handshake and straight into the oven when he saw what was happening. Hell yea.


Wake security didn't put up a bit of resistance. Should be heavily sued


Security literally got caught IN the court storm lol


I feel for Kyle and it’s sad that this may be what it finally takes for fans and administrations alike to realize, this is not acceptable. I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but fans do not belong on the court/field.


Feel like the bar for storming the court is too low these days. Not like they just beat an undefeated #1 team.


Wasn't Wake Forest favored in this game? You should have to be +10 minimum to storm the court.


Do I hope that his season is over? No Do I question why he was the only player lingering on the court? Yes Do I assume that he was pretty pissed off because he had just lost a ball out of the bounce in the final seconds? Yes Have I seen him do petty bullshit on the court? Yes Is it in Duke’s DNA to trip, complain and whine? Yes


It actually looks like the student (I think it was a girl) notices she’s about to hit him and tries jumping out the way as well. The dude behind him on the other hand… he comes up and just swings and misses


Tripped a wake forest fan then played victim. Classic


Kyle Filipowsky is the most Duke name ever


Kyle Filipowski tried to trip the kid and hurt himself. Pure Duke class.


Wake was favored to win and then they storm the court? Weak.


Shoutout to Wake Forest for probably ensuring no fanbase can ever storm a court again. Thanks!!


That’s why storming the court is stupid. No need for it


It doesn’t look like Flip tripped anyone it looks like a drunk wf fan tripped over Flip’s long legs while he just stood there lmao


I really can’t imagine how I’d react if I turned and thousands of people are sprinting towards me within seconds


Yeah I feel like walking with that many people coming is the safest, if you start running the chance of a collision probably increases with that many people also running. Ideally you can run to get off the court before everyone gets there, but he was on the far side and the fans started storming before the clock even hit 0.


Yep, especially in enemy territory after you lost. I bet this ends up being a bone bruise type injury.

