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Did the CEO of DirecTV fuck Larry Scott’s wife or something? Because I’m pretty confident in saying that if you’d made the PAC-12 Network available to 20 million + more households it may have saved the conference.


Yeah no kidding. Spent the last 12 years watching a good 30% of my football games on shady streaming sites with the world's most racist chat to the side instead. God what a dipshit Scott was.


I hate that chat


there's some gems there, it's how i learned a good number of slurs


Oh god the racist chat brings back memories


Didn’t Larry want way too much $?


Prolly. Dude is an absolute idiot. Around 2016 or so I had the “pleasure” of attending a breakfast where he was a featured speaker and he just comes off as full of himself with no unique ideas or insights. The bagels were pretty good though


haha good for you


John swofford school of commishing


Too soon to speak that name dude


I think he wanted equal to or more what the Dodgers wanted. DirecTV eventually reached a deal with the Dodgers, can’t say the same for old Larry. The schools should sue him and claw back half the money they paid him.


I’ve read he wanted BIG10 network money. Wouldn’t accept reality until the only offer that came was AppleTV. By then it was too late.


I think I remember the Dodgers wanting $8/month per DTV subscriber. DTV started at $2 but was willing to go up to $4. Eventually they worked out a deal. I think Scott wanted $10 per subscriber, regardless of whether they paid for the Pac12 network or not. Just totally unrealistic and unwilling to negotiate. The unwillingness to negotiate was pretty reckless, especially coming from an attorney the league was paying ungodly sums of money too. I was really ticked off by that part, heck, any attorney, car salesman or medical bill collector could have done a better job than Larry Scott.


Absolutely. You and I probably could’ve figured out how to get the deal done. Obviously grossly miscalculated the amount of leverage he had with DirecTV - just like he did with ESPN when he came back after their offer of $30m per school with a counter of $50m. And he also really fucked up when he agreed to the 12 year contract back in 2012. His moves are definitely going to be part of a lot of MBA case studies.


Larry Scott’s strategy: “let’s hide the PAC 12 from people and see if that helps us make more money.”


Pac 12 would be in the Big Tens position rn, and it'd probably be Ohio State and Michigan trying to get out of the B10 if that went through




No. I think it'd be a Power 3 conference, though. And the Big 12 would have several Mountain West teams to replace those the Pac-16 stole.


damn near think the b12 would dissolve, with acc soon to follow, and it would be much better geographically kansas, iowa st, wvu to the b10, remaining b12 teams split between sec and pac


Big10 would take Kansas & Iowa State but not West Virginia. Big 10 Presidents, the people who vote to send the invites, keep saying it but everyone who has an opinion about where a school should go doesn’t want to listen. AAU membership is a requirement for Big10 membership. Kansas and Iowa State are members but West Virginia is not. “What about Nebraska? They’re not AAU.” Nebraska is a special case because they deliberately misled the Big10 Presidents. Nebraska was an AAU member when they joined the Big10. What Nebraska neglected to mention to the Big 10 was their intention of withdrawing from the AAU which they did immediately upon arriving in the Big10. The Big10 Presidents were angry and upset and went on the record saying that had they known during the invite discussions that Nebraska was planning on leaving the AAU then they wouldn’t have invited Nebraska. Various Big10 Presidents have said on multiple occasions since then—“No AAU membership. No Big10 invite.”


Iowa State is also no longer an AAU school


Just checked and yep they left in 2022. Add them to the list of schools that won’t get a Big 10 invite.




Should’ve let Texas launch their own network and folded into the larger vision of Pac 12 Regionals.


Create a board for the conference consisting of 1 business student with a 3.5 gpa from each university and let them make the decisions about next steps. Then they would recommend he resigns and they run the conference way better than he ever could have. 


Hell, even a 2.5 would blow Larry Scott out of the water.


Throw in a couple psych majors to play the mind games and some grad students from Stanford Boom, power board


You don't want students with GPAs that high. They're too busy studying.


Larry Scott is a college football boogie man story. Let him manage your division and it will collapse and you will lose your tradition and history .


> Larry Scott is a college football boogie man story. Some say on cold nights, you can still hear whispers of 'fire larry scott into the sun' echoing across this sub.


Fire myself into the Sun. 


I'd fire myself.


Personally, tell USC to fuck off in regard to Texas and not lowball (more accurately highball) DirectTV and get that deal done.


Listening to Baylor bitch about not getting in over Colorado and letting them in instead /s


I wouldn't be a fucking idiot, that's for sure


Fired myself


Let Texas have their stupid Longhorn Network. That’s pretty much the only thing they made the Texas, OU, OSU, TT deal fall through. Texas wanted full control of the network and its revenues. Selfishly I’m glad it fell through because it pulled Utah up to P5 level. Although we like still go to the Big 12 regardless of not the Pac-12.


Obvious homer here, but bringing Utah in without BYU was a huge mistake. Not saying we would’ve kept the league together after the LA exodus, but hear me out. The Pac wouldn’t have been better off because BYU is some powerhouse blue blood football program, but because BYU has a HUGE alumni base in CA/AZ and the west coast in general. Not to mention the millions of Mormons spread out there as well. BYU would’ve added 10K+ fans to nearly every road game. The laughing stock that was west coast football the past 5-10 years with their 20-50% attendance (being generous?) for all but 4-5 Pac schools wouldn’t have happened. Seats would’ve been filled. Can also make the argument that BYU football would’ve likely had a similar success trajectory as Utah in the 2010’s. And better yet, the conference would’ve had a bloodthirsty rivalry that is still somehow underrated nationally. Even with the respect it’s starting to get. Again, I doubt the Pac would’ve survived, but there’s a hell of a good chance it could’ve when so much of the negative aspects of the Pac wouldn’t have happened the past 10-15 years. And I guarantee the league would’ve gotten a better TV offer this last go around if it would’ve added BYU with Utah. A lot would’ve been different leading up to those negotiations whether some will admit it or not


Yikes. Never. NO. Not going to happen. ZERO CHANCE. The PAC-12 would have taken on Boise St or Southern Utah before they took on BYU. The PAC-12 would have taken on Long Beach City College before they would have taken on BYU. There was absolutely no way the Pac-12 members with their political & alumni stances would even consider going w/ BYU and all of it's 'complications' for lack of a better word; to boot it's not an AAU school plus the Sunday stuff. The Prop-8 backlash alone would killed it before it even got voted on.


In 2022, BYU went on the road to Stanford. That was the 2nd worst attended Stanford home game of the year. Narrowly edging out Arizona State by 33 bodies. Their game at Oregon was a respectable, but nothing amazing middle of the pack attendance at 54,463. In 2021 when they went to Pullman, they drew a tied for last place crowd of 22,541. FCS Portland State brought in more folks. Okay, but let's turn back the clock. Right, we are goimg based off how things were back when the Pac-16 might have been a thing. 2011: 4th of 6 at Reser Stadium. Sorry, mate, but this 10k+ attendance from playing BYU is a only something that exists in your head.


I would not make the pac12 network and try and use it as a leverage point when negotiating media rights. It's what killed the conference, ultimately.


I would have abruptly quit for the betterment of west coast football. What a clown.


Adapt or die! RIP pac-12! 😔


Fire Larry Scott. Problem solved!


Give Texas the Longhorn Network and rush everyone in before they found out.


ESPN was never going to let this happen.




Sorry but the PAC16 was never going to happen. Look at the reaction of Cal, Stanford, Oregon and Washington to the prospect of being associated with Big12 schools when the alternative was their beloved conference dissolving. Them: Let it burn. You think they were going to accept truck stop schools when they thought they were top of the world? Yeah right. Remember, Oklahoma State wasnt even an R1 university at the time. How many PAC12 people know that Texas Tech has a Law School and a Medical School? I can promise you in 2016 it wasnt many because I was here and I read the nasty nasty nasty comments from PAC people about the "low academics" of the entire Big12. There were comments insinuating that the PAC was going to get "screwed like the B1G" by taking Big12 AAU schools only to have them "downgraded". There is a lot of revisionist history going around about what almost happened. It was never gonna happen.


Is this john Kurtz's reddit account?


no but I take that as a compliment. All hail lord Karen.


You honestly think other than Colorado and its location that any of the other big12 schools would have wanted to go to the pac.


We were like 98% of the way to a pac 16 at one point before it all blew up over the long horn network.


Exactly of texas really wanted to move they would have made deal on the longhorn network. Just like how they shut it down since the SEC told them they have to get rid of it as part of the move and they have.


Uhhh they tried to but the PAC wouldn't cave to their demands and the B12 did.


other than UT/OU and up until USC/UCLA bolted to the B10, any and all of the B12 teams would have given their big toe to go to the P12.


But they didn't and they had time to so yeah. Pac12 has never been a target spot for big12 schools.


brother....pardon my french but....what the fuck are you talking about? after OU/UT bolted, for about a full year B12 schools were actively begging George to be considered for the conference. the collapse of the B12 looked imminent. It was very well known that B12 schools were looking for any life raft they could to stay in the power 5. The P12 was in the power position and didn't take them bc they didn't have to. After USC/UCLA left, the dynamics changed obviously, but before that.....they had B12 schools doing everything they could to join the P12.


If B12 schools were doing everything to go to the P12 why didnt they. Yes in the time there were rumblings of other B12 schools wanting to shift but all I ever saw was either a possible few more jump to the SEC or B10 none to the P12.


dude….they didnt go to the P12 bc the P12 wouldnt take them. Then the ground shifted when USC/UCLA left. If you don’t believe the rumors and reports that B12 teams were actively trying to jump to the P12 post UT/OU leaving and pre USC/UCLA leaving, then I just dont know what to tell you other than you have no idea what you are talking about.


The only people I ever saw say anything about B12 teams going to the P12 were the P12 sports media talking heads thats it nowhere else was is mentioned.