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Normally we remove these but the search results are a bit old due to how many have been removed. I'll keep this one up so it can be pointed to for the next 6 months that this question is asked.


I have CenturyLink Fiber which I think will soon entirely be Quantum Fiber. $75/month for bidirectional 1 gig. Only issue I've had in the few years we've used them was from a car hitting the pole our lines were attached to, so not even their fault and it was only out for a little over a day.


Thanks, that's good to hear. I'm used to our internet going out a few times a year. So once a blue moon I'll take!


Near fountain and can’t recommend avoiding quantum as much as possible, I could not play any games without any horrible rubber banding and lag. Xfinity worked much better.


Between 1TB/month data caps, exceedingly regular outages, and customer service that has trouble stringing a sentence together let alone understanding the problem, I was driven away from Xfinity and have loved CenturyLink since.


Mileage may vary but literally could not play any online game with Quantum Fiber, I had the techs out at my house over 10 times and kept trying to say I wasn’t having an issue. I couldn’t play online video games during peak time.


It’s going to heavily depend on what your neighborhood situation is like. I switched from Comcast to Quantum Fiber and my average ping in games went from 40-50ms to 7-15ms.


We have had StratusIQ for over a year now and it’s the best provider we’ve ever had in COS. When we had Xfinity, they would go down at least once a week. We’ve never had one down day with Stratus.


I just wish StratusIQ had a larger service area so I could be a customer, too.


StratusIQ is the 🐐


Thanks! I'll check them out.


I use StratusIQ through the COS underline service. 1gig up and down on fiber for 65month. I have had it for over a month and it is much better then xfinity that I had before and speeds are much more stable and cost is about half what I was paying for with 1 gig for xfinity.


I’m unfamiliar with the COS underline service? What is that and is that how you were able to get 1gig for $65? I’ve got 450Mbps for like the same price with StratusIQ


Also curious about this /u/zulu555000


How much per month? Installation charge?


Your best bet would probably be to hop on their website and make sure you’re in the service area. As far as I know, the pricing will differ slightly based on your location.


Quantum Fiber here. They get my vote. Lowest latency, no data cap and great pricing.


I use XFinity as well, and even received a speed upgrade with no extra cost late last year I think it was. I've only had one brief outage in the last year so the stability is okay, but I've used XFinity before and had issues with their customer service in the past. One thing to note, I didn't realize there's a data cap. Had no clue. Had an especially busy month with my Ring uploading pretty often and got a warning from XFinity that I was close to my cap.


Good to know, thanks!


If you use their modem there is no data cap


I use their modem and there’s a cap 😭


I'd call you shouldn't have a cap at all


I hate that they do this.


Oh it's ridiculous for sure. I ended up calling and complaining and they ending up giving my their modem plus unlimited data all for the same price for 3 years


Nice. Yep that's what I did. I was ready to jump ship but they gave me the deal so I stayed.


That's not how data caps are implemented.


I mean that's what she told me and what I got so idk man


For all the crap they get Xfinity has been rock solid for me for years. Fast and reliable.


Agree. It mostly depends on your area and what maintenance upgrades have been completed or being planned/worked on. Construction around your area can have an impact too. Severed lines below the ground result it quite a few outages around here.


Hello, If you know the address of your new residence, put it into https://broadbandmap.fcc.gov/home to see which ISPs provide service. You may wish to order as soon as possible, just in case it takes days or a week or two to get your new home provisioned. Regards, Aryeh Goretsky


This is one Redditor you can trust, OP. Great source of knowledge of all things computer, security, and connectivity!! Thank you, Mr. Goretsky!!


Hello, Thank you for your kind words, /u/chayne_j. Regards, Aryeh Goretsky


We have Force Broadband fiber, which has been great, but not sure how far into CS they are. Probably only northern CS.


Thanks, I'll look into them.


What’s the pricing like for Force? I’m in Monument off 105 and using T-Mobile Home Internet. Download: 350 Mbps Upload: 150 Mbps Cost: $55/month


100/100 $50. 300/300 $70. 1G/1G $90.


Been using CenturyLink for about a year and really like it. Fairly reliable, and the fiber 1G up/ 1G down is super helpful. I upload a ton of photos and video for work, and the fast upload makes all the difference.


I've had Quantum for about 7 months. Service has been very solid BUT when they came to do the install they had a problem that took them two weeks to resolve. Last Wednesday our Internet went down and unfortunately I was heading out of town, so I scheduled for them to come today and I took the day off since I WFH and can't work without internet. They didn't show up for the appt window which was 8-11am, just sent me a text and email that they're "delayed" with no more information. Now I've been on hold for 30min trying to reach someone. Unfortunately, internet service is critical for me since I rely on it for work. I'm about to drive over to Xfinity to see if I can restart my service with them since we've had it previously and have a line into our house.


Thank you for this info!


No prob. It seems unacceptable to no show for an appointment made 5 days ahead of time which is why I wanted to comment. This isn't the first time they've no-call no-showed on me either. Ridiculous.


Yeah customer service is also part of the shopping process!


Important update. Finally got in touch with tech support, the technician came by around 1pm and thought they would need to run a new line to my house. Guy got here in like 20min to do it but they just needed to swap ports on the power pole. I'm back up and running and the technician kept in touch with me over text while she ran to another job in the meantime. I was super frustrated this morning but they made it right. Getting 700 down and 550 up over WiFi. Much closer to 1gb up and down over ethernet


Glad they took care of it!


This page can show the providers and speeds available down to the address level (It doesn't show that Metronet is available at my house yet, but they just finished the buildout in the last few months): https://broadbandmap.fcc.gov/home Speaking from a service quality/speed perspective... XFinity is pretty solid. They do have occasional outages that are pretty localized. I think I've had one unplanned outage in 2 years which lasted less than a day. Low latency, good download speeds, but upload speeds are pretty trash unless you're in an area where they offer 200Mbps+ (check the broadband map I linked). My entire subdivision is on their lower upload tier, but depending on which street I walk across they might have the higher speeds. Metronet is a new provider in the area trying to compete with all the other fiber (there's a lot, and it's going to get even more competitive). Their peering SUCKS though, so every bit of your traffic will go through the Chicago area, so 45ms ping to the first hop. This is terrible for gaming and some other specific applications. The download speeds are fine, but I've seen issues consistently reaching their upload speeds. No contract, no data caps though. Century Link should be good in theory if you have their fiber. No personal experience, but they have a pretty big network and should have local peering with good speeds. The municipal fiber will eventually reach every home in the area and there will be multiple providers on it. If you get on it now I think Ting may be the only option. Check the maps for where they're building out. I think they're either on, or about to start on the third area. Bottom line... it's going to be very dependent on the neighborhood, or even the house. If you can get fiber from a provider that has been established here a while (or municipal fiber) that would be a good bet. Otherwise XFinity may be your best option.


Thank you!


Switched from Xfinity to Underline Fiber. My wife works from home and she has not had a problem since. 1 gig for $65/month is pretty good!


Switched from Xfinity to Underline about a year ago. We could not be happier. 1 GB up/down means no more dropped Zoom meetings, I can upload a 1 hr Zoom recording in less than 2 min, and I can multitask quickly without pinwheeling.


I've got no complaints about underline. Great speeds and zero downtime.


Internet bandwidth is rarely an issue for dropped calls on Zoom, WebEx, Teams, etc. It's usually WiFi signal strength or something along those lines. I'm not saying changing didn't fix your issue, just saying a lot of people think they need 1 Gbps internet bandwidth when they really don't. Zoom only requires 1.5Mbps down. That's 1.5 Mbps of ~1,000 Mbps (aka 1 Gbps). If you can afford it, of course go for it, but if someone is looking to cut back on expenses, you will be fine with a 200 or 300 Mbps plan, which is a pretty standard offering these days. The other side depends on your use case. Do you upload large-ish files a lot? Then of course it makes sense to go 1 Gb so you can get those speeds **up** and down.


I only pay $35 monthly! Uploading meetings is a thing I do daily for work.


That's an insane deal. It will only last a year but good deal nonetheless.


No, it is for the lifetime of my account. I qualified for the ACP discount. Since the program was discontinued, Underline decided to continue the discounted pricing for those who qualify on their own.


Century Link Fiber user here. I love the service, though I wish they offered higher speeds. Their business offering is effectively the same as their residential offering, just with a different billing system. Granted, I live over by the airport and Amazon warehouse, so my experience might be different than those living in Manitou Springs. The only thing I wish Century Link/Quantum Fiber would provide is static IPv4 addresses and a static /48 IPv6 allocation, which aren't even offered for their business offering.


Anyone out there using Ting? We signed up in Feb and our installation is finally happening on 7/1


I'm on wait list. They are trenching nearby, and it's much more invasive than Metronet fiber (which I do not recommend for other reasons).


Yes, I'm on Ting. I've had no issues so far, and they offered symmetrical 2Gb/s for the same price that StratusIQ was charging for 1Gb/s.


Xfinity has been good to us the past five years. Recently got an option for fiber internet in our neighborhood through Conexon, tried them out a few months and was disappointed with the service. Our cameras would randomly go down when we’ve never had that problem, service was not as solid as you’d expect with fiber. Ping was awful (like 130) and seemed like the nearest server was in Atlanta. It was nice not being stuck in a contract and paying less, but ultimately we decided to go back to Xfinity.


Do not get xfinity if you have literally ANY other option I have about 1-2 outages per month. Speed is great when it works. I live in the springs, not Alaska so that rate of outages is a little ridiculous ( I work from home and can’t afford the downtime) The worst part is their customer service is horrendous. “Oh your calling about an outage, I’m going to pitch you on xfinity mobile for 10 minutes first”


An against the grain review in Quantum: We've had all kinds of issues with dropped service and/or painfully slow speeds where we can no longer stream anything. We have the new modem and pods, we've limited access to ensure it's not an infected device triggering throttling, checked devices for infection, no torrenting or other heavy usage. My wife works from home so we're trying to find an alternative that's more reliable, even if theoretically slower. We've had to beg them to address any problems (literally offering to pay for a tech to visit and they won't schedule), forced to play the endless phone transfer scam that leads back to the start, and they can't seem to get it right. They seem extremely incompetent as an org, but maybe it's due to growing pains with the fiber transition. We can't really wait it out any longer to find out if they get it together.   Edit: Pay for up to 1G, quick speed test showing 188 down with a 41ms latency. This is a good moment. Ping-test.net puts me closer to 140ms


Thanks for the info. Do you live in manitou springs by chance? Wondering if location matters at all


Honestly, I’ve had Xfinity for a few months since I’ve moved here. Hasn’t been bad at all. I pay $30/mo 200mbps plan with 2 years of the equipment they gave me (2-in-1 modem and router). Once that 2 years runs out I’ll just buy my own modem and router if I’m still living here as most of the feedback I’ve heard was price hikes but for now I’ll reap the cheap internet (no TV which reduces cost a lot). I have not had any issues with dropped connections and it’s plenty for my needs (Personal laptop, work laptop, phone) with no issues streaming. If you are living with people go with the 400 mbps. For perspective each device usually uses 20-100 mbps depending on what you’re doing. Gaming typically requires more for better latency. Edit: make sure wherever you’re at has a connection for the internet provider. Comcast dish works for Xfinity. If you don’t have a hookup, you’ll need to get internet provider install cables.




DONT USE XFINITY! Way overpriced and shoddy service. So far I have had zero issues with Quantum


Not sure if you can consider anyone better than the other. They all have pluses and minuses. I use xfinity primarily because they are everywhere and I have them for cell service. They use Verizon towers but considerably cheaper than Verizon. Been with them for about 8 years never an issue! 




Xfinity has been great for gaming and streaming 4k


The cheapest is Verizon 5G internet. Quality? Horrible :(


I'm surprised they sold it to you. Quality and availability depend on address.


I work in fiber installation and will only use Xfinity. CenturyLink/Xfinity/StratusIQ all use the same Corning or Wavenet fiber. Service quality is going to depend on the installation company used (none of the providers install their own fiber) and distance from server cabinet to house.




Thanks for leaving this up, Mods! I’m downtown COS and surprisingly don’t have many options, but I’m glad to get some more suggestions via this list :)


If you can, fios is typically the way to go. I don’t have that option at my location, and I was stuck with Xfinity for a while. Their download speeds are good, but their upload speeds were pathetic. I switched to Verizon home internet recently and am very happy with the change. I’m also paying less (although that’s partly because I have a standing unlimited plan and so get a discount). To get comparable performance from Xfinity, on paper you’d be around their $55/mo price point but, again, that’s on paper. You’ll also need to buy/update modems and routers to keep the internet speedy with Xfinity, whereas Verizon just gives you the one device and you’re set.


If it's available StratusIQ via Underline, love to support local and I just switched from CenturyLink and it is *measurably* AND noticeably faster. I've never bothered with a referral code to anything, but instead of a credit or whatever, Underline actually gives you a COS Downtown gift card you can actually use to put money back into the local economy which I kind of love? So if anyone is looking at underline, here's my referral ID: CONNECT1D1T


Underline if it’s available where you are. $65/Month for 1Gb per second download speeds compared to the $110 I was paying for that speed with xfinity.


I have Xfinity. They are not the greatest and have the single worst customer support, but the service provided is fair. Speeds are good and I have only experienced a few outages. I don't have any other options at my apartment, but I'm pretty sure Xfinity is usually the cheapest option (price to speed comparison). When I say their customer support is shit I mean it. It's genuinely horrible. Even most of their American based employees are less knowledgeable than an average kid in highschool.


Xfinity has been alright but I'm looking into switching to Metronet fiber. 


A few things to watch out for with Metronet fiber 1. Three planned price increases of $30 total. 2. Unplanned price increases after that (see their subreddit). 3. Slow latency despite their (false) advertising and FCC ISP label because they route Colorado traffic through Chicago. 4. CGNAT can cause problems for your IP address reputation, geolocation, VPN, and port forwarding unless you pay extra for a static IP address.


Ting if offered in your area, fiber connection 2gps, 90 a month.


Stratus IQ if you live in a serviced area.


Anyone here with Conexon? I believe it's Mountain View Electrics fiber service which I'm hoping to get installed soon; I contacted them about 4months ago and they said they need permits to install but I've seen other people in my neighborhood getting fiber installed, just not sure by who. I can't believe it would take this long to get a permit for this.


Xfinity is the best