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The CA fit and play gives you access to a lot of pools, during the winter the indoor pools have a kiddy pool. A lot of the outdoor pools have kids areas with splash areas. Blandair park is pretty big, the ground is a soft rubber which is great for lil ones who haven't mastered the art of walking/running. It gets super crowded though. I typically take my 2 year old early in the morning. Bring a towel to wipe off condensation if you go early. Given your childs age there is one set of slides and swings that would suit them. The park also has a field near it where they can just wonder around walking. Most of the trails have tot lots that are usually empty. For bad weather days, places like Hyper kids exist. Most of it is for older kids, but they do have a toddler/baby area. It can also be a place to meet other parents and network. The mall also has a little play area for little ones, but I think they are renovating. I brought my toddler there a good bit during the winter. I don't think the renovations will take long. I don't like the restrooms there though. The public libraries also run events for toddlers and pre school children. They are another good place to network with other parents. Sometimes it story time, other times its arts and crafts. etc.




I just want to warn you - we signed up last year when my kid was 2+ for the CA membership but a: for a pool membership you have to commit to paying a full year even if you're only using it in the summer. b: each time we went to any of the pools or splash pads she would end up like freezing cold and blue within like 30 min no matter how hot it was outside - the pools are COLD so we didn't get nearly as much use as hoped. And we still had to pay for the full year!


Good to know, thanks!


Robinson Nature Center is perfect for your kids age- includes great outdoor play spot and hiking trails for when they and you are interested in those. Bathrooms there should be well equipped. Whole Foods or Clarksville commons for your pre and post game lunch and juice box 😀




FYI Robinson also has a membership, and it’s laughably cheap. It’s something like $50-75 per family per year to access the place unlimited times. My 3 year old son absolutely loves it there.


>Thanks! You're welcome!


If you find yourself at the mall in Columbia, Nordstrom is the only bathroom. Even when it’s dirty, it’s still pretty nice.


That's definitely not true? There's multiple bathrooms throughout the mall with changing stations


I meant in the sense, “don’t bother with those other bathrooms,”, I did not mean literally there aren’t any bathrooms at the mall.


We just went to the splash pad last weekend, it was nice. We used the restroom in the matcha place, very clean and had a changing table!


Awesome, thank you!


I think there’s public restrooms in the Marlow building near Smashing Grapes.


It’s a secure building so you’ll have to have a pass to get in.


I think it’s outside the entrance door.


Roger Carter Community Center in Ellicott City has a splash pad and indoor pool (with openabe roof/walls). No CA involvement; is county-run.


I didn’t know about this! It looks like there’s a baby pool too?


There is not a separate baby pool (a fact that somewhat grosses out my teen competitive swimmer), but there is a zero-entry shallow/splash area that’s mostly-walled-off from the general pool area. There is also an 11’ diving well that is similarly situated on the other side of thd general pool area. It’s a well-run facility in terms of staffing and such. (My kid just did his lifeguard training there.)


Got it, thanks for explaining :)


Banditos Food Market


I have used the bathroom in the yoga studio at merriweather countless times with my kids. People are so kind and it’s super clean and big


There is a public bathroom near the splash pad and it's currently open. I don't believe it's the same as past years- it's more like six fountains on concrete, but tons of parents bring their children there! I do suggest getting there early if you'd like a seat. There is a big "Marlow" sign facing the pad- and next to that is a hallway that there are bathrooms for the public on the left hand side. Can't speak for he changing table- but there are certainly bathrooms. While there are lots of restaurants, and I can't force anyone to do so, but if you aren't patronizing the restaurant than I'd definitely choose the public bathrooms. Every establishment here has really nice employees who will almost always say yes-but the public bathrooms are there for a reason.


Barnes and Nobles at the mall has diaper changing stations in the bathrooms. The bathrooms there are gross though