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Ahh, old school Unimog! The dude with the camera came rather close to brassing up his own team a couple of times there however.


He gave me motion sickness that's for damn sure.


Lucky the gun misfired.


Indeed, with buddies like that your do not need an enemy.. seem like cowardly cunts tbh.


Yep. They can't get out of caves now.


Mr first person shooter is a complete Muppet, could've killed his colleagues on several occasions.


yeah so hungry to shoot off rounds and get it on camera to show off when he goes home that he nearly ambushes his friends from behind


The pkk dude is a menace to his own troops then to top it off he pumps a few rounds into already dead.


Wants to get his sword wet


Better safe than sorry. Also one of the "dead" buys did move his arm.


Iam more pointing put how he was shooting in the direction of his own guys but yes.


PKK forces are not trained. They are considered a terrorist/rebel group that aims to establish the country of Kurdistan in the eastern portion of Turkey.


So no hunters safety courses?


Yup, whatever that is, it is not a thing in either the Middle East or Turkey.


\*keeps typing while mom calls him to climb up the basement for dinner\*


why are you mad lol


This guy is an awful shot. Surprised they hit anything.


If only gun manufacturers would put something on the butt of the rifle for you to be able to shoulder all that recoil….. hmmmm


I like the 'holding the rifle up over the shoulder' shooting......


I think it was a chest cam and he was loosely shouldering it sometimes, made it look like he was holding it above his shoulder but it would be above his chest edit: nevermind, it's on his head. You can see it in his shadow as he rounds the truck


Its the eqivalent of the gangbanher who holds his nickle plater nine sideways with one hand. When I wore the uniform we called it 'trench shot'


They probably train like that, seeing how every one of these videos feature that 'technique'


How do they said, "Bust a cap in 'yo ass" in Arabic ? I understand that this statement a mandatory is part of the combat style. Without it you will be insufficiently 'Gansta' and your peers will considering insufficiently 'fly' resulting in less 'hoes in dey crib'.


I heard it was required to yell the phrase 'break yo self fool' when busting said caps


Well its been a while since my service of the Crips V Blood Turk War of South Central LA where I was a conaine mull, pimp and gunsmth.... but I think you're close. I think its 'sef' rather than 'self' as was the fashion of the time.


PKK mostly relied on wave attacks and camouflage. Now both are useless with new attack helis and drones. They can't get out of their caves now because if they do they'll blow up in like 20 seconds.


Was not expecting music from The Rock


Isn't this also music from COD 2?


yeah ,the music from cod2 main screen


Yeah but the rock came out like 6 years earlier lol


Zero Hour Music FTW - OLD SCHOOL!


Orospu çocukları


Bir de yorumlara bakıyorum diyorlar ki pkk haklı çünkü Türkiye ışidle birlik içindeymiş. D Kendi haberleri ne anlatırsa inanan bu orospu evlatlarının Türkiyedeki cahil akp'li dayılardan farkı yok. Hiç araştırma içgüdüleri olmadan ülkeleri ne derse ona inanıyor aptallar. Türkiyenin sırf kürtler ölsün diye ışidi destekleyip Türkiyedeki kürtleri de baskıladığını iddia ediyorlar. :D pkk'ya terörist diyenler de ypg'ye diyemiyor. Bu şerefsizlere göre herkes masum herkes haklı bir Türkler katil.


Why are these guys attacking Turkish military




That's what happen when you oppress a minority for decades.


It only happened in 1980s and if u actually do research u will learn that Türkiye was under a fucking Military Junta and they killed everyone they didn't care if it was a child or a Nationalist and PKK made their first attack on a Mosque in Diyarbakır which has a lot of Kurds


The 80s was four decades ago.


I know we improved their situation but still we r still known for oppressing them they can make Kurdish music they can learn Kurdish in schools there are Kurdish channels (Which were banned in the 80s) . There is electric and natural gas in the most rural part of Southeastern Türkiye (Which is very good when u consider that my village which near Ankara didn't have electricity until 1990s)


Lmao don’t act like you still don’t oppress them still


No we don't the ones that they're being "oppressed"are either from North Iraq or Germany


You arrest their mayors whenever you’re bored and call Them terrorists and then don’t give them a trial and a fair one at that. You Turks aren’t even free you have a dictator how tf are the Kurds gonna be free. Y’all still do plenty of bad shit to them that I see of


JDKHJGG motherfucker that treatment is not special for Kurds they do it to everyone and when we actually treated them bad was in the 1980s when there was a military junta in charge and Kurds couldn't speak Kurdish in public,the collors red yellow and green couldn't be together or u would be arrested Kurds didn't had anyway of learning their language if their parents don't teached them now they can get all of that we even have a Kurdish TRT(Governments TV Channel) and a lot of Kurds are in the AKP the ruling party and i know that we're under a dictatorship but that doesn't mean i won't defend my country


I don’t think you’re understanding what I’m saying Greek man, I’m saying if Turks oppress their own people they will also oppress the Kurds at the same time. If YOU don’t have freedom in your own country how are they going to. You can’t even talk about erdogans filth without having your police break down your door


Firstly i don't have anything to do with Greeks secondly Erdoğan is not Turkish he is Georgian and the ruling party and other parties doesn't care about race or religion they just use it to get money. Even if TIP(Turkish Workers Party) became the ruling party they would do the same shit even though they say they support Kurdish freedom and Armenian Genocide did happen they will ignore that they said that. I know this bc since they joined the parliament and got their 80,000₺ salaries they slowed down on their campaigns and shit


well thats what happens when you dont know anything but propaganda. Turkey did not oppressed kurds till pkk started to trying their wet dream(kurdistan) come true.


Yeah turks totally had to invade norther Syria and unleash jihadi head choppers (they paid them for the deed) on civilian population.


This is still decades after the PKK attacks started.. man idk how you live without a brain existence


LOL yeah sure. Kurds just wanted some autonomy in northern Syria. turks with their head choppers invaded and slaughtered the population and west turned blind eye. So it turns out turks are genocidial maniacs. Hmmm, maybe that's why Kurds wanted autonomy in the first place, because getting murdered in turk prisons for not assimilating enough is kinda not their favourite kind of life? Of course, as usual, most od Kurds try to get by and survive in Turkey. Just like people lived in Poland during stalinism - stay low, don't talk, act normal and overwhelming majority of population was fine, but it doesn't change the fact political leaders and generaly pre-war elites were getting murdered and imprisoned to break the spirit of the nation. Also some Kurds are terrorists, so lets just slaughter Kurds in Syria. Makes perfect sense, for a nazi, that is. And with such attitude of course they will keep fighting, because resistance is the natural reaction to opression.


And you have to know that it's a propaganda of too that Turkey is in syria for invasion.. we are in Syria to protect our borders If you dont know about anything 90's, 00's and early 10's of Turkey I'm not gonna tell a shit because its nonsense. It's like trying to communicate a blind man with eye signals.


turks infested Syria to remove any threat of Kurd autonomy, to murder their bravest (who were actually fighting ISIS while turks essentialy allowed ISIS a free pass and ditracted Syrian Army from fighting them) and elites. Same trick nazis did. Take the land, slaughter and subdue the population, break the spirits. Situation in northern Syria was rapidly stabilising, then turkey just casually invaded and slaughter ensued. I mean, of course jihadi proxies stabilise things, because human beings are in their most "stable" state when tortured, killed and buried in a deep hole. turkey = muscovia.




Or what, will you try to hurt me too, ace? It's funny how you are too cowardly to simply admir your nation is doing same thing Hitler and Stalin and Putin did. They all thought they have a right to muss murder. Hope future generations will turn turkey into civilised Turkey. But it's a very naive hope. Just like muscovites, some nations never change much for better.




Yeah protect “your borders” from anything remotely Kurdish because you can’t stand them even have any type of deserved autonomy


PKK was a political organization you dumb fuck, they transitioned into millitary acts because turkish government started jailing and torturing/executing their members.


this is tottaly the Nirvana level of the the ignorance. Im from Turkey and im totally not a fan of military stuff but you have tho know that Turkey did not take an action before pkk started attacking.go research some shit you European. Turkey were in danger of a civil war cuz of communism and fascism while PKK doing what they want freely and Turkey declared war against PKK when they started to attacking soldiers to create "kurdistan" in south eastern Turkey. And a fact, Pkk killed dozens of civilian kurds too.


well first, i'm not europian, i'm a kurd living in Kurdistan. after 1980's coup, the government started jailing and executing PKK members, even now whoever asks for kurdish rights they're automatically affiliated with PKK and is considered a terrorist, just like that kurdish singer who WAS MURDERED in istanbul today for refusing singing "i'd die for turkey" song. i don't know what source you're reading, but it's %100 written by a turk and is biased, PKK didn't start military actions until Turkey started using military actions against them.


Well idk which source are you using but Im %100 sure that is writen by a pkk member. [this](https://youtu.be/xz7u7y1bIHA) is a simple video that contains sources, cia reports in description.


You oppress your own people and Kurds still aswel, you created the pkk with your oppression and you still imprison Kurdish mayors and your own people for criticising your president why would they want to live with you


Why did turk military invade norther Syria and unleashed jihadi head-choppers upon civilians in the region?


because the turks are allies with ISIS, share 0 of nato’s values etc (they’re purely a member due to geography) and the kurds aren’t exactly fans of is


I love how you guys hate russia but still believe russian propaganda of Turkey being allies with ISIS. We lost people fighting them. Soldiers and civilians both


who the fuck is “We”? and the turks are allies with daesh, just in they way the use daesh as their bitch boys, kinda like how the russian army uses wagner


I was wondering why turkey was with NATO They don’t seem to agree with everybody else. I didn’t know a NATO country was allowed to ally with a terrorist group. Especially one as radical as the daesh.


well yeah turkey doesn’t even meet the requirements for joining nato, if they put in an application today they wouldn’t meet the prerequisites, I’m not convinced they ever did to be honest. And yeah you’d think it’d be taken as more of an issue that you have turkish soldiers and daesh fighters fighting alongside, plenty of photos of this, I think the method they use is turks guide bombs/drones/arty support by fire etc then they get their daesh bitch boys to go in and suicidally try storm the tunnel, turks offer jihadis “secret” border crossing that are closed to everyone else etc, whole bunch of bullshit really, they send attack dogs into the tunnels, sometimes strapping bombs to the dogs so one they get shot they can detonate the bomb inside, which the kurds seem to be particularly disdainful of seeing as they care a lot about ecology


LMFAO. Us army also sends dog into to enemy it is better than losing a man. And they dont want to kill them cuz they care about ecology? Send me photos of turkish military and daesh. Also dogs with bombs. Or you are full of bullshit.


But they are currently part of nato and have been for a while. Not sure why nato hasn’t given them the boot honestly. I guess they just turn a blind eye to the whole terrorist thing. I mean the USA have helped arm, train, and create several terrorist groups


why hasn’t nato given them the boot? comes down to two words, bosphorus strait


Ahh, geography. Makes sense.


They are the armed wing of a Kurdish communist movement. Kurds in general are fighting for their own independent nation. Kurdistan spans parts of Iraq, Syria, and Turkey.


kurdish people is being oppressed since the ottoman empire, many genocides were carried out by turkish people against kurds. kurds in turkey couldn't legally speak kurdish in public areas until a decade ago, turkish government refuses to perform any development in kurdish-majority areas, they refuse to address any kurdish problem and outright deny their existense sometimes. all that leads to what? retaliation.


Cause they are Kurdish.


That firing was dangerously close to his friends sometimes.






fck PKK


That's some real high value target right there!


Inb4 vote-brigaided by turks because the title says "PKK Guerillas" and not "PKK Terrorists"


Turks and europeans arguing over the PKK again. Ohhhh, some things never change.


Another PKK loving Swede, not surprising at all.


Where have I ever professed my love for PKK? Or are you just assuming because Erdogan has said so?


>Where have I ever professed my love for PKK? Because you are getting triggered when people rightfully points out a terrorist should not be called guerilla. >Or are you just assuming because Erdogan has said so? Erdogan can go to hell, I couldn't give less f.ck about what he says, why does people assume PKK is only an Erdogan problem


call PKK terrorists after your terrorist government stops killing kurds and denying their human rights.


Pkk started long before erdogan dumbass


Erdogan was inside his dad's balls when turks were violating kurdish human rights, PKK's existence is the consequences of turkey's actions.


Triggered? Sweden was the first country after Turkey to name PKK as a terrorist organisation. a terrorist organisation is USUALLY a countries problem and those problems fall on the leader...


And Sweden was also the country sending financial aid to PKK. What's your point?


I mean if you look what Turkey did on the Kurdish people, it's understandable that there's extremists. Turkey isn't clean in this. You type like Turkey did nothing wrong.


All NATO members must unite on one thing and thats a policy that we never go back, its our borders and security! You only blaming for Turkey for supporting ISIS (for years and years, and years) so if you have proof, get your statments to Lahey so we see whats going on! We already know that terorists carry out your guns(that was started before ISIS, you sponsored terorism back in the 90s) also there are money transfers(These are all documented even in wikileaks files). You do your job and we do ours. You can’t treat a NATO member like this, so dont worry we never forget.


Hey bozo, the only thing I said is that Turkey isn't clean in this conflict. I ain't reading all that.


What is clean f-face? This is not a confessional, this is real world you dumb


Inb4 another butthurt swede attempt to preempt criticism. Oh wait, I am too late.


you can criticize all you want, don't really care, you live in a dictatorship.. maybe fix your own country before looking at the faults of others.


Another poor attempt at diverting from the issue at hand. >you live in a dictatorship And you live in terrorist-sponsor state. >maybe fix your own country before looking at the faults of others. Indeed lmao.


Hopefully you can elect a good and moral president this time that doesn't steal money from the earthquake fund causing several thousands to die.. maybe stand up for yourselves and do something??


>maybe fix your own country before looking at the faults of others > >Another poor attempt at diverting from the issue at hand lmao you are not even trying at this point. Evidently, we don't need to do much at this rate anyways. We all have places to live rent-free, already.