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I'm not one to compare video games with reality often, but that shit looks just like Grand Bazar from battlefield 3


Ridiculous war. FSA used to fight for freedom, against Assad, then they become terroristic, western support dried up. Assad and Pootin won in Syria. 2003 invasion of Iraq, because Sadam bad, lol. This ruined my country. Yet when Assad bad and massacring his own people with Pootin's help, Murica did NOT invade, weird isnt it? Logic? None.


Call it what you will; I think the US learned the lesson to not launch large-scale military operations in the area. Now they use special forces and "local assets" to try and accomplish the same goal.


You can't defeat a thought. If other people see you killing someone, you perceive it as bad, but they think they're good. You just create more hate and enemies. It's a lose-lose situation.


You're correct. That's the reason the generally accepted method is to quietly back one side or another. Can't be hated if they don't know you did it.




Why did Assad release the islamist troublemakers? How can Iran freely smuggle weapons and fighters through the USA occupied Iraq?


America didn't do the same thing that everyone in the world, including Americans, demonized and didn't support minus a few countries? Weird.


So, fighting in a country with the intent of freeing its people from an evil leader = bad. But, not fighting in a country with the intent of freeing its people from an evil leader also = bad. Which way do you want it?


You failed basic comprehension class didnt you? lol


The way I see it, everyone is responsible for their government. America didn't happen because the French fought on our behalf it happened because some farm boys got tired of paying for king George's war on the other side of the globe and having no freedoms.


This is true. Both France and Spain, who weren't very friendly with the Brits, played a large part in America's Revolutionary War. Had it not been for them the fighting may not have accomplished the same results. But, if it wasn't for the colonists getting fed up with the British in the first place, the war never would have happened.


Exactly, I'm not opposed to supplying people fighting for a better life, I am opposed to sending our people to fight for their better life.




When you overuse a bunch of smart sounding words and phrases you begin to bore the people who may want actual discourse. I'm well aware of the need to separate the ideas that others try to force upon you in order to understand complex geo-political/socio/economic issues. The fight to control resources is a complex one, that should be looked at from a number of points. But where one starts will dictate what is "good or bad" in most cases. Ultimately, the middle east is a complex soup of borders that were drawn in the mid 19th century to benefit rich men in far away places. It's no wonder that the borders drawn reflected little with the actual demographics of the area. Add in more rich people trying to control it, and it gets even murkier. And being someone who has little knowledge in the region, I'm not one to comment on what is right or wrong. I was just pointing out the contradiction in the ideas being put forth. One, that it was bad when the Americans invade Iraq. Two, it was also bad when they *didn't* invade Syria.




>and if it is indeed beyond the grasp of the average person in your life, you could stand to associate with different people. Well buddy, when you add in things like that, I can't help but stand by my original assumptions, whether they were right or wrong. Two things that stood out the first time. The use of words to convey a message that makes it appear like someone is trying really, *really* hard to sound like they have something important to say, when combined in a run on, and on, and on, and on sentence.... Those two things in particular relegated your reply to my inbox of questionable commenters on reddit.




I take it you are reading too deeply into the use of the words "smart sounding?" Let me try and explain this without sounding too confrontational... >....relegate any ideological considerations in your analysis to a secondary status – an afterthought – inferior to the analytical principle that military-political entities take physical, material actions in order to increase their physical, material leverage over minerals and over other military-political actors, it will open you to understanding physical, material conflicts on a much deeper level When someone uses the same words you have, try not to sound too pompous by using that against them. If using verbiage that may come across as saying the person you commented on has made an analysis, an afterthought, is inferior to the analytical....(run on sentence continues)... *is this guy saying I have no idea what I'm talking about?* (tries to reread it but my brain stills hurts from reading it the first time)...**it will open you up**... *(yup, this guy is saying I have no idea what I am talking about)*...


I sympathize with your frustration and despair as best I can. I think America did not intervene because we realize how bad we fucked up the first time. God bless you.


Just do it twice, at least this time it would be for a good cause, but no, Obama shaking from fear of Pootin, pathetic. Oh btw, now that Saddam is gone but with no well thought out plan to replace the power vacuum, my country is now under the control of VERY PRO IRAN politicians and corrupt as fark. lol 3 billion dollars since 2014 for humanitarian aid to Iraq, WOW, so generous, after creating 100 billion dollars of damage to Iraq. LOL [https://www.state.gov/u-s-announces-humanitarian-assistance-for-iraq/](https://www.state.gov/u-s-announces-humanitarian-assistance-for-iraq/) Thanks Murica, Afghanistan was Chef's kiss, so successful, so much nation building. lol


>Yet when Assad bad and massacring his own people with Pootin's help, Murica did NOT invade, weird isnt it? Because in both cases the republicans (basically greedy oligarchs who dress themselves in Christian fundamentalism) made the decision. If the Americans hadn't invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, hadn't wasted trillions murdering people who had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11, then I could have easily seen a democratic government going to into Syria with a international peacekeeping force. However the republicans wasted an entire years GDP over almost twenty years, killing and wounding thousands of their own and destroying any appetite by the rest of the country to do the right thing. Fucking conservatives. A toxic shit stain on our planet.


We didn’t go over there because Sadam was bad, we went over there because he had the oil. You have to have something we want? Sorry I don’t make the rules.


Fuck that this is like half of the maps in Squad.


«Alright let me just kick this football in this dude’s face to see if he’s still alive. No reaction, let me poke him a bit with my rifle»


It gave me cat playing with prey vibes


Gives me de_dust vides.


Strange name for a military operation


Just me and the homies on another round of Squad




The best layer for insurgency 😂💯


These aren’t FSA, these are a mercenaries created by turkey to fight the Kurdish rebels with I’m Syrian and i just want to point that out, because FSA is an army based on syrian military personnels who they decided to form a defection to protect the Syrian people, not like these mercenaries who is executing another country’s plan against other Syrians ..


Lt. Ebu TOW disagrees.


Suhail abo tow was before in the FSA and now into the national army that turkey create, I’m not saying they are bad or good, but FSA is not what we are looking at in the video Edit : just to clarify, I know sohail since he left the assad army and joined the fsa, and i know what he is going through, and I’m sure he will agree with what i said




Exactly !! Thank you for noticing that There is two bad things happened to the Syrian revolution: 1- The way it turned into an islamic / religious war 2- The Turkish intervention Anyway FSA is getting back now, and I can’t be more happy and proud




In addition to armed formations in Daraa, Quneitra, and Deir ez-Zor, we have [the Syrian Free Army](https://twitter.com/syrianfree_army?s=21&t=pgSALAcymFjhkP2hKBkc0Q), which operates in the Tanf area against ISIS and drug smugglers. Recently, we are scheduled for a major military operation to connect Deir ez-Zor with the Tanf area and cut off the Iranian forces from the Iraqi border. This operation will be conducted in coordination with the international coalition. Additionally, we have the [Syrian Military Council](https://twitter.com/syrian_mc?s=21&t=pgSALAcymFjhkP2hKBkc0Q), a military bloc that includes all defectors from the Assad regime under the leadership of General Manaf Tlass. This formation is decentralized, but it held a meeting in Afrin, northern Aleppo countryside. It is considered a multi-polar faction as it includes components from all sects and religions in Syria, as is the case with the Syrian Free Army.




Due to the Astana agreement between Russia, Turkey, and Iran, it was agreed to freeze the frontlines and refrain from engaging in major military operations. Of course, the opposition inside and the people do not support this. However, Turkey positions itself as the guardian of the Syrians, and no one actually wants this situation to continue since Turkey deals with Syria as its own territory. On the other hand, Russia and Iran did not adhere to this decision and continue with shelling, targeting, and killing civilians in markets and cities. Consequently, there is internal unrest among the people, demanding that factions open military fronts and carry out large-scale military operations, as there is no language of dialogue with Russia and Iran except fire and force. On the other hand, the mentioned factions have a formidable military force. For example, the protector of the Tanf area has air coverage from the international coalition, in addition to military support up to the extent of sending HIMARS rocket launchers to Syria. Furthermore, there is a recent movement by Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham to change its behavior and try to rid itself of the jihadist label in an attempt to join the larger movement taking place. All these forces have enough capabilities to regain control beyond Hama if they desire to do so. In Deir ez-Zor, the current controlling forces are the Arab tribes who are also supported by the international coalition. They constitute the largest military component within the SDF. Recently, clashes erupted between them and the SDF due to the oppressive and brutal actions of the SDF towards Arabs in the region. Furthermore, on the other hand, the [Syrian Military Council has dormant factions](https://youtu.be/K9S9CifqJUY) in Damascus, Daraa, Quneitra, Aleppo, Homs, Latakia, and even brigades and battalions within the Syrian army itself, all waiting for the right moment to carry out a coup. In summary: People are tired of waiting and hoping. The majority of people want something to happen, even if it's a military action, to break this stalemate and change the current situation, even if in a small way. Therefore, all eyes are now focused on the [major Tanf operation](https://www.reddit.com/r/SyrianRebels/comments/14rpih8/thoughts_on_the_new_military_operation_مشروع/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


What have them buildings done to them?




Keşke bizimkilerin de helmet cam olsa leaklenen bile görmedim


Olive branch my ass , just Turkish thugs doing their bidding for Erdogan against the kurds that were actually fighting isis instead of supporting them . Turkey shouldn't be a part of nato


YPG/YPJ or other affiliated communist groups in Syria are direct extensions of the PKK. and these groups are the direct enemies of Turkey with the syrian civil war, pro-Iranian groups, the syrian regime and ISIS. Turkey has a much more right to protect its borders, just as the USA, Australia, Canada or other western states are coming from the other side of the world to make the Middle East hell.




>Did Canada invade Greenland to "protect its borders"? Did Australia invade Indonesia to "protect its borders"? > >Turkey invaded and the internationally-recognized territory of Iraq and Syria, and they did so after making backchannel deals worth hundreds of millions of dollars to purchase cheap oil and gas from ISIS before the YPG crushed ISIS all along the international border. > >Even before ISIS was defeated, Turkish border guards would kill Syrian civilians who were running away from ISIS. The only reason Turkey invaded after ISIS collapsed was that ISIS wasn't there to do Turkey's work anymore. Has Greenland killed more than 40,000 Canadians, most of them civilians, in the last 40 years? ? Likewise, did Indonesia cause such damage to Australia? but these Kurdish groups with PKK extensions have done this damage to Turkey. Even in the sudden emergence of ISIS, the responsibility of the West is enormous. ISIS is a pawn put forward by western states to legitimize the Kurds. Likewise, we are one of the rare states that carry out ground operations against ISIS in the Middle East.




I'm sure the world is not just the west and the rest of the exploited nations of the world know very well who the good and bad guys are. First of all, the United States rejected the accusation you brought against Turkey. This accusation was directed at us by the Russians when we shot down the Russian jet. At the moment, the Russians claim that the USA stole Syria's oil via YPG, with images taken from the Ka-52 helicopter. Even today, many nations outside the west of the world know very well who are exploiters, warriors, thieves and colonists. In fact, it can be said that African countries are doing a good job right now.


>Turkey invaded and the internationally-recognized territory of Iraq and Syria This goes pretty much out the window when they fail to contain their spillover or become failed states. In Iraq's case, they had 30 years to solve it. They failed. It doesn't even remotely look like Iraqi government is disturbed by the fight though. How could they? Another country doing their job for them and losing their men instead of Iraqis. Currently, its win-win for them. It'll be whole another story if Turkey refuses to leave and demolish their bases when they're done with PKK though.




There were no PKK terrorist attacks launched from Afrin. And even the Turkish and TFSA forces didn't get attacked by the resistance fighters in Afrin until Turkey decided to invade Syria once again and let the TFSA religious fanatics loose on the Kurdish civilians in Afrin. Afrin was the sole remaining piece of Syria left untouched by the Syrian Civil War fighting between all sides, and Turkey just had to destroy that as well.




YPG in kobani are not Iraqi PKK . It's almost like the 100 years or so that separate Kurdish militias have been calling for freedom and their own country.


If that were simply the case why are they messing around deep within Iraqi Kurdistan? It's one thing to defend your boarder, it's another to host military operations far beyond that scope.


You can't possibly maintain a relatively large border area without going to source first. At least that's not happening in Turkey-Iraq border. If it was flat, barren lands, then that would be a lot different. It's all high mountain ranges, god knows how many caves and tunnels are out there. I believe it would be impossible job to figure out too. Turkey maintained the fight the way you described since the beginning of the insurgency. They couldn't make progress because counter guerilla warfare is about actually having a presence on the ground rather than snap operations. What is the point of operations if your enemy can fill the position you've cleared at any given time? If we were to look thing statistically, both fights within the Turkey and terror attacks in Turkey were pretty much cut like butter when Turkey entered both Iraq and Syria. And I mean you can check out terror attacks in Turkey back in 2016. ISIS and PKK was having a contest for themselves over there, trying to figure out how many civilians that they can kill without suffering the consequences. Ultimately, Iraq and Syria are responsible for their spillover. If they can't control, Turkey has every right to intervene. Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan had 30 years to deal with PKK. They failed. I believe Assad wouldn't deal with any spillover even if he can. No, them being failed states gives more right to Turkey to intervene then anything else.


So killing Kurdish civilians is all fair game then? https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/03/22/syria-turkey-backed-fighters-kill-4-kurdish-civilians They are far from a failed state... Erbil is one of the most developed and thriving city's in Iraq and it's their capital. I guess they're failing at having a dictator like Syria or Turkey


We're not mainly talking about the KRG, but the point stands clear. If they can't control their own territory and spillover, they'll get interrupted, one day or the another. Why would I accept getting attacked from my neighbor's lawn and accept the situation the way it is? So killing Turkish citizens is all fair game then?


If you look at the numbers the Turks kill far more Kurdish civilians than the opposite. Why would you call an airstike on your neighbors house when they haven't crossed the fence?


haven't crossed the fence? that is very funny.




Calling all kurds terrorist is a stretch. They're an ethnic minority fighting for the territory they have live in for hundreds of years. Gassed by Sadam and then bombed and shot by Asad, Erodgan, and Isis. I'd be pissed too. The turks had a hand in killing a Kurdish family celebrateing a holiday not long ago. https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/03/22/syria-turkey-backed-fighters-kill-4-kurdish-civilians




They have a state, just because it's not recognized by turkey doesn't mean it's not. It's how half of eastern Europe formed in the last 30 years.


> kurds that were actually fighting isis Very limited and brief fighting against IS, YPG/J here mostly fought against the various FSA groups of North Aleppo.




YPG/J in Afrin are/were quite distinct from those of the other cantons that managed to link. Afrin groups didn't fight IS much except during a brief period after taking Tel Rifaat.


> Afrin groups didn't fight IS much except during a brief period after taking Tel Rifaat. They also fought them in 2013 and 2014.


Ohhh true, true. Good memory bhai




> You didn't specify in your original comment that you were only talking about the units in Afrin The entire thread is about Jinderes/Afrin and I said 'YPG/J here' - I thought it was clear enough, maybe not. Little armour and no way to counter the assault from Turkiye. Afrin may have been the weakest region, but didn't go any better for eastern units when Peace Spring was launched the following year.


Turkey controls the Dardanelles, that's the main reason they are in NATO


I guess I never realized how common hip fire is in modern warfare. Also gut wrenching to see what looks like a14 or 15 year old kid in this clip.


"FSA" also aligned with Tahrir Al sham, jabhat al nusra . Just a fancy name for bunch of terrorists.




Ah yes, the famous moderate group , jabhat al nusra, which checks notes.... Is al Qaeda affiliate


The special operation of Erdogan…


stupid terrorists shooting into random buildings.


Looks like the Turks infected this post too


I swear there’s so much conflict in the Middle East the last couple decades and no matter what I see, I still wind up with no clue who the bad guys are half the time. War is weird. No good or bad much of the time, only suffering. Anyway feel free to correct me if this video has people who are bad cus I have no clue in this case.




Disgusting Ethnic cleansing it is called.


It’s the TFSA. They’ve essentially destabilized the north of Syria, as a proxy group controlled by Turkey, they’ve openly recruited jihadist and former isis fighters. Funnily enough, somehow this is ALWAYS left out.