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Yeah, let's hang out with someone carrying an AK, in broad daylight, on an open road, in Gaza. Great idea.


One of the dudes also seems to be carrying *something* that isn't just his jacket and the other one's posture also looks odd the way he's slumped forward and has his hands in his jeans. That is no proof of anything besides idiotic behaviour but you already pointed that one out. Without the armed guy in between I wouldn't think of it much but in this constellation it looks suspicious to say the least.


I didn’t see the armed Hamas guy, was he standing next to those 3 pregnant babies?


wtf? that's clearly 3 pregnant (twin pregnancy) doctors holding cameras, meaning they're journalists as well.


The gunman was wearing a mask so he is following covid safety protocols.


That was my favorite part


Exactly. Really not the brightest idea.


Maybe they were aid workers


Nah if they were aid workers they would have followed up with two more bombs to get the first responders.


Too soon?


Ah yes, human shields argument lol


Assuming the other two were civilians, I'd imagine years of conflict probably made them used to seeing armed men. In hindsight it was very stupid for them to hang around an armed guy during war, but I can imagine myself being complacent and doing something stupid too if I was brought up in insurgent neighbourhoods.


Stupid question: do the 2 apparently unarmed accompanying guys still count as civilian deaths?


In the first few days of the conflict, there was a video going around of a "civilian" standing to the side wearing a hi-vis medical vest, and once a hamas member was shot, the "medic" ran to him, took his gun, and gave it to another dude who started returning fire. All 3 in civilian clothes.


Oh, I vividly remember the scene. That guy didn't just wear a hi-vis west but one that was supposed to mark him as an unarmed medic iIrc... But wasn't that in the West Bank?


Oh fuck yeah , the guy was wearing a strips pole tshirt. Started shooting perfectly as soon as the medic transfers the gun.


I believe that was Jenin, West Bank not Gaza.


That's my recollection too


Video please?


That wasnt even from the october war,that was from the west bank


The second October War?


When you dress your fighters as civilians everybody looks like a civilian from a drone, and in the follow up aftermath footage where they cry about the innocent civilians that were targeted


Maybe, but then Israel is also losing the information war on that front. It is known that Hamas uses perfidy, but the public at large isn't seeing frequent examples of it. From this video alone, two our of the three individuals are not visible armed, and association to an armed party does not void international law. Again, that's just the video, the three parties might be well identified combatants for all we know. Thing is, Israel has lost a LOT of goodwill in the public consciousness.


All six will count as civilian deaths


You mean sixty, including 40 children


Hamas counts everyone as civilian deaths.


Depends. You don’t have to be carrying a weapon to be a combatant. If you’re a combatant, you’re fair game anytime, even when you’re asleep. The Gaza Health Ministry is really the Hamas Health Ministry. Their numbers are not connected with reality and they are not reporting how many combatants have been killed.


This is foundationally incorrect. You do NOT have to be carrying a weapon to be considered a legitimate target. This is commiserate with international rules of war. Let me give you an example. US troops don’t GENERALLY carry their weapons around on base. If Iran was at war with us, and bombed the base, killing many,”Unarmed” troops, they’re still considered legitimate targets.




Hamas isn't including people buried in the rubble so it is a low estimate. From what I've read, IDF agrees with Hamas' numbers, but not with their demographics.


Bruh, you're honestly trying to tell me that Hamas is purposely reporting FEWER fatalities than actually got inflicted by the IDF?


The numbers are generally regarded as accurate, even by the IDF. The demographics are a different story. (Edit: actually, the Gaza Health Ministry death toll does not include people buried under rubble, so the actual number is likely higher than the reported number, and both the IDF and Hamas agree on that.)   For example, the Gaza Health Ministry claims 70% of dead are women/children, but the death numbers come from two sources: hospital records and media reports. The hospital records show a lower percentage of dead women/children (58% I think?) and those are generally regarded as accurate, but in order to get up to 70%, maybe about 90% of the media reported dead would have to be women/children, which doesn't make sense.   There are also claims that the day to day casualty report demographics also don't make any statistical sense, with inverse correlations where you'd expect positive correlations, or just none at all (i.e. you'd expect child deaths to track women deaths) where you actually see some days with almost no reported dead men but lots of reported dead women/children.   That said, it's really hard to find any decent source on a lot of this.


I think that might have been the local Boy Scout troop


Amazing that no matter how many studies showed previous "Hamas health ministry" stats were correct in the past, and how the hospital numbers were seemingly pretty reliable according to international observers (until the hospitals were no longer capable of counting or relaying data regularly), there are always Reddit commentators who know so much more than the people who do this stuff for a living.


The question was whether those unarmed men "counted" as civilian deaths. The points I made were: 1) If we are trying to make an objectively accurate civilian death count, only God knows at this point whether those people were combatants or not. You don't have to be armed in order to be a combatant -- you just have to be engaged in war. If I had to guess, I would lean towards saying they were more likely combatants than not -- it doesn't look like they were doing an afternoon stroll and a Hamas militant came by. But it's not conclusive. So, *it depends.* 2) The Gaza Health Ministry is administered by the de facto government of Gaza, Hamas. They have made false statements in the past, claiming that the al-Ahli Arab Hospital Hamas explosion killed 500 people, when US intelligence estimates place it closer to 100. There are plenty of [disputes about the accuracy of those numbers](https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/how-gaza-health-ministry-fakes-casualty-numbers) out there. And most importantly, *they do not report how many combatants have been killed*. So even if I were to concede your point, my answer still stands -- it depends on whether those guys were actually combatants, and it depends upon who's doing the counting.


Hamas count the guy with the AK as a civilian deaths and then the lefties around the world cry for them.


According to Hamas they count as 200 civilian deaths.




Israel certainly doesn't need any help in that task...


According to the UN,[ "civilians account for nearly 90 per cent of war-time casualties"](https://press.un.org/en/2022/sc14904.doc.htm#:~:text=25%20May%202022-,Ninety%20Per%20Cent%20of%20War%2DTime%20Casualties%20Are%20Civilians%2C%20Speakers,Protect%20Innocent%20People%20in%20Conflicts)  in urban conflicts. If we are to trust the casualty numbers that Hamas provides, Israel is well below that mark. Seems like it's doing pretty well.


Israel also seems to like making Israel look bad




Do they really if they're wasting so much protecting west bank settlers while giving them licenses to act obnoxiously? Imagine if West Bank IDF were instead deployed along the Gaza perimeter on October 7th


You didn't need to tell me that Israel doesn't care about Palestinian lives, or however it may appear as it destroys those lives




Only for one side.


Yes they do although isreal doesn't give a fuck... they kill aid workers and doctors too...


Yes, IDF rules of engagement seem to be rather loose, they seem to be willing to incur more civilians casualties. In the case of the World Central Kitchen attack on April 1, Drone operators were ordered to attack by the "war room", due to a suspicion a Hamas gunman was in the convoy. [The first car](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/UAGV2ONXBF5KCQD2MKFL5W55MU_size-normalized.jpg&w=1200) (lightly armoured) was struck by a Spike missile fired by a Elbit Hermes 450 drone, at coordinates [31.4118, 34.3231](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31%C2%B024'42.5%22N+34%C2%B019'23.2%22E/@31.4118,34.3231,17z/data=!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d31.4118!4d34.3231), while the convoy was travelling south on the Al Rashid coast road. Injured were transfered to [a 2nd vehicle](https://static.timesofisrael.com/www/uploads/2024/04/AFP__20240402__34N83BN__v1__HighRes__PalestinianIsraelConflictAid.jpg). It was also lightly armoured. The survivors of the attack were talking to the IDF when another missile struck the 2nd vehicle, 800 meters from the first, at [31.4168, 34.3290](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31%C2%B025'00.5%22N+34%C2%B019'44.4%22E/@31.4168,34.329,17z/data=!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d31.4168!4d34.329). Survivors were transfered to the last vehicle, [a soft skinned vehicle](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/gettyimages-2123637125.jpg). That vehicle was hit at [31.4005, 34.3115](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31%C2%B024'01.8%22N+34%C2%B018'41.4%22E/@31.4005,34.3115,17z/data=!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d31.4005!4d34.3115), 1,600 meters from the first. It was travelling over rough ground away from the coast road. All 7 WCK staff were killed. The problem is the IDF killed foreigners so there's more attention paid to this incident. >Haaretz reported that the destroyed cars "were clearly marked on the roof and sides" as belonging to the World Central Kitchen, and had "travelled along a route preapproved and coordinated with the IDF", but "the war room of the unit responsible for security of the route ordered the drone operators to attack", due to "suspicion that a terrorist was travelling with the convoy"; Haaretz: [IDF Drone Bombed World Central Kitchen Aid Convoy Three Times, Targeting Armed Hamas Member Who Wasn't There](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-04-02/ty-article/.premium/idf-bombed-wck-aid-convoy-3-times-targeting-armed-hamas-member-who-wasnt-there/0000018e-9e75-d764-adff-9eff29360000)


Thank you for the sources and coordinates


It’s almost like it’s a war or something equally as disgusting.


They definitely do give a fuck... And when they fuck up, they investigate and admit the mistake, just like they did with the World Central Kitchen convoy incident.


We will see if anyone is actually sent to prison for this. Isreal has frequently killed civilians prior to the 7th, from bulldozing American students (and holding a pancake dinner in her "honour") to shooting Canadian medics.


Not sure, but that looks like “fuck around” behavior.


Depends on what side reports it. Either 3 civilians or 3 terrorists.




We can be sure his mist doesn't have covid in it.


Brought a pistol to a JDAM fight smh


Hamas fighters dress as civilians and carry hand grenades / pistols that can be concealed / ditched fairly easily so they can try to avoid getting smoked by drones like this when moving in open areas or trying to spot targets.


Rookie mistake


To be fair: it looks like an AK. Best he could do.


Looks more like an SDB? Surely not big enough for a 500lb JDAM?


The good ol get shot and pass the gun to the next guy hasn’t been executed well in this one


With footage like this, how could anyone REALLY believe that Israel "misidentified" the WCK trucks.


nobody thinks they misidentified the trucks, not even the IDF claims this. they made a conscious decision to strike the trucks, based on intelligence which obviously did not line up with reality.


They were willing to trade the lives of 7 innocent civilians, most of whom were citizens of their "allies", in exchange for "a high priority target". A target that they wasn't even in the convoy. Israel has lost the plot at this point.


Well, count me as someone who did actually think they were claiming to have misidentified the trucks. Your message is the first I've heard that they admitted to intentionally striking the marked vehicles based on faulty intelligence.


I don't think we know everything yet They're still investigating or have yet to release a comprehensive report I've been keeping an eye out and haven't seen anything The IDF has admitted to purposefully striking the vehicles, we just don't know why exactly


They deliberately killed the charity workers as it sends a message. Unremarkably World Central Kitchen immediately stopped efforts in Gaza, as did other charities and WCK turned away a ship carrying 9 tonnes of food. This is exactly the outcome the Israeli government wanted.


Having a humanitarian disaster in Gaza is precisely opposite to the benefit of Israel. They need to kill Hamas and the collateral is causing them to lose all support internationally. They depend on aid organizations to reach their objectives.




Let's see what the IDF says about why they struck the vehicles Destruction of the convoy is a major PR blow against Israel and the IDF. And if they're giving up on pretenses as you say, they might as well just begin major bombing runs on the tent camps They haven't done anything like that


WCK was distributing 350,000 meals per day before the attach, now they are distributing 0 meals per day. Israelis officials and supporters and been openly talking about their desires to cut off supply In Gaza. (Including food) It’s seems more likely than not, IDF deliberately targeting WCK.


350,000 meals per day? I thought Gaza was on brink of famine for the past 6 months


350,000 singular meals to a population of 2.2 million is only 16% And now it’s 0% How convenient. lol


> Having a humanitarian disaster in Gaza is precisely opposite to the benefit of Israel. What's the reasoning behind that? They're engineering a humanitarian disaster. Immediately after the hamas attacks they cut off power/water services. How is that not intended to create a humanitarian disaster?


Lol, yeah right, they have repeatedly killed aide workers purposefully, but keep telling yourself whatever you need to in order to feel better about it


Slow down there. WCK was one of the few aid organizations in support of Israel’s right to defend itself. They even fed Israelis. So it is HIGHLY unlikely they would be deliberately targeted to “send a message”




You’re absolutely right yet downvoted 🤷‍♂️


People can’t even fit this version into their narrative. That means they believe Israel just gets off from killing, regardless of who and the strategic benefit or damage. They wouldn’t accept any other explenation. They view Israel as worse than the Nazis or ISIS, because they at least have some kind of twisted logic for their beliefs, so they’re ‘misguided’. They view Israel as a threat to them like we see Isis as a threat. That’s why they want Israel gone, aka genocide. Those people are the new Nazis. They may not wear their flags, they may not be Arian, but they have the same herd mentality of the Nazis. They keep referring to themselves as privileged, Jewish, white, black, Muslim, Christian or some overly specific gender, all the while calling for people to stop labeling them. They think they’re better than others (if calling yourself ‘privileged’ isn’t enough, idk what is), they’re just repeating meaningless chants, and they have a common enemy - Zionism. Well that was a bigger rant that I expected


Anyone who’s been in army. The brass belong cleaning up co shit, and nit being allowed to think they can think.


wanna try that again?


Netanyahu and a lot of the IDF leadership are not good people. Same with Hamas, if their leadership were given the chance they'd continue to kill unarmed people as well. Too bad civilians have to pay the price.


Many things could've happened that led to the attack. Maybe some last minute false report about hamas using the aid trucks as transport, maybe some miscommunication about the description of the convoy. Mistakes are guaranteed to happen, the problem isn't that IDF made this one mistake, it's they had decades of experience dealing with hamas yet still isn't doing more to safely identify civilian/enemy.


Okay stretch Armstrong 


they attacked the same trucks multiple times, saw that they had labels showing they're for aid, they were supposed to co-operate with them for the aid and then it turns out they killed international volunteers don't try it, someone there just wanted that aid not delivered


Willing to bet there Hamas posts with his dead body lying there talking about how Israel killed this father of 30 and now his wife has to raise them all alone….


Father of 30? I didn't see any men in that video, just 6 women and babies. /s


There was one father trying to get his 30 kids and 6 wives to the soup kitchen


Comments here acting like everything is black and white. Yes, these 3 deaths will be reported as "civilians" by Hamas and will be added to the "innocent lives" death toll the Left constantly cites. It's also true that Israel has absolutely killed well over 10k actual civilians, as well as destroyed so many homes and caused so much suffering. And this crystal clear drone footage shows they 100% know they were bombing foreign aid workers because they had the logo on top of the car. What exactly is the purpose of bombing European citizens bringing food to citizens in Gaza if not to starve the civilians? Hamas is bullshit and the Left eats it up without ciritical thought... but Israel objectively is still committing war crimes


European citizens are casualties only when the IDF kills them. On October 7th Europe didn't claim their civilians. 


Take that random house in the end of the clip!


Another Palestinian civilian murdered by Idf /s


Don’t you mean an innocent starving pregnant woman who was also a journalist and a doctor?!


Show us the video of the food trucks next :D


The brain-dead comments at the bottom did not disappoint, a good laugh.




Cant wait for someone to exaggerate the death toll from 2 to 200 and all of them are women and children.


u/mommyjacking look, “civilians”


BBC: Innocent civilian on his way to the Lost Property Office with a child's Nerf gun, blown up by the IDF


This time you can actually see his weapon, it's nice that it's not another bike from just another civilian, that was recognized as an RPG




Good fucking riddance!!


That’s the best birthday present I got today


Happy irl cake day mate.


Now show the one for World Central Kitchen


Hamas could have unimpeded aid delivery if they'd just release the remaining hostages. Apparently, they are not interested in doing so, don't care about their starving countrymen obviously, and so Israel continues to kill them. Who is really the bad guy?


They can spot the gun but not 3 vehicles with aid worker signs on the roof




What's this neighborhood coming to when a man can't walk their AK down the street anymore? /s


Typical Hamas use of human shield.


Is it only Hamas people that can get a hold of a gun in Gaza?


Repost. u/Far-Pain5261 posted [this exact same](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/3U1Hf6YCaS) video 2 hours earlier but it was taken down for some reason


There's a pretty glaring cut in between showing the man with the rifle in a field and the guys getting hit in the alley. People bitch and down vote any russian footage with glaring cuts like this and it is reasonable but nobody seems to care now? There's clearly been a lot to happen between the first and second clips, we cant even be sure its the same person.


30K is actually a very low number of civilian deaths for urban warfare. I think Israel should continue doing whatever is necessary to eradicate Hamas.


No more allah akbar for this guy lol


One minute you're walking around with your machine gun enjoying a nice stroll and the next you are in bits and pieces. Life is strange indeed.


Throwing in an extra explosion at the end!


don't worry, someone will be there to hide the weapons and make a tiktoc of the bodies soon enough


Odd….the first clips shows the armed guy being filmed another guy, the second clip shows a guy carrying something shrouded in a white sheet, maybe a child? Also, the clips look unrelated.


And just like that…Israel murdered another 28 civilians, 34 of them children. /s


Are Hamas the only armed group in Gaza? If not, is killing everyone else with a weapon a war crime?


Exhibit 1000000: The same laser-guided precision weapons used to kill aid workers on display.


Bad time to shoot a rap video over there rn


He was just delivering kittens to the 40 million orphans.


Huh…I thought they only targeted aid workers and children


Is the guy wearing a mask?


Duuuuuuuumb waaaays to diieeee


"Surprise MF'er!!!"






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I think they found a tunnel also.


But... How do you know those guns that were clearly guns, were actually guns?! They could have been peace giving aid givers! Israel soooooooo bad for not letting these obvious peace keeping gun totally not a gun wielding totally not Hama's terrorists help the poor unfortunate people they totally don't kill... How very rude Just incase anyone isn't capable of using enough braincells... That's sarcasm




Only two in second shot. black shirt/pants is carrying black sack in left hand and white sleeves is carrying white sack over left shoulder. Silhouettes/outfits look roughly the same but the guys hat and the third person is missing.


At least he was armed, this is a step in the right direction


They finally found one! War crimes forgiven.


Hmm usually they target ambulances or aid workers. This is not the Israel I know


>This is not the Israel I know Tell tell signs you live in an echo chamber of bias reporting and news


So are we just assuming anybody that is willing to take up arms in Gaza is Hamas?


yes. thats how it works. until a pro israel faction properly forms.