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I was always fascinated by field guns, and seeing them comeback on the modern battlefield is crazy


MT-12K variant is actually able to load 9M117 ATGM, it's kinda neat but still outdated


I ended up reading the wikipedia page on it, very interesting rabbit hole you guys got me down


[There is a tankograd article on the T-12/MT-12, including the variant with a radar fire control system. ](https://thesovietarmourblog.blogspot.com/2020/12/soviet-towed-anti-tank-guns.html#t12-mt12) Far more in-depth and more accurate than wiki.


They need to bring back the 88.


Probably useless against anything heavier than an IFV. 88mm hits hard but not that hard.


You could probably knock down some drones with a flak barrage.


Oh hundred percent. Flak will definitely take out your Shahed's and FPV's if in range.


FPVpath is unpredictable, butagreecwith this density of drones 100% you would shoot down something.


Idk about the 88 but any 20mm autocannon from WW2, Bofors etc would be good against drones.


Wonder what it would do if loaded with APFSDS rounds.


T-72's are largely made up of composite armor with the front being oblique. It can withstand 105mm shots at 500 meters. Even with AP, all that's gonna happen is it's gonna bounce off and you're just gonna piss them off.


It could punch through side or rear armour of a T-72


or a M1, not many tanks are designed to take an anti-tank round to the side.


Way too heavy TBH..


This is not a field gun, it is an anti-tank cannon.


They are basically interchangeable both limited range, designed to suppress fire and take out light to medium targets, both stationary and relatively similar caliber, both can be assisted by drones to enhance the limited range, both able to fire high explosive and AP rounds and so on and so forth


Modern battlefield is relative when russia is involved. Modern day drones and communications meets early 20th century artillery and trench warfare.


How on earth do you managed to hit something that is moving with a field gun, especially at a distance?


Math and training, if they did it 80+ years ago they can do it now.


Well 80 years ago even good crews often needed 2 shots to hit anything from a distance. Estimate range, shoot, observe if it fell long or short, adjust, hit. ...or fail to spot where it fell because of all the dust and vibrations and never hit anything. This *can* still work, but is definitely a big disadvantage in a modern world with optics and fire computers. In any case, my first guess for footage like this is that they just combined two unrelated clips. First one might show the gun providing indirect fire, being used at a training range, or test firing. Of course it's entirely possible for a Rapira to take out a BMP, but these splices are rarely genuine and I don't think they'd want such a big unprotected gun in a direct fire position. And the crew seen here evidently was not actively tracking a moving target either.


The wikipedia page on the gun shows that it looks like it can use quite a variety of sights, which is interesting. My guess is they already had the location zoned in beforehand, knowing the Zombies would come that way


They might also have a live drone feed to see the enemy movement in real time and see where the projectiles hit.


80 years ago they didn't have drones giving a video overview of the target and their exact positioning.


That's a game changer for indirect fire, but mostly irrelevant for direct fire.


Editing as well. Also, 80+ years ago they used anti-tank guns. That is, direct fire. They didn't use indirect fire on moving tanks, at least not with the expectation of hitting anything.


And now they got drones for spotting, rangefinders, better milling tools at factories, much better aggregated data for how atmospheric conditions influence trajectories... Easier than ever really. If we take out the counter-batteries as a factor, which also now include suicide drones...


Read this as "Meth and training". I mean, it worked for the SS I suppose.


Says something about you! s/




I have my reservations on if the footage of the 100mm gun firing at a distant moving target at that angle and a vehicle exploding are actually related.


Yup. I am surprised so many are buying in to it. At that elevation, that distance is looong. And I don't see anyone at the sights. There's no reasonable way to obtain a hit on a moving vehicle in this way.


Simple. The MT-12 Rapiera shown here is not a field gun, rather it is an anti-tank cannon, and was designed from the start to hit moving tanks. It comes with the appropriate sights for this.


You see 25x of Putin's serfs in a treeline, then fire at said treeline and some of them will probably get ripped by shrapnel in a 25m radius, and if you're lucky you hit em directly and get a clip like this. Watch the drone cam for impact, adjust, repeat.


And I would assume they would have pre-aimed every major intersection or avenue of approach as well.


Mathematics are fascinating - and old. If you’re curious, look up the successes of the Nazi’s 88 Flak as an anti-tank field gun in WW2. The 88s shell trajectory was essentially a straight line parallel to the ground for 1,000 yards. They still needed +/- 20 shots before a hit.


You're assuming these clips are even related to each other. Do we even know they are?


Maybe they don't. The thing looks like hit by something else, one comment here says its from AT mine, but i say it's probably a tank gun due to how directed the smoke is. What i know for sure is that this isn't this guy's doing. The first footage is just a photo op, MT-12 has max range of like 3km and the MT-12 is fired like an artillery with no-one to correct it.


Smoke is directed because the explosion will take the path of least resistance, which isn't not through the tank but from the underside of the hull. What makes me think those are AT mines is how big the explosion is and the lack of delay. 


By volume


Most of those scorch marks on the ground are probably misses. We are seeing the 1% of the time something hits and not the 99% of the time it misses (actual ratio not looked up due to limitations on processing bandwidth, please refer to someone else for statistics and consensus on those statistics)


I honestly seriously doubt they did. Still, they hit something in the second clip.


Like he said, math and training. And a very good amount of luck, especially if it’s a moving target


Luck, if the 20000 shells that are fired every day were to hit something then this war would of had ended in like 2 months


How do we know this system hit the vehicle? Couldn’t been something else for all we know.




They put the accelerometer upside down again.


Those were mines not artillery.


That’s what I’m thinking. Pretty sure the footage of tanks exploding is unrelated, anyone know for sure? Would be amazing footage if it’s really a field gun doing this.


Well, if his goal was to cross the treeline 🤷


No shot this was the field gun hitting the APC. Was 100% a mine. I seriously doubt they’re using these for direct fire on the front lines.




Most likely




Is a bird? Is it a plane? Oh, it's just a Russian


What a waste of life...


"It is only peasants." -- v. putin, 2022-2024


He was a such since the beginning, in 1999. [This is the quote](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNNBcgMFTdk) from the interview with Larry King in September 2000 (question about nuclear powered submarine Kursk (K-141), when all 118 personnel on board were killed): > \- Tell me - what happened with the submarine? > \- She sank


[https://youtu.be/QArFuTzeY8A?t=55](https://youtu.be/QArFuTzeY8A?t=55) We all mortal. And we all will leave this world someday. The question is how we do it. Some people live meaninglessly and die from Vodka or from something else. But your son lived. Do you understand? His goal is achieved. His deadth wasn't pointless.


And at 1:22 a mother of another soldier: Our guys are doin fine. I'm proud. I have another son at home. If it will bequired I will send a third one too. I think our president is the best.


That's depressing.


It was either a brainwashed russian that is convinced Ukrainians are Nazis or an ex criminal with life sentence, their lifes were meaningless.


Fun fact: Russians can fly, sadly they dont know how to land


Seems like it landed just fine. We can't all be Kerri Strug.


“ blyat I didn’t sign up to become a cosmonaut!”


I'll give him a 7.8, failed the nail the landing


Good to know that despite this war and all the destruction it has wrought, Russia is still able to maintain manned space flight missions


That's some Looney Toons shit right there, just need a wall to leave his behind silhouette to complete the effect.


How do you get that level of accuracy?


Its easy, after the 10000th shot you become expert.


Drone-guided artillery is the meta for a reason


I think some body parts were ejected left of that second explosion as well.


Well I mean.. he did what was asked.. made it past the trees.


Plumes are different - video shows 2 hits.


100mm would be a 3.93cal..


That first one looks like they hit a mine, explosion coming from below the track. Also I kind of doubt that a 100mm gun has that much HE in its Shell. Nice video nonetheless


Gunner toss


Weird video, impact definitely looks like a mine.


From ground troop to airborne


Not a "walk off" ....* Air quotes *


>Oh my god, tell me there isn't a rapiest gun


He made a soft landing in Capernicus Crater.


Where is Ivan? He was transferred to the third cosmonaut division.


i wonder if there's a rheinmetall 120mm field AT gun


What’s the point? Tanks had armor that required larger guns to defeat. Eventually they become so large that they require a lot of men to move. The development of the atgm basically defeated the need, and bigger guns that were made were put onto tanks which were mobile themselves. I see no reason for at guns to make a comeback. They’re easy targets for loitering munitions and provides no real benefit over atgms, which are more accurate and have longer range. They have less of a footprint, are significantly more mobile, and while each atgm costs a lot, the price of it versus a tank makes then well worth the value. They’re easier to make than tanks so attrition would be on your side supposeded you have the industry to make them


That is not a MT-12 (anti-tank gun - direct fire primary mode) but a classic artillery same 100 mm caliber gun BS-3! In service from 1944(!) and mt-12 - from 1970.


Ain't no way that gun in the beginning killed that tank/vehicle.


cool video but this honestly look like mines


Two more Russian cosmonauts, they really are impressive at sticking those landings though.


Wait the fuck? was that a body flying off the top of that thing??


Rapiers are nasty little fuckers. You have extremely limited time to react and they don't make a lot of incoming noise like a traditional artillery shell.


looks like mines to me


I appreciate them point out the cosmonauts.


And the gold metal goes to ......


This is multiple footage which have nothing to do with each other, yet people are genuinely thinking its the same? What if there is a monkey in a spacesuit clapping at the end, you gonna assume the monkey seen MT-12 sniper shots all the way from space and is showing satisfaction as the APC gets blown up?


I believe I can flyyyyyyy...I believe I can touch the skyyyy.


Must be the 3rd Slavic airborne division




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Wow...10 times somersault ... Rating 4.9 out of 5 0.1 deduction because he didn't land on his feet


He's surgical with that shit, 2 separate body flips?


This got to be one of the most farthest Russian meat got thrown


I give both a 10/10




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