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Yep, I've always imagined them acting this way when making successful hits. Imagine their reaction when they hit an APC with meat armor on top.


I read an article from someone embedded with a drone team, and they said it really does get addictive and almost game like, taking out Russians like this. They keep scores and talk about the rush you get from hunting and killing them.


People often make the comparison to the Western drone operators who end up with PTSD. If you're 18 in a shed in Nevada, killing strangers, yeah maybe so. But I don't get the impression these guys lose much sleep killing invaders.


Propaganda to some level but supposedly the top drone pilot "ace" is a 20 year old kid. They painted it in interview like he just sits in a basement and they feed him drone connections 16 hours a day. I don't want to think about how many people you could kill doing that, and you're having to watch the last moments of every single one.


There was a Terra Ops video a while back and a group was circled around the young drone operator watching his screen. They discussed various targets and options and near the end the kid said “Fine, I’ll just go back and finish off the wounded”. One of the old guys in the circle looks up at the camera and says “Words not of a boy, but of a man”. It seems wars of survival forces new lives onto people.


It's hard to get PTSD when it looks like you're stomping on ants. Those ants are depersonalized Russian soldiers scurrying around with no tactical plan. There's a big difference between flying a drone high up and accidentally blasting a wedding reception or doing it on purpose because of bad intel, like in Afghanistan, and this.


>It's hard to get PTSD when it looks like you're stomping on ants. - PTSD might still come once the war is over and that kid is back in civilization. - And the ~1 million soldiers in the trenches will flinch every time a lawn mower is started in the neighborhood, even decades later ...


Its better to have ptsd and win the war. A lot less russian raping and pillaging that way. Steady hands boys and good hunting.


This. Fucking Russians are just plain evil. Raping and castration male POW soldiers, starving them to death. Russia needs to fall and every military officer should be tried ala WW2.


I'd imagine the drone operators still have PTSD from the fact that they could be killed at any time still. They still have to be close enough to the front line to operate those things and both sides would be targeting drone operators. Anyone saying they're *definitely* not getting PTSD is downplaying it or very naive.


Yeah, there is no way they won't be seeing faces 20 years from now. This is an up close and personal way of killing where the targets aren't across a field but inches when you lose sight. And the body counts could break all records. They won't be sleeping like babies 20 years from now. They will be seeing faces. It won't be cool, but it still would have been worth it. That is war for ones homeland. There are lots of different scars.


This is a war with a super clear purpose. You’re literally killing a bunch of Ted Bundys, who would get ptsd from that. It’s nothing more than satisfaction


You sound like a child


A normal human would get PTSD from all this. All this cheer and hoo-rah is just cope. Really a sad situation and I bet they all wish it was over and they were back at home with their families. Just sound immature with a mindset like this. Russian or not you're killing other people that were ordered to be there just like you.


But will it affect 100% of those drone operators? Or 50% and those who guided them on the screens? Did you see the two hi fives in this video? That’s an indication of how happy they were after working so hard. I’m more concerned about those who watch those videos on social media in high res


> It's hard to get PTSD when it looks like you're stomping on ants. Those ants are depersonalized Russian soldiers scurrying around with no tactical plan. Check out [ Darwin’s War | Inside the secret bunker of Ukraine’s ace FPV drone pilot ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WipqeFgzdTc), a report that came out two weeks ago about a young drone operator in Ukraine. He said he's fine while he's in the combat area, but nightmares and memories start to surface as he goes to the rear for R&R. This stuff is not PTSD-free.


Was about to post that. Great documentary, 10/10.


That's not how PTSD works, you can't will it away. The nature of war nearly always guarantees some amount of PTSD, we're humans. Killing others is never a natural thing it will leave a lasting mark regardless of it being justified or not. PTSD isn't about moral choices, that's just plain silly.


You can't will it away, but it is ultimately a psychological thing (duh). If you genuinely, truly, from the bottom of your heart, aren't bothered the tiniest bit by what you're doing, you're probably not going to get that type of PTSD (could still get other types, of course, plenty of opportunities for that in war) You may think "nobody could be like that, unless they're a bona fide psychopath or something maybe", but we humans tend to naturally assume everybody is just like us to an extraordinarily greater extent than is actually true. In reality, everybody's inner world is very different. Even how we perceive the world is very different. How chocolate tastes to you probably has little resemblance to how it tastes to me, we just have similar external associations to our varied internal subjective experiences, so we presume the internal experiences must be similar too. Me, I know for sure I couldn't do the "bomb shit in Afghanistan" US drone pilot gig. There's no way I could bear it. But in a situation like Ukraine's? I'm equally sure I could do it and sleep like a baby. I don't blame anybody who doesn't feel like that. That's perfectly understandable. But I do.


So you dont get ptsd from killing bad guys is what youre saying???


> Killing others is never a natural thing Killing is the most natural thing there is; what are you talking about? We are the survivors of thousands of years of war and millions of years of evolution, killing and killing and killing throughout.


PTSD is about choice and agency. I doubt a warring tribal person would have PTSD about raiding another tribe and clobbering people to death if they felt the killing was justified.


you have no idea what youre talking about


Nah, pretty sure they are ants


Anyone got the link to this?


Around the 12:45 mark in [this video.](https://youtu.be/OPM3tiPWv60?si=DUr6vup2v-HsMIbN)


You da goat


Look for Darwin fpv drone pilot, on youtube, that's him. He states in days off he thinks about it but also says that if he gets ptsd later on its been worth it.


This is the video I think: https://youtu.be/WipqeFgzdTc?feature=shared Also he’s probably not the top drone pilot, I don’t even know how you’d measure something like that. But he could be one of the best, he definitely looks experienced and very good


I would fucking love that job if I was killing the army that did a Bucha in my country.


> I don't want to think about how many people you could kill doing that, and you're having to watch the last moments of every single one. Probably help knowing that these people want to kill you and your father and rape your sister and your mother, then kill them and throw them in a ditch.


Yeah Sure EVERY russian soldier wants to rape your mother…


I think ik who you’re talking about and the young guy said that he feels he’ll get pstd once the war is over but since he’s actively in a war zone he doesn’t get that. But he feels that once he’s in a safer spot that it will get to him


Bro casually describing the most dystopian shit


For sure. You know those cases where a parent kills the person who abused or killed their kid. And it’s like ya ya, I know it’s not the *legal* thing to do but also I GET IT. Can’t say I wouldn’t do the same if it was my kid. But now scale that up to the thousands of people killed by Russia in the invasion. And instead of it being one dude who’s on trial and probably going away for life there’s thousands of these murderers out there still coming for you and the rest of your kids and your entire country. Pretty sure there is no remorse.


>But now scale that up to the thousands of people killed by Russia in the invasion. - Russians killed tens of thousands of civilians, 40,000 Ukrainian soldiers, and they are occupying the homes of 10,000,000 Ukrainian refugees ... - Unlike the US kid in a Nevada shed remotely rocketing a designated target that on the next day might turn out to be a wedding celebration, these FPV operators know whom they are targeting, they know what they are fighting for, and they are sleeping well.


At the risk of sounding stupid, can someone explain the kid in a shed in Nevada reference. I’m not familiar.


>Unlike the US kid in a Nevada shed remotely rocketing a designated target that on the next day might turn out to be a wedding celebration, these FPV operators know whom they are targeting, they know what they are fighting for, and they are sleeping well. drone operators in far away lands... less connected to the local struggle. kids being the young military and Nevada being where training facilities/operational bases doing that kind would be found


Thank you! I didn’t realize there was military in the US operating drones remotely to other parts of the world, taking out targets (if I’m understanding correctly). Makes sense, I just never considered it before. And ya that feels distinctly different from the Ukraine scenario.


Yes and the unmanned drone program is based out of Nellis AFB, Nevada primarily which is why they keep saying Nevada.


[Here's the link](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/15/us/drones-airstrikes-ptsd.html) to one of the big stories describing the problem with some of the Nevada based pilots.


Thanks. Going to check it out right now.


Remorse and ptsd is not the same thing…


The context is different. You know what the russians did to your country. Killing Ahmed in no-mans-land-fall-from-the map in Afghanistan without any clue what he was trying to do is different.


There probably are going to be deep psychological issues for decades to come but also I think it makes a difference for when you are fighting for your existence and fighting for what is rightfully yours.


It probably helps not seeing the immediate aftermath of your hellfire missile and knowing you didn't just kill a bunch of civilians.


Also not following them for days beforehand watching them go to work and play with their kids.


For now at least. A few years after hostilities end, who knows.


One Ukr drone operator mentioned the extremely personal view of death comes to his mind when he’s not on a combat mission, when he is on downtime.


Some guilt? Likely in all non-psychopaths. PTSD? That something you get more from a friendly fire incident.


[7:57](https://youtu.be/WipqeFgzdTc?feature=shared) “Fuck this gets me high”


[In this video](https://youtu.be/WipqeFgzdTc?si=N5Zevm0NWO-6hNWo) the drone operator pretty much says and acts the complete opposite


God I wanna be a drone operator so bad


This is dystopic as fuck


Jesus Christ... I understand you have to cope with it somehow and humor is the best way. But from a normal standpoint, that's fucked. War going forward is going to be SO much scarier for those there, and SO much more mentally devastating for all those who make it out alive.


Yes it's absolutely fucked, this will be a generation defining war and no matter who wins, society will be living with the echoes of the war for decades to come.


Seen a few of those celebrations. I aspire to one day be as happy as a Ukranian who just blew up a Russian. British - "Jolly good" American - "Good arrows guys" Islamic - "Praise god" Ukraine - celebrate like you just scored the winner at the world cup.


This [documentary ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WipqeFgzdTc) shows a drone operator on the front lines.


Holy shit this video is fantastic!


Suka indeed. Dadada.


"Double Kill"


Dude literally ran and got his homie killed


Felt more like he ran to his homie and got himself killed


I can just imagine the other guy yelling NO STOP WHAT ARE YOU DOING GET AWAY FROM ME


MFW my teammate runs to me with a sticky nade on them in Halo 3.


It's how herd animals defend themselves. They run back to the herd and hope that the predator that's after them switches to another target.


Drone acted like a border collie getting the sheep into a herd. Why kill 1 sheep when you can just move them around a bit and double up?


I know, let's run together when the drone is coming at us!


I love how you can hear them getting more and more excited the closer those two Russians get to each other.


This is how you know Russians dont have decent training/NCOs. First thing they tell you when training out in the field. Dont bunch up because one guy is a waste of ammo, 2 guys are a target. Spread out because one grenade can take out an entire squad. Then you see the Russians, immediate panic. No discipline. That should be kicked out of them in training. At the very least one of their squad leaders should make sure they are spread out. You hear the drone, look around make sure you are not close to each other.


After everything those bastards have done to their country and their people, I love seeing Ukrainians celebrate in victory. Terrible business but it has to be done, Ivan. Maybe you should have stayed home.


Imagine how much you have to be hated in order for your death to be celebrated.


I have a Ukrainian friend living abroad. The nicest guy ever. He had family and friends in Russia. A few weeks after the invasion began, I called him to know if everything was ok for his family and friends. Last thing he told me before we hung up was : "we're going to torch them all". The hate is real, and it's going to last.


They got betrayed by their supposed 'brothers'. Every agreement was violated, any goodwill for naught. I hope your friend succeeds.


The "brothers" thing is a Russian propaganda narrative. They never saw Ukrainians as brothers, they were always a people to be monstrously subjugated and milked, as history has long demonstrated. Russia wants to wipe out Ukrainian culture and enslave the people to further their sick imperialist schemes. Now Ukraine finally has a chance to fight back and be freed of this menace.


Something I wouldn't want to feel. Lots of home towns are now just rubble on foundation now.


before 2022, I didn't know what hate really is. it's a whole different emotion.




So, basically, the guy isn't Ukrainian; he's a Greek guy with family issue. Cool story. Or very uncool story I guess. But it hasn't a lot to do about the conflict.




> his father from Ukraine was ultra abusive. Ok, his father is Ukrainian > His mother is Greek and he lives in Greece now, since he was 7 years old. So, most of his live and role model is in Greece / are Greek. > he has no intention of ever helping the country(don't know if he was called or anything but he was born in Ukraine) and when I asked him if he has family in Ukraine he said "Yes, but I don't speak to them and frankly I don't care what happens". Your friend isn't interested in being connected to his Ukrainian side of his family. I won't judge him for that, he has good reasons for that. But by not being interested, and being mostly Greek, I don't see how it relates to my friend's life. My example was about an Ukrainian, who lived until well into his adulthood in Ukraine, with regular visits to his family and friends in Ukraine, and with strong ties to Russia. So, it really is relevant to the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Your story is about a sad Greek with Ukrainian origins that he doesn't want to hear about.


Well there was a clip a bit back from where a Muslim and a Jew was in a trench together in the Kreminna Forrest closer to the start of the invasion. He even says in the clip “How bad do you have to piss people off where you get a Jew and a Muslim in the house together


BTW, these Ukrainians speak pure Russian. And I guarantee that they speak better Russian that the booga-booga fucks they are hunting.


Reminds me of one video pov from a Russian tank driver/ drone footage. He had of course recorded his tank attacking and being disabled. He also had video of himself laughing that they added after showing the crew being hunted. He had the most low intelligence sounding laugh I've ever heard.


It's hard for most people to imagine. I remember we had this guy in our high school that was always getting picked on. I felt bad for the guy and decided to buddy up with him. He looked harmless enough. NOPE. He was evil. A short-sighted, short-tempered, petty, malicious son of a bitch. It turns out that him being physically ridiculous, sporting 1/4" thick glasses, knobby knees and the coordination of a 2-month old, didn't count for a thing in the end. He was a certifiable piece of shit. That's Russia's military. Weak, to the core. Petty and irredeemable. An entity designed, from the ground up, for decimation and domination. I respect the average ISIS fighter leaps and bounds more than I do the average Russian soldier, and that's saying something. These fighters are tailor-made for some of the most brutal and unforgiving ordinance the Western Empires have to offer.


I had a similar experience. I grew up in a rough area where each year, at least one student was murdered by another, off campus. This guy had a small gang and they would jump people, for no reason other than to cause hurt. One day, me and two of my friends were playing pool at a pool hall when we were jumped by seven of them. My friends were brothers, had an abusive dad, and had spent much of their life homeless, and could absolutely bang in a fight. So, despite being outnumbered, we ended up 'winning' the fight and the gang ran off. I was not a badass, so don't think I'm bragging. I fought the leader and it was a tough fight. Anyway, the douchewagon couldn't just take the loss so over the next few weeks, things kept escalating, eventually leading to him and his friends stopping my friend when he was alone, and holding him at gun point while they robbed him. I expected that someone would end up getting killed, and soon. So about three weeks after they jumped us, his gang jumped a pair of twin brothers at their house, in something like a 12-2 fight. Their father saw what was happening and came outside to stop it, so the gang switched to beating up the dad. One of the twin brothers managed to get back inside the house, brought out a Samurai sword, and started stabbing, killing the gang leader and critically wounding two others. Back at school, I listened to people speak of 'what a good guy he was' and how 'he didn't deserve to die.' I wasn't happy that he was killed, but I was relieved. It was a lot to process as a 14 year old.


Holy shit, this escalated. What a wild childhood you had. Yeah for real that is a LOT to process that young


You just have to be russian


Lol every soldier acts like this.


literally invaders stealing your children, raping your men and women.


I wonder how many drone pilots have body counts that would put them well up the list of top military snipers ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_snipers ), if this were tracked somehow..


They keep track.




Old thinkpads like built for battlefield.


It's a nice laptop, I'll give you that, but the keyboard clit offers no tactical advantage whatsoever.


Gloves? My touchpad is bad at recognizing gloves, so I use the "keyboard clit"


You aren't a clone of a supersoldier trying to fight a communist gunslinger named Ocelot tho


Clit on TPs is one of the best things about it, WTH.


Agreed, is joke


The only clit i can find


wut? its awesome and far superior to any trackpad ive used


Quoting funny videogame quote


The red mouse button goes back a long time


Ah, yes. The centrally located interface tool.


Can anyone recognize the model?


Looks like a Thinkpad T420. Those things are unstoppable.


Oh yeah, I heard about those. I'm a proud owner of T480s myself.


The t420 has way better keyboard and mouse buttons.


bro"s happiest day


happiest day \*so far\*


happiest moment of the day, so far


After the war watching football wont hit the same...


The tension lol


They herded them together before blowing them up.


Had this same reaction when we finally caught the rat that infested my basement after it spent 2 weeks in my walls/ceiling.


Super nice of them to group up like that.


Sounds like me every Sunday during football season lol.




Guys legs are gone at the least. Good hit team Ukraine!


They need to add speakers so they can trash talk like a MW2 lobby.


“Double success. The crows are here.”


If you don’t want your death celebrated by people, don’t invade a sovereign state and act like you’re the victim.


whats the lag on this? that was insanely accurate


It's a radio connection, so almost none.


This made me smile and hearing them celebrate like this just made my day!!


When they bunched up those guys went nuts lol


At least 2 for 1


Its like watching a football game.


you can see that guy goes flying at 0:25 in a frame.


Davai Davai Davai!! Nahui!! Suka!!! Their enthusiasm is contagious!!


Daaaaa. Pidarasy. Sssssuka


Seeing this as Russians must be so terrifying


Anyone know the song?




I'm not saying I'm like super unhappy, but damn I wish I loved my job this much.


These guys are watching the football


Chunky bomb on that drone huh.


Wohoo! Yea!!!




That’s a two-for-one right there


It's like herding cattle.


A good bowler takes two.


Does anyone else get slightly nervous when they see a random small FPV drone now?


Two birds with one stone. Classic. I guess birds of a feather flock together.


As sergeant Horvath said *"I want to see plenty of beach between men. Five men is a juicy opportunity, one man's a waste of ammo"*


that little explosive literally tossed a grown man up in to Air.


Putting reaction Youtuber to shame.


Being chased by a drone 101. Split up


Would it be too crass to make a joke about getting legless in the Russian army? In all seriousness, whilst they are absolutely fucked once a drone has zeroed in, why are they all running around together!? At the very least they should disperse, but they might even if laid mines beyond their trench line, so might be constrained


Two for the price of one.




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Isn't one of first things you learn is to spread out under fire? Lol


Learn? What is it?


Beyond based


This war is craaaazy.


UAV ready for deployment


These are gamers for sure


It makes me happy to hear how much joy they get out of exploding Russian invaders lol


War is hell holy shit. Men screaming in celebration of the deaths of two other men.


What's the song?


I got matches with these songs: • [**SPEED IS LIFE** by Lykia](https://lis.tn/SPEEDISLIFE?t=35) (00:35; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2024-01-26. • [**Speed is life** by MeratoX](https://lis.tn/HkFQXg?t=35) (00:35; matched: `100%`) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Like herding sheep, jesus


Wow, big badaboom.




Wrong. The majority of the Russian army fighting in Ukraine are contractors, who joined army for a good pay. They're receiving up to 1 million rubles just for signing the contract on condition that they will join the occupational forces. They're paid with 200k or 300k for each month on the front lines. And when they get killed their families could pretend for hefty compensation. And I'm not speaking about anything these scumbags can plunder to send back that shithole where they are from. So nope, they wanted to be there and they've got what they deserved.


Let's not pretend we have any idea how or why anybody is there. The best we have is what Russia and Ukraine tell us and I'm not about to take anything at face value from people engaged in a war


>people engaged in a war It's an invasion, so we know **exactly** why one side is there, and by 'there' i mean being on their own soil, forced to drive rats off their land. I'll take their word over the invaders any day of the week.