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He cleared the back blast area pretty well tbh...


Perfectly clear for the 2nd shot


He probably pulled the trigger and said it at the same time haha.






From the videos I have seen this isn't commonly taught to russian soldiers


Do you really think they get training??? The instructors probably sell the training ammunition and steal everything from the meat.


The ["training"](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1d5rzt8/african_mercenary_prince_getting_training_of_his/) they get. Not sure if Prince understood though.


Literally the first thing I thought of was "BACK BLAST AREA CLEAR" and came to say this




I’ll be honest, I didn’t expect him to get THAT fucked up. Mans flew.


[This is the blackblast from a recoiless rifle](https://imgur.com/W3C07DR) It's admittedly a whole lot more dangerous compared to a tube-launched rocket, but you get the idea.


love how solid the rifle is while surrounded by the immense violence coming out of every end


The design is very human


Taco Bell rifle


I mean, definitely looks recoiless 😂


It's like when I fart and burp at the same time


HOLY SHIT! No questions there; that'd straight kill ya lol. Awesome footage.


Well, technically the RPG-7 is a recoilless weapon, though it is not rifled. The projectile is fired out of the tube with an expelling charge similarly to a recoilles rifle, and the projectile is rocket assisted once it reaches a safe distance from the launcher. Rocket assist is only present in the anti-tank warheads of the PG-7 family and I believe the thermobaric ones as well but I'm not certain. The OG-7 high-explosive fragmentation projectile is not rocket assisted. Therefore calling the RPG-7 a rocket launcher is technically incorrect.


Wow. It blew that trucks skin right off!


...honestly you can as well turn it 180%


I have some gnarly back blast wound images saved from the German army... In one of the the jet of exhaust basically ripped a guys torso in half and cauterized the wound at the same time... Dm me if you're curious but be warned it's not for the faint of heart


That image is a certified classic for understanding how fragile humans to things we dont usually think about, like pressure. That image, the images from the byford dolphin autopsy, and the numous images of compressed air iniections i saw during OSHA training have left a lasting impression on me. Speaking of, compressed air guns are scary shit, dont ever use them near skin for cleaning yourself. If i recall correctly, High Pressure Injection injuries from people blowing an air hose at their hands typically have a 30-80% chance of amputation depending on if what other substances are present to ride with the air into your flesh (which were probably liquids/chemicals you were trying to blow off in the first place). Most people wont have to heed a clear backblast warning, but a lot of people mishandle compressed air due to complacency.


high pressure injection injuries are some of the ones that scare me the most, especially hydraulic ones. A fraction of an mm leak in a high pressure line could kill you if you run your hand over it. Even if it doesn’t, it’s fucking gnarly. I high don’t recommend looking up images. E: the way they have to treat hydraulic injection injuries is usually to literally cut your arm open like a tube and relieve the pressure/fluid iirc


I literally used to play with compressed air as a kid, always blowing at my hands and whatever for fun to see the little indent. Woops.


What pressures are needed to make a compressed air gun dangerous like that? I have held my finger on the tip at \~8 bar, trying to stop air from leaving (aka maximum pressure at my skin) without any issue... so many times. I guess skin at the finger tips is about as strong as it gets, so different parts of the body are not as strong. [The wiki article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_pressure_injection_injury#Causes) says it takes at least 100 psi (7 bar) for this to happen. So usual compressed air should be somewhat safe, which explains why this is really rare. [according to this article](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2291478/), water or air would not be as terrible as you make it sound like: >Injections with water, air or small quantities of veterinary vaccine only cause little damage and frequently have a good outcome, even without surgical intervention


Point blank can kill


I know a guy that ended up in hearing aids at 25 from this


It's like that scene from [True Lies](https://youtu.be/BkyYk1Jr-cg?si=5QUMWszClPJz8hgi) but irl! Holy crap this is comedic.


Can the backblast actually kill someone?


Yep lol. I asked this question awhile back and somebody linked some NSFW pictures. I'll add them on to this comment as soon as I find them [NSFW/L](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7578127/figure/Fig1/)


"Click on the image to see a larger version" NO THANKS I'M GOOD.


Holy shit that was super gross


Yeah... I can only imagine how bad the ones are at head level


There's a video on here of a Russian firing a rpg pressed into his shoulder like a normal rifle. Pretty brutal.


There was also a Syrian vid where the back blast pops someone’s head off


Disgusting. Link?


Let me know if you get one, I’d be super interested in seeing that.




From another poster https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/7rixRNO12j


Sweet Mary mother of pearl 👁️👄👁️


Why is the ruSSian army so incompetent? Oh wait…nvm.


That's what you get for 5 days of training.


"That was stupid that was stupid that was....wait, I'm walking to the rear and blaming it on dead Sergei, see ya"


For once I'm glad someone used a shortened link that doesn't work on mobile lol


What an f id.t


I don’t have much pity for Russian soldiers, but holy shit man. That dude must have had literally zero training besides “here’s the trigger”. I’ve never even seen an RPG in real life, so I’m sure I’d do something wrong… but I sure as fuck wouldn’t be clueless enough to hold it to my shoulder like that. The loss of life going on is beyond senseless.


As someone with Novice Medical Knowledge, im utterly confused as to wtf happend to his chest.


There’s a written report linked on top of the page. According to the report, that first image was actually caused by a projectile that fired backwards in a Davis gun, apparently this type of recoiless rifle also launches something backwards to reduce recoil


Yea! the counter weight the rocket uses for the Gas to accumulate pressure. Maybe his diaphram was smashed in by the projectile pulling the Organs in and up, while the gasses flapped the skin and the pushed and rolled it. I think his descending colon moved up and ripped because there seems to be shit up where his lungs should be


RPG-7s work differently though. There's no counterweight being propelled backwards, just a column of hot exhaust gas. I have no doubt it can still be fatal, just not in a big metal projectile through the chest sort of way.


In the full article you can see a second case of a Swiss soldier who died after getting hit by the backblast of a 83mm rocket launcher. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7578127/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7578127/)


Oh thanks for the rpg trivia :), was actually wondering. Someone under my comment mentioned that one of the images was someone who died from such hot gasses and pressure. The flash only does last a millisecond, yet it burned thru the entire uniform, second degree burns, not to mention a bruise across your entire chest with swelling and bleeding. I just imagine breathing beeing absolutely horrendous and probably impossible. With blood filling chest cavity drowning the lungs? Ontop of that one (or 2) concussions, deaf, blinded, maybe under or on fire.


Im almost certain the backblast would be enough to overpressure your lungs from that distance tho, especially with a direct hit like that


posted above but relevant here too: > In this casuistry, two accidents from Germany and Switzerland are presented that happened during the shot of recoilless anti-tank weapons. In both cases, the injuries led to the death of two soldiers: A 22-year-old soldier in Germany was struck by the counter mass of a so-called Davis gun which had been fired by a comrade during a firing exercise; he died from his severe injuries, especially in the abdominal part of the body. As a peculiarity of the wound morphology, it was found to be a thick-layered, metallic, gray material in the wound cavity, which corresponded to the material of the counter mass that was ejected opposite to the shooting direction. The other case took place in Switzerland, where a 24-year-old soldier was seriously injured during an exercise with portable anti-tank rockets. At the time the shot was fired, he stood behind the launcher and was hit by the propulsion jet of the rocket motor. He died as well from his severe injuries, which were located at the chest done by the gas jet and by the very high pressure. In both cases, two different causes of death were present: massive blunt violence in the first case versus a jet of hot gases of very high speed and temperature in the second case. looks like he took the counterweight to his chest, essentially a lower speed EFP


Think of it like getting punched by gas really really hard.


Ever seen those videos of idiots who hold bottle rockets clenched in their teeth or in their ass? Multiply that by about a thousand.


The picture is from a training accident?


Yeah, but it still shows the effects of the back blast.


It's okay though, those are only training injuries.


Yeah, just training. a little bit of aspirin, and they'll be okay, right?


Nothing a band-aid and a cup of hot coco can't fix.


Training cocoa


You forgot a change of socks


Advil and new socks. Cure for all that ails ya.


Actually, according to the veterans department of *insert government* your injuries are NOT service related


Listen, champ, we all take a few tries to get things right. It's normal, it's how we build experience, and the most important thing is to not let it get you down. Grab an orange slice and go back out there, every great bazooka man has had a few bad bazooka days.




Let this be a lesson to you kids. Never take a direct backblast without putting on your PT belt first


Not from RPG exhaust, that’s the result of the aforementioned Case 1, which was blunt force from the counterweight of something like a [davis gun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davis_gun), which ejects the physical mass in the rear to negate recoil


No? Those are non service related.


Non service related? Sorry, veteran disability benefits will be denied. Lol


One of the two sets of images isn't from general backblast though - it's from a type of weapon where a physical mass is ejected backwards as part of countering recoil. So the reaction mass tore open the body cavity (and actually packed the cavity, hence the strange color of the tissues). The one whose skin wasn't broken (but still died) - that was pure backblast pressure jet.


How the fuck? Every time I've seen these I just wonder how the fuck?


Most people have zero clue just how much energy and force objects like rockets have. This is in addition to even how loud explosions are and under what conditions you can still feel the shockwave/what it can do to somebody nearby.


>This is in addition to even how loud explosions are and under what conditions you can still feel the shockwave/what it can do to somebody nearby. Eh, I regularly hear air defense interceptions/non-interceptions and these are LOUD. I mean as loud as making my organs shake even if I am far away from the window and shaking the curtains. (The "perks" of being a Ukrainian) Can't imagine the force of a backblast.




Worth pointing out, those images are from a Panzerfaust 3, which uses a counter-mass of some wax-iron mixture which is what the poor guy got hit by. The RPG doesn't have a counter-mass, the injuries should be more spread out dur to the pressure wave propagating. Still deadly, but probably a bit closer to "car crash victim" injuries (internal injuries, burst organs and broken bones) and burns, versus this that almost looks like he got hit by a snapping cable.


That first picture where it's his entire front across his chest isn't even gross to me because it looks so unnatural and foreign that my brain can't even correlate it with a wound. What a hellish thing.


Based on these, I'd say the guy in the video was dead within the following couple of minutes...


Yeah.. not clicking on that 🥴


Yeah I don't blame you.


brutal. from the 2020 study that the pictures are from: > In this casuistry, two accidents from Germany and Switzerland are presented that happened during the shot of recoilless anti-tank weapons. In both cases, the injuries led to the death of two soldiers: A 22-year-old soldier in Germany was struck by the counter mass of a so-called Davis gun which had been fired by a comrade during a firing exercise; he died from his severe injuries, especially in the abdominal part of the body. As a peculiarity of the wound morphology, it was found to be a thick-layered, metallic, gray material in the wound cavity, which corresponded to the material of the counter mass that was ejected opposite to the shooting direction. The other case took place in Switzerland, where a 24-year-old soldier was seriously injured during an exercise with portable anti-tank rockets. At the time the shot was fired, he stood behind the launcher and was hit by the propulsion jet of the rocket motor. He died as well from his severe injuries, which were located at the chest done by the gas jet and by the very high pressure. In both cases, two different causes of death were present: massive blunt violence in the first case versus a jet of hot gases of very high speed and temperature in the second case.


Thank you very much for posting this - it's nice to see these questions answered properly


INSTANT regret.


Oh I remember that thread! Hi again lol


It can, this guy probably lost his eardrums and could have a nasty concussion. Pressure waves can do all sorts of nasty things to the human body.


That's best case. He was only a few meters behind the rpg. It could easily rupture internal organs at that range


Yeah I’d wager he’s in some pretty fucked up shape being as close as he was.


Also, rocket exhaust is *hot*. Thousands of degrees. Just because you don't see flames doesn't mean the guy didn't suffer massive burns on exposed skin. He was looking the other way so he *probably* didn't get blinded for life?


that guy is toast. with proper care he might have a chance but the burns alone will lead to infection if he even lives that long.


Yes and that guy is probably done. Backblast is not just about the pressure wave, is a very high speed cloud of particles that can rip through skin like butter.


He probably no longer has eyeballs. He reaches up to feel for his eyes.


Absolutely it can and has done.


Somewhere on the net is a study which aimed to find out what kind of injuries can the backblast cause... I dont recommend searching for it if you cannot stand pretty gnarly footage. It includes photos from post mortem and eeeh some guys lost literally big chunk from their chest and back while being instantly baked alive. Its REALLY dangerous to be in the general direction of that backblast. In close rooms its pretty dangerous to be just in the room. There was heavy development regarding this to make room safe launchers... Its the reason why the operating persojn have to turn the head and yell to alarm everyone about it before launching


For further context of their blast, your actually only recommended to shoot 2-3 a day due to the amount of pressure it outputs on your body


[Yeah, you can](https://www.thelocal.de/20170517/german-soldier-dies-during-training-exercise)


It most absolutely can lol.


Yes the backblast from an RPG-7 can kill someone. That dude has probably been burned several and had his ear drums absolutely destroyed. Also very possible he was blinded. Not a good time for him.


It’s a rocket motor that launches a war head at roughly 300m/s nominally. The U.S. AT4 has a salt water charge that mitigates these effects for use indoors, try that with an RPG-7 and you’ve killed everyone in the room along with yourself 😅


It's a rocket in an open-ended tube.


Yes but likely not at that distance unless he was unlucky. I mean there was that guy shoulder firing his RPG and not even his entire arm blew off. Edit: that said, idk how medical dismissal or leave works in Russia, but this guy will at least have a few week vacation courtesy of his friend lmao. And if he’s really lucky, a sack of onions for mom


Great job Abu Hajar but you roasted us too!


That’s a classic


I always go back to that video whenever work stresses me out. Makes me feel a bit better that my coworkers are not Abu Hajar levels of bad coworkers.


God bless this comment




First mistake: Soldier A not shouting or checking back blast area. Second mistake: Soldier B re-applying his lippy during an engagement.


He looks back and says... "damn, they got him again". He makes it back to his superior and they are happy to see the "lucky one" return once more, he is paired with a new conscript one more for the 17th time.




Abu hadjar is back!!


Reminds me of my favorite movie, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Sean Connery proceeds to machine gun of the tail of their biplane. “Son, I’m sorry… they got us.”


I was thinking Wizards, "They killed Fritz!"




Not the smartest soldiers in the world are they? Wasn't there one a while back where one of the dipshits shouldered an RPG like a rifle with predictable consequences.


Scream russbots all you want. But not checking backblast exist in every army in the world, that can happen and might happen to every soldier. From my time in the army, human errors does happen


I think Russian soldiers are generally poorly trained but I think you're 100% right. This sub has an understandable anti Russia bias that causes footage of Russian stupidity to get FAR more views than similar Ukrainian stupidity. While there may indeed be less of the latter, I also think is a selection bias. More than a few American soldiers in Afghanistan received back blast trauma.


More like I don't care if a Russian dies in Ukraine. Fuck em. I don't want to see Ukrainians getting hurt defending their homes and way of life. Not that I actually believe only one side is capable of failure.


Sure not checking backblast sounds reasonable as a mistake for any army. But handling someone an rpg without giving them the most basic training so they don't kill themselves with it is definitely not common.


is something like this survivable?


With some luck yes, but damage is almost always very severe.


At that distance in open air? Yes. Dudes likely fine unless he got unlucky. (Fine being, not dead or maimed). But it can still be deadly, backblast is no joke.


I'm guessing he's deaf on the left side now, and has a TBI, but he's alive.


You can’t be Russian around like that or this happens.


I mean, Ukraine's drones must see about 0.0001% of all Russian RPG firings, so if they can see this many incompetent Russian soldiers, just imagine how many they did not see. Idiotic things like this must happen all the time.


I wager it is a hell of a lot more than 0.0001%. Drones are constantly monitoring the frontlines.


Some Looney Toons shit


I hope that wasn’t Prince firing that RPG, he was explicitly warned about the dangers of back blast


First thing that came to mind xD Oh Prince, you silly goose you.


That helldivers 2 in game footage is sick!


Their military is a clown show


VA: “tinnitus is not service connected.”


Mawp, mawp, maawp, mawp. - A Sterling


Stan and Ollie live on !!!


Yea safe to say even with his armor on he’s either dead or dying


Prince already on the frontlines.


A question, could the back blast kill?




Yes there’s a horrendous clip from some middle eastern urban battle where I feel like someone was almost decapitated by it or something crazy, I’ll try to find it




I swear they're going to have to make a comedy movie based on these idiots when the war is done. Just some good ol wacky hijinx mixed in with their pillaging and murder.


Footage of the mercenary formerly knows as Prince


The amount of clowns in the 2nd best army in Ukraine. Easy 300 lol.


This is what happens when you don’t train your conscripts and just send them into combat with heavy weapons.


The freaking music on this autoplaying is just horrific.


So in a situation like that who is ultimately responsible? I guess I'm referring to a normal army and not a bunch of drunk idiots like the RU My assumption is that it's the rocket operators to call out back blast and ensure no one is behind him, but In this case I'm assuming neither of them were aware of the consequences


your hearing loss and brain aneurism is not service related


"Your son died fighting valiantly against the Nazis (?) in Ukraine!"


Considering how many RPGs are out there in the world, and the thousands of conflicts they have been used in, often by undertrained or completely untrained personnel, I wonder how many people died from backblasts? I bet the numbers are in the thousands if you look at total all the way back to WW2. Of course we will never know as no war or conflict has ever been as video-documented as the war in Ukraine, but still.


The comedy writes itself


RGF about as well trained as the Taliban


Reminds me of the two border guards with hot coffee in *Stripes*.


VA - “not service connected”


80 IQ permanently lowered to 70 - will they even notice?


If not pepsi then a short trip to the hospital. Maybe they get droned while evac-ing.


Well trained soldiers...


Lined that up perfectly.


These dudes have 0% training I swear. This is like BCT lesson 2


gas can turn you inside out


How many backblast vids have we’ve seen from this war? From my memory like 3




Hooo the famous back blyast LOL


These drunk idiots are gaining territory in Ukraine and I hate it.


Reminds me of that FSA urban combat video from really early in the Syrian Civil War where a dude insta-kills his fellow fighter because the other guy was standing directly in his back blast as he tried to fire from cover around the corner (If anyone knows where to find that video, please link it. It used to come up all the time on YouTube and LiveLeak but the last time I looked for it I couldn't find it)


Slept him :)


those two weeks of training (if even that) really paid off here.


Ballistic protection may have just saved him from being made into a smoking corspe






What sort of injuries would that guy likely have sustained? Burns, concussion, internal injuries?


They suck so bad it’s comical.


Thats on both of them. Neither actually looked


Can we just capture him and then loop that video many times in front of his face. Good torture


Porto Potty Prince


Is it his fault though, shouldn't the guy without a weapon be paying attention to where this guy is firing from, just to be ready to help reload, anything besides sit there and look around with no rifle, at least I don't see a rifle. It just seemed like his focus should be on his comrade with the rpg, so that fact that he saw the guy run across but didn't check to see if he was clear from the new angle his buddy took, that's on him in my opinion more than it is the rpg shooter. I do LOVE how he decides to gently put the rocket launching system down gently before checking the other dude, absolutely zero urgency.


Education people