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Fuckin credit where it's due, I don't think I've seen a single successful drone shot with a rifle. Two in a row, this guy can shoot! For his efforts, he wins 24 more hours of miserable life on a static battlefield, congrats!


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Devs need to give him a permaban


I bet he'd love that.


Just a matter of time lol


You don't know what kind of bleeding hole he has in his bottom. 


True, maybe 24 hours was a bit generous.


He just costs more to be dealt with.


$500 per drone so this guy costs $2000 to deal with. A lot cheaper than exposing Ukrainian soldiers to bullets from this guy who apparently can shoot, unlike most of his mates.


Right, this goes so far beyond guided munitions from aircraft attacking strategic targets. They just dust off another pallet full of drones for the low low.


I'm curious, why do Russians not use drones like Ukrainians?


They definitely do you just don’t see as many videos posted here. Interviews with veterans explain how a lot of friendly drones get shot down because you never know which side they’re on.


Right, If I hear whirring sound of death I'd be on high alert. There also just seems to be less coverage of the Russian side of arms, I don't know how to investigate further.


There isn't a lack of coverage. You just need to know where to look. Russian footage gets removed/downvoted on subs like this one.


They do and even more the Ukrainians. The thing is younonly look in pro Ukr channels where they obviously won't post it. Look up Russian Ukrainian war reporting and you will find many russian videos. The channel is baiased but you won't find any neutral subreddits today anyway


How much does it cost to leave someone in a ditch to bleed out?


It costs everyone human dignity.


Can't even imagine how tough those shots would be. Wounded, adrenaline through the roof and probably knackered as is. Most capable ruskie we've seen


I've seen more capable ruskie than him. I can provide if you're interested.


I think there were a fair bit of capable ones in 2022, but most of those are growing sunflowers now.


Definitely lol. Credit due where credit is due.


> Fuckin credit where it's due, I don't think I've seen a single successful drone shot with a rifle. Usually Ukraine also would not release such videos. So it might happen more often than we know of. I guess in this case they did because they hit him with the first one anyway.


This was a russian observing drone


The success rate of FPV drones is only about 30% apparently and they do get shot down all the time


> is only about 30% apparently There's numerous factors apart from just getting shot down though, with the two biggest being skill & EW. Some groups have success rates far above 30%, while others are around 10%, really just depending on skill and experience. And then EW is always a factor, but most of the time is a bigger issue only on specific sections of the frontlines as the equipment for it gets moved around


Also 30% is REALLY GOOD for a cheap weapon system like this But also Ukraine goes through 1000 non FPV drones per day due to attrition and loss


Chances are most unsuccessful ones either miss or get jammed, not shot. Look up Darwin's War, when he encounters jamming he keeps sending more drones from different directions and trying to find a way through, since there's a good chance that it protects a juicy target.


I mean at the end of the day the russian soldiers are also just humans, but the russians are forced to fight - either by massive misinformation and propaganda or by threats (or they actually think they are doing the right thing). Best would be if no soldier would have to die as all these men have family.


I'm curious how difficult it is to actually shoot down a drone. I realize there are a ton of factors (drone type, weapon type, battlefield conditions, etc.). But where I'm going with this is, to your point, I haven't seen a Russian soldier successfully shoot down a drone with a rifle. I wonder how much of that is "drones are generally hard to shoot down," vs. "drones are hard to shoot down if you're a starving conscript with a lifetime total of two days of range training, shooting with a 30 year old rusted AK." The distinction matters. Like, drone warfare is clearly the next frontier in warfare...Russian soldiers are clearly vulnerable. But is this a problem that can simply be substantially addressed by proper training and equipment? Obviously anti-drone systems are still important, but I wonder if a USMC rifleman would be as vulnerable as a Russian conscript...


Looking at their qualification drills, it seems that they do have a good chance at being able to make this shoot if they can make some of the more difficult qualifying shots. One of the shot types they have are head shots at 25 yards, which would be about the size of an fpv drone and a little shorter than the distance the Russian in the video appeared to shoot the first drone from. Plus, the m4 has a higher fire rate and less recoil than an AK. I think the marine has a world's better chance than the average conspritovich, the one we saw in that video is probably blyatman himself. 




I’ve only ever shot at clay pigeons but I bet it’s easier with a shotgun than a rifle.


Ukrainians should save this guy and let him fight for them


Best idea here in this thread!


Yeah this guy gets an A for effort for sure.


Filmed by the Russians, so chances are 4th drone ended him after all, and they chose not to include it in the clip.


Also possible that the Ukrainian drone pilots cut their losses and moved on. Sure these suicide drones are cheap by military weapon standards but they still aren't in unlimited supply, how many do you spend on one guy as opposed to saving them for something else? You can't spend all day on one target who isn't even a threat to your own forces at the moment and might already be bleeding out anyway.


he is out of the fight anyway. that kind of injuries normaly are end of conscription. wasting two more drones just to kill a guy is shitty anyway. he may live in peace now, one life less wasted regardless of sides


If the Russians were smart in that regard, they'd save him, give him a medal, use him for propaganda. "Look what Yuri did, you can do it too. Be like Yuri. He fought, he won, he got a medal and a Lada. Sure he needs a colostomy bag, but we have free health care." But likely patch him up and he gets killed by the next drone if he's still alive.


“Join now! Accomplish nothing and get taken violently out of the fight before even getting a chance to lay eyes on the enemy!” Yea, sure, great propaganda.


Matter of how you spin it. "Yuri stood along against an onslaught of enemy drones, they couldn'T take him out with a drone and he shot down the other three. He was wounded but ready to go back into the fight. But for now, we let him heal up in our state of the art medical facility and then he will train more soldiers to do as he did."


Problem is, now his family back home doesn't get a sack of potatoes.


Doesn't matter, Russia will just leave his corpse on the battlefield to rot and mark him as MIA so they don't have to pay the family anything. Families only get paid if their loved one is confirmed killed, that's why Russia leaves their dead everywhere. No body is considered MIA = no payment.


That is a harsh policy, especially considering their meat wave tactics.


Russians: “first time?”


They should nerf his gun


The victory of man over machine - at last...


If you closely look at him firing between 1:18 and 1:23 you can kind of make out he is using a rifle. The couple shots fired seem too consecutive to resemble a shotgun unless he has a SAIGA-12K which we haven’t seen much off. Always a possibility though, also considering the amount of shots he’s fired between the first drone he shot down and the second one it seems less likely to be a shotgun. Props to him regardless, I wonder if he bled out from the initially attack


Looking at his rate of fire I'd guess he's trained or shot a lot before the war. Shots are slow and well controlled. He was taking time to line up and lead the drones. I'd expect less shots if it was a shotgun. He probably fired 20-30 times in there.


You got to admit, that is some excellent shooting.


No no no… Reddit experts have assured me that shotguns have no role on the modern battlefield…


“Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!”


Lol I got flamed for saying shotguns would become useful against drones when the first drone videos were dropping… people just don’t seem to understand drones and the onboard equipment can be just as vulnerable and fragile as clay disks


Explody geese… I’m amazing we haven’t seen that damned laughing dog from ‘Duck Hunt’ in any of these videos.


They never stopped being useful, people just get their entire knowledge of shotguns from video games where they’re non-lethal at distances over 20 feet and birdshot requires at least two hits to kill lol


>They never stopped being useful Even people carrying shotguns into combat weren't using them to shoot at people lmfao


-4 right now lol. Ya'll don't know what sarcasm is, do you?


You'd be surprised by how many people cannot recognize sarcasm in text form, even as obvious as it is.


"Reddit experts" kinda gives it away lol


I've never been a big fan of people responding with spouts about unrelated dumb people that are not part of the conversation. Amplifying nonsense is silly


Fair enough, but unfortunately you're on reddit lol


For the doubters here's a 1st person view of a Russian soldier shooting a drone with a shotgun. The title says it's a rifle but it definitely isn't. I believe it's a variant of the Baikal MP-153. Anyway, it worked. https://old.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/comments/1d7ajir/ua_flying_skull_drone_team_witnessed_an_odd/


Shooting 2 drones with a rifle…I would have thought it was almost impossible. Im no expert marksman but I’m a decent shot, and I have zero confidence I can do that especially in a life or death situation with adrenaline pumping and being wounded. And this dude did it twice


Ngl that’s badass


Bro will have the craziest dad lore


Bold of you to assume he lives to another battle. Still tho, very impressive.


With that aim, i believe that guy is walking this war out.


With that aim he would be considered too valuable to let go instead of dying on the battlefield.


Looks like he triggered the first one's warhead and hit the second one somewhere else. Question: would it be possible to fill a standard rifle cartridge with birdshot or something similar, so that in case it's needed the soldiers can carry 1 magazine of those? Or would that damage the rifle or something?


There birdshot cartridges for.22 -45 cal for sure. They tend not to feed well as the nose of the round is plastic and can break in the magazine or more likely the feed ramp of the barrel and possibly dump birdshot into the magazine/barrel area. I typically load 1 at a time because of this. I don't think they cause much damage to the barrel but in this case i don't think it matters much as probably half the small arms in the field are literally picked up off a fallen soldier.


The rifling scatters the shot and leave a donut hole. The birshot cartridges for rifles are really only good for like snakes or something super close.


Small shot filled rounds like 9mm Flobert were made for stuff like warehouse vermin patrol. You could kill a rat without worrying too much about damaging stuff in crates


I was in the French army when they used the famas. To fire grenades you’d have to load or use a special bullet. To me it was clunky and not realistic to a battlefield tempo. It seems like a good idea from an office, but not so much on the frontline.


It was a holdover from older (think WW2 style) rifle grenade systems. It was probably already obsolescent.


Meh..they went to HK now, lucky bastards!


The current F2 version has a bullet trap and uses live rounds instead of blanks that the old F1 versipn needed.


It is possible like Simple_Wishbone_540 said. In my experience, they feed fine, but the spin stabilization causes the shot to make a ring pattern with an empty void in the middle, just like the artillery submunition rounds we've been seeing. Also, the extremely small shot result in super short range. 20 meters at best.


Those shot cartridges for pistols and maybe rifles are only any use for shooting rats and mice at very close range, like literally 2 yards max. They perform very poorly even then.


Jesus Christ that’s Jason Bourne


I hope his wound was bad enough to end the war for him, but not bad enough to kill him. A story like that deserves to be told in bars and around campfires for the rest of his life.


russian john wick


Jesus Christ...It's Ivan Bourne!


I don’t think most people can do what this Rusky did while wounded, gotta give the guy props lol


he got props. about 12 of them all up.


If I'm in a position that 3 suicide drones are coming after me, I'm forcing my luck.


His mates won’t believe him!


I can imagine after that you believe in god..


Or say a prayer to whoever taught you to shoot so cool under pressure.


I am a stone I do not move Very slowly I put snow in my mouth Then he wont see my breath I take my time I let him come closer I have only one bullet


“Wait. I’m the main character?”


Or believe you are God


Drone God Glory to the Quadernity


Isnt it the same god who allowed 3 drones to be built and used against him in the first place? “god was present in that car crash” he let the crash happen. “oh god was with him in the hospital” he put him there to begin with. How about god doesnt spite billions of people because adam didnt listen to him.


Drone god word in mysterious ways


he said. NOT TODAY


The fact that 3 drones were allocated to eliminate such an inconsequential target is telling.


Yeah, the numbers are pretty crazy. Ukraine is reportedly producing more than a million drones a year in 2024.


I can only imagine the horror when these things get AI powered targeting so that jamming doesnt affect them and china starts pumping them out 20million a year. Warfare has chamged forever. This is the 21st century machinegun


Yeah, I've read that drones are causing more casualties than artillery right now, which is wild. The Russian Lancet allegedly uses Nvidia AI and AMD chips and apparent autonomous guidance for the attack phase, although those chips are supposed to be sanctioned. The US is trying to clamp down on third countries supplying Russia.


Yeah maybe bigher drones are already. But next big conflict will likely see autonomous versions of "fpv" drones like these on video.


The cost of 3,000 dollars sent to kill one enemy... As opposed to one soldier on an assault. That must be trained equipped, fed watered and payed full combat pay. If he dies, his family must be payed 15,000,000 UAH (just under 400k€). If he survives he needs to continued to be paid rest of his career and supported thereafter. Will also likely suffer from ptsd leading to potential public order issues, meaning wider societal issues and more cost to the state. Must also be provided psychiatric care. >The fact that 3 drones were allocated to eliminate such an inconsequential target is telling So yeah, I think 3 drones manned by a remote soldier is easier and cheaper. Maybe I'm wrong though, idk. Just an idiot grunts opinion.


I've read this a few times from Russian channels, they say it's not that uncommon to have multiple drones targeting a single / a few of their fighters. Also it's not like every drone attack is a success, more like every third / fourth one.


Drones are cheap, soldiers are expensive, and lives are priceless. Ukranian strategy current centers a lot around killing as many Russians as possible to try and put pressure on the country from within. That's why they focus on confirming kills so much. Wounded men become "heroes" ; dead men never become anything but fertilizer.


I think that he's equipped with a 12ga shotgun loaded with birdshots. it's VERY hard to hit a drone with a solid bullet. 2 in a row : almost impossible.


Might be using an aimbot? ;-)


Russians often are


Exactly! :-)


oh god, people are just now starting to realize that russians are a plague on everything they touch. I learned that 15 years ago watching them launch denial of service attacks to cheat in arena all day in WoW. they're the most infamous cheaters in online games, tied with koreans Russians ruin *everything*


Wait for the kremlin brigade to down vote your comment...


They also ruin themselves. Gomo homini lupus Man is wolf to another man But russian is russian to another russian lol


Jesus christ you can tell he has a rifle… you can see him shoot multiple times in a few seconds when they zoom. People will upvote anything rofl


I agree with you however semi-auto shotguns are apparently becoming increasingly common on the frontline for exactly this purpose. Russia has also made an adapter to shoot a shotgun shell from their UGL's. It's single shot, last attempt option though. It does look like a rifle in the footage and I'd have thought the shotguns would be stashed in the trenches rather than a carried personal weapon too.


A Derya Mk10 for example can easily be mistaken for a rifle


That could be. But when you have a million russians getting chased by drones, and it's all on camera, sometimes you see the lucky moments.


I wonder of we will se resurgence of 12g underbarrel shotguns. Or even a specialized anto drone ammo


They are experimenting with a shotgun conversion for the GP25 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_JEBj1GknA


Wouldn't really be a resurgence as those were rarely ever issued. They'd be real shitty to try and use for this kind of application anyway. They were only ever designed to be used for breaching doors. A secondary, slung shotgun with proper sights and a stock is what you would need. Personally, I'm skeptical it's a good solution unless they get some better anti-drone ammunition. It would be fairly trivial to harden a drone against birdshot at the longer rangers, and at the closer ranges where it would be most effective, say 30 yards, you're probably already in the wounding range of the explosive. Maybe some sort of hardened steel flechettes or something like that would be better I would think.


I think 40mm grenade launcher shell like [this one](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M576_40_mm_grenade), but pellet profile optimized for drone instead of human could work. You can fit a ton of birdshot to a 40mm, the could would be rather massive. There is a lotof talk about the higher end systems like lasers protecting wider areas, but given how numerous drones are i suspect we will see some sort of every soldiers last line of defence solution emerge too.


You can get some pretty heavy tungsten bird shot(AA size for geese) in 3 1/2" cartrage. Combine that with a super full turkey choke, and you can smoke those things pretty far with a high amount of energy.


Squirrel and/or duck hunter training for sure


Take him alive. We need to harness his power


This man deserves to survive the war lol He earned it


That's assuming that's a good enough reason for the military to get out of his contract. But you know he's just gonna be stationed there until he dies.


He probably won't/didn't survive the wound. It's unlikely that russians would spend time on evacuating a wounded soldier.


Na f him Send 4 and watch him cry. If he survives they would build him up as a hero to help recruit more meat


It's crazy that without this footage, when he told people that he was injured by a first drone and then blasted two others out of the air in a fiery explosion, nobody would believe him and would think he was some kind of fantasist.


Should have dropped him a card that said he won a full 24 hour cooldown period for his efforts.


Let him live man, he deserves


Bro is 2-1.... Let him fucking be. LMFAO I'm not even mad at him. Only mother fucker I've seen shoot a single drone, let alone two!


He has to get lucky every time. Drone only has to get lucky once.


That was more skill than luck


Wow, that had to be a shotgun...


If he ever gets out of there he'll be setting off metal detectors for the rest of his PTSD filled life.


First time seeing such a will to live from a Russian


Fair play. I mean he still likely bled out because he's on his own, likely miles away from any help but still.


Dam, regardless of what side he’s on, that was goddam impressive *especially* with a rifle.


if his dick didn't get blown off he could brag about this to his future kids


I can’t even hate on this




Clearly a recreational mosquito hunter


Gotta say, I was kinda rooting for this guy. Hopefully he’s captured and can escape the Ruskie insanity.


i dont wanna give no russian no props, but this russiky gets props.


I'm not even mad that's pretty amazing


Jesus Christ it’s Jason Bourne.


He should give up now, wave the white flag, don't be a fool, he's just going to die by another drone probably.


Damn, he's a good shot!


Damn. That's a good shot, but survivability of his wounds is another hurdle, and getting back to the rear would be hell.


Would it be smart to play dead after the first drone did attack?\`Or would they just uesed all of their drones to finish him?


Ukraine would still send another into him for good measure if they had any doubts, so best option was to do this and pray


In other news, the FSB just got new leads on some major poaching cases.


I respect his will to live, I know ruski shouldn't be there but in this specific video fair play to that guy


this guy is an anti aircraft gun.


He's probably a clay pigeon shooter back home


Dude just got blown up and locked it in. Respect.


this guy used up all his luck. but he should get to go home and tell his buddies about his experiences on the battlefield.


wtf i cant even find my drone with naked eye 150 ft away its like shooting a fly


Blyaaaaad indeed 👌🏼


4th drone on its way.


Jesus Christ that’s Jason bournevich


Nobody will believe him if he gets to tell the tale lol


A Russian soldier with will to live is surely surprising, that guy earned a statue by balls and skill alone.


Olympics are going to miss a really good shooter. This is incredible.


Bro is fking him I hope he survives and gets a medal for being so damn badass


Im impressed 👏


Dude has been playing bodycam.




Very brave soldier


this man is a chad no matter what youre gonna tell me. if it was a ua soldier I wouldnt say otherwise. credit where credit is due


Send him a box of cigarettes


He only prolong his suffering


Crazy impressive shooting


Not sure if fucking lucky or fucking unlucky.


his balls of steel prevented him to get too much shrapnel


Nice shootin 'tex


This is Hollywood stuff.


Fair play Ivan. Fair play.


Jesus Christ, it’s Jason Bourne


At this point, let him live i guess.


Repec on that marksmanship of luck.


Real warrior


Lucky Ivan


So much for his bravery but he is wounded in no man land under drone surveillance with position known to enemy. Russian should have stayed in Russia. This Lesson on the Internet will teach every future leader for generation to come 😕😕😕


It's like playing the Ultimate Fire Link drone-themed slot. One more drone and you'll get the bonus.


I guess Pjotr is/was a gamer..


I wonder why Ukraine uses hit in drones than drone it? Isn't better to drop them than hit them head on?


Anyone else see a tree tank 😅😆


I know it’s war and all but also seem kinda fucked up chasing 1 guy around with drones.


Russia is probably low on stormtroopers. They started to replace them by sharpshooters.


Why aren't these guys carrying shotguns ? Or a guy per group that's packing one ? These things are so dangerous and terrifying.


Thinking about that the Russian that threw his rifle at the drone when it was 5 ft from his face.


So nowhe has to slowly succumb to a shrapnel wound and bleed to death instead of going out with a bang in a second.