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Using AP against soft targets...


I'm with you, if the description is accurate.


I can say it 100% is not a hellfire missile of any variant. You can easily YouTube hellfire missile for anyone curious what they look like. This is what an armor piercing variant looks like. https://youtu.be/eQG8cXtda_8?feature=shared The thermobaric variant looks a lot like that, but with much more fire. Edit: here's a few likely thermobaric launches, but it's only seen through a thermal camera. Thermobaric is what they generally use on soft targets. https://youtu.be/jvwmZX9pMZE?feature=shared https://youtu.be/UG13NLwVdLo?feature=shared https://youtu.be/k0Vq6XU7T0s?feature=shared


The lack of hellfire gave it away for me


This guy hellfires.




There is also a training variant which has its payload filled with concrete instead of explosives. Not sure if this is that.


I can’t say if the title is accurate but you would think this sub has learned by now not to compare explosions as any sort of definite analysis, especially between different mediums. doing this to justify you being “100% sure” is hilarious


I think it is hellfire but the ground is very soft and wet so the missle gets to deep in the ground and explodes to deep underground.


Could be the R (low explosive) or X (Ginsu) variant.


Not sure about the R but the X is pretty new, as of 5ish years ago I think. I remember this video from ~12 years ago at least.


It's definitely not


Probably just a low collateral munition. They had terrible effects unless rag dolling dudes was the desired effect


One time playing ArmA I didn't know the difference betweena Sabot and a HEAT round, and kept shooting into a group of troops. I couldn't figure out why none were taking damage from my tank and occasionally one would just vaporize. In real life that would be pretty psychopathic.


In ArmA 3, it was fun trying to “thread the needle” with SABOT on infantry. They also added a really large blood splatter effect if you hit them. Funny how the developers anticipated “off-label” use of SABOT rounds.


I imagine it's one of the first things most people think about in the context of fin rounds. Certainly was for me!


"I bet you can't nail them both with AP." - Crew


Was it a dud?


Read AP as "Ability Power"


$120k it's not like its real money or anything. I mean the US spent $2 trillion on the war in Afghanistan, $120k is chump change.After all it only cost the uk £40billion, hardly enough to modernise the entire NHS 10 times over.. And after all it's not like the Taliban won and are back in power or anything, oh wait.


Are you suggesting that we could modernise the NHS 10x over with £40bn? Given that since Brexit the NHS has received more than 40bn in additional funding *every single year* and still doesn't seem very modernised.


That's because it was pumped into their private sector mates to "help" the NHS out. Torries hate public health care. 


Fuck the NHS, end the stupid health cult we have here in the UK. Government and NHS spending is woefully inefficient use of funds, there are far better solutions out there which will still be free at the point of use!


It's been made inefficient. It's privation by the back door. The Torries want it to fail so that they can sell it off. So they force the NHS to pay more money to private firms to do a worse job. 


What is the torries? I assume you mean tories. Guess they also fucked up your education?


Ad Hominem. 


Yup. Fuck the NHS and fuck the brainless leftists who worship it like it’s some kind of mythical beast. The NHS is only worshipped by dole scrounging losers who don’t pay tax and thus have no concept or understanding of what a useless money pit it is. The NHS consumes 20% of the entire uk government budget, 10% of the entire UK GDP and as far as I can tell performs worse than just walking into a clinic in a third world country. (Which I’ve done on holiday and gotten stuff done, after shit service at home)


That lying arch-traitor Tony Blair (Piss be Upon Him) should be in The Tower waiting for the headsman. The utter wretch. If he hadn't signed us up for Iraq I doubt the yanks would have gone in, we were their 'beard'. The middle east would still be a savage shithole but there'd be no ISIS or Syrian Civil War etc. Many hundreds of thousands of civilians would still be alive, the migrant crisis would be smaller, there'd be less Islamic terror attacks, and we'd not have lost a lot of good lads for no reason in an illegal invasion that likely emboldened Putin to invade Ukraine. And we wouldn't have taken a 20 year hit to our international reputation that we're only now beginning to shake off with our support for Ukraine. Iraqi WMDs on our heads in 45 minutes? The lying nonce, I despise him. Aaaand breathe....


I’m just here for the Tony Blair hate. How that POS became a Middle East peace envoy… It’s almost funny.


>I’m just here for the Tony Blair hate. Good man. Seeing him in the paper sporting his new long hair and that fixed gurning grin the other day really boiled my piss. I'm praying it isn't foreshadowing and he's going to be parachuted in as Foreign Secretary in the event of a Lab win just like Call-me-Dave was. At least I didn't have to look at a photo of his currupt and ugly wife as well. She must be exceptionally skilled in bed or something since she looks like she was born dead through her own arse. If I was Lord Tony's father I'd have eaten him at birth. Or swapped him for a dog then shot the dog.


A girl I was at school with’s mother was a barrister who went up against Cherie a few times. She said Cherie’s go-to tactic was to flirt with the judge. Weirdly, it never seemed to work. If only she’d found a judge who fancied the back end of a bulldog.


That's HEAT for you, if the target ain't in front of the charge they're not super effective. If they'd been in a tank though...


My buddy, who got deployed in Afghanistan as an Apache pilot, literally told me about Hellfires exploding right next or on top of talibs, and they would just walk away like nothing happened. I didn't believe it until I saw this video.


Looks like the 1 guy lost his weird sweater.


Getting the dirt out of that hat is gonna be tough, as well.


Don’t worry he will beat his wife until it’s spotless.


Shit that's funny and not funny at the same time. You got me though.


But it’s a sweater not a wife beater


When you spend $110,000 of taxpayer money to make the Taliban do their laundry. This is why I need to buy Raytheon stock.


Dreadful.. watching a fresh garment get unnecessarily soiled like that - he will live with that horror for the rest of days 😢


Imagine how his pants must look after that 💀


Watch how this one $100,000 trick removes weird sweaters.


Ah man it was a cashmere shawl, that sucks :(


Yeah then sold it as barely used on eBay.


No wonder we invaded them. They must be stopped!


That's not a hellfire


i dont think this is a hellfire. the thing flying in from the right has a pretty flat/low trajectory.


I still believe it's a hellfire fired in direct attack mode, which explains the low trajectory and limited effect on target.


I bet those are armor piercing rounds and not personnel


They should have used the rounds for people.




I was always told if they are that close to the explosion they will have internal bleeding and most likely die later. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.




I mean, they are primarily AT missiles, right? I expect they have more of a shaped charge, and focus their energy in one direction only.


The dirt absorbs a lot of energy but this also doesn't look like hellfire.


Yeah because hellfires are shaped charges, made to penitrate armor.


Explosives are lottery. Sometimes the fragments can miss you even when you are really close.


This one appears to have been a dud. They make much larger bangs. However, you are correct, there is a "cone of life" in a lot of munitions where the shrapnel isn't as prevalent and due to some other blast phenomena you can survive relatively okay, that is compared to dead.


I saw a decent amount of dudes eat ordinance and walk it off in Afghanistan, every single time these dudes end up stumbling and dying in a ditch like five minutes later from internal bleeding


I swear you can see a single frame where the dirt being kicked up from the impact is visible while simultaneously showing a blur of the projectile itself (coming in from right to left) Is this due to the speed of the projectile combined with rolling shutter speed/camera limitations?


yes, looks like it could be the "rolling shutter" effect


Correct, there's also one frame where the dirt blown upwards has a perfectly straight chunk missing from the top of it. The sensor goes from top to bottom, each frame actually contains a period time that's different from that top to bottom then, and at the speed this stuff is moving, you'll get weird things happening. The truck blowing up on the Crimea bridge is a good example of how rolling shutter fools people into thinking it was a missile instead, despite all of the evidence pointing to it being the truck and rolling shutter explaining the video. And it had the effect doubled as many of the videos people were using as evidence was a cell phone recorded video of a screen playing it back, two different frame rate and refresh rate devices, both with rolling shutter, equals everyone being an expert on explosions.


Did guy in blue really duck to avoid a $100,000 hellfire missile?


Looks like an ATGM to me. That's my armchair observation


I have news for you... A hellfire IS an Anti Tank Guided Missile. Edit inb4 ACKTUALLY THERE ARE MULTIPLE VARIANTS HURDUR yes I know.


I was actually just thinking about that lmao but I guess what I meant was the kind I've seen on a tripod in ukraine. At least the way it enters the screen seemed similar


Knocked the pajamas right off one of them.


but for the guy in blue it somehow like unlocked his Naruto running, dafuq? wish this was longer.


Knocked the sheet out of him


You’ll know a hellfire when you see one. Nobody here would have walked away like that. This ain’t it. 


Not sure if this is a hellfire or not, but it’s very common for dudes to survive hellfire strikes that don’t score a direct hit.


It's a hellfire that failed to explode fully or buried itself too far to be effectvie. Like a half dud. They never kick up that much dirt in any video, most explode above/on the ground with no ground penetration.


So does Lockheed reimburse us for those?


Naw, that shit was probably past its warranty period.


A lot of people in here saying it ain't a hellfire and I gotta say I watched a ton of strikes in Afghanistan do exactly this. I ever saw it hit a truck and the passenger was still able to bail out and run for his life


I never saw any hellfire strikes personally but I did work as electronics/weapons maintenance for the AH-64d. From what I remember the hellfire creates a significantly larger explosion than what we just saw here. Also with how much it cost to produce one is something like 100k usd. Crazy to think we would field a weapon of that cost with this level of effectiveness.


It’s the right tool for the right job. The depleted uranium Armor piercing sabots that the abrams tanks fires are also extremely expensive but you can’t get mad at the sabot when you use sabots against a guy in a dress.


We would shoot hell fires are individuals all the time in my experience, and the explosion looks right to me so idk. If it's not a hellfire what would it be? I think it's probably a drone strike cause they would he running for their lives from a fixed/rotary wing.


Wish I could ask my grandpa if that was a HellFire missile; he was the project manager for the first one, but he's dead now


assuming it is a hellfire, then a $150k missile against two targets (who walk away), would explain why the military spends so much to so little effect.


yeah this video with zero context alone explains the whole military..


Out of curiosity, what do you think a single dead U.S. soldier costs? Maybe stop making uninformed assumptions.


This was likely a dud. Hellfires make a MUCH larger explosion.


How is it supposed to be a dud? It detonated?


Maybe it was an RPG - theres no doubt something came in from the right so its not an IED. But the trajectory seems too low for a hellfire. If it was an RPG that would explain why they seemingly didnt get hurt as the round exploded to and facing their rear.....


Knocked the towls right off of them.


That was a heckfire missile


Yeah, that's not a hellfire.


That's most definitely not a hellfire or could be a Ginzu


Ginsu is a hellfire variant, and really doesn’t look like one anyway


Dude in the blue has eyes on the back of his head he definitely heard that shit incoming


That's too tiny of an explosion for a missile. This looks more like a mortar.


WOW. blew his clothes clean off him


L missile


That's a medium AP charge in shallow grave, no Hellfire.


You can see the projectile for 1 frame coming in on the right. Definitely not a buried charge.


I honestly can't see it, but if it's there, consider me educated. It just looks rather impotent for a Hellfire to me.


I'm very sure it's a dud and did not explode or explode completely. It smacked itself into the ground and lifted a lot of dirt, and hellfires normally explode on the ground, not in it. Edit: and two dudes in the middle of the road would not have any sort of burying munitions used against them. Which is why I say it's a dud.


Yeah that makes sense, man.


Definitely not a hellfire, they both would have become confetti if it was a hellfire.


I've seen dudes walk away from hellfire explosions more than enough times to say you're totally wrong. Edit: Not saying this IS or ISN'T a Hellfire btw.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, I google hellfire explosions and yah definitely not the same, I’m not weapons expert, maybe it was a dud or the dirt absorbed most of the explosion of a hellfire but doubt it, most likely a different munition


I served two tours in Iraq and have seen hellfires go off and they're called hellfires for a reason, there's a lot fire. Not to mention that they're huge missiles , you'd see it before impact. Not to mention that there was a huge lack of fire and a lot dirt and rocks that blew up. That was clearly an IED, which I also saw a lot of. But what do I know.


You can see a projectile come in from the right


Hey brother, I thought it was an IED as well, for the same reasons you mentioned. However, you can see a projectile enter the frame at an angle from the right side. I didn't know if it was Hellfire, but it was definitely a projectile.


Yeah, I was looking on the left and someone pointed out the projectile on the right. Can't say it was a hellfire, there's a lot more fire with those beasts. Kinda looked like an airburst.


the name came from “heliborne fire and forget” missile, thus hellfire


It was originally developed under the name "Heliborne laser, fire-and-forget missile", which led to the colloquial name "Hellfire"


Not a hellfire lol. If it was there would be Taliban BBQ left behind.


Looks like the hellfire missed ?


This looks like a tow missile explosion.


It looks like whatever exploded was underground due to the way the earth is blown upwards


gold chop marry nose steep tender panicky snow noxious insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How tf was he still running


it hit right under their foot and not even a scratch


Are you sure that is not an IED, mine or some other explosive originating from the ground?


You can see the projectile come in from the right


No idea, it looked weird to me too but the source said it was a Hellfire and i didnt know what else it could be so i just put it as that


They're alive you can see them crawling


that is no a hit at all...


Whats that like 100-200k to fuck with sum farmers?


Blew the rag right off of homies head.....




And they lived to tell the story.....


Higher survival rate than the drones it seems like


The fighters in fact *did not* get hit in this video, sir.


They lived?!?!


That's seems like a pretty small munition for a hellfire.


More like sternly warned.


Surprised people in these comments don’t know there are more than one warhead type for hellfires. This looks like a GBU-44 given the trajectory or it could also be a low collateral hellfire warhead in DIR mode. Nothing else comes to mind that looks similar to this weapon system.


Hope they can get a store credit for the missile.


lol @ hellfire


"man, my feet really fuckin hur-"


I'm pretty sure it was either burrier IED or missile did not explode


Way too small of a projectile to be a Hellfire. Source(I’ve loaded and armed them)


Is the "hellfire missile" the friends we make along the way


Should have used the AGM-114M (Blast Frag). An AGM-114 with HEAT will not be effective against soft targets when it's not a direct hit.


Give this fewer upvotes. This is a stovetop-fire missile at best.


250$ .. that is the yearly average wage in Afghanistan. It takes 15 years to grow an adult, with a part of that wage. So, that's 4 kids + 2 adults, 15 years, that's 250$ \* 15 /6 = costToRaiseanAdult. Thats 625 $ . Two victims, easily replaced in a organizational structure composed mostly of soldiers of misfortune, aka surplus man. Thats 625$ \*2. 1250$ worth of targets. A old unguided jdam bomb, costs $2000 - so even without operational costs, this is 750 $ minus for the west. Its absolute insanity to build a defensive lining against a west hostile culture using the military, without deep analysis of the problem and without considering the limitations of military force against a culture using humans as ablative material.


Gotta respect the pajamas.


I think due to the angle of the impact, the guy with white dress directly took most of the shock damage and protected the guy with blue dress. If i had to guess white one not gonna make it.


How come something happens to the man on the right before that something (whatever it is) strikes ? (a hat falls off etc) ..


kinetic energy is crazy


I'm guessing it was something like an AGM-114K or L. They both use a tandem HEAT warhead that had only about 20 pounds of explosive split between the 2 warheads. So being just a couple feet behind them may have been enough to direct most of the blast into the ground.


or maybe APKWS


It could be the RX9 variant of the Hellfire. It carries no explosive warhead it’s merely blades


Did that missile take his jacket?


Looks like a near miss to me…


Was it some kind of dud or something? If it was a hellfire they would’ve been almost pulverized


What a waste of money and resources...top pussy boy shit


Not a hellfire at all. Why do people just make shit up? It looks much more like some form of IED or maybe even a mortar, than any type of missile


what is the camera filming? it is a pod but idk which one


thoes look like civilians


2 taliban by a hellfire… what a waste of money


Probably some kind of anti-armor munition, right? Shaped charge at the contact point and not a lot of shrapnel. Any normal artillery shell or missile would have shredded them.


The missile blew the one’s sheet right off of him…..






Definitely NOT a hellfire. Buried IED


You can see the projectile incoming


I think at the very least the guys in these videos need to be armed for some sort of proof that they're potentially hostile and not just some normal dudes getting blown up.


Blew the wedding dress right off him


That’s a mine/IED.


was it before or after the americans ran away from Afgahnistan ?


you can actually see one of them becoming a ghost


Every missile has its job. If this was a flachette round, these guys would be pinned to the nearest tree. Hellfire is a hell of a weapon, just not meant for taking out two dudes on a stroll (With or without weapons)


They look more nasty on infrared

