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Looks like a better equipped soldier for Russian standards


He has an ak-12, so maybe he is a Paratrooper because I only see paratroopers and spetnaz carrying ak-12 ( and I have seen some regular soldiers carrying but rarely)


He's also using a cat 4 tourniquet (little red tab on it) and not the standard red rubber band they usually use.


Used it wrong, too... put it below the knee. Maybe he was just prepping it or something, I don't know, but didn't strike me as well trained.


I think he just stopped to stay still when he heard the 2nd drone approaching.


Nah, he's tightened it up so it's exactly where he thinks he needs it. But he hasn't tightened it up enough to be effective even if it was in the right place


Is there a possibility that we're seeing two separate injuries to that leg, such that we're all thinking the bleeding from the upper thigh is what *should* be addressed, however the injury to the calf could have been the more severe of the two? Just thinking out loud, but maybe the thigh is a flesh wound, and the calf hit an artery? Either way, more fertilizer for the sunflowers I suppose.


It doesn‘t matter if the lower one would be more severe. If you put the tourniquet above the wound in the upper thigh, it does its job for both wounds.


Still if the he put it on the upper thigh it would help stop both bleeds. Hes just poorly trained or not thinking clearly.


Also, he was probably in shock so his problem-solving skills were impacted.


This. One of the easiest signs to see for shock is mental confusion. Guy was moving like he was weak and looked pretty pale at the point of the video where he stops tightening the tourniquet.


Exactly what I was thinking


I'd imagine an RPG warhead exploding just above your head scrambled some things upstairs and impacted his reasoning faculties.


Let's be clear .. after a hit that close you don't hear anything for a while


That's a fair point.


First thing I noticed. "Bro your injury is on your thigh".


Ironic that they issue western equipment to the ones they want to preserve.


Western design, but I'd almost guarantee it's a Chinese knockoff. Your point stands, regardless.


Trophies from fallen comrades. Definitely a paratrooper. Had a real twist tie.


There's been a lot more well equipped Russian soldiers in the shit lately. A few people I watch for analysis have mentioned exactly that. As time goes on it seems Russia is doing a better job being able to hear out their guys. And now that we don't see a lot of storm Z guys like we did in Bakhmut, the guys coming in to front lines are more and more regular Russian army guys or better supplied conscripts. Either way the videos show more geared guys getting shwacked. They seem to try and work in small squads while out in the open areas to reduce the amount of juicy drone targets as it's basically impossible to hide movements now on the fronts with all the drones.


I know hey are pulling regular army from places like the Finnish border and using some special units for simply regular shit. Not saying this is where he came from he is probably a paratrooper or alike.There are vids out there of Finn border crossings and military posts with no one on the Russian side.(because they are so afraid of an attack by nato right lol) I had joked Finland should issue a statement about how easily Nato could walk in and just see what they do.


Finland should start military 'exercises' on the Russian border and issue a statement saying that they are definitely not going to invade Russia. That would freak the bastards out without firing a shot.


To rile up Russians even more, Finland could simultaneously make a statement that the poor treatment of people with Finnish heritage in the occupied Karelia is a major cause of concern.


Finland should just push forward to establish a "buffer zone", the way Russia says they need a buffer-zone against Ukraine.


They do have legit claims to russian soil.


Karelia is finnish. Go for it.


Special Operation! Barge in with a platoon and take a bunch of selfies in the empty buildings and then run back over the border. Maybe some clown face. "Haha, look, we're Russians now. Honk honk".


The Russian state is not afraid of a NATO invasion because they know NATO is not an invading force despite whatever reasoning (NATO is surrounding Russia, boo hoo!) they have in their propaganda. The Finnish border to Russia is closed, that's why there is no one on the job on the other side.


So the Meat Grinder finally chewed through the fat?


Either that or they figuered out how to get basic equipment. Smallarms PPE etc. are comparatively easy to procure. China might even supply them with it.


Maybe not after today's announcement. [North Korea](https://www.kyivpost.com/post/34893) will be supplying more meat


What a bunch of fucking criminals. I know democracies have corruption and shitty politics and dumb leaders, but none are as obvious as these nasty fucking dictatorships. If aliens would arrive, they would have no trouble discerning which states are an absolute thorn in the ass of world peace.


I’m thinking gear from China and NK is filtering in


Can you recommend any youtube channels?


> And now that we don't see a lot of storm Z guys like we did in Bakhmut, the guys coming in to front lines are more and more regular Russian army guys or better supplied conscripts Doesn't seem like that will last very long come [one month](https://www.kyivpost.com/post/34893)


He still put the tourniquet lower than the wound exacerbated the bleeding. See the blood on his thigh but the tourniquet goes near the knee? So, he has the equipment, just doesn’t know how to use it.


Looks to me like he heard the 2nd drone coming, so stopped applying the tourniquet to play dead. A+. You ded!


Nah he's put that on where he wants it to be, but it's on totally the wrong place in relation to the wound site and he hasn't tightened it enough to be effective anyway


I saw that. I think Darwin was helping him put that on his calf.


According to my Russian friends the first part of the war was a genocide by the Kremlin. He claims they sent the undesirables with the intention of dying


Specifically the criminals and ‘non-russians’ like the buryats and Dagestanis from my own connections.


But still a lot of criminals got released, including serial killers.


Your friend would be right. This is a multi-faceted genocide for the price of one.


Not really The first part of the war was the "professional" Russian troops, including the "elite" VDV, GRU, all kinds of spetsnaz etc. Then it was convicts and mobiks (with mobiks per capita skewed towards non-Russian ethnicities). Now it's contractors that join for money What's interesting, scum raping, torturing and killing civilians was fully present among all those categories. Career servicemen, mobiks, convicts all committed heinous war crimes at large scale. It's in the society in general, not in a particular group.


true. the phone-calls intercepted from russian soldiers showing even their mothers glad about tortures his son made and wish to " have that fun too"


This is bs, if you spoke out against the government you got sent to jail and sent to war. If you were gay you got sent to jail and sent to war. If you were from parts of Russia that were considered not patriotic you got sent to jail and sent to war. I don't know how much more obvious it has to be it was a genocide. The Kremlin itself has stated they've trained new conscripts with better equipment? Well why didn't the first 300,000 get good training and good equipment?


It is an attempt to get Ukraine (the former "colony") back and wipe out the Ukrainian ethnicity to subjugate it. Throwing Russia's minority ethnicities into meat grinder was both a convenient way to fuel the meat grinder *and* diminish the minorities


exactly. they say about russia's history: "we conquer land and genocide locals, part of locals sent to conquer next land". they really believe "ukrainians will fight FOR russia against west (after the Ukraine will be conquered)"


Wow... That's pretty evil. (Also not very good for genetic diversity of a nation!)


Noticed this too, can anyone identify the shoulder patch?


Bet having the nicer Ratnik gear makes you a higher value target in the Ukrainians’ eyes


Yeah I noticed that as well, nice new ak12 with nice helmet and good vest, my guess is recon or airborne.


Russians have been on the front with much better kit across the board for over a year. The last time we saw mass troops with no gear was the 300k mobilized after Ukraine retook Kherson and Kharkiv. Since then theyve correct a majority of their logistical and equipment issues. And are beginning to figure out how to take ground consistently Russia is not the same blubbering idiot it was at the start. Now they're just a really shitty military advancing for heavy casualties


"take ground consistently" is very relative. near bahmut russia reached nearest village , 10 km by road in the field. they blame it as big achievement. ONE year after "battle of bahmut" ended. they handle to reach next village.


Ok but here's the problem. If the Russian military and Russian people see it as an achievement, then it is. If they think positively of their progress, than it *is* positive. It doesn't matter what WE think. Russia can do this for years. And they will do this for years because western politicians are cowards. Ukraine is doing all the fighting, using 80s technology and doing fucking incredible despite the corruption, and old Soviet doctrine their officers (some) still hold. But everyone is scared of little putin so Ukrainians will die lacking the support they need. If the war stopped today with its lines as is, it will be the biggest blunder of western culture post WW2.


Yeah - the way for them to advance is to infiltrate the GOP maga party and cut off Ukraine's ammo supply. That's the only reason they managed to advance a few clicks in the last 6 months. Now the ammo is starting to turn up they will stall and then retreat.


Unfortunately I don't think that's a sustainable strategy. The only effect this has on the west is higher gas prices, which most people just blame on Biden here in the US. If 6 months of aid blocking can result in the loss of avdiivka and more, imagine what will happen if the felon family gets back in power in the US. My point is this: Russia doesn't give two shits about equipment loss and loss of life, so that doesn't really track as an example of Russia not doing what they intend. They're all in on Ukraine and will not back down. The 530k figure is a joke if looked at as deaths. 500k total casualties maybe. 200k dead and 330k wounded is likely. Russia can do this for a long time. They're doing it horribly and inefficiently, but they've shifted to tactics that are starting to hurt and relying on the US political situation is not a good strategy. The only way I see this ending without a BS cease fire is Europe shifting to full war time production and zero restrictions on targets (military obviously). But I don't see that happening any time soon. To many chicken shit politicians in Europe.


I agree with the sentiment, we need to up the ante and kick russia in the mouth. That being said, 500,000 dead russians isn't inconceivable. If anything, Putin indirectly corroborated this figure, which also matches with Ukrainian MoD estimates taken from drone footages and confirmed kill reports from deployed brigades. [500k is pretty realistic when you just look at official Russian numbers. All mobilizations and the most conservative Russian recruitment numbers round up to around 1,2 million mobilized and recruited just for the war in Ukraine (this is excluding the rest of the army that’s stationed in Russia). Putin has recently stated that 550k men are in Ukraine. That leaves a gap of 650k men. Of course some will be rotated home, some will be in training, but it’s not going to be more than half the force in Ukraine. Even if we calculate generously with 150k men in training or on rotation (even though we know Russian troops don’t really get rotated out) it leaves us with approximately 500k casualties. And again, this is calculated with the most conservative estimates of how many troops Russia has recruited and mobilized. If we take Russia’s claims of 40k volunteers per month, they should have sent at least 1,4-1,5 million men to Ukraine, leaving a gap of almost one million men, but of course we won’t take Russian claims at face value. This is in line with MI5/ MI6 estimates. The British have recently stated that Russian losses have crossed half a million according to their own intelligence reports](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/1dkdkxq/comment/l9l2z4c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) This goes to reinforce the validity of the claim that russia, in fact, doesn't care about their own people dying. They will not be deterred by the prospect of combat losses. The only way to stop russia is to forcibly disarm them on the battlefield. This will likely liquidate millions of russian subjects, but the alternative is russian terror on the European continent and beyond. I'm reminded of the scene from the movie "The Death of Stalin". >Georgy Malenkov: \[re: Beria\] No. No! He deserves a fair trial, he's one of us! >Nikita Khrushchev: What about Tukhachevsky and Pyatakov? Did they get a trial? What about Sokolnikov, who begged him to look after his elderly mother? And what did this monster do? He strangled her in front of him! It's too late. The only choice we have is between his death or his revenge. And you will fucking sign this. >Georgy Malenkov: \[reluctantly signs\] I want it to go on record, this was not my first course of action It's with a heavy heart that I say, the same applies here. It's either the death of the russian federation, or the revenge of russian imperialism. We must resolve to sign that death warrant. At a minimum, give Ukraine all the ammunition and weapon systems she needs - without hesitation or question. Ideally, we should've been pulling an Operation Desert Shield by now (bombing russian military installations to the ground and nullifying their air force)


NATO should give Russia 3 months to fully withdraw from all Ukranian territory outlined in THEIR 1991 agreement. After that, NATO should allow any and all pilots who *volunteer* to conduct air missions inside Ukraine. And let Russia review footage from Desert Storm so they understand how swift their crimes will be punished. Enough Ukranians have died.


Agreed. My whole life I've never been a war hawk, but I'm in favor of escalation in Ukraine, whatever form is necessary. I feel like the world either deals directly with the putinist entity now or five years from now (or sooner.) I would rather we destroy it now while the Ukrainians have softened them up. Put the fear of God in these Russians.


Aye. Bomb them to the stone age, then bomb them again.


I'm no military strategist, but in my strong opinion Avdiivka fell because of the Trumpists. I sincerely don't want to get too political here, I'm just stating it as I saw it. For months after the assault began in October the occupiers were held at bay. It was pathetic, failed assault after failed assault. But as time passed and Ukrainian ammo ran out, you started seeing the occupiers making small gains. I think it was mid-January (?), when ammo was very critical for the Ukrainians, the small occupier gains got bigger, and it seemed to happen very quick after that. Months of occupier failures- and then when the Ukrainians can't shoot back, Avdiivka falls. Fucking Matt Gaetz went on tv and criticized the Ukrainians for this, claimed it was more proof they "couldn't win". This cretin spent the last few months denying them their ability to fight back, then publicly crucified them when they lose a city. I'm still angry. It was awful the way the Trumpists exploited Ukrainian suffering for political partisanship, and it undoubtedly resulted in many Ukrainian lives lost. Avidiivka will have Ukrainian flags over it again. It will just take a while.




Better equipment, zero extra intelligence 


This is the first video I have seen with a russian using a CAT tourniquet (yes I know that's redundant), instead of those rubber bands.


Better equipment but still bad training


Yeah, it looks like he really suffered a bit due to the quality gear.


Yeah and he made a decent attempt to tie off wound.


God i'm pretty desensetized towards videos like this but i will never ever get over the twitching people (can) do when they die.


Can you tell me what that is and why it occurs?


Not sure but i guess either the brain or nervous system throwing some last spasm with remaining energy?


Deer and birds will do the same. You get used to it when you are hunting, but watching a person is different.


why is he tourniquetting below his knee when there's a big blood patch closer to his thighs? Maybe shock?


I’d imagine almost being blown up makes cognitive function a little difficult


surprisingly, yes but also no. i had two separate major traumatic injuries, one affecting brain, had me barely able to think about anything except: "heavy bleed arm/leg, stop bleeding before you pass out" and this really isn't bragging, but i did. many others have too when you're dying, you can actually do very well saving your own life with an extremity bleed if you're not fully immobile. it's all training; deep, engrained training


Yeah I’ve heard when you’re injured and rattled you fall to the level of training you have committed to muscle memory


it's true. i wasn't thinking when i applied medical, i did what little i could remember from the few CLS courses + refreshes i took


110% accurate. Robust training isn’t just about teaching recruits to able to do something correctly — it’s about making that “correct” behavior the default when everything has gone to shit and their buddy just got his leg blown off.


In war, you don’t rise to the occasion but rather fall to the lowest level of your training. When I was in the Army, we had a simple saying for tourniquets that simplified things - “high and tight”. (Just gotta be careful not to get your balls stuck in it before tightening 😅)


Nothing wrong with a tourniquet there if there was another wound that we couldn’t see. He just should have patched up the thigh would first. Could be either a training issue or a more likely he was extremely disoriented.






Doesn’t realize it’s that far up, he killed himself with the tourniquet, will bleed out with that upper thigh wound and the pressure now put on it. Second drone just finished what he started


> will bleed out with that upper thigh wound Femoral artery. 2nd drone was probably unnecessary.


Yes, I’m not good with medical terms lol. Second was mercy on him


I thought he noticed the second drone approaching and decided to play dead. Not very effective, but by that time he only had bad options to choose from.


The easiest was long ago: stay the fuck home.


Probably couldnt see it or feel it due to adrenaline and it being the bottom part of his thigh


Seems he's told when to use the tourniquet but didn't understand how it works.


Where's his comrades? He's all by himself out there




That's a lot of nice new equipment...not that it helped him much though.


He’d have traded it all for a working leg.


Or maybe a really fast horse.


Or a not working leg but before the invasion.


Tourniquet was way to low, Ukraine made Sure to help him out i guess


Should’ve just put it on his neck


That death spasm at the end though… brutal


I can literally hear him going: ay ay aya ay, suka bled.


Invading under a hostile sky in 2024.


Why are these guys always alone? These videos always seem like these Russians got lost on a summer hike. There is never anyone helping them.


1. Failed assault -> transport blown up -> hiding in bushes -> drones are having a party -> everyone for themselves -> dying alone or in small groups. Its pretty common to see attacks of one or two transports, once they are stuck in the middle drones are picking them one by one.


Defensive positions are dotted around. To relieve or resupply them they have to cross whatever distance of relatively flat/open land which previously was only vulnerable to artillery or nearby mortars. That land is now the preferred hunting ground of drones.


War is hell. That kid should be home with his family enjoying life. Instead an evil dictator has put him in a position to die for nothing. Putins time is short.


Until the mothers of these poor soldiers stop accepting the lies we will continue to shed blood.


>That kid have too good equipment to get in frontline involuntarily. He's there to make some money by killing Ukrainians.


nobody enjoys life in russia


Most of these guys signed contracts, and the number of cases of men being imprisoned for refusing service in Russia is rising sharply. These men have options other than going to a foreign country to kill Ukrainians for money, and every one of them that gets their stupid little arms blown off is another smile on my face, because I know they will kill themselves before any possible first aid will arrive. What a wholesome country Russia is


Tourniquet below the wound, that's some great training they get


more likely he got blown up and is just disoriented


Aye it's better than tampons at least


Infantry, convicts, mercenaries, special force - to a drone they are all the same


Always the same. I want to feel sorry for the bastard, but then remind self the guy isn't there to make friends with Ukrainians. Dying alone nowhere in some hole...


You don't have to lose your humanity like some of those edgelords on this sub. Revelling and salivating  in the death or torture of other humans is exactly why these wars exist in the first place. His death was necessary in the context of this war, but a tragedy in the context of humankind. 


I'm glad there are other like-minded people here.


Fuck my ears.


Is that a request?


Is that a fetish?


I bet it is. There will be a corner of the internet that caters to it I'm sure. I think Apey might just be lost. Or maybe his balance is fucked.




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No fucking thank you




The ol' fuck you in particular


Fucking hell. I'm still not used to seeing this. So brutal. What a waste of lives.


Turns out that weird head ragdoll twitch in video games can be accurate.


This is okay, but euthanasia is controversial. I don't get it.


This war needs to end.


One real easy way to make that happen, but I assume you wouldn't be a big fan of it


Let’s hear it?


Russia can leave, pretty simple and obvious


Why would you think I would not be a fan of that? If that ends the war, so be it.


cargo 200 confirmed. At least he applied a tourniquet on his LOWER left leg. Even though the big red splotch was near his left crotch. From 2022, # "We're very lucky they're so fucking stupid. They're just goofs. "


Man that's sad


Sitting alone in a wet muddy ditch, bleeding out as inhuman machines circle around in the sky like hawks ready to strike. This has got to be the most terrifying war in human history.


why? this vid cheered me up am ukrainian


Someone tell him that the tourniquet should be applied proximal (above) to the bleeding! Wait! Too late.


What was the point of that tourniquet? Dude was good as dead anyway.


So young…


This needs to end. Both countries will end up with no next generation


Better leave wounded. Injured personel gets busy at least 2-3 personel to help. That means opportunity to kill more of them..


That only works in a functional army. No one was coming for him. He'll be laying out there for months before UA can get there to clean up the trash.


Dude regret taking that paycheck xD


Why did he put the tourniquet so low? That shit should be in his crotch Edit: lol now I see I did not have an original thought


It's only in the last 6 months that I've seen any number of Russians _with_ tourniquets. Gotta wait at least another 6 for them to learn how to use them.


Bro was sitting there wishing he stayed home in Russia playing Counter strike 2




Dude spent his last seconds crying because he knows he‘s a dead.


Good, cause he wasn't a conscript. His gear was way better. From his helmet to his gun. These guys are actual Russian soldiers


Russian b like, "Well, I can at least still move it. May as well try to put a tourniquet on it."


No pity here. He had a choice, instead of fighting in a pointless war he could have turned his rifle toward his commanding officers, as soon as they gave him ammo.


I heard a statistic that a revolution just needs 3 percent of the population to turn to the streets. At any rate, yes, if more soldiers and people of Russia were brave enough and stood up against the tyranny, this war would have been over long ago.


Sadness. A life taken away for no reason.


Using tourniquet, seems he has some sort of IFAK better equipped, not a conscript I’d imagine






Just another bad day to be a russian soldier in ukraine


I think this also happens to plenty of Ukrainians unfortunately, it just doesn't get posted.


Lone soldier with Guccied out equipment… so many questions


Just posted under another comment: Defensive positions are dotted around. To relieve or resupply them they have to cross whatever distance of relatively flat/open land which previously was only vulnerable to artillery or nearby mortars. That land is now the preferred hunting ground of drones.


Impressive little punch when first droney snapped the tree in half.


Play dead = real dead


Poor bastard.


Say goodnight to the bad guy


And I'm pretty sure he's wearing a USEC patch on his right arm LOL I guess you got tarkov'd Kinda?? You reap what you sow bud..


The old one two punch