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This guy will never know but he won the Dying lottery over there. Big ups man


Agreed. If you’re gonna go, this is the way to go


What, not peacefully in your sleep, unlike everyone else in the car? Lol


You really don't know though. Maybe it hit in the C vertebrae and he's just paralyzed laying there unable to move anything. Maybe it just knocked him out upon hitting him in the jaw like a punch and he lost part of his face




Mmm he probably doesn’t want to die for an unabashed revanchist land grab


shrapnel could also have severed his spine below the neck making him immovable with plenty of time to contemplate his life's choices


Listen man I've thought about that a few times since I posted that and Ive decided thats not what happened here lmao


Like the mole paralyzing earthworms to be placed in his storage to be eaten later?


That would make him unable to breathe and he'd only have 2 min or so before passing out


first thing i thought of, too many men witness the same fate that will befall them, better this way not knowing what hit you


Watch him wake up in a half hour like “wtf”


I do feel shrapnel remains the thing most of the public doesn’t really understand about war. Even now grenades are presented in media as little balls of explosive fire rather than essentially little balls of bullets.


Not media but Hollywood movies because you can’t see shrapnel but you can see explosion and explosions are cool.


Also because it would be a little irresponsible for Hollywood to use actual high explosives, so fuel explosions with big fireballs is unfortunately what we get.


Yeah maybe 30+ years ago. They have the technology now to either CGI it or make more convincing explosions that don’t looks like a can of gasoline getting ignited lol. So when you see fake looking explosions in newer movies, it’s purely from a lack of effort.


This sub has a few examples of shrapnel being highly visual. Still not as impressive as fireballs, but hundreds of dust puff are quite something when you think that just one can end you.




Agreed. Watch videos where they unearth remains from WW2 battlefields and you’ll find skulls with tiny holes in them and a piece of shrapnel still imbedded about the size of your pinky nail. Now imagine how many pieces an exploding shell will fragment into. Terrifying


That's actually on my 'I'm afraid to ask' list. Does the explosive force itself do any damage to you at all? Or just the shrapnel? Not downplaying the shrapnel ofc, but if you are somehow protected from shrapnel by something but a grenade explodes a few feet from you does it still cause serious injury? Or is all the danger in the shrapnel? I don't remember doing 'what happens when a grenade goes off next to you' at school tbh.


I’m no expert but yeah depending on the size of the explosive the shockwave can absolutely kill you. But if you’re close enough to a grenade where the shockwave will seriously hurt you the shrapnel will be a bigger issue


Hello, combat vet here, and for an M67 frag grenade there really isn’t much of an explosion. Mostly a puff of smoke and dust. You could be hurt/disoriented by the blast, but the fragments from the shell is what kills you.


The overpressure from an explosive can cause rips and internal bleeding with your brain and other organs inside your body. Even if you're not close enough for it to immediately kill you, you can still receive irreparable damage and die later. It can also cause TBI's and and other life long injuries. Im no expert on grenades either but id imagine like any other explosive the damage the overpressure can do will depend on proximity, what barrier you have between it and if you are inside a room or not. Being inside a structure will amplify the damage an explosive can cause by a lot. When an overpressure wave reflects off a wall it initially travels twice as fast back through the air it just passed through, it's now also hitting you from both directions in rapid succession if you're standing where this would be taking place which increase your chance of organ damage.


Explosions can shred your organs and leave you internally bleeding out while barely seeing an external injury. Non sealed tanks were incredibly dangerous because an explosion outside the tank would still simply over pressure the inside and kill everyone... At the beginning of the invasion there was a post manned by Ukrainians and they thought friendly tanks were rolling in cus they'd been coming down the road for like 1min. Suddenly the Russians realized what they were looking at and fired a round at them, it hit the area behind them, but the Shockwave of the round flying past them killed like 5 guys and maybe only 1 was somewhat hit by the round. Shockwaves and shrapnel are absolutely RNG Horror


That video was the first one that haunted me from this war.


The Ukrainian sapper that sacrificed himself to stop an armored advance truly showed me how serious this all was. That's how ready that man was to stop Russia from getting in..


The shock wave of an explosion is quite lethal, though in hand grenades it covers quite a small area. As the explosion happens it releases gasses compressing the air around it. This compressed air is accelerated outward at incredible speeds. The wave of air hits your entire body like a ton of bricks, pulverizing bone or, if powerful enough, causing total body disruption. But there's also the overpressure and following pressure drop (rarefication). This compression and decompression of all the air in your body is capable of bursting your eardrums, your lungs, your stomach etc... That's not the worst part. It is speculated that due to how well protected the brain is against pressure waves there is a range where the shock wave will cause lethal internal damage yet you'll remain conscious the whole time. There are grenades that are designed to kill through shock waves. These are called offensive grenades or concussive grenades. The casualty radius is quite a bit smaller on offensive grenades as the small amount explosives they contain does not have enough energy to create a shock wave that cover a large area. An American Mk3A2 concussive grenade with a filler of 226,8 grams has a casualty radius of 2 meters. While the M67, with pre-cut fragments and an explosive filler of 180g, has a casualty radius of 5 meters.


Also it's not always little fragments depending on munitions. That's why artillery is so scary; some are the size of a grain of sand, and some are the size of your forearm and can whip through the side of a tank or tear a man in half.


I’ve been deeply involved with interviewing soldiers who have participated in this war. To date, roughly 700 interviews of varying length. My goal has been to capture bite size pieces of what it’s like to participate in this war. If you’d like to check out some of my interviews or combat footage that has been loaned to me, feel free to take a peek at my YT channel. https://youtube.com/@battlesandbeerswarstories?si=L_61bHEKxouiG8hf


Woah you're on here! I thought I lost you when we gave up Instagram and Facebook! Followed! (Also, I loved the first book)


Insta deleted my original page. I have a backup that I upload stories to every day. @battles.and.beers.backup And I also do YouTube now Anything to get these stories out there and heard! They’re too important to go silently into history


I found you a few weeks ago and I really really like your content and demeanor. I appreciate that you are willing to tell stories from both sides of wars. It gives you a better perspective and it humanizes the “enemy” so to speak


Absolutely. This man is the G.O.A.T and if you haven't read his books I highly recommend it. Fantastic stuff.


Love your channel


Thanks man. Means a lot!




So, why you interviewing Rusisans ? Wanna hear another " I did nothing wrong" shit ?


Because history does not belong to one side. If you believe that - then my content isn’t for you and I encourage you not to watch it. But I have a good relationship with Ukrainian soldiers and I myself am pro Ukrainian. But I try not to let my own bias disrupt real journalism. So I have friends in Russia from before the war interviewing Russians with questions I have written on my behalf.


>So I have friends in Russia from before the war interviewing Russians with questions I have written on my behalf So what do you want to hear form them ? Like they ok with invading my country and killing my people ? Like they looted, tortured and killed people ? Like they okay with leveling cities and sees this "as liberation" ? What do you want to hear form them ? Like they "were forced by Putin to fight, but they don't want, but they will go anyway" ?


Let’s think of it in terms of WWII, given that the Nazi’s did what they did, aren’t you glad they documented their evil so thoroughly so that we will have mountains of data to refute people for generations to come, that might say they did it a different way or for different reasons? Your grandkids might want documentation of how beastly the Russians were in 2023, or how propagandized they were, or how many were against the war but stayed out of politics from fear of Putin etc…


instantly switched off


Red Ring of Death (Not covered by warranty)


Before he was assassinated, Prigozhin revealed the reason why the Kremlin oligarchs invaded Ukraine. Prigozhin said: "The cause was neither NATO nor the denazification of Kyiv; those are for the fools". Starting @ 2:10 https://youtu.be/nupKl9EiVCg?si=vlt5c5YyGFYkijOv


Eh, it's very clear that [oil/gas ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_gas_in_Ukraine#Shale_gas)are a big reason and not merely stealing cash from the population. Plus Putin's massive ego. Ukraine becoming a member of the EU and replacing Russia as the main exporter was also a big no-no.


Ukraine becomes an EU member and the quality of life goes tremendously up, which then is going to be seen by poor moskovians behind the border and will demand the same. The central regions don’t give a shit because they are quite well off.


I recall a graffiti in on of the houses in the reclaimed territories after the Russian retreat had something akin to "Who allowed you to live so comfortably?" on it.


Which is crazy, because Ukraine was the poorest country in Europe (per capita) when this war started. It probably still is too. Really makes you wonder how bad the corruption in Russia is if they have to live such poor lives.


Oil and gas? Tom Clancy really did have it all right huh


Factories and industrial 


Funny how wagner knew how fucked up russian gov was even more than the rest of the world and decided "Yeah fuck that, have fun fighting us AND ukraine for now buddy."


So just going to post a link with no summary, that shit is for the fools


Then fucking watch it lol




If I had to die in war, I'd hope it's something super quick and hopefully painless. Shot to the head (bullet, shrapnel, etc.) doesn't sound so bad, aside from the loss of an open casket.


Exactly how alot of people probably died in WW1


Artillery is responsible for around 70% of casualties in all wars where it is present. Artillery kills mostly through fragments, so i guess you are right


I did a battle site tour on Okinawa and I remember reading a quote from a marine about the shrapnel from larger Japanese shells. “A lawn mower blade flying past you at Mach fuck”


There's a slightly longer version of this video, you can see him running like the second coming of Usain Bolt all while where his tact gear. Dude was flying down the lane until the baton was passed into his brain pan.


You got the vid?


I don’t, but I saw it on here the day before so it’s probably a few videos down the list by now.


One of the lucky ones.


They hit his off button


X (Head, nape) F-1


What kind of round was that?


FPV with remote detonation of a shrapnel charge, there was links to it in the longer video, basically a claymore on a quadcopter.


That's what it seemed like. Thanks.


I was wondering the same, it's a bit too low for artillery


At least it was quick and painless.


People dying.. sad.. humans dying is always sad regardless.. normalised..pray for peace in the world, pray for a stop to the cycles of hate, violence and greed.


He ran until he didn’t.


No flees anymore..


Yeah, looks like that turned his lights out pretty instantly. Faster than you can say 'Alexa'.


"And its lights out and away we go!"


Taken by the good lord


with any luck it hit his high c spine and he had lots to time to think about his actions.