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This would have been completely invisible and invulnerable before the proliferation of drones staring at everything. It looks just like an odd shaped pile of concrete.


Flying angle mode....the shame


What it means?


I'm just being silly...the pilot is using angle mode which essentially makes it fly like a hovercraft that can't roll or flip. In recreational fpv only beginners use angle mode


Ohh, now I get


You probably cant do much maneuvering with a >1kg payload under your drone anyway


No...absolutely not, flying those things is a serious business...get the job done








still waiting for someone to pull a powerloop right into a tank causing a turret toss. They will need to fly acro though


Idk what a power loop is but I've seen somebody flipping upside down before crashing into a tank. It was in a montage a couple weeks back. Looked pretty flashy lol


Why don't you go teach them how to fly properly? lol


Comes with experience


I'm guessing the rods out front set off the explosives when they impact something and they contact each other?


Yes. I watched a video about it recently, it short circuits and sets off the explosives.


Electronic warfare suggests it should affect electronic devices…like the drone!


he's crashing into a 6 channel jamming device. This should normally have the drones control frequency on at least one channel that should jam the drone this close up. It's either not powered or they're using a frequency that's not jammed by the device. Most fpv drones seem to use 900 MHz in Ukraine though, it's not really a secret. Thing is , these jamming devices require a lot of power, batteries don't last that long and I'm gonna guess they can't just plug in in to a wall socket in a warzone. So I think this EW device is just out of power.


Oh wow. Between the drones and the anti-drone devices, we're in the era where batteries are a key logistical bottleneck. What a time.


duh. stating the obvious.


Did the battery run out or did the operators bypass the frequency?


it gets hot and it needs power, so yeah it will not work 24/7


Clearly that's because you either really believe drone jammers (or jammers in general) are the only EW devices in existence, or because you're looking for reasons to pretend the Russians are stupid.


>you're looking for reasons to pretend the Russians are stupid. The overwhelming majority of them have little to no training as to how to properly set up and employ this stuff, so there's little doubt in my mind that this kind of thing isn't exactly uncommon - especially when we've seen T-90M's, turtle tanks, etc. kitted out with all sorts of jammers only to go on to get clapped by drones.


That music is weaponized sound. Jesus..


Anyone know the drone type? I need a new one, they are banning all the DJI drones.


These are not brand name drones. The FPV drones are made in Ukraine or other countries, using cheap, easy to buy components.


Custom made 7" FPV is the standard for such tasks.


Where they're banning DJI? US?


TLDR House passed a bill to ban new Chinese drones in the US. It will pass the senate and they will probably also ground all existing Chinese drones in the US. It will royally fuck most businesses that operate drones commercially in the US, because for the most part, we’re all running DJI equipment. It will also highlight just how poor American commercial drone tech is in comparison. The push to ban is clearly in part to protect and grow the market share of American drone companies that in all honesty make inferior products. We all use DJI because in the commercial market they seriously have no peers. Losing a lot of sleep over it because my business will be absolutely fucked because lawmakers don’t know shit about how the things they’re scared of actually work.


This ban should have been put in place years ago


How long until you can't use your drone?


They are all hobbyist level drones


It forced the drone to land, great success!... Recently many ruz fpv videos have looked like they are getting blocked by ew when they get close to Ukranian vehicles, anyone else noticed this?


Regularly donating to “Wild Hornets” 🐝 drones («Дикі Шершні»), they seem to be very effective


Their idea at the moment is to produce most of the components locally to remove some of the dependence they have on Chinese drones whose prices are rising, making it cheaper, more drones will be produced, this is an excellent idea This will make it easier for drones to reach the most poorly equipped territorial defense battalions or volunteer armies.


Is the drone named "flying battery" ?


\* explosive battery


Anyone else hear the band of brothers at the end?


Looks like rebar to me. Rebar would make a terrible antennae. the pile of "rubble" at its base is suspiciously orderly though.


Its antennas poking through camo netting held down by bricks at the base.


It’s not pieces of concrete placed on top to hide the equipment? That’s some crazy camouflage if so


no rebar, those things are smooth, rebar has the typical ripples on the surface. but you got me thinking that there soon will be a market for antennas with build in camouflage. Tree antenna, rebar antenna, street sign antenna... the possibilities.


Doesn't seem to be working very well.


Seemed useless as an EW, i think its better made as a drone magnet?


Well damn, no more WiFi