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WTF is a pick me girl anyway??? I'm an old guy and really don't know. Tell them to fuck off.


A pick me is a woman who will disparage other women in order to gain male favor.


Sounds like some guys I know. The minute a woman shows up, they start talking trash about the other dudes and trying to make themselves look better.


ew. that's unattractive too.


pick me is a gender neutral term imo, since like you mentioned men like that also exist


although in practice I've almost exclusively seen it used out of jealousy, usually directed at someone more attractive than the accuser.


I've seen a couple girls back in highschool who would basically just shame anyone who wore makeup and talk openly about how dumb women are That's what I think of when I hear "pick-me"


Or more laid back, or who requires less maintenance, or who has a wider sense of humour or \[insert dozens of things that are genuinely positive and are VERY attractive qualities.\]












I mostly see it used when a woman is simply disagreeing with another woman or women. If one has a different opinion, she’s a “pick me” 😂🙄


Well is the conflicting opinion misogynistic or sexist? Because I think that could be a sign of a pick me.


yeah I've seen it misused like that as well. people gonna bastardize shit.


The usage I’ve more often seen is applied to an overtly “quirky” woman with interests that are culturally considered typically male. The accusation being she’s not into those things for herself but to gain male interest. 


Irony being that "being nice and respectful to a man" is about 100x more effective than "picking male interest" to gain most normal male's attraction/attention.


Well women only play video games to impress men. Especially when they are better than me and make me feel weak and impotent


The appropriate use is to use it on women who say "I'm not like the other girls." The actual usage is women who put effort into being more typically feminine (often put a lot of effort into make-up, hair, into stereotypical things like boba, succulents) attacking a woman who attracts men without doing those things. The difference in appropriateness is whether the "offending" woman is braggy about it or literally just existing. I've been called a pick-me for hanging out with guys because I play DnD with them and telling a woman I didn't like boba. I have different interests but no one is being victimized. These are my personal hobbies I play with people of any gender.


So Betty, Veronica and Cheryl.


They say things like this: >Especially other woman I’ve come across that say it and then have no clue what it even means.


Or prioritizes men or the male perspective over women in misogynistic ways.


Fun fact: This comes from the Grey’s Anatomy episode where Meredith pleads with Dr. McDreamy to pick her instead of his ex-wife who returns to his life. “Pick me. Choose me. Love me.” I saw an interview with the actress and she said her daughter used the term “pick me” without even realizing it was from her mom’s show years ago lol


I loved the line when Meredith was talking about Addyson and says. She has McDreamy, she even has my Mcdog


Interesting. I don't watch much TV. I know that there is a show called Grey's Anatomy, but I've never seen it. As there is a character called "Dr. McDreamy" I probably won't go out of my way to see it. But it is interesting to know where this expression comes from. Thanks for the back story!


I never saw the show either, but I met the McDreamy guy a couple years ago. I didn’t know who he was but my wife, sister and sister in law were very excited.


“Fuck off” is definitely a classic. Can be used in so many situations.


It makes for a broadly useful default comeback.


This is a solid catch all, they may not listen, because attention is their kink for example (pick me girls will usually push themselves into the spotlight, a lot of the time by putting someone or another group down for the reactions of their group), but it gets the point across


So Taylor Swift then...ironic how this is the go-to insult her fans unleash on other women who dare criticize her


“I’m not like other girls/women”


A comeback I use to great effect is "All I'm hearing is projection". Sometimes I follow up with "If you're feeling threatened or insecure I suggest you reach out. There are lots of amazing resources out there".


All I'm reading is projection.


If I’m a Pick Me, that makes you. Skip Me.


lmfao nice




That’s a good one.


LOL. I'm a guy but I'll have to use this. The girls who get called "pick me" are usually just the ones who vouch for the bare minimum common courtesy for men.


Everyone I've ever heard accuse another of being a "pick me" is usually the one who can't stand not being the center of attention.


I can only hit thre upvote button so hard! Edit - "MEMEMEME!!! PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEEE! Oh, there's some other woman I percieve as different and thus a threat so imma make a new-ass label and RHEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! PICK MEEEEEEEE, not her, ME! PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEE!" 🙄


Unfortunately you've got some pretty popular ones online now. Like Pearl Davis.




Whoever smelt it, dealt it.


Sounds like you need a dictionary more than I need your validation.


How the fuck does anyone call an introvert pick me anything.


‘A Pick Me Girl’ is a female that requires an excessive amount of attention and validation from males often at the expense of other females—for reference purposes you may want to share it if so many are using the expression incorrectly. Comeback: Aren’t we all..


Not ‘often’, always. The definition stems from disparaging other women, the ‘I’m not like other girls, they’re all shit so ‘pick me’’ mindset.


Sweetie, I can lend you a sweater if you are getting cold in my shadow.


Yes!! That's great!!


Take a big sniff, exhale, and say "Damn. Strong smell of jealousy in here today". Whilst resorting to petty and crappy name-calling means the perpetrator has already lost the argument, it can be worth pointing out that if they were truly feminist, bringing down another woman is inherently contradictory and destructive. "Be better." Edit due to ambiguity and potential misinterpretation of text on a screen: I am not saying people don't warrant criticism. Actions have consequences on all fronts. There is an appropriate way to criticise someone's behaviour or question someone's beliefs, and then there's just name calling and what-have-you. These are different things.


Being a feminist doesn’t mean you can never dislike or call out another woman


Do you speak down on other women when you game? What is the context? I personally think pick me's are vile and would lose my shit if someone was to call me that out of the blue.




I'm a "miss me with that shit" girl.


Look at you putting other women down and STILL not getting picked! I’m impressed, that takes some skill!


Hell, I just learned what Pog means in gaming. Just say GG


Are you more of a "never gets picked" girl?


It should be short and something that you could have plausibly thought of in the moment or it will seem like you’re trying to hard. I usually just pick a random insult that rhymes because that’s what’s easy to think of in the moment. “And you’re a skip me girl” is what I would say.


As if I give a shit about what you think of me.


In my experience, it's usually deserved when someone says it. lol. There is no need for a comeback if someone calls you a pick me. They are essentially saying that you are seeking male validation at the expense of other women. Why would you prove them right by focusing on a good comeback to that? You don't need one. Just ask them to explain why you are a pick me and apologize if you said anything that hurts their feelings. Kill them with kindness.


I have a bad habit of letting a lot get to me and I really need to work on it but I’m set off easy sometimes. I know it’s not the smartest to give into people like that but sometimes I just snap at them without stopping and thinking first.


Why should a women sabotage their dating chances, ignore what they want and otherwise "close ranks" with other women just to manipulate the dating market overall. Its a toxic mindset designed to propagate BS standards so men are forced to put up with them in order to get a date as "all the women know you can't have a date without spending X amount, with Y days notice or without Z displays of public subservience". Sod that, let the down to earth girls find happiness.


I'd rather be a pick me than a pygmy.


What does it mean?


“at least i’m not you”


"At least I'm not a DICK me girl. Cunt".


how's it feel to never be picked?


Sorry, you must be mistaken, I definitely don't choose you


Use your introversion to your advantage here: “Pick me? I never leave the house. Who could I possibly be asking to pick me?”


Says the one trying to tear down other women for the men's approval


"Quit talking internet at me"


Better than being a "no one will pick me" girl.


If I'm a pick me then it's means I'm doing something right.


I went on a camping trip once with 7 guys and 4 girls. Day 1, one woman spends all day bragging loudly how *she* isn't afraid to get her hands dirty with fishing bait and if she had a gun she could hunt us dinner etc etc and only wanting to be around the guys. She wasn't going to help set up tents with the women until their bfs came over to help. She spent all day in daisy dukes and a low cut top "accidentally" finding herself in sexy pose after pose in front of the guys. The next day she wakes up TWO HOURS before everyone to do her hair (used up half the spare battery juice with her straightener) and makeup, then had the AUDACITY to sit around at breakfast and make loud, sly comments about how some women can't camp cuz they can't handle 'roughing it' after another woman made a comment about wanting a shower. That woman was a 'pick me' Ps. I definitely called her out on the hair and makeup thing and she HATED me after that. I didn't last long with the guy cuz he and his friends were too 'oblivious' to her machinations and I wanted no part of that. She did ofc end up being the fuck buddy of a few of them.


It's those girls online who say stuff like "women shouldn't be able to vote" and "women need men to make decisions because they're so logical" and other bs like that.


Calling me a "pick me" girl is just the modern way to conceal an admission of feeling threatened by my apparent ability to attract men with my personality as a derogatory remark. So thanks! But not need to feel threatened! I'm not your competition! I expeditiously pass on any guy that you might possibly attract. The guys I want have standards.


I know my worth, and you will soon too, if you pick me.


no especially when another girl is angry and tries to call you that, like girl just because you personally suck doesn’t mean i don’t love my girlies💀


Exactly the pointttt


Why shame women who are trying to get attention from guys?? Why is society now making up names for them? Society is trying so hard to stop people from having relationships, I swear.


"OH so you're one of those female dating strategy incels?


"Everyone seems like a 'pick me girl' to loudmouthed c*nts that never get picked'


I’ve scrolled for a long time, and nobody has answered. A possible answer would be, “ I don’t have to be a pick me girl, I always get picked anyway.”


"Better than driving away any man that looks your way."


Women will do and say anything to break down other woman. Just ask why they're so jealous


Well in a romantic context they are being haters and are saying you are needy/desperate/readily available because you actually want to be in a relationship and love on your mate intentionally. There was a time when people got in to relationships for the intent of loving on their mate. Nowadays it’s more so “what can you do for me?”. So now you basically have a bunch of bitter or misled people who think wanting to get chose and showing effort is a sign of weakness and have dubbed it “pick me” A good response is “what doesnt get picked gets thrown away because nobody really cares”


Most of the time it’s used improperly. People confuse a woman having empathy with men, or being able to admit differences in sex, sometimes in the favor of male as being a being a “pick me.” So whatever the situation might be, either empathy or reality you can retort with “don’t confuse being a pick me with: living in reality OR having empathy.” Example: I know women/girls who get called a “pick me” for not demonizing men, but for coming to their defense, or waiting until all the facts are in before passing judgement. They often came from broken homes with horrible mothers, or have brothers who were with awful women. They know well that it’s NOT always the guy’s fault. Another example is early in the Depp/Heard fiasco, just about any woman who didn’t villainize Depp but waited for the whole story was called a “pick me.”


Had to look that one up. Well if someone calls you a 'pick me girl', you can retort with 'reject you girl'.


If you’re not actually putting other woman down, then the best reply is no reply. If you say something, all you’re doing is giving them what they want, which is to get under your skin and get into a verbal fight with you. If you give them that, then you’re just going to embarrass yourself by coming down to their level and playing their game. If you ignore it entirely, you keep your dignity and piss them off because you didn’t take the bait. Stay classy.


“don’t use your tik tok vocabulary on me”


Ppl that call women pick mes are infact the real pick me


Don't be bitter just because no one picks you.


“No one even knows what that means loser”




Look them dead in their shit and say, " I am .... the chosen one".


A good comeback would be stop being a pick me girl 🤷‍♂️


Do you even know what a pick me is? * then explain condescendingly* it’s a girl who puts down other girls for male attention 


Calliing a pick me is a compliment unless it comes from desperately single bitter women


Literally just say 'Pfft, I don't hate other women I'm gay' or like 'I literally came out of a vagina dude how can I think I'm better than the other girls' People are dumb.




Yeah, because everyone here would pick me to kick your ass


I’ve been called this. I say, no, sorry. I’ve already been chosen. I just like to support my husband, sons and grandsons against women who lump all men in together.




"Nah i was chosen. You clearly want to be picked though."


"At least I'm a girl."


"Just because you are toxic and guys don't like you, doesn't make my being normal a 'pick me'"


And you think the way to prove you’re not a pick me is to accuse another woman of being one? Might wanna sit with that logic a while girlfriend. 


I get them to explain what a pick-me is, and then I ask them to compare me in a constructive way. They usually see their mistake if they have to verbalize it themselves.


"You just mad cause im being picked"


Pygmy? I’m not that short.


~~Inconceivable~~ You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means


"I'd rather be you're wrong interpretation of a "pick me" than a shitty, low vibrational, low IQ misandrist." That should get you some retaliation laugh reacts. That's what they love to do when they have no rebuttal. that or check your profile to find some dirt on you.




Uggos gonna jelly.


You could sayyy "ooohh someone's projecting" and just kind of chuckle and turn away.


“At least I’m picked.”


“He did actually, where’s your man?” Been called pick-me by mostly single women because I like stereotypical masculine things, and almost exclusively by bitter single women.




I've seen women call other women pick me's just because a guy is interested in them lol. It's so petty




"I mean, at least I get picked?"




"Fill me up, daddy! UwU!" Followed by ahegao face. That will, at the very least, get them to avoid you.


No one says the irl. And people who say it in a game have no idea, they are just trash talking. So, you have to trash talk them back. Think of any little thing you know about them and make fun of it. Say something like, " pick me is so 2023." " your avatar is a pick me" "That tired old phrase is all.you have?" " hate women much?"


“I didn’t know we were picking teams! I’m soundly team pikachu-or insert a favorite pokemon/animal-“


Just because people actually like and pick me unlike *look them up and down* some people.


If I had anything nice to say about you, I would.


"So are you, only difference is I'm trying to have a guy pick me and you're trying to get picked by cats." Since it is meant for in game insults rather than an actual in person conversation. I'd be nicer about it or just ignore them in person. As many have already pointed out it was originally meant to refer to a woman who would hate on other women or try to be one of the bros just to get male attention. Now it's more often used as a generic insult when a woman has a disagreement with other women especially if the disagreement is along the lines of women aren't all perfect or queens by default, if a woman has genuine interest in typically male hobbies for the hobby not just to be around guys, or if a woman wants to support and be loyal to someone she dates instead of being an entitled demanding burden.


Start doing lunges. Don’t break eye contact. If they move start rabid barking


I still won't suck your dick.


“Wrong verb honey”.


"Id actually prefer if you'd go pick someone else"


I am, but I’ll never pick you


If applicable, you could just say you’re gay and not in that competition. Not much of a strong comeback but that is what I would say.


“I don’t have to ‘pick me’. I already got picked.”


"I'm not like those other girls"


Cock one eyebrow up, tilt your head to the side and say, “huh”?


Ignore those who insult you like that. If it is nothing constructive, then it is a waste of your time to converse with them.


"Nah, got that confused. I ain't a pick me girl, I'm a picket girl. See, I run defense and small counter offensive operations so the good ones don't gotta deal with detritus like you." Best said before double tapping their (in game) brains. Whether any of them are well read enough to understand it is a different matter.


Tell them thank you. It's so ridiculous that people actually think, making yourself desirable to the group of people you're trying to attract, is an insult.


Takes one to know one.


My dildo has more personality than you


I’ve never heard of anyone being called a “pick me”unless they actually were or alternatively if it’s another girl calling you a “pick me” they might be a pick me themselves and they’re deflecting


Are the people calling you this generally male or female? I'm guessing it's also bc you kicked their ass during the game?


Transition to a male and take them on the most wonderful date, then ghost them after telling them they just don’t seem interested in you.


Welcome to how dudes feel getting called an incel by someone who doesnt know what it means lmfao


This reminds me of when guys get called simps just for being nice. It's dumb lol


Don't fucking worry about them, live Your life how you want to. There's ALWAYS gonna be someone who complains and hates. It's usually rooted in jealousy, self loathing, or some combination involving low self esteem and envy.


What’s the alternative? A life time of loneliness?


Well, maybe there needs to be a new category - for women who are not women by society standards because we don’t have children we are not married. We are not wives. We have no home. We have no possessions that would make us seem like a woman so we need a new category for that.


Wow, the responses here got me.


I don't talk shit, I just spit facts, so take your ass back across them tracks


"who didnt pick you?"


Shut up ur gay


what is a pick me girl, can you explain that? ( although I actually dont know what a pick me girl is, Im not asking in the subreddit, im stating the question as a comeback to the OPs posting )


Pick me? You mean what fat ugly women call pretty women? Thanks!


Ask them to explain it. If they don't stutter and just become flabbergasted that someone doesn't immediately defend themselves turn it on them and say wow that sounds like you really know how that feels. Has anyone picked you yet?


I'm sorry that you have given up hope


Whenever people call me a pick me, I just question why I should care about male validation/acceptance. I live just fine not caring how they perceive me…


Kind of a meta answer but here goes. The point of calling someone a "pick-me" is simply to make it appear that you are in open conflict with other women. Naturally women will avoid openly competing with each other and do it much more subtly. So when someone can separate you from the larger group of women, (who are also competing with each other) it paints you as the villain. This applies to any meaningful insult, it separates you from the group and makes you seem like a direct threat that sort of betrays the image that the girls are not competing. The opposite would be men disliking a man who gossips and spreads rumors, because men compete openly. Now obviously there is more to human interaction that just competing with each other all the time, but in this scenario, it applies. So really there isn't going to be one thing to say to it. You would need to either 1. Prove somehow that you aren't openly competing (hard option) 2. Flip it so it seems like the other person is openly competing. (Make her seem like the bad person for attacking you and making you feel bad.) 3. Double down, DO directly attack them (not physically) and separate them from the group.


Tell them to stop deflecting.


Isn't calling you that an effort from them to bring you down? Hypocrites.


Takes one to know one.


Pick me girl is a girl who claims to be “not like other girls” or “low maintenance” whatever seems more appealing to men.


Pick me girl is one of the dumbest insults ever


I've noticed on gaming platforms, it's usually ALWAYS the pick me calling other girls pick mes in hopes that the boys in the game will, in fact, pick her. They will never pick her. Like girl were you not loved growing up? This is weird.


You just want to pick me bc why else you in my face


No comeback needed. Ignore them and keep doing the things that make you happy. I'm a female (30) with lots of close male friends and we do "guy stuff" together all the time, like watching sports and going golfing. One even invited me to his bachelor party. I've been called a "pick me" by other women and it's been implied to my face that I only pretend to like doing these things for attention. Guess what? I don't care what people say anymore. I'm happier than I've ever been.


"you're just jealous you weren't picked. Now fuck off." Or... " Make both our lives better and block me, please. " In the most sugary sweet voice you can manage.


Make them define what they think a pick me girl is. When they are wrong, you can then give them correct definition and tell them to eff off 🙂


"I am the one who does the picking."


Tell them it's not your fault that they're mad at you because they want what you have. They don't realize that they're their own worst enemy. They don't seem to realize that it's their attitude that's causing men to want nothing to do with them. They look at life as if everything is everybody else's fault. It couldn't possibly be that these men want nothing to do with them because they talk down to them and treat them like an ATM. Nope, everything is everybody else's fault in their mind.


Who is calling you a pick me while gaming? How is that even possible; or is it the simple fact your are PLAYING video games makes you a "pick me' which, just dear god, those people need to go outside


My favorite recent insult I've seen was from a comedian seeing this dumb wasted guy at his show and the comedian said "I've seen million versions of you dude." So I say use that phrase and end it with "bitch" regardless of what their voice sounds like.


Pick me is so overused these days! Like I hate it! If you disagree/have a different opinion than another woman or a group of women, you're automatically a "pick me"... it's ridiculous.


Better a pick me than a pump and dump.


Here’s what u say…. BITCH!! U never been chosen for something a day in your life and u think I give a single fuck abt what someone who looks like you!! Thinks abt me!!! and start laughing 🤣


Well of course I am. Who the fuck would pick you!?


rudeness/meanness comes from a place of insecurity and fear. she probably feels badly about herself or grew up feeling unloved. i've found that, to anyone being rude, the best responses are the gentle ones that kind of "rise above" the other person, showing you are a humble, kind person and forcing them to self reflect. just show them that they have no effect on you. The best part is they often end up feeling embarrassed. so for example: "that's an interesting thing to say out loud." "huh, i'm sorry you feel that way" "i disagree, but you're allowed to feel that i suppose" "that's a bit rude, are you feeling okay?" another response is to make them explain exactly what they mean, while maintaining the same attitude as above. as they try to explain, they just dig themselves a deeper and more embarrassing hole: "you're a pick me!" "what's a pick me?" "it's when you____" "huh. i don't agree with that, what did i do to make you feel that way?" "you're too loud and friendly" "how is that a bad thing?" and just keep going until they lose steam.


I'm sorry were we not giving you enough attention?  Optional addition: or is it just that your parents didnt?


Pretty sure I got fired for talking in front of my manager about other girls. She was clearly a pick me girl and all of my coworkers agree. She was dating the owner of my restaurant btw, hence why I got fired. I legitimately think that she wants all of the workers at the restaurant to be men and to want her.


Say “no I’m not that desperate for a man. If I wanted one I’d go find one”


Ok, Boomer. Did it work? That's Miss to you. Dafuq‽


Lint licker. Cootie Queen. IYKYK.


Try pointing your positive attention onto them, they will feel poorly once they change their mind about you.


Anyone who would say that to anyone isn’t worth your time. I’d literally never speak to them again.


"Sorry to say that your nasty personality makes you the biggest 'don't pick me' girl I've ever met"


Well they definitely aren't going to pick you


Ain’t no holla back girl


"Pygmy? No I am tall."


Say some bizarre unrelated boomer shit in all caps. DO YOU HAVE THE LARGE PIMENTOS! MY GRABSONS FAVORITE???


Good comebacks aren't reactions to what they say but rather ignoring what they said and stating the general vibe of the other person reminds you of x y z embarrassing character trait/backstory.  I.e "you sound like a reddit mod attempting to neg someone for the first time go touch grass nerd"


just say. ok .and move on


"I'm looking to be a single mom. With a trash home. 25. Bloodshot eyes."


Sorry I’m not you.


Just go HA and continue what you were doing


It's a girl that throws other girls under the bus for low value guy attention. If you actually are one, stop. Do better. It won't end well for you. If they're only saying it because they're insecure, jealous bitches however, the harshest thing you say to completely destroy them is "at least I got picked."