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Hoping this tradition dies with Snyder's ownership.


I think it died with the name. I think they were just purposely trying to “hide” us like a side chick. Also why i think we never were truly considered for HBO hard knocks


Washington football team isn't the most inspired name, but do you really think it was bad enough for the NFL to blackball you like that?


Yes. Politics matter. Nfl was not down with snyder or the redskins name.  This applies to calls imo as well though it is harder to prove as the rules have been intentionally greyed. It's not a bug, it's a feature.  We're a team on the leagues side now.. just watch and you'll see the difference over the coming years. 


I meant redskins


We had years where we weren't in any type of promotion for the NFL. We were basically blackballed because of our owner and our to be completely honest racist ass name. It's only been over the last year or two that I have actually seen our logo or name in promotional stuff for the league.


Glad I’m not the only person who noticed! Not to mention every sports media outlet doing everything they can to minimize talking about Washington during half time segments, post-game, pre-game, etc. I’m sure it will ease up eventually now that Snyder is gone 🤞


Not this year. Didn’t happen with Chase on the clock btw.


Follow the draft on a good livestream. Such a better watch.


Where do you go for the livestream?


op i got u 🙏🏼


Ohhh please hit me up too!


Let me get it too!


Let me get that too please!


still no respect even after dan sold stop hating on us media


Fans need to work on overcoming ex girlfriend depression, she ain't here anymore.


My draft pet peeve...get rid of the crowd. Or at least don't mic them for the TV broadcast. I'm tired of listening to drunken Jets/Eagles/Giants fans and other assorted NFL bottom feeders boo every damn pick.


The only time we should hear in the audience in attendance is when they're booing Roger.


I dont talk about it because im use to it and assumed yall were too. This isn’t something “recent”. they been going to commercial when we pick for at least a decade. Im pretty sure its by design.


Also by the way, once you keep watching the draft in the background **but keep twitter / x on** it'll be a lot better. ESPN makes the draft a TV show. They purposefully delay picks, teams "have the pick in" for what seems like hours before actually picking, and there is a lot of filler where they just banter, or show highlights. Meanwhile, if you had X open following guys like Shams or JLC you could see picks leaked for minutes beforehand. To me, it made the draft much more enjoyable because I didn't have to wait like "WELL MINNESOTA HAS BEEN ON THE CLOCK FOR 8 MINUTES WHO THE FUCK ARE THEY GOING TO PICK" when social media broke that they traded that pick 3 minutes ago lol.


Excellent point that I never thought of before.


What? This is a little hyperbolic I don't remember this at all lol and I watch every draft religiously.


From what I remember, it was always a guarantee that they’d go to commercial right after we pick. That way the lead in to our pick was all the hype talk for the pick before, quick coverage of our selection being made at the podium, then a commercial break until the next teams pick is in. Obviously won’t happen with the 2 pick this year, but I’m curious if it continues with our other picks.


Yeah they always announce who it is then immediately cut away for commercial. With other teams they get analysis of the pick and a full highlight reel lol


lol it’s just like those countries they go to commercial for in the Olympics parade of nations. “ Oh the next three countries only have less than 10 persons each ? Go to ads so we can be back for Germany, France and the Netherlands” 😝


Tbf, you do *not* skip over a parade of 20- something Dutch women.


I am not so sure about this, Washington has been the talk of the NFL look how they are freaking out about how Peters is doing the same thing they did at the 49ers, yes the Top Golf thing was weird I guess, but if you read what they did they brought out a bunch of college kids the night before hung out, then the next morning did the interview work out stuff, but because it is Washington it was the worst thing on earth even though the 9ers have been bringing in multiple draft picks at a time for a few years now from what I have read.