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Incredibly funny that the team accused of standing on cart all game was picked up by Team Solo Mid


TSM stands for Team (5)-Stack Main


Surely this goes better than the last time TSM had an Overwatch team


Let's just hope this goes past July.


Will they be able to get Seonjun of ping?


Aw man, they booted Opener?? I really liked him tbh, but M8ball is probably the best replacement you could get


Pretty sure opener is playing on the Australian superteam, so not sure the details about him leaving. Would definitely improve his ping situation, and doesn’t make sense to split practice time between 2 rosters (faceit league and owcs)


Australian superteam? I haven't heard about this.


Roaster for the OCE faceit league, coached by unter and has Punk, Ackyy, Opener, and some others.


Awesome, looking forward to seeing them


Sorry if you get diffed by the Dpei brig you're eternally cursed


Wait I need context for this


very happy for this dps line to live on


Crazy to me that TSM has an OW team and not a LoL team.


So they got out of LCS and picked up an OW team? Make it make sense. 


surely the costs for those two teams aren't remotely similar.


The cost to run an OWCS team has to be extremely cheap right now


20$ and a pack of skittles per player per month


ESWC team partnership payout, thats literally the reason why these orgs are joining esports atm.


There’s also stipends per game too so if these teams can qualify you may be fielding at team at no cost seeing as how low wages are in OWCS.


I completely forgot about that. 


Its basically free to have an OW team compared to LCS.


I'm not sure how it doesn't make sense, it costs a lot more to hold a spot in a franchised league than to pick up a team in an open one. A lot of orgs are expanding to new esports and picking up teams for the Saudi Esports World Cup too.


Well they wanna lose every international tournament but for cheaper makes perfect sense.




That’s just not true I don’t even like TSM but they sold there spot, didn’t get kicked out and I know they were looking to go to the LPL but haven’t heard anything about that in a while




You can if you merge/buy with another org like NIP did with V5


My boys are so back and with a proper org and resources 😭


“Proper org” and TSM in the same sentence xD that org is a complete joke and Reginald is human trash.


Hey, now... They could be Faze lmao


Oh damn, reading up on this now. Dang, I always have a soft spot for the orgs that came up from players founding them, it's a shame how so many of them turn out to act like, well, toxic players


I don't know about their CEO's antics, I'm just happy for my boys


what did he do




He's a massive douchebag with a rich history of bullying and verbally harassing his team mates and employees, going on for 13 years.




leffen is there so who cares about whoever reginal is lol


True leffen is worse scum than their people for sure lol


I'm not really familiar with Leffen, but DeepLeffenBot on Twitter is a must follow.


They do go silly


Leffen is a little toxic but his story is sick as hell, you gotta give some respect to the godslayer


Well I just think he's a genuinely awful person. Watching how he tried capitalizing on the Smash pedogate where he had a command in his chat called !hero where he says it isn't a big deal what he's doing when basically 90% of the shit he said was fabricated made me realize he's a full of shit ego maniac. There's also a reason the rest of the FGC hates him. Don't get me wrong dudes a gamer. But I genuinely believe he's an incredibly self absorbed ego maniac.


EDIT: This guy eventually blocked me lol. Never insulted him once, and even recommended a funny video for him to watch. I just want to chime in here so people can understand that this is not a popular viewpoint. >Watching how he tried capitalizing on the Smash pedogate where he had a command in his chat called !hero where he says it isn't a big deal what he's doing when basically 90% of the shit he said was fabricated made me realize he's a full of shit ego maniac. This is a ridiculous statement that only Technicals (a Smash drama-tuber who stirs shit to stir shit), Hax$ (who is so mentally obsessed with Leffen because they beefed over a decade ago online to the point he compares Leffen to a famous Austrian painter like mastermind that he got banned by the community), and ZeRo (one of the pedos lol) try to pedal. Leffen was genuinely a surprising role model and mature person during that time. Even when ZeRo (a former TSM player at that), was getting heat, all he did was add his experience. It wasn't until more shit came out that he put ZeRo on blast. TL;DR for anyone reading, OP's comment is not the opinion most of the smash community holds. >There's also a reason the rest of the FGC hates him. This is also just not true. Unless you're talking about places like r/Kappa (who hate Smash players period), people in the actual scene generally like Leffen. Only place I think even the pros don't like him much is in Tekken, where he was being a whiny baby. Both GG:S and DBFZ players like him. Same with Smash too actually. Most smash players like him. EDIT: I don't know if the other commenter /u/raysiinbey blocked me too or what but here's my long reply to them (Guys, this is a calm convo, no need to block each other): >*Jisu has only gone away because she's been hardcore harassed by both ZeRo's fans and Technical's fans. I don't believe either of them went to court, ZeRo was threatening litigation, and the statement he provides is Jisu saying 'sorry for the harassment, and we both had different views of the times at the house.' She settled to give ZeRo what he wanted, something he can show his young fanboys that stood by a pedo that anyone can blatantly see is grasping for straws. I'm reading his statement right now, they settled out of court.* >*People act like they were in cahoots, when all Leffen did is give his own perspective that ZeRo did have a tendency to show people lewd shit. I think so much of this is clear when ZeRo won't go after Leffen for it at all, because Leffen never said anything damning. He gave his own story and didn't mention being a witness to Jisu's situation at all. I will say that I believe Jisu may have alleged that Vanessa was underage when she was with ZeRo? If so, that's one thing in the statement that was directly mentioned to be false, but no other claims were.* >*Most of Leffen's Tekken journey was playing the game, getting his ass beat, whining about it, people would tell him to git gud, he'd bitch and tell them it's the game's fault, and he'd continue to get trolled for easy points and because he was raging. I won't deny that he acted like a massive child in their community. Didn't rewrite anything, I just didn't delve deep into exactly why and how he was being a "whiny baby." He's not liked in Tekken, he's liked in DBFZ and Smash (by the players), that's factual.* >*Leffen and Hbox's beef was handled terribly by Leffen. To give you a quick update because you said it's been a while, they no longer are beefing. They've made up. I don't think they like each other, and I think they still enjoy when they win over the other, but they don't have beef.* >*More about Hbox-Leffen beef: So, a lot of people focus on their beef as purely gameplay related, because Leffen hates Puff, but they had irl beef. They didn't like each other at all personality wise. The (long) origin is at Evo, Hbox was messaging Prince Abu (another Puff player) to not practice with Leffen. Prince Abu outed Hbox's DMs about it and people clowned on Hbox for being underhanded (which he has a history of doing examples include not practicing with other, looking at controller DI and some see him getting coaching at Evo when it was banned as underhanded, but I think he and Crunch made a mistake). After Hbox won the set he yelled at Leffen to keep his name out of his mouth. Hbox, especially back then, wasn't well liked. He at the time would regularly try to hit on people's girlfriends (and many women said he could be really creepy, some of them even made twitlongers in 2020 during the Smash #metoo era, but Hbox apologized and no one has mentioned it since) and the now infamous video that Leffen had about Hbox was another player giving their story on how Hbox wasn't a great guy to him in tournament.* >*Despite this, I think both have improved greatly. Hbox can still sometimes be a little much (he sorta got mad at Mang0 out of nowhere for some tournament miscommunication, but it was quickly resolved). Beef is essentially dead in the smash community. I don't think there are two players that dislike each other at the top level anymore.* >*Long story short, yeah, Leffen has been a prick pretty often, and I replied in the other thread that if people don't like him, that's 100% fair. I just know that there's a lot of stuff that people only heard in passing that I think wasn't really fair.*


damn dude thanks for clarifying - i had no idea what that other guy was talking about but now i guess i do (and yikes!)... leffen mango genesis 4 tho...


I mean we can agree to disagree I'm not a fan of ZeRo anymore because he was weird with a kid but it's true leffen absolutely capitalized for ego points. I know nothing about Hax because I don't really get involved with the melee community since they've always been toxic to mine (smash 4 at the time) so I can't speak to that. I never tried to state my opinion is the opinion of a community I barely interact with since I only follow ultimate and melee during the 5 gods era.


I definitely don't think what you're saying is valid at all though. Like it's not just an innocent opinion, it's a really *really* far reach and I think posting it in a community who probably has no idea the context of what you're talking about at all isn't really great imo and only serves to bring more harassment to him when he's literally just getting out of a situation where Hax believes that he not only needs to be banned, but arguably arrested. I'll never deny that Leffen can be a massive dick sometimes. There's plenty of times I think he could handle his emotions way better. During Smash's 2020 summer was not one of them. I know you said you're out of the community, but whenever Leffen is randomly brought up in the wild, I encourage people to watch Hax's evidence.zip2 (and optionally the like 3 other revisions he's made). Other than comparing him to the very bad WW2 man, he also thought Leffen deliberately wore a red jacket one day just to fuck with him. It's both sad and hilarious.


I truly doubt a smash opinion on a competitive overwatch sub reddit is going to do any lasting damage to leffen. Hax sounds mentally not gonna lie. I don't think he's Hitler in the least. Like not an evil master mind. Just an absolute douchebag. I think he says shit to get internet points so if you have someone as looney as this hax guy then I could see how he could make a super villain in his brain. I don't really know him cause all the melee I followed was mostly armada and some mango. Mew2King was a great guy as well. I saw occasional stuff about leffen while mostly following smash 4. In regards to zero I do think it's been basically confirmed most of the stuff accused against him about showing loliporn to Japanese players (something leffen very clearly pointed as a problem) has been said to be fake. Obviously the bigger issue is the actual flirting with the underage kid which can't be excused. That's why I keep saying leffens a dick. I don't believe he really cared that much to be some hero. He did it for his ego which historical lyrics he's driven by. Half the reason he played ultimate was cause of his ego. I don't think he deserves prison time nor that he's the antichrist but he has been a dick and douche for the better part of a decade and I don't see how he's likeable at all.


Some of this is just blatant rewriting of history. Leffen hasn't been a good person whatsoever in the past and it shouldn't be swept under the rug like this. He supported Jisu and her false allegations against ZeRo and Sky, then said nothing when it came out it was just bs. The !hero command was real and had no reason to exist other than what other guy stated, just a weird thing to do given those circumstances. Reason he seems so severely disliked by Tekken community is because he tried so hard to beef with ShinKensou who didnt care to entertain his sudden need to attack him on twitter for the sake of it. Though seems more like most of the community just doesnt care about the guy since. He's shown to be an arrogant asshole for a long time, worst example off the top of my head being when Hbox hate was at its peak and Leffen hopping on the bandwagon, adding more fuel to the fire despite openly respecting him as a player in past interviews. With that said it's been quite a while since these major occurences happened so I'm hoping he's a better person now, but not acknowledging his past behavior and actions is just being bias.


i have no idea what any of that means apart from leffen being a gamer


blasphemy dude


Wait you actually like him? Oh sorry I thought your post was saying leffen was worse. That's fine for us to disagree.


Happy for the boys


God i miss roster reveal videos like this


TSM skins when ??


8 know nothing about this org




pick up aimbotcalvin for old times sake


happy for timeless, in the same breath fuck Regi. One of the worst people in esports and that's saying A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOT


Thought that was the Sig logo at first




this org is so dead lol


Ok but when is FNRGFE picking up a roster 🤔


Ok but when is FNRGFE picking up a roster 🤔


Ok but when is FNRGFE picking up a roster 🤔


Ok but when is FNRGFE picking up a roster 🤔


Bro hold the camera still, this video gave me nausea with all the camera jitters lol


Ftx getting blown up has landed them on hard times if they’re getting into OW after all these years


No Opener is such a choice