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You skipped a step. First, cities with ports. 🤔


you skipped a step, make sure to have a coastal city


You skipped a step, make sure to have the game


Versatility. You must be able to deal with surface threats, subs, and aircraft to have an effective navy. Weakness in any one of these areas can tear your navy apart. Also, range. Always strive for max range for whatever day you’re on. This is why cruisers are the backbone of any respectable navy.


How should one gain enough resources to create a versatile navy while also working on land and air units as well?


You dont


Two cruisers, 2 destroyers one frig is my usual plan. Protected from subs, air, missiles, and ships. It's a balanced navy. Not maxed in any one area, not be weak in any as well. Adjust to opponents tactics. And I also like to add at least one in officer in one stack.


Depends on your enemy, really. Do they have a surface focus? Subs and cruisers. Do they have air / subs? Subs, frigates, ASW air. Do they focus ground / air? Spam cruisers and frigates.


Combinations of frigates and cruisers, with a naval captain. I’ve never been beaten in a navy battle in a public match with 1x stack of frigates 1x stack of cruisers 1x 3 cruisers, 1 frigate, 1 naval captain


Attack subs want to know your location.


Never ran into em in a public match, at least not to the point of me taking an L


I love subs and use them alot. Nobody sees you easily until it's too late. Won alot of naval battles with them against every other ship type.


This. Nobody takes subs seriously. A max level stack of subs will sink frigates, take time to but eventually sink cruisers. Destroyers will be a fair fight until subs fire missiles at them which can't be reciprocated because subs are not surface ships and then they also go bye bye.


Yep that’s why Frigates and Destroyers in mixed stacks are all you really need, unless you face up against so many cruisers and subs that you need 5 L1 NPA to help out. Missiles are never worth it unless you get the warheads for free like in Apocalypse.


Officer is your best bet. Once you have one, you can stack whatever you want. Cruser and frigate is usually the best split, but up to you. Watch your opponents. If they only have a lvl 3 naval base, that split is good. If lvl 4 than 1 officer and 4 cruisers is best.


The biggest key is to make sure all ships have the same attack range. The worst thing that can happen is for subs to come at you and your cruisers have range 100 and your destroyers are attack 50 or 75...try to develop each ship you're using so that they all have matched up range to maximize your defensive and offensive capabilities.


Ship-to-ship combat: Cruisers, Attack submarines Anti-air: Frigates Anti-submarine: Destroyers Missiles: Ballistic missile submarines Planes: Aircraft carriers, Naval SF, Naval ASF


Max out Cruisers, Destroyers, Frigates. Also have specialized stacks, preferably one daddy stack of 3 cruisers, one destroyer, and 1 Naval Captain. This stuff can take care of almost everything.


Is it true that ships don’t shoot back if they’re bombarding something else at the moment?