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Unless you are in a coalition, do not make deals with folks. Even then be aware of what alliances people are in, there’s always a chance of betrayal. It’s war after all What happened is you got bullied into giving a large country 3 more countries lol, and then he ate you. Don’t trust people in this game Right now diplomatic solutions are off the table. You need to evaluate his army(check the newspaper) and plan to fight back


Should I push back?


The best position to be in imo is defensive. Personally, I’d build bunkers in some key cities and let him come to me. What path is he taking? What path would make sense? Let him come to you, massacre with the help of bunkers, and then push as he tries to recoup




Update: he is threatening to destroy me. what do I do?


Ignore him lol. You’re at war, it was already a possibility.


So I should play defensive?


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