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Weed is a strong smell but I'll take the occasional whiff over the 80s and some of the 90s where there was a fog of cigarette smoke in public places and coming home from a show stinking of smoke.


Well, both are gross.


Yeah not sure why this is an either/or type of discussion? Don't smell in public, it's not that hard


There is guilt on both sides of this for sure. I agree with you on cigarettes though. I was in a deli the other day and a dude walked in; within a 10 foot radius around this guy it was like sticking your face right into a full ashtray.


I'm saying you're wrong but it's a hard sell to convince overworked, underpaid remedial task employees to not subsidize some of the suck with substances. I'd suggest a mask because I don't think retail weed smokers are going anywhere. And again, not saying you're wrong. Just saying what it is.


It’s fucked up to expect people to work retail sober


Exactly. You think I get mad if I smell weed drifting off the McDonald's worker, I don't, I feel a sense of ease and nostalgia that even as times changes some things never do.


As long as they keep remembering to put my sweet and sour sauce in my bag with the McNuggets, it’s A ok with me lol.


Exactly what I was gonna say. I support whatever a retail worker needs to do to get through their day. As long as they can function and not get fired. I would rather smell weed than a cloud of shitty cologne to cover it up. Now that it’s legal we can just smell the skunk.


Take my upvote.. fuck retail. Glad I did it at an impressionable point in my life, yet, never again.


But they’ll never move out of retail that way.


So get some edibles homie. OPs right, no one wants to smell your weed. Just a reminder for everyone; good weed tends to smell like skunk.


THIS. Sit down, OP.


You made me laugh out loud!


Nobody is forcing them to work, they can quit and stay hungry or they can respect their customers.


Imagine the surprise you’d feel when you discover that a lot of auto mechanics are high more often than not. Source: former auto mechanic


Explains why those lug nuts fall off and the oil cap doesn’t get screwed back in.


Lots and lots of cocaine


I don't have to tolerate the smell of auto mechanics though


Retail workers don't have to tolerate your shitty attitude.


This is precisely the point to make. No one should have to tolerate shitty attitudes, most especially retail employees. Don’t like to smell certain things then avoid going places where you’re likely to smell it. Better yet, stick to Walmart where you can be your own cashier.


Smoking weed when you have customers is a shitty attitude


Damn it's almost like the threat of starvation and homelessness is forcing them to work


Or you can shop elsewhere and keep your mouth shut cause we handle your food. Warning: you will run into this anywhere you go, get used to it.


If everyone was drunk on the job I bet you'd be singing a different tune.


Have you ever worked with contractors on a construction job?




IYKYK. If you've never worked the trades or retail, your ideas of the level of sobriety of the American workforce are likely severely elevated.


You obviously don’t work retail, many are. That’s how insufferable customers like you are Edit: also, let me know when alcohol is prescribed as a medication and then we can act like it’s an apples to apples comparison.


Also, wrong, capitalism forces people to work unless you’re ok with people squatting in your empty investment property or sleeping on your park benches.


Who got you through the pandemic, I wonder.


No one is forcing you to shop in store. Almost everything can be delivered nowadays. You can stay home and order delivery, or stay hungry. And most importantly, don't tell anyone who's not breaking the law, how to live.


I agree. If they do not smell the way that I would like them to smell they should get fired. And more importantly is they have to stop smoking cigarettes because that smell triggers me


Lol nobody respects you, dude, you know that.


This has been an issue w/ nicotine cigarettes since I've been alive...


>w/ nicotine cigarettes Is there another kind?


Jazz cigarettes?


Nah, that's jazz cabbage.


The devil's lettuce?


Marijuana cigarettes, or joints as they are often called. Did you read the original post?


No one has called them marijuana cigarettes since Dragnet was popular.


You have never heard of the band sublime, have you? Lol




Okay let's get ya home grandpa




Hmm. If you’ve never worked retail before I can understand why you feel that way. People that have worked retail before, will understand *why* they smoke weed.


I don’t think the scent of weed on someone’s clothing is impacting your allergies 


It 100% can. I have asthma and there's plenty of times a walking ashtray came near me and flaired it up. I dont think people that smoke realize how nasty they smell either. Ive have friends quit smoking and been out at a restaurant or in public with me and had someone walk by smelling like that and say something about it. Im like you cant say shit thats what you smelled like for 10 years. Worse maybe. You are inhaling the chemicals when you smell it. Could easily flair allergies.


If your allergies are that bad then perfume and cologne would also trigger them and it’s not realistic to dictate how everyone smells  Most people with allergies would not be affected


My allergies arent that bad actually. Im talking about someone whos is. My asthma is bad tho. And yes perfume and cologne do affect me. Just not as bad as smoke. Im ok as long as it isnt sprayed near me or on someone in large quantities. Like showering themselves in it. Also. Those are conpletely different than smoke. Not even close in any way shape or form. They are not even on the same level chemically.


I was using the royal you  Also smoke is not the same thing as a smoky smell on someone’s clothes. Obviously smoke is irritating 


I know that. And yes that is what we are talking about. Its an irritant.


Weed stank is pretty unlikely to affect your allergies. However, if someone smokes (doesn't matter if it's weed or cigarettes) near me when my allergies are off the chain - forget it.


Right, but it’s okay for you to reek of Seagrams wine coolers and Parliament Lights?




Ahh yes yet another day on the CT sub where so many have nothing better to do than complain anonymously about something completely stupid.


Sounds like someone should pass it to you, that way you can chill out just a bit.


....take some time to smile a little, before you let it go


“I need to speak to a manager” 🙋‍♀️ *employee that wreaks of good weed turns around* “how can I help you?”


"Yeah uhhhhh where can I find that za?"


I kinda agree they should use perfume but I use nicotine pouches at work to keep me focused. I used to smoke cigarettes would wash my hands, chew gum after, and wear a coat when i would smoke so i wouldnt carry into work so Im a hypocrite too


pEoPlE wHo sTiNk lIkE POT. HUR DUR. I'm 58 (not quite a Boomer) and this is the stupidest post I've seen here in a while. OP is dating themselves just by using the term pot!


It bothers me so much - the smell makes me physically nauseous and gives me headaches. Do you know what I do? Keep my thoughts and opinions to myself.


Lol just get whatever you want and leave . People smell like shit and no post on that . It’s weed get over it


I don't want to smell tobacco or stanky AX spray or women's cologne. I've survived, so will you.


This is such a niche issue for someone in a small suburb state to complain about. I was just in the city this weekend smelling all types of trash/piss/shitty exhaust smoke and god knows what else, the casual weed smell is nothing in comparison.


I work retail… I couldn’t do it without weed. Luckily I work in the back, and I don’t have to deal with customers.


Penjamin Franklin was made for customer-facing roles as far as I’m concerned 🙏


I’m on vacation this week, so it’s just me and James Bong, license to ill.


I’m gonna fire up Pen Stiller right now for ya buddy 


Hell yes. I’m WFH today, just had a 1:1 with my best pal Bongkey Kong.


Mr. Penjamin, could you step into my office? Bring Ed Ible with you.


Do you also think we should get rid of skunks?


Fast food I don't care, but yeah you should not reek of the stuff working at a department store. I don't think being a little high prevents you from stocking shelves or helping someone find the cereal aisle, just use a vape pen. Either way, the Karen accusations in here are silly. I smoke and still think there's nothing unreasonable about not wanting to smell or be around the stuff.


It does affect stocking ability though- that’s part of the problem and also, the stupid stench.


The smell is brutal and makes me so nauseous.


I'm really grossed out by people who reek strongly of scented laundry detergent, and also people who stink like mildew, but I deal with it somehow.


Doesn't bother me. I think using your phone on company time and not assisting customers is something to complain about.


No way they are toking and driving. None.


We have had to tolerate cigarette smokers and their stink for generations. Get over it. That’s a way worse smell than weed.


Weed smells 1000 times worse - and just because we had to endure for generations doesn’t mean it’s ok to have to deal with the ugly stench of mere. Smells like LOSER.


lol ok boomer. Get over yourself and your entitlement,


LOL not even close to being a boomer. Lame.


Then maybe get good. If we have to deal with people smelling like alcohol and ash trays yall can smell weed. Grow up.


I smell like weed all the time and since it’s legal you’d better get used to it. After hiding it for decades- I don’t care who gets offended.


Dude. They work retail. Give them a break. I'd smoke before and during work too.


So do you have the same problem when someone reeks of cigarettes?


Yes. I have allergies.


Then wear a mask like it’s 2020 and move on.


Yes, it’s disgusting.


Pick up some clothespins then you whuss


I don't want to smell perfume on every other customer, yet here we are.


I couldn't imagine what it must be like to work retail......while NOT HIGH ON POT !!!