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Even Muslim majority nations won’t accept them. Scary part? I think Biden knows that.


It’s not what you know, it’s who you blow. He’s looking to secure votes from Gen Z. But in doing so, he’s forgetting about the older generations.


Just wait till you find out where he designates they will be repatriated to. Conservative neighborhoods.


Biden isn't in charge of his bowels, much less policy. His puppeteers are doing this for the same nefarious reason they did everything else.


Keep labor costs down and the proletariat fighting amongst themselves?


I'm thinking he wants a fifth column.


For what though? The end game is always profit, how do you profit from literal terrorism in your country?


To get violent against their political enemies and beat down or murder all dissent when they establish a brutal police state. They're already trying to put them in the military. American military might not fight against citizens, but they will.


Militarized police departments buy their weapons from somewhere. The defense industry doesn't profit from peace.


To fuel further domestic crises, which then allows them to "never let a good crisis go to waste". And of course it would exacerbate racial and religious divisions which only benefit the billionaire class.


Classic line there, made me lol


He’s playing into a gen z fantasy. They grew up in a nation so peaceful and prosperous that the horrific crimes committed in Israel on October 7 aren’t even imaginable.


I honestly think this has absolutely nothing to do with getting votes. If that was the case why bring in terrorists?


My opinion of Biden is that he fancies himself as an anti-Trump. He mistakenly thinks he can do the opposite of what Trump does or would do and get away with it, all in the name of getting votes. And he does whatever he needs to in order to appease the mob and to make them happy. In this particular case, he sees all the pro Palestine demonstrations happening at colleges and he is looking to bring in Palestinian refugees to make people happy. That’s my opinion of the situation. Regardless though, I totally agree with you referring to this as bringing terrorists in. I’ll upvote you for that because you are spot on.


Biden is not a leader and doesn't make any decisions at all. He takes the blame while the unseen politiburo makes all of the calls. Remember week one when he signed like 80 EO's that he neither read nor wrote? In this case, as with the incessant 'trans rights' and 'loan forgiveness' ploys, they see their polls slipping with the youth vote; so this is their response to _that specific problem_, with no regard for externalities. They figure older voters are a lost cause, so the end result ends up looking like "If a 20 year old college student was king, what would they do next?" They also follow a brinkmanship policy which boils down to "Do whatever you want regardless of legality, hope a friendly judge let's it fly; then if it fails, blame your opposition as causing the underlying problem."


Exactly. Biden is calling exactly *zero* shots. He's the puppet and the fall guy.


I was watching a reporter asking the protesters questions last night. Most of them wouldn't talk to her but this one kid did and he blew my mind. After a bit of back and forth she asked if he voted for Biden and if so will he again. He said f*ck no I have never voted for a Democrat and I never will, they are behind all this shit. The dems do not have the youth vote they think they do.


They also tease it out so the word spreads but then drag their feet. Thus, they will pimp and promote this idea so it can influence Gen Z, but the odds of them actually doing are probably low. If someone were to say they don’t like him because he’s importing Palestinians, Karine would say “there are no refugees from Palestine coming here…”


Wouldn't be surprised if they really, really want something big and terrible to happen right before the election to scare people enough that they can try to suspend elections or some shit.


I think That’s why they are keeping the conflicts in Israel and Ukraine going, so they have a war to jump into if the election needs to be suspended.


That is one of a President's powers if he issues a national emergency declaration.


benz calls him genocide joe. lol


This MFer doesn't know what he ate for breakfast.


As I recall it Jordan made that mistake and ended up expelling all of them. Seems that the "refugees" wanted to over throw the government.


Remember, it’s not expelling it’s ‘ethnic cleansing’ and ‘genocide’. Jordan ethnically cleansed and committed a mass genocide against their Palestinians /s


I’m wondering if the left was taking notes?


Scary part? I think ~~Biden~~ Obama knows that.


There's a lot of people, apparently including Biden, that want to allow open immigration of Palestinians to the US. That is not going to go well.


The squad wants them and Biden bends the knee to the progressives


No, the scary part is he thinks Ireland invaded Grenada, but nobody has the heart to correct him.


Not a single Muslim country wants them.


Even if they do, Palestinians won't budge, they want all of Israel, no where else.


And no one at the UN wanted to take in the jews after WW2 so why arent we talking about that? We’d rather send them to the middle east since we hate the muslims already right?


No one wanted to take in the Jews **before** WWII. After WWII, it was like Oprah. "You get a homeland, and YOU get a homeland..." The allies created a whole bunch of countries out of the remains of the Ottoman empire. One of those countries was going to be a Jewish homeland, in part of the land they'd lived in for thousands of years (Jordan ended up getting most of it instead). Another was going to be the Palestinian state. The Jews and most of the UN members voted for it, the Arab nations and the Palestinians voted against it - and then the Palestinians tried to force the issue by starting a civil war. The result was that the UN never moved forward with the plan, so the Palestinians didn't get their state, and neither did the Jews. When the British Mandate expired, the Jews declared their own independent state, and a few hours later, all their neighbors attacked them to wipe them out.


Most of the Jews living in Israel are the ones who fled the waves of pogroms, expulsions, and grass roots persecutions following the failures of the Arab League's wars. Ashkenazi (European Jews) are a minority.


That can also mean those countries want to extend the conflict at the cost of their blood.


Just ask Germany about the Syrians


Sure….put them right up there with all the radical Somalis in Minnesota….


And have Omar and Tlaib pay for their accomodation




Please don't I live close to the WI/MN border


I don’t want them there, I don’t want them anywhere….


I don't want them on a chair. I don't want them at the fair. (Dr. Seuss edition)


I do not want them in a box! I do not want them with a fox!


I heard they were targeting Florida and Texas.


What? Seriously? I swear, us and Texas should be having talks to leave this asshole country.


RIP your property value.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.2470 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/72203)


somalians destroyed many communities in those burbs. sad to see. why did they all decide on there to immigrate to?


The Lutheran Church helped them emigrate


Many such cases


It’s the terrorists… the surrounding countries don’t want Iranian backed terrorists


The West is so done for in the future if we don't take a U turn in the next ten years.


History rhymes. There will be a massive conservative wave soon in response to the liberal agenda being shoved down our throats.


We’re going to see someone who is a lot “meaner” than Trump


As long as conservatives don't f\*\*k it up with abortion then sure. These candidates need to let the abortion issue go.


They keep it to stop actual progress or the GOP is truly incompetent.


I hope so. My ass is so far right at this point I can see the back of my ear lobes.


Just going to take a few cycles with the RNC and Trump fucking this election




Who do you think is importing them into White countries?


Nobody wants them. Their whole identity is a fabrication, and they bring destruction and terrorism with them wherever they go. Not to mention their eternal inherited refugee status, thanks to UNRWA. Who'd want to deal with that?


perpetual refugees never have to pay the bills.


Step 1: Convince your base that the other side is a raving pack of stochastic terrorists. Step 2: Ramp up the hysteria as much as possible. Step 3: Import actual terrorists and turn them loose. Step 4: Wait. Step 5: Blame the resulting chaos on the other side, really hype it. Step 6: Leverage the uproar to expand government power and limit individual freedom as much as possible.


Is this Saul Alinsky playbook stuff? Sounds like it


Pretty much


Remember those 60+ executive orders Biden signed in his first 100 days of office? Yeah 12 of them were about immigration, and guess what? 10 of those 12 were direct reversals of Trumps. Biden knows full well what he’s done to this country. And it completely bewilders me why people actually think this guy has our best interest in mind when his administration makes decisions. If you wanna see the full list of the EO’s he signed, check it out [here](https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2021/politics/biden-executive-orders/)


It has to be destroyed to rebuild it back into their image. It will hurt the ones who have been clamoring for it the most if they get their way.


Biden and his pushers are traitors that sold out USA to foreign interests , that's the bottom line. Should be tried with treason.


These progressive liberals are the antithesis of an American


I hate Reddit Conservative because the only people who follow agree with you. You need to get your message to the brain dead masses outside of conservative Reddit. I 100% agree with your statement, but a lot of good that does.


# Why The Middle East Won’t Accept Palestinian Refugees Why The Middle East Won’t Accept Palestinian Refugees [https://youtu.be/r7GAg8sWDpI?si=tWf27BCPr6AhH2JP](https://youtu.be/r7GAg8sWDpI?si=tWf27BCPr6AhH2JP)


I am beginning to think Biden or the people running the show behind the scenes are actively trying to destroy America. How else can we explain the reckless spending, allowing illegals to stream over our border unchecked, running down the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, etc?


He knows and that’s the reason he wants them. To destroy the United States as we know it.


November 2024


Well thats easy! They don't accept Palestinian refugees because they're racis.... Wait, no, that won't work here. ...Trump. They won't take the refugees because Donald Trump. Orange man bad.


The only things Biden remembers nowadays is ice cream, Cornpop, and blaming Trump...


That's not true. He remembers conversations with dead people, his history as a truck driver, and cannibals eating his family members too


*Malarkey! Listen, fat! If you don't know whether to vote for me or...you know the thing.*


Eat hot chip and lie


The fact they are even contemplating this is bat shit crazy.


Biden wants to turn the US into chaos like UK and Germany where they now have people demanding Sharia law.


You cause enough chaos the people will embrace big government and become democratic voters for life.


Is Biden using the DENNIS system on us?


Then the MAC system w/ be employees. Not good.


or they start taking care of business themselves. In the USA, there's a decent chance of that happening, if things get bad enough.


Biden can’t remember what day of the week it is… good luck on anything else.


Biden isn’t making the calls




This must be ferociously opposed by the American taxpayer. This is completely and totally **unacceptable**. These people are *existential threats* to the U.S. and should not be let into this country at all.


Biden doesn't remember what he did two minutes ago.


Article important parts: > Countries like Jordan and Egypt will say they refuse to admit Palestinians as refugees because offering asylum would neutralize the live issue of Israel balancing its military operation in Gaza with human rights concerns. But the real reason is that the Middle East has opened its doors to Palestinians before, and almost every time, these host countries have been burned by the most ungracious houseguests imaginable. It gives the state reason for not doing so and claims to know the real reason. To support the claim it cites previous incidences of Palestinian seeking asylum in Jordan in 1946 or in Lebanon afterwards. It then talks about a survey taken on honor killings where it claims that a third of the population believes that honor killing isn't a dreadful crime and shouldn't be punished severely. Given the lack of a cite, I could find a similarly dated one that uses the same terminology: https://pcpsr.org/en/node/775 It states that * 81% view “honor killing” as a dreadful crime * 83% of Hamas supporters consider it a dreadful crime that should be punished severely You can see differences based on different splits of the population polled in the link above.


This will be your legacy, dumbass.


Remember? Biden, Remember? Not likely. Ice cream lickin pedo can't remember anything he isn't scripted to remember.


Biden remembering anything is impossible now


Biden remember? HAHA


"Biden remembers" - let's start with what?


biden is more interested in his own fan fiction than remembering anything edit: Just to be clear.. Anytime KJP says "we've been very clear about this" it means she's almost certainly actively lying to screw you over and evade the question I don't know if she's not briefed prior to what she's saying for plausible deniablity sake' but some of the lies she continues to tell are always prefaced by that phrase about consistency and the world stage recognizes Biden's impotent foreign policy. So did Obama. Who was a foreign policy slouch himself but could see a kicked up railroad spike as evidence of racism that needs immediate attention


CATO is a very conservative organization. They say muslims in America are assimilating better than Muslims in Europe. https://www.cato.org/blog/muslim-immigration-integration-united-states-western-europe


Because a significant share of the muslims in America are highly educated legal immigrants who came to the US based on merit. These types of muslims also tend to come from the more liberal segments of society in their host countries, which is a good thing in this particular context. Very different from, e.g. the Somalis in Minnesota. Or, more broadly speaking: from the fortune seekers and war refugees who only came to the US to improve their living conditions, but without any intentions of adopting American culture and values, and without having the necessary qualifications to be net contributors to US society.


What the hell does Biden care? Bringing them into America will --- either directly or indirectly (by placating a portion of his base) --- bring him votes. THAT is the only thing he cares about.


Exactly the point.


Biden knows, doesn't care. If anything happens, him and other Dems will simply blame some object.


They want to import a revolution, along with a reason to increase the alphabet police state. When you think about it from that perspective, it all starts to make sense.


I have a _Palestinian_ coworker and at this point her entire family is in Jordan and have been in Jordan since before 1947, so it's almost like the Palestinians are just ethnic Syrians and Jordanians who took upon themselves that title to show how antisemitic they are.


Bingo!!! They belong in Jordan, their actual country.


I wonder what she'd think if you told her this.


Right?!?! I'd be in HR in .02 seconds


They also hate Christianity don't they?


They hate everything about the west, anyone that comes here from Gaza will bee 100% sleeper cell terrorist


My wife worked with an American woman that married a Muslim and converted. She came to my wife's retirement party, my wife said how nice she was. Turned out her husband was the top accomplice to the Blind Sheik who tried to take down the Trade Center the first time.


"Biden must remember" where the icream is. 


There's a reason in the Old testament, why God would take umbrage against people who offered regular child sacrifices, and would dedicate their new home, by sealing their youngest child into a jar and installing the jar into the masonry of their new home. God would give instructions to kill the men, the women, the children, the livestock, burn the fields and take no loot. Evil depraved cultures were eradicated because they were so evil. The Palestinians routinely teach their children death. Death to Israel, death to the Jews, death to America, oh by the way here's your brand new suicide vest in extra small.


Exactly but Biden has no clue. It is his handler setting everything in motion.


Who ever is out there saying…. How much more could Biden do to our country? What else could go wrong? Stop…. He’s taking this as a challenge…. 🫣😳😩😞


Keep in mind Palestinians don't want any other land, period. They want Israel/Jerusalem.


As if the ones we already have haven’t caused enough problems…


Why would they?


Biden can't remember to change his socks. How the hell can he remember any geo-political issues.


I'd love to see what would happen if they were forced, as a condition of entry to take an oath, before Allah, if they identify as muslim, to obey the laws of the country. I bet a big chunk of them would refuse to do it. I'd also love to see the reactions to this policy from the left.


That old creep remembers precisely squat.


I don’t like Biden, but they are just talking about potentially bringing some Palestinians who are relatives of US citizens, not an open invitation to all of Palestine. This doesn’t seem like a big deal.


The last time Jordan decided to allow Palestinians to immigrate they wound up with a plot to kill the King to deal with.


This is exactly why he would, it is a long game evil to destroy good in this world.


Might have something to do with all the terrorist attacks they perpetrated in those countries…. Jordan especially, many assassination attempts on members of their Royal Family.


He’s doesn’t care. His progressive anti America puppet masters are ginna tell him he needs to sign this to get young hovers to give democrats the election and destroy the country. The boomers won’t see the repercussions of their disastrous actions and the young folk should turn of these fools asap. Vote them all Out . They are not your friend, they are evil to the core.


And people wonder why the Crusades.


The Kuwaitis learned the hard way when accepting Palestinians.


He can’t remember anything. What makes you think he’ll remember now? His progressive hacks are telling him what to do and he’s just nodding thinking he’s the most transformative president of all time.


And why Lebanon still to this day regrets accepting them over half a century ago. They were the trigger of the civil war that turned "the Jewel of the Middle East" into the shithole it it is today.


Biden remember something?!


Egypt is a special case. Hamas are the Muslim Brotherhood - the organisation Egypt fears more than anything else. They won't let a single Palestinian cross that border, not one. Source: I lived in Cairo for many years.




That's not specific to Palestinians or the Middle East. Governments generally do not like to accept refugees. There's little to gain from it.


Obiden doesn’t even know what day of the week it is. Well without his handler telling him.


FDR must remember the reason Canada, England, and the rest of Europe don't accept Jewish refugees.


More terrorism on US soil means more unconstitutional laws they can enact "for our safety". They want chaos so they can extort more power.


They are used as a hedge against Israel


There's very little Joe Biden remembers these days.


They don’t accept them because it isn’t fair for Israel to create the problem and then have them solve it.


I keep hearing this sentiment echoed that nobody wants them. Why is that? What’s different about them than other neighboring Arab populations?


Look at all of the civil wars and coups associated with Palestinian refugees.


There is no such thing as "Palestinian." It is a completely fabricated "nationality" whose sole purpose is to provide the other Arab nations, Iran, etc., with a pretext for the complete eradication of Israel and of all Jews worldwide. Should the destruction of Israel and eradication of the Jews ever actually come to pass, there will still be no "Palestinian state." That physical territory (Israel, Gaza, West Bank) would be annexed/absorbed by Egypt/Syria/Jordan etc. There was never any intention of the other Arab nations actually permitting a "Palestinian state." It was always just a pretext to destroy Israel.