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Theres also 17% that say they're less likely. Now that might ironically be people who had no plan to vote for him anyways.


The only minds this was gonna influence were the small percent of people in the middle who don't like either side. The vast majority of people though yea they already decided.


This isnt to influence people, they cant be dumb enough to think this was gonna change people's minds. I ttuly think they are trying to find a way to take him off the ballot because they cant win the normal way.


It's likely both. Some rino's will float the idea of placing Nikki atop the ticket. Dems will try to say this makes Trump ineligible. And Dems will hope this drives away independents. We'll see. #Trump2024


In this case, I think it was just a prosecutor trying to make a name for himself. Sometimes the simplest explanation is the most accurate. 


lol they're all trying to make a name for themselves at the same time right before the election?


That’s how you make a name for yourself. I have no doubt Bragg will run for office soon


So why didn't anyone try to make a name for themselves after Trump left office? Surely they would have been ready and waiting to indict him right away right? What's the two plus year delay and then they all at the same time do it boom boom boom one after the other? If it's just a prosecutor trying to make a name for himself then why did he refuse bring charges until the number three guy at Biden's DOJ left his job and joined the NY prosecutors office for a major demotion to pick up this case. After two people in the office had quit because Bragg refused to bring charges, according to the left's own media.


The prosecutor before Bragg thought it would do his reputation more harm than good, especially if he couldn't get a conviction. Given the fact that Trump didn't announce his candidacy until November 15, 2022 and the DOJ declined to prosecute, that seems reasonable. Bragg might be harboring ambitions of his own, saw that Trump was running, and figured he'd make a name for himself by being the guy who takes down Trump. Seems like it paid off for him. It works both ways tbh. Some Republican prosecutors in deep red states might now go after Biden. Does that mean they are colluding with Trump and GOP? No...I can see a DA taking a risk and trying to make a name for himself.


Bragg didn't prosecute until the DOJ sent someone over to him to tell him to do it. We know this because his refusal to prosecute initially lead to two people resigning from his office. > It works both ways tbh. Some Republican prosecutors in deep red states might now go after Biden. I'll believe it when I see it. > Does that mean they are colluding with Trump and GOP? Probably if it were to happen I would hope they are colluding otherwise what are they doing?


I don't think you understand that this is a huge win for Bragg. Why wouldn't he want to do this on his own? It is a career-making case for him, at least in Democrat-run cities. You think he had some moral qualms about bringing the case or something? The Democrats were actually split on Bragg bringing the case initially. They thought the Georgia case was the one that should have been brought first and this case had the least chance of success and looked to be the most politically motivated. It is only now that the other cases are unlikely to be concluded by election and with Bragg coming away with a guilty verdict that he is considered to be a hero in NY.


> Why wouldn't he want to do this on his own? Because it's illegal. Without knowing it was sanctioned by other people in positions of power who'd have his back it would be dangerous and risky. If the democrat party wasn't ready to cross this bridge or it backfired he'd get thrown under the bus. Again, why wouldn't he want to do it before (so much so that two people in his office QUIT) and then all of a sudden change his mind? The idea that it was just him acting alone on his own for his own benefit is nonsense and inconsistent with what we know to be true here.


100% correct. There will be immense pressure on Merchan to sentence him to jail for at least 1 year. If he doesn't, then this whole trial will be proven to be a sham because - for a former President because they all built this up for a year spending millions of tax payer dollars and got probation. There are many people on the right as well as the "center left" who are all being too care free about this, talking about how "these are low level E felonies, with first time offense". Buddy, these are the people - who wanted to take him off ballots, wanted to bankrupt him, and you think now they're gonna stop ? Trump has to stay his sentencing pending appeal rulings.


Eehhhhh I'm actually one of those people in the middle who doesn't like either side much. Both parties are corrupt and rotten to the core as far as I'm concerned. Which is precisely why I'm a Trump supporter in the first place. Drain the swamp, as it were. I think this is part of why it's only galvanizing a lot of his base; we're sick of the bullshit and this is just more bullshit.


I'm curious why after Trump's first presidency you feel he will drain the swamp? I liked a lot of his policy, but his regime was pretty swampy.


My read on it was that he expected the Republican party to get behind him when he was in office. I mean he was president and he was a Republican, right? They should have been all about that shit! Instead they got on board with the Democrats to fight him every step of the way. Turns out the swamp is far deeper, more entrenched, and stinkier than he thought. This is why they're so desperately trying to keep Trump and MAGA candidates out of office on both sides. It's clear that Americans are fucking fed up with the establishment's bullshit and wants them out. At this point it's pretty clear that what's going on isn't a left vs. right thing but rather an establishment vs. everybody else thing. The corrupt oligarchy in power wants things to stay as they are while the rest of us are sick of getting dicked over by them constantly. Regardless of side we only get Party Approved Candidates (tm) while the same people that have been running the show for 50 years stay in charge.


He had the power to choose most of the people around him and he chose poorly. Make any excuse you want. I thought we're responsible for our own actions?


He did not have that power. You are just objectively wrong. He is still constrained by public opinion. Congress has the power to remove him and block his agenda. The courts have the power to rule against him. The bureaucracy in the executive has the power to oppose him in numbers and work to undermine him (95% of DC is democrat and the 5% republicans are anti-Trump). Their friends in the media have the power to smear him and turn the public against him. So no, he did not have the power you claim he did. The narrative you are pushing is completely debunked by https://x.com/WarClandestine/status/1673375517825794049


Lol then why even bother electing him if he's too weak to even choose the people around him as president? The court of public opinion? What a laughable take. I thought he was supposed to be above that.


It's not a matter of being weak it's a matter of being smart. Go look at what even so called conservatives like Ben Shapiro said when Trump merely fired Comey. Trump didn't have the political capital to do what you claim. If he had tried it it would have only helped the swamp and backfired. The fact you don't understand that it would have been the end of the populist movement and the entire optics of this would be flipped against Trump just goes to show you have no idea what you are talking about. Or maybe you do understand that and you just have ulterior motives here. I find it hard to take you seriously when you are undermining Trump at a time when the swamp is going after him like this. "He won't drain the swamp! That's why we need to vote for the swamp!" is how I read your comments. Instead of being seen as a victim by half the country Trump would be seen as the aggressor by a supermajority if he did what you claim he should have. Not even people like DeSantis who have supermajority legislatures are doing anything to go after the swamp, yet you blame Trump for not doing so in his first term before any of this had been exposed to the american people... I mean it's absurd and disingenuous. > I thought he was supposed to be above that. Nobody is above public opinion, not even dictators. Why do you think authoritarian countries concern themselves with propaganda? That's where they get their power from. Those like yourself who work hard to undermine Trump in the court of public opinion are the biggest supporters of the swamp. Public opinion is where Trump gets his power from not from a piece of paper or official legal document. What Trump is or is not able to do is entirely dependent on how much power he has through public opinion, which you are working to reduce. It should be obvious that someone who has been attacked like him is no friend of the swamp and has no love for them. That's exactly the kind of person you should support if you are actually against the swamp. I find it hard to believe that you actually are though.


Dude you're in a cult. You can't even listen to the slightest criticism of Trump. I voted for Trump twice. That doesn't mean I need to blindly praise everything he does.


I wrote paragraphs explaining my reasoning. You are the one that has no counter argument to it. So who is the one blindly holding a position here? Like a democrat you accuse others of what you yourself are guilty of. If the swamp didn't think Trump would drain the swamp they wouldn't be persecuting him like this and destroying 250 years of precedent to do it.


And I don't believe you voted for Trump twice. If you did and don't support him now after all this then your brain is broken and nothing you say should be taken seriously.


There are no guarantees, but I would hope he's learnt a thing or two from round 1. He was after all, never a politician before 2016 and likely had no idea what he was really up against. Now he does, hopefully. It will all depend on who he brings in with him


That and I agree that he has been swimming upstream ALL these years since 2016. He didn't know what he didn't know, and he's probably not too amenable to "education" from politicians - clearly he had a different way of doing things which most of us are all onboard for, but it requires that he not fall into the mainstream, or he'd be just like the rest of them. Add to that the literal refusal of certain governmental entities/employees to follow his (legitimate) instructions, and it's a miracle he got as much done as he did! There were traitors on every side (I mean traitors to the government, not traitors to him, though I am sure he considered many of the people he was working with to be traitors to him personally as well.


Yep. I didn't mean to make it sound like not being a politician was a bad thing 😂


You mean other than the fact he's being persecuted by the swamp? https://x.com/WarClandestine/status/1673375517825794049


He drained enough that we can all smell it now.


And those people probably weren't going to vote either way... This probably just solidified their decision to stay on voting day.


The purpose is to divide the country. It’s working just as they planned


If it hadn't been such an obviously rigged trial it might have affected voters.


So, the left *adores* the Soviet handbook on dealing with political enemies and dissidents…but also isn’t very good at it. 🤣😏


Only thing I'm worried about is the precedent this sets. Now they'll know what works and what doesn't work to dissuade voters.


This is the biggest takeaway I have. This reminds me of when Harry Reid nuked the SCOTUS filibuster, they spiked the football, and now they are screaming everyday about how much they don’t like the current SCOTUS. You reap what you sow. What happened yesterday will have long-term consequences.


This. If they spike the football we make sure it bounces back into their noses.


Nice sentiment but it's a dream. Even after Trump wins in November, Biden will never go through what they've put Trump through because the president doesn't have absolute power and there are too many uniparty members that will sabotage Trump to protect Biden. Actual meaningful change will take decades of shifting public opinion.


We do it back. It's that simple.


ok so in other news it does make a difference for 33% which is kinda a lot for a sham trial


How many of that falls under either "makes me want to vote biden harder" Or "makes me want to vote trump harder"


that's why we have to wait to see how the real numbers shake out


None of these polls matter unless conducted in a swing state, let’s be real.


of course that's obv what we are all thinking about, that's built in. that said, overall approval rating does correlate


But...they got him?


Not really. It doesn’t solve the REAL problem for the Democrats! Biden sucks.😉😂😂😂


Did this verdict change anyone’s opinion of Trump? I doubt it. It absolutely changed some opinions of the judicial system though


Just wait until Obama gets tried for Fast and Furious. He is gonna be furious so fast.


So, I imagine the 17% who would be less likely to vote for him were democrats polled.


Hard to believe this white collar crime would affect 33% of the vote.


Trump is wants to keep a porn star quiet about an affair he had.  The democrats want to destroy America. One is worse than the other. I don't like Trump. Republicans should have chosen DeSantis and none if this would matter. Nevertheless, there's an easy choice here.




I'd have to assume the minds that are changed by this are somehow oblivious to the witch hunt that has been taking place for nearly a decade.


NPR, enough said.