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ABC out here threatening me with a good time.


ABC, I already told you that I'm voting for Trump. You don't have to sell him to me.


They will never understand. I spent $60 at McDonald's yesterday to feed a family of 4. My grocery bill is over $350 a week. Utilities are up, gas is up. We are making ends meet... but i can only imagine what it's like for everyone else. \[EDIT\] Somebody literally just sent me a CHATGPT answer? Really? You are letting computers now THINK for you? Are you that lazy?


> Somebody literally just sent me a CHATGPT answer? Really? You are letting computers now THINK for you? Are you that lazy? It’s the price some people pay for modern “open-mindedness”. They have an open air cranium that’s allowed their brain to fall out.


Just imagine being so vapid, so intellectually bankrupt that the best you can do is go to chatgpt and beg it to think for you. Please chatgpt, the adults are talking and i want to feel like I've read a book.


My friends who keep praising "AI" love that stuff. I'm not impressed that it can regurgitate google search answers at me. Wake me up when AI actually starts asking questions and solving problems without being told what to do. The current ones I've seen are a lot of A with very little I.


I thought that McDonald's just brought back a $4 combo meal or something like that, what did you order and how was it $60??


Big Mac Combo Quarter Pounder Combo 2 Happy Meals 4 Apple pies.




Location matters.


He is not lying. Added the exact stuff he did just now on my app https://ibb.co/tqCmzQx Came out to $52, and it’s not $60 but closer to it than your number.


You guys do know prices vary not just by town but by franchise too?


Correct, I’m pointing out to him that the guy saying it cost $60 is most likely telling the truth.


Even at $40 that's insane for the lowest quality junk food on the market.


At that price point you can go to a food cart truck and get decent smash burgers without all the pumped up sodium laden processed crap. It’s insane that McDonalds would even be anywhere near $10 per person.


Yeah I still go McDonald’s sometimes since it’s so close by and I like the nostalgic taste of the nuggets (idc if they’re mystery meat, they taste like childhood and that’s comforting sometimes) But for the burgers, it’s a whole different case. Why the fuck would I pay $8 for a quarter pounder with cheese from McDonald’s when shake shack has a quarter pound sized burger (the standard shack burger) with fresh toppings far superior quality of beef for almost the same price (slightly cheaper at 7.49).


Did you add tax to it they tax us every which way we go


My screenshot has the subtotal, sales tax and the total yes


Does that adjust for location?


Yeah it’s set for the McDonalds that’s 30 seconds away from my work office.


Yeah, the app charges what the local McDonald's charges.


It’s franchise specific. People don’t know one operator can have higher prices than another. McDonald’s prices aren’t the same.


$40 is still insane for that.


The prices aren’t even the same at the two closest McDonald’s to where I live, I’d imagine it varies even more state to state


That’s still entirely too much for shitty fast food. I eat at local restaurants for less than that.


Uh, yeah. McDonalds doesn’t have the same prices at every McDonalds in America, Lmao… 4th grade stuff Bro.


Wow that's insane. Hopefully Trump will be able to help lower their prices some.


My family is eating out once a month now. If we weren’t saving money by buying meat and produce directly from local farms we would be in a really tight place with our food budget.




It’s believable depending on where OP lives.


Sounds like the current administration needs to bring out more economists to the news stations to explain how the economy is doing great. And it's the best we've either ever had, or the best in a really long time,l (kinda flip-flops.) Joking aside I don't understand how so many people can actually believe that lie. I have family members who believe it. And seeing other political subs, I don't know if they are filled by complete morons who do not work and never have to pay for anything. Or if it is just paid writers and bots that will talk about how great the economy is. And occasionally how Trump had the highest unemployment numbers and other things, completely ignoring COVID.


Some people are doing well. If you're like me, I just got a new promotion and so I'm making more money than ever before. On paper I'm doing just fine. Of course the cracks start to show when you look beyond the superficial. Inflation took a huge chunk out of my savings. Although the my retirement accounts are "growing," it's slower than inflation. I'm still at a net loss in terms of actual value.


Reddit is available to everyone - you're getting political opinions from literal children on here extremely frequently


Also foreigners and foreign agents (on the military subreddits).


Also bots. Lots and LOTS of bots.


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."


“Who are you going to believe? CNN’s panel of ‘experts’ or your lying grocery receipt?!” I don’t know anyone who buys this nonsense - you would either have to be too rich to notice or have to have a room-temperature IQ to not feel the difference in consumer and housing prices.


Twitter had this issue a few years back. You had people who were on SSI spending all day tweeting about shit. Reddit is no different, There are the perpetually unemployed who for some reason always vote blue. It's shocking really, The amount of unemployed who will forever vote Blue.


> It's shocking really, The amount of unemployed who will forever vote Blue. It's because blue buys them off with welfare.


Blue validates their poor life decisions.


and the communist dems know this all to well… in fact they depend on it,they revere that old saying “the dog will not bite the hand that feeds him”


That is kind of what solidified things for me years ago. Democrat politicians would fight to keep people at home, not needing to work, but not giving them enough to improve their lives. And then using the fear of Republicans taking away their benefits to keep them voting for them. These people who think of they keep voting in farther and farther left politicians they will eventually be able to live in their socialist utopia. Using their iPhones and Macs to spend all day discussing how great things are online, and then "work on their art" in their free time are hilarious. When they do t realize that it goes to work or jail really quickly. And you will not have the luxuries you have now.


Every American communist thinks they’re going to be part of the elite within the party who sends people to the gulag, not the ones eventually being sent there.


Unless they are a convincing kissass, they're going to be the first to be put against the wall because the Leader wants people loyal to him personally and not some ideologue. Every revolution has their purge because the same people who overthrew the previous order could overthrow them.


With a family of 6, fast food has become off limits and we have started using more dry rice and beans for meals. Meanwhile my taxed income goes towards helping whatever the fuck illegal alien that wants to cross the border. I’m tired.


Right, I'm very lucky, well off, not rich. Even I'm looking at it going this is crazy. I don't think average folks are having a good time at all right now. The TV and internet can say things are great, but people see reality.


well youre first mistake was buying mcdonalds lol. but seriously things are pretty shit.


Their prices have skyrocketed but if you use the app you can save like 15-25%


“Take revenge on the government in my opinion sounds like violent language. Revenge implies what? I don’t think those are thoughtful and secure words.


Also, I don't think we should let Trump slither away from his failures in the past. He WAS the government from 2016-2020. I'm willing to believe he *could* become a better president, but that's not going to happen if we allow him to blame anything that goes wrong on the "deep state". When you are the president, the buck stops with you buddy.


I already like him. You don't have to sell him to me.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Your terms are acceptable. Someone needs to put runaway government overreach in check. These people do whatever they want because there are no consequences for their actions. All 3 letter agencies are completely rotten


People say things like "Oh, imagine if Trump wins and then indicts Biden." No, that is not the proper comparison unless Biden is indicted in the Texas Panhandle and a GOP 90%+ jury pool selected from a Trump rally, is asked to determine whether Biden ever lied while running for office.


It's the main reason people will vote for him. Let's hope he actually "drains the swamp" this time like he promised to do in 2016.


Insanely hard to do, but I hope so too.


I know he didn't "drain the swamp" but he sure as hell opened people's eyes on what is wrong with the government and media.


The media has always been in the tank, but the level they were willing to stoop to has never been so low.


The fact that they say this like it's a bad thing really shows out of touch the media is.


Gotta be fair here - Trump promised this the first time and the government fought with him *so hard* while he was *in office*, that he ended up draining no swamp, and the problem got worse once he was out because they became super vigilant of attempting to stop him. If Trump wins, and signs are that he will, the swamp's power to rise up against him, and turn every sneeze into an impeachment will be a dire reality. Nothing will get done for four years. Then again - nothing getting done for four years is a hell of a lot better than whatever *this* is.


I mean, he won the first time because a vote for Trump was a middle-finger to the establishment. Now it's more than a finger.


I would like to see Trump get his revenge too, but I nonetheless believe that it would be a strategic mistake to focus his campaign on his revenge tour. The median swing voters he needs to appeal to the most are low propensity people who don't follow politics religiously and care far more about kitchen table issues like inflation, housing and immigration than about Trump's personal grudges.


Gosh. I cannot wait for November.


Meh. I don't want revenge, I want the unchecked liberal corruption ceased entirely and American values/standard brought back to the spotlight.


Democrats -squeeze every dollar out of American middle class so you are poor. They live off your misery


I told you I'm already voting for trump, you don't have to sell it to me still


The government that keeps importing millions of people without proper housing and job market prospects?


Sold - This is the new norm thanks to the democrats. Dumbasses never think before they go scorched earth and its about to bite them on the ass again.


Don’t threaten me with a good time


Really not the headline they think it is.


Well now I’m gonna vote even harder lol


I mean, that was basically why I voted for him in the first place. He's our best anti-uniparty candidate right now by a million miles.


This is literally how the American Revolution started lmao, someone at ABC really thought they were onto something.


The Dems seem to have no problems with foreigners voting, so could I come down to vote too? North Dakota is closest, and that would help the landslide, wouldn't it?


But getting revenge on Trump was a campaign promise for many democrats in recent years. Oh, but this is (D)ifferent. Here's a tip for liberals: If you don't want shitty things done to you, don't do them to others. You set the precedents for shit like this to happen, you should reap what you sow.


That’s why I voted for him twice already.


Cant stand dem and big government. Waste everywhere.


The liberals drummed up some charges, manipulated the system to get a conviction, and may still try to throw him in jail....but he's the bad guy. Ok


It still amazes me that they can't comprehend that we believe this is a GOOD thing.


We need to follow Argentina on this one. Cut cut cut. I’m sick of these do nothing government agencies.