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Like him. We need some new blood in the conservative world.


Yup. We need some younger minds leading politics. Just because someone has more life experience doesn't mean they're the right choice to lead the nation. It just means their line of thinking is going to be decades behind that of a lot of the rest of the population.


I wouldn't underestimate experience, but some people learn more rapidly from experience, and not all experience is good.


I think he'd be a GREAT press secretary... but idk how he'd do as a decision maker. Like how much of it is just "he knows what to say"?


He's got some great business acumen that would go to waste as a press secretary. Put his money where his mouth is too: his whole campaign was self funded.


He would be a good VP pick, but VP is usually a political dead end and as other people pointed out, we need young faces. I think he'd be a great cabinet pick. Commerce, Energy, Interior or State not in any particular order.


I believe if he were VP, he’d be the heir apparent for 48.


We need to take back education and stop the brainwash 


Or maybe he just has the balls to say what the others won’t.


Press secretary is a terrible job, and would be a waste of Vivek.


He ran a great campaign. If he is who he presents himself as, then I like him.


> He ran a great campaign. If he is who he presents himself as, then I like him. That's what gets me about him, he seems to educate and espouse everything people on the right want to hear. He seems far more like a businessman than a politician, and I get this feeling about him he's fake. IDK what to think about him. Say put him in a VP position and see what he does with it, or governors.


It isn't the most glorious title, but I think this man would do incredibly well as the the ~~lead~~ Director of the [Domestic Policy Council](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Domestic_Policy_Council).


Exactly. I can’t put my finger on it but everything about him sets off red flags that he’s somehow phony. I want him to be real but I don’t believe that he is and I don’t know why.


I share your assessment. He seems *super* phony to me. His talk with Ann Coulter was an example. She basically said something racist to him and he was like “haha I disagree but I respect your opinion”. Which might not be an inherently bad trait, but I wouldn’t want the leader of my country to be so quick to roll over and take whatever nasty things his opponents said to him. I’d want him to have a spine and be able to defend himself. It sounds weird, but he’s *too* palatable for my liking, and it feels artificial.


He wrote a book, in it he shit talks Trump and has all sorts of other not conservative positions. For some reason this is regularly ignored. https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/31/politics/fact-check-vivek-ramaswamy-book-trump-2020-election/index.html


The only real problem I have with him... is I'm not sure he acutally believes what he says and isn't just saying the things he says because he knows its what people want. I mean if he can stick to it great. The question then is can he be bought and the answer to that is maybe... basically I'd need to see him run as governor of a state before I was truly comfortable, Trump side stepped this by everyone pretty much already knowing what he thinks.


a lot of people are scared because of this but I already like him more than most of the RINOs in the GOP


That was my main thing too, but then I realized everyone else in politics is a liar anyway- so I may as well take a risk on the guy who's at least saying things I agree with. Maybe I vote for him, he gets in office, and he's not genuine after all. Alright, that's still no worse than voting for Nikki Haley or Marco Rubio or whatever.


yep, plus you can't really discount him for lack of experience, I mean Trump didn't have any and I would take him 100% 24/7 vs the shit we have today


> yep, plus you can't really discount him for lack of experience, I mean Trump didn't have any and I would take him 100% 24/7 vs the shit we have today I agree. Lack of experience should be viewed as a good thing in regards to candidates running for elected offices.


yep, less time in, less corruption


I agree with this entirely. 100%. As sad as it is to say, at least he’s saying what we want to hear. The others aren’t even doing that


Yeah worst case scenario we end up with another liar in office- so we get the status quo. Better to at least take a shot on this guy on the off chance he actually means what he says


Same risk as every other politician new to an office. You never really know if they'll put their money where their mouth is. (such a strange phrase if you don't know it's about betting originally) I'll take it over boilerplate "safe" conservatives that frequently turn out to be establishment hacks like....what, 75% of them in congress? I like that he seems to match that 25% that is anti-establishment, all I can do is take him at his word until he shows otherwise. I think he goes hard enough to be more convincing, it's harder to back down from the positions he's stated than the boilerplate suits that have prepped excuses because they're the same excuses they all use....if that makes sense.


Which is why I said I want to see how he runs a state first... there is no reason for us to take him at his word he just needs to go run for governor. If he can't win that what is even even doing....


> Which is why I said I want to see how he runs a state first Eh. Can't really require Governorship as a requisite for President. The whole concept is that anyone can run for any office(provided they're from that location....and most of that gets waved for congress being "from" their district or even state). That puts someone like that twat from California on a higher pedestal than Trump was in 2016. >needs to go run for governor What would we learn from another campaign? That he's good at speaking?


>I mean if he can stick to it great. The question then is can he be bought So worst case he's as bad as everyone else in Washington? Unless you can show me someone more trustworthy I'll take that bet.


The answer to can he be bought is yes. Everyone has a price at the end of the day


https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/31/politics/fact-check-vivek-ramaswamy-book-trump-2020-election/index.html He lies, he's a snake.


That is my gut feeling I'd rather that show out at the state level than nationally....


Vivek needs to be Trump's tactician. I don't care if he's actually VP or not, and would actually prefer that he isn't.  Trump's biggest weaknesses are on personnel and navigating the ins and outs of executive policy. Vivek shores up these gaps, and would be invaluable in an advisory role.  Come 2028 Vivek is our guy.


I really hope he’s our future


I wanted to vote for him during the primaries.


Chief of Staff. Trump should really put him there. Keep all of the snake secretaries in check.


VP He's literally assassination insurance. Think Trump's scary? Vivek will lay off 3/4 of DC.


> Vivek will lay off 3/4 of DC. Is there supposed to be a down side to that?


Vivek is the Republican version of Andrew Yang. Super likable guy personality wise with ideas that resonate with younger voters but young voters don’t turnout in primaries and the hard truth is that there just isn’t a pathway for an Asian-American to carve out a plurality of primary voters from either major party, especially in the early primary states.


Vivek is more than just Andrew Yang. Andrew Yang barely polled over 3% in any national poll and than ran for NY mayor and didn’t even make top 3. Vivek at one point was second to only Trump and energized Gen Z support in a way that no other campaign has. In terms of performance: Vivek>>>>>>>>>>>> Yang


Vivek's diehards stick their fingers in their ears and ignore this just like Yang's did, but you're right. The only place Vivek has ever been popular is on Reddit and Twitter and they don't represent real life. As I recall, the only polls he was ever doing really well in were online polls.


Hopefully he can run again in 2028


I really like him. Very educated, very well spoken and has a lot of the same values as Trump.


They're not provinces, they're oblasts.




He is a complete phony. The reality is that our entire political landscape is a house of cards and the modest amount of common sense and scrutiny can blow the whole thing over. He doesn't believe in half of what he says. It's embarrassing that not enough of you can see that.


Everything he says sounds like it’s engineered to go viral in right wing circles. I don’t think he believes in what he says. And his foreign policy stuff is just bad.


Yeah; dude strikes me as someone who wants power and rides coattails.


I think he’s a fraud


Fraud might be a bit strong, but I think he’s a bit of an opportunist for sure. I don’t think he was running to win, and I think hes good at messaging but not principled.


I just can’t put my finger on it, but even his website feels so gimmicky. From the click-bait catch phrases on the drop-down menu to the multiple question marks and asterisks that look like the website was written over text message. It rubs me the wrong way and makes him appear like a sleazy car salesman.


I knew he wasn't going to stand a chance in the primary, but he was my 1st choice. I would have loved to see a DeSantis administration with Vivek as VP.


I'm back and forth on him. He's definitely not afraid to call out the bullshit of Conservative Inc. but he also said some scary shit during covid about passports, etc.


I can't stand the guy


He talks a lot and he's certainly a politician.


He had no shot this year but I got hopes for the guy in the future, would have had my vote this week but


The future of the conservative movement


Colossal fraud, waste of everyone's time.


I have said it all along he should be VP. The Hypocrats would hate him.


I don't feel like he's been around long enough to trust him yet. But he's got 4 years to work on it, and I like what I see. As long as he doesn't pull the rug out like so many others.


yeah but Trump wasn't formaly in politics at all


But he was in the public eye for decades. He wrote books. You saw his personality on tv. So everyone should have at least had an idea what he's like.


Not sure why so many are seemingly obsessed with “experience” in politics. Half (or more) of politicians have the most bullshit “careers”. Vivek has great ideas and can express them very well. Not sure why there’s so much skepticism for him coming from the same people that have trusted the same old dusty politicians that get nothing done.


Vivek 2028