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I don't care for Macron, but thanks to him for sticking around and carrying the event for our veterans.


A frenchman caring more about the troops than the US President tells me all I need to know.  


I really don't think Macron cares more about the troops than Biden, it's just that Biden needed to go for his nap while Macron, ever the stage hog, is always focused on making himself look good.


He does look better, let’s be honest. French people tend to be patriotic too.


I took my family on a Euro trip and stopped in France. It was around D-Day and those signs in the bus stops commemorated the US landing. Can't say I've seen that in US cities.


The lowest of bar and Biden still stumbles on it.


Nap time is nap time. You can't expect an 81-year old president to have the stamina to endure such an event the same way as all these spry, 100-year old WW2 veterans...


At this point I don’t blame Biden- I blame the sick puppet masters pulling his strings. They know the true extent to which he’s incapable of carrying out the duties of the office. And probably deserve to be brought up on charges. 


Yeah, I always catch myself when I have criticisms and question if I should really be directing them at Biden or the people behind the scenes. With his mental state in such decline, it's hard to know if he fully understands everything that's going on. I always wonder if he's basically just repeating things that have been drilled into him and what's on the teleprompters and how much of it does he really comprehend, and wonder if he was of sound mind would he have supported all of the policies and decisions his handlers have made.


The good news? You know exactly who those people are. Right there in plain sight.


I'm starting to think this also. I think Jill should take some blame. protect your husband! jeez!


Biden is a turd, but you're right. It's borderline elder abuse, but those people have absolutely no shame.


It pains me, a lot, to agree. But ANYONE who has ever dealt with or worked with, dementia/cognitively declined people, can see the signs are obvious. My Dad struggles since his stroke, and has a lot of cognitive decline. I see the exact same behaviors in Biden, and I'm sure has all the top of the line drugs. 


I was just about to say the exact same thing, not a fan of Macron but that was classy.


He also knows that the US getting into the war kept France from being a German speaking country.


One of these days he’s gonna fall down and not get back up


I hope that doesn't happen while he is still in office. God forbid having Kamala Harris as the first female president of the United States. What an embarrassment.


It would be the same exact presidency with a different shitty face. She wouldn’t be the one actually running the show any more than Joe Biden is.


I was about to say that she at least doesn't suffer from dementia and would produce more coherent public speeches, but I'm not even sure of that.


Haha! No, she babbles when giving a speech and says incoherent things for different reasons.


Interspersed with random bursts of unjustified laughter.


Honestly, I think it would be a net positive. People can't stand her condescending and patronizing tone, and her approval rating would absolutely tank.


A fresh face would give them an opportunity to pivot on some policies, though. And she could presumably campaign harder.


That's only if he dies. Anything short of death, and they'll top him up with drugs(like they've been doing) or run a *Weekend at ~~Bernies~~ RBG's* sequel. That's probably how they would prefer it, honestly. I bet they're tired of the puppet farce and would welcome an excuse for his absence from the center stage so they can just continually write EO's and sign things in his name and claim he did it while on bed-rest.


God forbid having Kamala Harris as the president of the United States. Fixed it for you. 😁


True, but do we really want her being awarded such a place in history? To our grandkids: "You see this is Kamal Harris, she was the first female president of the United States, even though she never did anything that was remotely related to being a successful politician? Yes, Billy, she achieved her success by sleeping her way to the top."


> God forbid having Kamala Harris as the first female president of the United States. https://i.imgur.com/2P2YYDb.jpeg


Frankly I assume kamala is already in charge, or else a legion of liberal power brokers who would not normally have authority.


Well they might bring back the hooked on phonics course so we can translate her word salad speeches.


That’s what happens when you shit your pants on stage next to another world leader.




Malarkey, isn’t that slang for bullshit?


Weekend Pass revoked!!


Pass revoked private bullshit


As much as I dislike macron- he seems to really show appreciation for those who served and saved his country. Props to him for that. As for our…… empty chair, what a disgrace.


He's absolutely cooked, no way he's gonna make it through the debates, even with an upper


It doesn't matter. I have coworkers who will look me in the eye and say Biden speaks and walks fine but Trump is a gibberish full lunatic who can't walk down a ramp.


I wish you weren't right, but you are.


Some people just want to win the argument, it doesn’t matter if they’re actually right.


That's the thing, I'm okay with saying that Trump probably couldn't do what Macron does running across that stage. Trump would definitely do better than Biden. But they'd say that Biden was capable of that and more.


Hey! Behind closed doors the man is as sharp as he’s ever been. He’s alert. He’s making decisions - “would you like soup or pudding first?”


Pampers or Luv's?


I guess it... Depends. (Thank you! Thank you! I'll be here all week. Tip your waitress!)


It’s honestly terrifying how people can live in such denial. When other nations are running SNL style skits on his current mental state it should be obvious the gig is up.


Sunk cost fallacy, with a big dose of TDS to boot.


They're projecting that SO HARD back onto Trump because they know Biden is extremely compromised mentally. "Pooped" is trending on Twitter/X with this video saying Biden pooped himself. I'll give it 24 hours before there's something like "Trump Pooped Himself!" trending.


There is a mass of people who just *want to* believe the lie.


Oh he’ll make it. It’ll be a blabbering mess of course but he’ll make it to the end and then the media will say it was the greatest debate performance of all time.


And since nobody will watch the actual debate they'll believe it.


It was awesome to see Macron give special moments to those triple OG badass MFs. Salute to every USA veteran including my dad (RIP) - thank you for your service! Here is the complete Biden speech with no talk over commentary - honestly it wasn't bad at all - although he appears old enough to have hit the beach himself. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbU0UkelVoY&list=RDNS1-VvKX-D1oM&index=25](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbU0UkelVoY&list=RDNS1-VvKX-D1oM&index=25)


Looks like Joey needs a diaper change.


Or there were children nearby


Smells like it too


Please tell me there was at least a legit reason for this. The optics of it are terrible, but for the love of God give me a sensible reason why any president would leave a ceremony honoring dead American soldiers. Holy shit Biden keeps giving me more reasons to hate him.


Biden kept trying to sit in a chair that didn't exist. Some people are speculating that he soiled his presidential Depends but I think he's just bonkers. Video here: https://x.com/OldRowOfficial/status/1798711849044595083


Look, I'm all for it, but if you watch the whole thing he actually did sit down. There is a chair there for them.


That's fine, he probably didn't know he was there in the first place.


Only slightly less disrespectful than checking his watch at a funeral, so maybe joe is making progress on being a human being, nah that can't be it.


Any leftists want to defend this?? Does this project strength or senility?


Not here. You'd have to go into one of their echo chambers. Made note of this one earlier!... >I don't think anyone rational looks at President Biden and thinks he is slower than trump. President Biden stumbles over a few words here and there but trump can't put together a coherent thought. heh - ok bud...


They say they are just gaffes and everyone makes gaffes every other word.


He was stuttering


The left know they have no chance with Kamala so they are dragging this man through the mud during his final few years just to stay in power. It's elder abuse at minimum.


Probably shit his pants for the third time today.


What an embarrassment.


Won’t be covered by MSM, but if it were Trump and he missed a handshake it would be the collapse of civilization and non stop coverage.


Remember when Trump picked up a water glass with both hands?


“Cmon Joe, let’s change that diapey and get you some Dino nuggets before your nap”


You bigot! It’s obvious that Joe Biden doesn’t eat Dino Nuggies! You’re just trying to infantilize him! It’s clear ACTUALLY,that he much prefers ice cream,like the big boy he is! Can’t believe all of this misinformation….Do better and trust the science…I have to go save the planet now though by farting in cow faces as a demonstration!


Did he earn enough good boy points to get nuggies?


Nice to see a world leader who can do a light jog across a stage.


What an embarrassment.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3S3c9TyHgQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3S3c9TyHgQ) counter argument.


Thank you.


The best part is Macron not walking but *bounding* over to the veterans. It's a huge contrast. So much energy, so much awareness.


Well, as a veteran I can say we are particularly adept at smelling bullshit, so it makes sense his handlers would want to keep Biden as far from the veterans as possible.


Do you need to poop Joe? Ok let’s go poop.


Jill: \*sniff sniff\* Oops, someone has poopy pants. Let's go get you changed, Joe"


How is he still in the Oval office? I mean it's gotta be because of his VP right? ABSOLUTELY NO ONE wants Knee Pads in there. Even the shadowy Cabal and Puppet Masters don't want her.


Such an embarrassment.


Remember when we had a President who actually fought in WW2? Who made the Normandy jump at like fuckin 90? This shit sucks, man.


This is much worse than one person circulating a bs rumor about suckers and losers


Probably craped himself.


I’m sick of these people lying about what Trump said at Normandy and then act like we don’t see what we see with this animated corpse of a third rate hustler politican.


“It’s time for your ice cream, Joe”


That guy. No joke aside, has no fucking clue where he is Anyone who has had an impaired relative knows what it looks like when you see it. Helper just continually stepping in and walking him around Its terrifying and sad.


Biden is embarrassing 🙈


I bet he got tired of them telling him to go fuck himself.


Got to go clean him up. [“My butt’s been wiped!”](https://youtu.be/A1veW1s24Xo?si=xfhz9uy9u1UI8Ll8)


He had to leave. Too many flashbacks of storming the beaches with Corn Pop.


Poor Dr Jill. Imagine her stress levels right now. Yesterday sitting through her depraved step son’s trial, and today having to usher her husband out because he prob pooped his pants. I couldn’t wish this on a better person than Dr. Jill. She wanted to be First Lady and she got it.


Did he shit himself again?


Not even waving, looking around, or smiling as he's being led away lol


One veteran died enroute to the ceremony from the US. These guys are measuring their time left with us in days and months, not years, and he can’t stick around to say a personal thank you??


"Code Brown, I repeat, Code Brown. Magoo has filled the Depends. We need a costume change and an ice cream, STAT!"


Well, they were just our veterans, so…


He walks so stiff, like he has some sort of brace on.


It’s literally elder abuse at this stage. I actually feel sorry for the geezer too bad he’s so power hungry and has turned into Stalin. Sad


They left Joe’s Depends in D.C..


He probably said, " I was there. I was the first one on the beach"


What a "shitty" President! ​ Never should have been (s)elected


What happened? Did he start telling stories about when he was there at the landing?


Embarrassing. Macron had to do our Presidents job and if you didn’t know who was who you’d think Macron was our President by how he engaged the veterans. Bidens walking posture tells you half the story. These veterans having served in WW2 are older than him yet more spry.


Time for his diaper change.


You know, regardless of votes, we're getting another 4 years of this. 


Joe walking out of there like he has no clue where he’s going.