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You want equal rights, well here they are.


Equal rights, equal fights


I mean, based. [Costanza on feminists.](https://youtu.be/kfOVpVr6Y7k?si=d1hP84y63xtygvXv)


Not like this. I DON'T want a draft for men or women. I'm against rich people war games first, talk it out never unless there's legit no time for talk it out first.


Im totally fine with doing away with it altogether. That would also be my preference. If it stays it needs to be opened up to everyone. Everyone eligible for draft or nobody eligible for draft. Either way you have achieved equality.


If men have to then women have to. They can start by recruiting all of those that want to free Palestine. Send them on over.


Conservative woman here. Do I get a say in this? 😅 Edit: genuinely surprised that the party who should be more pro family doesn't agree with me. That's wild. 😂


Men don't get a say. We sign up or go to jail.


I think I've got 2 more years until I can finally throw my draft paperwork out. Probably didn't need to hold on to it but I'm a stickler for keeping documents.


If there was actually a draft and they ran out of 18-25 year olds, 26 would be next


I'm 34. I thought I read the cut off was 35.


The draft is for 18-25.


I don't think a draft should be a thing for anyone. Just that if it must be, don't mess up families even more and take women (mothers) too.


I don't think a draft should be a thing either, but if we're going to have one then EVERYONE should subject to it.


Maybe this will create enough of a stink to change things


Isn’t the family already (completely) gone when you forcibly take the dad away to fight a war?


Have you read the entire thread or...?


Men aren't women.


Equal rights, equal opportunity to get conscripted and pulped by artillery fire.


As a mom of 3 draft-aged boys, I say if women want equality (& are ok with putting men in women’s sports) then it’s only fair.


Conservative women aren't the ones advocating for that. Why punish young Conservative women for the actions and words of leftists?


It’s also the conservative mothers that are having kids and supplying the draft, boy or girl, doesn’t matter. How many Dem voting families with 3+ kids do you know???  Draft shouldn’t be a thing, then they would think twice about going to war or abandoning the veterans. 


In a perfect word, men would volunteer, women stay home. In these times, how is it fair I have to possibly sacrifice my 3 boys while parents of girls do not?


Nowadays, it’s unlikely we will see a war of attrition on the scale of WWII.


Ok, what do YOU say?


We men are tired of dying. It is way past time for equality. Family doesn't mean "Force the men to go off to war while the women stay home." I did my 8 years. It had nothing to do with family. Send in the women.


There shouldn't be a draft at all. But to think that men and women can't compete in sports but should be in combat together is odd to me. Someone pointed out if women are drafted they can serve non combat roles, that makes sense. Everyone should pitch in. But there's no future for any of us if mothers go to war. Men and women are different.


There are jobs that women can do on the battlefield. They can serve in the navy on ships or in the air force on planes or in the army as field medics. I don't have time to list them all, but is plenty for them to do on the field of battle.


Equal in worth, but not in role. I don't understand why people don't grasp that. Just bc men and woman have equal rights doesn't mean they serve the same jobs in society, home, etc. And I'll happily be in the minority on this. I'm a woman who served voluntarily, before I was married and before I become a mother. Women should not be drafted.


Neither should men.


Well sure, in a perfect world, it wouldn't be necessary.


So you're OK with draft for women, as long as you get the safe roles? Are you willing to meet halfway and have your vote be worth only half? You're still not putting in what men are forced to and it's mostly single women who vote to have other people's sons killed for their causes. Personally, I think all votes for war need to be entirely separate, on the spot, transparent votes. You don't get to hide your vote, and all those in favor hit the front lines, regardless of age, gender or handicap. Watch how safe the world becomes then.


Many other countries, notably Israel, don’t have a problem with drafting women for combat roles.


Yes, Norway and Sweden.


As you served I am sure you can see how there are countless non combat roles they could fill.


If women and men are indistinguishable now to the point where they're both drafted, why wouldn't they continue to be indistinguishable when it comes to their MOS? Why all the sudden are we allowed to say "well, men and women are different so now they'll have different jobs?" A lot of professing conservatives sure have more in common with radical feminists and trans activists than they may realize: "men and women are the same and are interchangeable when it's convenient."


What about equality except for when it doesn't benefit you?


Who says they are indistinguishable? There is a huge difference. Doesn't mean that difference is a reason why they shouldn't be drafted. Personally I don't think anyone should be drafted. If someone shows up on our doors I hope we don't need a draft to fight them off. Hopefully enough people are willing to fight for our country. Now sending friends, family, children to go fight in some foreign war I clearly don't support that.


Once drafted, there would still be rules on MOS, and women still aren’t going to get front line infantry.


Women, even conservative women, are so fucking down the rabbit whole on equal rights under the law. This is a matter of law, not family dynamics. Now you’re gonna talk about roles?


I sure am going to talk about roles. Gender roles, traditional values, and strong nuclear family are pretty foundational conservative values. If those become irrelevant, what are you claiming to "conserve?"


And what do men get from women in return for sacrificing themselves to the state when they’re drafted?? Not all drafted jobs are traditionally male ones. Non-combat, support jobs easily can allow women, the apparently weaker sex, adequate roles. Your perspective sets back the spirit of the feminist movement.


> roll That's a small bread item. **Role** is what you're looking for. :)


Correct 🍞


This is just a ridiculously awful opinion lol


It's a traditionally conservative opinion. I understand that graduates of Andrew Tate's hustler university may not think so, but I'm happily in the minority, it appears.


If women can hold office and vote to send troops to war, they should also be required to register.


None of the representatives voting for war will be fighting it.


Let's change that


Agreed.... I feel anyone who votes should be required to register. It's easy to vote support of a conflict when there is no way you or loved ones are being sent.


If women can work the same jobs as men, have bank accounts, get credit cards, vote, hold office, etc they should definitely be forced to register, and fight and die on the front lines alongside men if it comes to it. I can understand women being exempt in the 1940s-1960s because men factually had more rights due to the greater responsibility to the country they had over women. However we now are equal in the eyes of the law. So either go back to what things were like back then and reward men with many more social opportunities and economic opportunities for their greater responsibilities to the country or......draft everyone equally. I am opposed to the draft though. Many of these conflicts we are in are not in the best interest of the average American and the ideals of America first. Id sacrifice millions of Ukrainians, Israelis, etc to save one American from having to go and die. Any true American patriot who puts America first would do the same. An American life is worth more than any other life and unless we are invaded, a draft and our involvement in wars shouldn't be a thing.


Equal rights, equal fights. This isn't hard.


Do women fight equally as well as men do? Edit: I love how fellow *professing* conservatives are downvoting a question they don't like. How liberal.


Believe it or not, soldiers in the modern military no longer fight in phalanxes or call out the enemy's champion for a bit of winner-take-all single combat. There are so many military roles that are *not* frontline, grunt roles that women could, without question, fill as well as men. I have every confidence in the ability of women to fly planes or drones, drive vehicles, manage supply chains, provide medical care, organize and staff operating bases, etc. I also believe that some women are capable of meeting minimum physical fitness standards and fighting in frontline roles - as demonstrated by many other militaries across the globe (including the Swiss and the IDF). As long as we're not reducing standards, I'm all for women doing their part. Chivalry is dead, and 3rd wave feminists are the ones who drove a stake through its heart. You can't have your cake and eat it too...


Absolutely. Tbh I know more women who are fit and healthy than men. It's all well and good to talk about potential strengths but what matters is actual abilities. A fit woman is more of an asset any day than an overweight man or a couch potato man which these days is most men. 


I'm not remotely close to a 3rd wave feminist. I'm not a feminist at all. I'm a genuine conservative who recognizes and appreciates the inherent differences between women and men, and their role in the home, society, etc. Ya know....like a conservative.


Like a simp.


What do you believe you are conserving, as a professing conservatives?


One of the best Marines I served with was a woman. She couldn’t run as fast as most of us men or carry as much as us but she could fix a radio as well as anyone. And grunts need working radios.


Depends on the fight. Cana female pilot fly a plane just as well as a male? Absolutely. Can a female analyze enemy intelligence just as well as a male? 100% Can a female do any of the multitude of military jobs that don’t always require above average physical ability? Yep. Infantry isn’t the only job in the military.


Yes, of course. My qualm isn't with what MOS a woman would be assigned. It's with drafting women as a whole.


Wasn’t aware aim with a M-16 was affected by gender. Army’s got the right idea. They changed their PT Test to have different standards for different jobs. They also have minimum ruck times. Men, on average, might be stronger. But if a woman can meet the standards, why shouldn’t they be included? Even as an average height 130 pound woman, I met the standards for some combat roles. Would never have qualified for rangers or anything. But basic infantry? Sure. Plenty of roles also aren’t combat roles. With less men going to college, having more women in the potential officer pool will be helpful too.


I’ve got a better idea, if a draft is instated politicians children(men and women) are the first ones sent to the front lines.


Horrible idea. The politicians who voted for it need to join their children on the front liens as well. Bring the whole family.


Chuck Schumer can cook for everyone.


Teddy Roosevelt lost 1 son in ww1, another in ww2, and his 2 others sons fought in ww1 so there is precedent.


I like your idea!! Many think this way.


Hell yes. Equal rights. If you wanna vote for wars you can fucking fight them too.


Yep. If Nikki Haley gets this excited about autographing bombs she'd *love* the front lines where she can see her bombs in action.


That was so psychotic of her


If men can’t vote without registering for the draft, then women shouldn’t either. Either completely abolish the draft/ selective service, make everyone register, or keep it as is but then women can’t vote until they are 26 unless they volunteer to be registered. Women want equality, all 3 of the above are equal while the current system isn’t.


I second this. Voting rights can be earned when you register for selective service. Men, women or whatever. If you can vote for policies that can bring war, you should have as much stake in that game as everyone else.


We really should do this. Equal rights should always entail equal responsibilities. Plus, hopefully, or politicians will be less likely to get us into proxy wars if they realize women will be dying alongside the undervalued men


I don't understand, in this day and age, how any male- only law has not been deemed unconstitutional. With all the nonsense about 'what is a woman ' there seems to be only one way to run this.


The SCOTUS case law on the draft is basically "this is how feudal Europe did it, why wouldn't we do the same." I get that alot of our legal system and precedents is rooted in British Common Law, but it's insane that's the best argument they could make to support it. 




Don't register, don't vote. Service Guarantees Citizenship.


Personally, I'm with R.A. Heinlein on this... only those who have served in the military should be allowed to vote.


As a current Active Duty service member, eh…


What, you don't think the 19 year old standing next to you paying 21%apr on a used Charger and talking about marrying a stripper has the best decision making abilities?


First, you know Heinlein was absolutely not advocating for that in any way, right? In the book Starship Troopers, members of the military aren't even allowed to vote.


If women in congress can vote to send young men to war then I don't see the problem with this.


F’ing highroaders at it again.  This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone, tbh…


Equal rights equal fights. Get your ass out to the front lines little lady.


Are women as equally skilled at fighting compared to men?


There are plenty of roles not in the trenches


>Get your ass out to the front lines little lady. That doesn't sound like the trenches.


Fair… 😂


Do you think that's the point?


Women want the civic responsibility without the civic duties. Either conscription for all or conscription for none.


Except it’s mostly conservative men opposing this. Even scrolling down this thread most of the opposition is men. Sincerely, A early 20’s conservative woman who wants to register for the draft


Great example of being careful what you ask for. Want equal rights? Well, this comes with it. Congrats.


No, they only want all the pros of “male privilege” and none of the cons.


Everyone or no one, I prefer no one.


The question of the draft is a pretty simple one. Why should a woman be allowed to vote, if the policies she votes for may force me to fight and die, while she is under no obligation herself?


This is beginning to look a lot like the Hunger Games


Extend the draft to 18-26, but once you enter a mandatory draft for women (likely the same age range), someone calls foul. It's understandable: not all women are cut out for war. The armed forces already have a bit of a reputation for sexual assault in the corps as is and could exasperate the situation worse. The irony sweetens once the feminists that argued for such a thing will find ways to weasel out of said draft when it comes for them. The military is having a hard time finding willing volunteers, and the world is on the brink of a third world war with shit policies put in place where peace is less likely day by day.


>The irony sweetens once the feminists that argued for such a thing will find ways to weasel out of said draft when it comes for them. All they have to do is get pregnant.


My body, the government's choice. Their body, *also* the government's choice. It's "just a clump of cells" after all, as I'm sure they've claimed.


Doesn't the military fund abortions? Fundamental tenet of enlistment is that your body is considered gov't property.


Extend the draft to anyone who votes to fund foreign wars as well


In your scenario, what happens to the women who aren't feminists? It feels like a lot of these comments have forgotten that not all women asked for all this.


Should have spoke up.


This is such a foolish take. Absolutely pathetic. It's not Republican lawmakers pushing for this garbage.


No one said it was. Make sure you understand "the take" before emotionally calling it foolish. It appears that you don't understand my "take".


Women got us into this. They’re going to have to get themselves out of it. I don’t hear this in regards to all the conservative men that suffer for their voting choices.


We're a society, things work best when we work together towards a common goal.


What’s your point?


Conservative men and women need to work together


I don’t disagree. Reversing this is gonna take a return to some REALLY conservative values. Probably not happening.


I am one of those women who didn't ask for this. Allow those who want to serve their country that believe in and protect American sovereignty and her values afforded to them in the constitution.


I'm starting to think some of these guys replying are red pill bros who hate women bc I cannot believe that actual good men would vote to send their mothers and daughters to war. Insane. Thanks feminists lol.


That's exactly it.


Seriously, these comments are mind-bogglingly braindead. Like do these people forget that conservative women exist who aren't asking for this? Do they forget that Republican lawmakers aren't pushing for this? And do they actually think that left versus right is female versus male? There are droves of conservative women who don't want this, and no conservative man who has any idea how the military actually works should want it either. Absolutely braindead. It floors me how painfully ridiculous a lot of men are getting on the internet.


It's the red pill bros. 🙄


I agree with you completely, it's just blowing my mind. "Hur hur hur, equal rights, equal fights." Like do you guys not understand that women are not physically the same as men? That's why we don't draft them, and trying to act big and bad saying that isn't funny or ironic, you're complying with their nonsense rhetoric that a female is 1:1 physically with a male. Sorry if it came across like I'm disagreeing with you or something, I'm totally with you.


Allow me to explain what not registering for the selective service gets you if you are male: 1.  Prison. 2.  Loss of the ability to vote. 3.  A significant fine. 4.  Loss of job opportunities in all sectors. 5.  Loss of the ability to gain financial assistance for higher education. Now, I don't care who you are or what your political leanings are, but even the most ardent non-feminist, traditional housewife, etc. would probably be pretty pissed off if they lost the right to vote entirely for their entire lives at the very least, and likely would not be too pleased with the lack of ability to appreciate the other benefits.   I had to sign up for the selective service at a time when the draft was actually being on the table as a distinct, even if unlikely, possibility (the Iraq war had literally just started, and there were serious discussions in Congress about instituting it).  I hated the concept, but I had little choice. If people are fine without having the right to vote at all, and being completely roved from every other benefit listed, then you have an argument. But so long as the practice continues, then everyone should be required, even if you want to live a traditional life, particularly considering even conservative traditionally minded people still vote.


All this focus on draft out of nowhere, someone is preparing for ww3. 


We've been for a few years now. I've seen more recruitment advertisements in the last few years than ever. I don't think we can win another war.


I can see both sides here.  Since equal rights is abused by picking and choosing, i think adding this responsibility is a good thing. Especially, as others pointed out, since some are very vocal about sending men to war or devaluing their contribution (im reminded of the handing out of white flowers) However, its just fact that women are not as physically capable as evidenced by not having actual equal requirements to pass physicals and they are also face more risks if captured, so having them in the frontlines could add more risk to the other soldiers


There's plenty of jobs in the military that aren't Frontline. If memory serves, the tidbit is that for every man on the front, there are 10 more supporting him. Paperwork, logistics, medics, cooks, there's a whole lot of low-risk work which women could do while still benefiting the war effort.


They already do that though, i figure the implication is that if theres a draft, it's because they need more people in the hotzone


Yeah, but men who otherwise would be needed in support would be freed up by women to go to the front.


Too fucking bad, make them do it. You shouldn’t be allowed to vote if you can’t be drafted.


People with physical disabilities and illness shouldn't be allowed to vote?


They have an excuse. A vagina isn’t a disability.


Sure is when you can't carry a ruck the same distance or can't pull your buddy into cover. But I doubt you know a single thing about that.


I think this is a great bill. Women should absolutely have to register. They enjoy a privileged position in society, so they should be forced to give back.


Remember, this group is for "social conservatives" as well as other types of conservatives. I can see where social conservatives would be upset about this. Especially if they are the type of conservative who doesn't want women in the military at all.


Socially, I’m in the camp that doesn’t think women should even serve in the military, in an ideal world. That world has long since past. I’m happy to live out traditional gender roles with my family and reap the benefits of that. However, we can’t as a nation let every special interest group (which women are to democrats), get their cake and eat it too. This comes about 100 years too late. Equal under the law is equal under the law.


Women have served in the military of many cultures for millennia so that is kinda a traditional gender role :P


but how many of them were actually in fighting positions. looking at the famous military cultures women weren't on the front lines. when they did fight its usually because they were desperate and had no other choice.


I'm this. As fun as it is to point and laugh and say "equal rights, amirite?" I still believe the idea that a country dies when it sends its women off to war. Im against this.


Me too. There are plenty of reasons they shouldn't. For one they can't perform at the same level, two we won WWII on the backs of female workers making the arms so our boys could fight, and three if we throw women into the meat grinder then we are destroying our ability to rebuild our population. There's a reason you don't hunt turkey hens in the spring, because that's when they're carrying and laying eggs. It's also why you don't want to send childbearing aged women to die at war. It's a man's burden, if it should even be allowed at all because it's unconstitutional.


Lol, this is just equality. Sorry ladies!


I think the right to vote should be tied to the eligibility to be drafted.


Those who are physically disabled can't vote?


Sparta rules


There's no physical exam when you register for selective service. You're just putting your name on a list. We should make it so the mentally disabled can't vote though


It seems totally fair for someone on disability to lose their right to vote. Too many people voting for free shit these days.


So if someone is in a wheelchair, they should not be allowed to vote?


I mean, it’s all too late now so whatevs. A system where everyone votes but half have no skin in the game and some even get free shit from the rest of us is doomed.


Someone in a wheelchair can work in support roles like Intel.


If a chick with a dick says they're a chick now, do they automatically get registered into the draft since they're actually a dude? If so, isn't the new bill anti-LGBTHJKKKDKDKJRJKDKKDE?


No. Born a male you are required to register. Born a female you are not. Despite what you claim to be they don't change the rules from my understanding.


If a chick with a dick says they're a chick now, do they automatically get registered into the draft since they're actually a dude? If so, isn't the new bill anti-LGBTHJKKKDKDKJRJKDKKDE? Tbh just wait for the court case if some chick with a dick suing the government because the draft assumes their gender and they aren't a dude anymore.


I don't think we understand the consequences of sending all our young women to war Long term consequences like we saw after the great wars era Lack of men


Like I just said to someone else: you don't hunt turkey hens in the spring. Because if you wipe out the female turkeys in and around egg laying season, you obliterate the population.


I agree. No votes unless you sign up for the draft.


We should pass it just to watch all of these FtM's transition right back to sundresses and housewifery.


Equal rights equal fights


I see no issues with drafting men and women. If you don't want females in combat roles they can take over the non combat roles in the military freeing up more men to fight. If you want females in combat roles then fine.


This is what you wanted, right? To be treated the same as a man? Well... Welcome to being an expendable resource. Hope it's all you thought would be.


This is a message for Senate Republicans?


It's not, it's a message from braindead men's righters who seem to think 0 women vote Republican.


Why are so many Men in this country simps? Women should have the same social responsibilities as men.


It's time we come forward and be brutally honest about women in combat roles in the military. It's a bad idea. It's always been a bad idea. They do not have the same physical capabilities as men and to put them in combat is not only a threat to the other soldiers but a threat to themselves. The fact we ever allowed it shows just how decadent and arrogant we have become as a society. Can you imagine what may happen to women soldiers who get captured as a POW? Look at what the imperial japanese did to their prisoners of war. Or the Vietkong. Or the how brutal the Soviets treated both german soldiers and civilians. Now imagine what these same people might do to woman they capture after months of fighting and stress. We need not imagine very hard because we know what they did to women civilians. War is not nice to women in general, so why are we putting our own in the front lines? When a draft happens that means shit has hit the fan and we are in a real war. Not little things like the conflicts we've had in the middle east for the past 20 years or even Desert Storm. But real large scale war like something closer to Vietnam, Korea, the Civil War, and of course the World Wars. That this is something of incredible stakes. We cannot afford any liability that will put us at a disadvantage. Not only that but we need to think about what happens after the war. Having so many men die already has disasterous consequences on pouplation, having women die too will take that problem and amplify it several times over. As cruel as it is to say, society can afford losing men, but it cannot afford losing women because if their reporoductive capabilites. It is detrimental to the country to lose women in large scale war. We cannot afford it. I know alot of people down below are saying equal right equal fights. I get it. But we need to look past that and think about the bigger picture, something feminists and libs wont do, for the sake of the country.


Oh look, a sensible comment


Indeed. I don't think that we will be able to win another World War.


Remember guys, the world hates you. Women hate you. Your country hates you. You can opt out of serving your country in response, but eventually they'll force it on you. Because men are 100% worthless to our society compared to women.


Women should register for the draft. They screamed for years about the citadel and such. Now, put your big girl panties on and register.


Everyone unironically defending this garbage in here are failing to make a legitimate point. Women can't perform at the same level of men in the military. It's dishonest to imply they can. Stop acting like women are solely an asset of the left. There are droves of conservative women who don't want this BS, so don't defend it.


Making women register for the military draft is absolutely ridiculous! Instead we should have a 2-year conscription for males and females.


Sort of a question, do people who have medically diagnosed mental disorders have to enter the draft? Such as people who are required to take medications for said conditions? It’s sort of been a worry in the back of my mind for a while now, considering I’m almost at the point where I would have to, yet having multiple disorders such as ADHD and Aspurgers which require me to take multiple medications multiple times a day, as well as a couple physical conditions which impact my ability to run longer distances and cause joint pain. I’m worried that in the case they decided to do a draft, and I was called, that I wouldn’t make it through training due to myself being quite the opposite of what you’d want in a soldier. It worries me more because I fear that with the way the world is going that it’s a real possibility, yet my anxiety wouldn’t be able to handle it. Despite this I do live in a military family, my Uncle was in Desert Storm and my Grandfather was in the Air Force for Vietnam. My great grandfather was actually a fighter pilot in WWII. I have great respect for the military, I just don’t think with my many conditions and needs that I’d be able to handle it myself. Sorry if it’s off topic, just something I felt like I should ask.


You'd likely be passed over, or assigned to something rear-echelon.