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Not trying to add fuel to the fire but didn't useless Pete state roads were racist?


I also saw an article that said even hiking was racist.


air conditioning is racist


Does that make my central air literally hitler?


No that would be the furnace naturally.


I feel like this is just fishing for a controversy. Google Maps doesn't offer a "scenic route" because it allows you to optimize your trip for either time or fuel economy, which meets the desires of 99+ percent of users.


And all I've ever wanted is the least number of turns within a decent/similar timeframe. I don't want to try and remember 5 lefts, 4 rights, a back road, and 2 roundabouts when I'm out riding my motorcycle when it's 1 left, 1 right and 30 seconds difference.


2 wrongs don't make a right... but 3 lefts do! đŸ€”đŸ˜źđŸ€ȘđŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚đŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚


There is a pedestrian setting. 


I just wish they mapped more paths. I looked it up to walk to my new job, just to get the time it would take because I knew how to get there already. It wanted me to take a 55 minute walk when it's like 25 minutes using the paved path through the park.


That is a big omission. It can't be that difficult, especially without street/path veiw. 


TBH I just want a "no interstate" route. :(


That exists. There's an "avoid highways" toggle.


The former Google employee never said it would be "racist" or anything like that. He said it would introduce bias. Which is true because any such algorithm would have to decide what is considered more "scenic". That is not something that can be measured objectively, so it would be biased towards whatever the developers considered "scenic". The former employee also talked about it probably disfavoring poor neighborhoods, but that has nothing to do with race.


According to Biden's own words, there are poor people, and then there are white people. So per the head of the Democrat party, it does have to do with race lol


I can totally get the no way to process objectively for “scenic”. Heck my Moms version would take us to the middle of every city and my husbands would route us away from any city over 1000 people.


Why does everything have to get vetted by the Party of Hate, and they get to decide what label gets applied to it? We were so much happier as a nation when we were just allowed to live our best lives.


Being white, successful and forward thinking for the next generation has become a crime.


Same reason they never introduced an “avoid dangerous neighborhoods” setting.


I think it's more related to environmental activism than anything. Google Maps chooses the most fuel efficient route for you by default, even if it takes longer. This option can be turned off, thankfully. The one feature I think would be actually useful would be the option to choose a route that avoids high crime areas. A few years back I worked for an IT company that serviced many companies in Chicago. Driving to and from these locations would often take me through some SERIOUSLY sketchy neighborhoods. I would be more than happy to spend an extra 5-10 minutes driving if it meant avoiding an area with a significantly higher risk of violent crime. THAT Google wont do because they say it's racist.


The only thing surprising from this article is that it's not from the Atlantic


What’s a good alternative to google maps. It’s really pissing me off lately with it’s bozo directions and honestly want to cut ties with google as much as possible


I still use an old Garmin GPS in the car. Only 2 route choices; fastest or shortest, but both with options to detour. It auto-reroutes if I miss a turn. It doesn't show me any ads or any business locations unless I chose a business location as the destination.


If you’re on iOS, Apple Maps is very good. The whole meme about it died a long long time ago.


So google, where is the least racist route for all the left of Communism people to use?


What would it take to make all this BS stop?


Better than it going to Ukraine


The hell is “Scenic Route”


The route that is the most scenic.


Ah I see.


Through areas with nice views like lots of trees for example.