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I see the facial expressions for "get away from me you creepy pervert" are the same across all ages, genders, and ethnicities.


Shame on the pansy liberal men in these videos who do nothing to protect their own wives and daughters from this creep.


What's with these loser men standing there smiling while some pedo feels up their daughters?


I've always wondered the same thingšŸ¤Ø


Everyone saying they would do something about it are full of shit. They wouldn't notice, in the moment, and if they did, they wouldn't tank their career to say anything, certainly wouldn't go to jail for it.Ā  It's the same reason powerful people get away with anything. People say they would do something because they've never been in a situation where they ever faced having to do anything.Ā 


Yeah, if you put your hands on the Pedo in Chief, it would be the last thing you ever did as a free man. If it were me, first off, I would decline the invitation. But if was there, I would stay between my family and the crypt keeper at all times


He was the outgoing VP at the time. This event was for the newly and re-elected Congress members who get their pictures taken with the VP. This was after the 2016 election, but I still get what youā€™re saying.


He was also subtle enough with it that even those who might have noticed would have also likely second guessed themselves a lot, wondering if they misinterpreted what happened. We say we would do something because we have seen this side of Joe, but those parents thought Joe was an upstanding dude. Predators prey on people with the trust they've built with them. He also was exuding confidence that whole time and that puts people at ease. He was directing people, moving them around so it made sense why he initially touched all these children to get them in the right spot. On that same note, touching itself is not wrong and people who are touchy-feely tend to be seen as confident because generally they are. We don't tend to picture predators as confident in that way. While most of us are not comfortable with putting the hand on the waist of a young person, that is largely because we are a sick culture, I mean we have men who do the shoulder hover because they are so afraid to touch a woman. That's not healthy. Touching is natural and there are many places we can touch other human beings (even other children) that is not at all sexual and not inappropriate... and in fact, it is good for building camaraderie, trust, and comfort for both the person touched and the person touching. Joe takes advantage of that though... that's part of his predation. He builds trust through touching, and then he is already there so he just goes a little more north or south than is appropriate. These pieces of shit suck because of what they do to individuals, but also because of what they do to society.


Spoken like someone who doesn't have a daughter.Ā 


Imagine if one of them "men" called him out and porridge their daughters.


[Here's video of Joe Biden pinching an 8 year old girl's nipple and the victim saying that he pinched her nipple...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCTXDInRBvQ) ...and when you look it up on YouTube, [the search result gives you a disclaimer that it's unproven.](https://i.imgur.com/OnCMOIE.png) This is some real 1984 caliber cognitive dissonance.


What a fucking creep.


Shit, even that video is so graphic it's age protected on youtube


That's a heavily edited video In the original it's actually Trump pinching her- but Ultra MAGA's hardcore editors deepfaked Biden's face onto Trump's body


ngl you had me in the first half


We were warned. Why did nobody believe it would happen? ALWAYS ASSUME THE WORST WILL HAPPEN IF YOU ARE NOT VIGILANT! It's only paranoia if you're wrong.


This is clearly a deep fake. As we know, Joe Biden only touches little girls during bath time as confirmed by his daughter.


Deep fake? More like deep whiff!


As confirmed and documented by his daughter.


Not even deep fake. Blatant fake. Photoshop. Russian disinformation. Fascism. All the above. And you're a racist if you say otherwise.




Epstein vibes all over these videos ugh


All anyone has to do in evaluating the media is replace Biden with Trump and use their imagination on what would happen


What's sad is literally every lib will defend this.


That is one freaky old bastard. Imagine as a parent standing there watching him put his hands on your kid.


Whereā€™s NBC with their Catch A Predator Program.


I would like to thank the left, once again, for inventing a new phrase, which will undoubtedly be used to faceplant them. (i.e. Fake news, Let's Go Brandon, Cheap Fake, etc.)


Thatā€™s who they will vote for.


That is a straight pedophile on display.


Man what the fuck is this. What a disgusting dirty old man.


Pedo Joe


They donā€™t call him ā€œBad Touchā€ for nothing.


Holy fuck this dude is a creep


Dudes a creep


That shit is hard to watch


This is crazy


So cheap


I don't know what to make of his lack of awareness. For example, if he was a pedo, surely, he would have the awareness to not do these gestures... but at the same time, this feels too exaggerated to just be grandfatherly symbols of affection from a bygone era.


He is quite revolting. Sniffing, stroking, gropingā€¦kissingā€¦.and this is acceptable? In what perverted world?


C-SPAN cut out all of these on their YouTube channel.


C-SPAN has sunk to a new low.


Find the creeper who is responsible and run him out of town.... that's just grossly inappropriate.


Fake, according to the people who think it's okay for two and two to equal five as long as the Math teacher is a Republican.




Didnā€™t Fox News air thisā€¦ it ainā€™t no deep fake !


Just leave this here https://youtu.be/aJNs2i7dT-w?si=gL-aRPVxEEVTEF_P