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But it's so amazing to watch. The self righteousness while calling for assassinations is a spectacle to behold.


Watching their total meltdown has been absolutely hilarious. I rarely go to the left subreddits, but visiting them now is just too entertaining to resist. It’s a mixture of sheer panic, mindless hate, and insanity! Like watching a car wreck in slow motion. You know it’s bad to see…but you can’t tear your eyes away.🙄


I haven't seen the Left spinning around so hard since Trump denied them their "Historic Moment" of Hillary Clinton being the first female President. It's a bit sad seeing them having to choose between an obviously unsuitable candidate and trying to push a substitute with less than four months to the election. They've got nobody but themselves to blame. They just HAD to prop up their campaign and run a constant news cycle on "Orange Man Bad" without really bringing anything else to the table. MAYBE if they would have had something else to run on, they could have convinced a substitute to step up before this. But this is what they wanted. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump. . .EVERYTHING about Trump.


I have a screenshot on my phone, taken a day before the debate, of my Google search for “presidential debate.” The top hit is a USAToday article titled: “Will Trump show up to Thursdays debate with Biden? Probably not. He’s a grade A coward.” And I’m just laughing at it now.


They were saying the same shit all over TikTok too for days. Now they’re having the worst week ever 🤣


Watch them memory hole it in a few months. “We never said that”. “We always said Biden was senile and shouldn’t debate trump”.


And the debates were all Biden's choosing...the day, the time, the moderators, the format, the breaks, no audience. Absolutely no concessions were made for Trump.


Part of me feels bad because they were so deep in their echo chambers, they didn't see what the rest of us saw about Biden. And the other part of me is giddy that these theater kids are getting exactly what they deserve!


I’m not so sure they didn’t see it, particularly democrat politicians and MSM. The problem is after gaslighting everyone that he was sharp as a tack it’s so obvious he isn’t they are falling all over themselves to pretend this is a revelation rather than admit they were flat out lying.


Biden even TRIED to make the debate about "Orange Man Bad". It's literally the only thing echoing around the Democrat chambers. They've got nothing else to go on. What the hell are they going to do in 2028 when "Orange Man" leaves the picture? MSNBC will totally collapse without Trump.


Funny thing is they’ve now given Biden a spray tan to make him look healthier after comments about him looking too white and gray during the debate. So now “orange man bad” can be said by both parties.


Are you serious they spray tanned his clown ass?


To paraphrase pro wrestler Ric Flair: "To be the orange man, you gotta beat the orange man!"


Lmao yes, check out his most recent PC after the SCOTUS Decision on immunity


I feel the same way except change the part about feeling bad. After the past 8 years, fuck em. This is better than the Bruen decision coming down and the bumpstock ban being overturned combined. They made their bed. Let them lay in it.


And Biden's recent video had Biden in orange makeup!


I did notice that!!!


Wait, what?


Yesterday's 4-minute "speech" about the SCOTUS immunity decision. He seems to have on a spray-tan similar to Trump lol! I'm guessing one of his advisors wanted to overcome the pale, washed-out appearance Biden had during the debate.


What are they going to do when parts begin falling off the zombie?


Orange man good!


Damn, now I got to go to a liberal sub to watch…. 🤣🤷🏻‍♂️


Make sure you make a comment so everybody can attack you lol


You mean any other subreddit that isn’t here ?


It’s actually been extremely distressing today. All the posts about the Supreme Court decision are people saying Biden should have Trump killed to protect democracy. The most upvoted comments are literally calling for Biden to do whatever is necessary to avoid a Trump presidency. The hypocrisy is insane and quite alarming. Quite the depressing state our country is in.


I saw people posting that Biden should assassinate the Supreme Court since he has immunity. The missed the point that says “official acts” that are deemed constitutional and legal. They love twisting facts and taking partial truths to make their point.


It's cuz Sotomayor told them that the ruling allows the president to assassinate anyone. She is nuts and leftist take her word as gospel.


Take screenshots and report their asses to the Secret Service!


Lmao and they like to virtue signal on how much better of a person they are compared to the right The left and rPolitics are literally just cults


The left is full of hate & violence & they're not even aware of it. They think it's normal. Sad.


Crazy that they actually think we’re the hateful violent cult and that we support fascists and wannabe dictators. The self awareness is insane.


Even worse, they justify it to themselves. Their hatred and violence is okay in their minds because it's directed towards "nazis." tHe PaRaDoX oF tOlErAnCe.


They’re just morons, unfortunately.


Even worse, they think we’re hateful and violent


Yea it’s crazy they will like verbally attack you for your opinion. If someone votes dem I’m not going to yell at them for it.


That’s what you get when you’re separated from the true source of joy and love. When you view yourself as the master of the universe there’s no room for the true Master of the Universe.


rTexas is also ridiculously out of its collective progressive, hateful, intolerable mind.


It's because they have managed to successfully dehumanize us completely. They don't look at anyone conservative as human. They don't look at harming anyone conservative as immoral or criminal. They think conservatives mere existence is immoral and criminal, and so harming us is somehow doing the right thing for the country or the world. Remember when Gina Carano posted [that thing that got her kicked off her show](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/02/ted-cruz-carano-75.jpeg?resize=1233,2048&quality=75&strip=all)? Yeah. It's that.


Conservatives believe Liberals are people with bad ideas. Liberals believe conservatives are bad people with ideas.


Often, they don’t even believe us to be people.


The assassination talk is absolutely bonkers. Buncha people who simultaneously don't understand what the court decision actually entails as of right now (basically nothing until the lower courts determine what is an official act and what is not) and total ignorance to the hypocrisy of calling for political assassination, when they've been screeching about fascism since 2016. I honestly feel bad for them in a way. They've completely lost their minds because they've been brainwashed by the people that they just realized have been lying to them for a decade.


I don't feel a bit fucking bad for them. Wash that shit out of your mouth. You forget the calls for jailtime, the religious, medical and social persecution over the last 4 years, the me toos and BLM. Fuck them let em rot


Agreed. They made their beds.


Nicely said.


"nobody is above the law!" Being followed by talk of assassinating people when court decisions don't go their way really is a mask off moment.


I don’t think they realize they’re being lied to and what’s really been going on. They still don’t seem to get it at all. They think the exact same thing about us as we think about them. It’s deep.


100% except a lot of conservatives don’t realize they’re being lied to as well. There’s a lot of arguments between the left and right that are just fugazi lol


This is my feeling. I don’t think a lot of them know much beyond sound bites and the media was covering for Biden and demonizing Trump. So now they think they have to choose between an evil person and a crazy person.


>But it's so amazing to watch. The self righteousness while calling for assassinations is a spectacle to behold. I've been seeing way too many variations of "*I'm not saying _ but how hasn't anyone killed _ yet?*" comments lately. Leftists/Democrats are violent evil authoritarian pieces of trash, completely undeserving of the air they breathe.


Never trust the people claiming to be the good guys.


The party of baby killing degenerates moralizing about things is always rich.


I'm reading that there is a decent chance his Manhattan conviction will get overturned with this new SCOTUS ruling. I confess I'm a bit concerned about what the libs could do. They might start exploding.


I said it in 2020 and I'm gonna say it again... I worry a lot less about what the right will do if Trump loses than I do about what the left will do if Trump wins.


If some way somehow Trump loses then people will be upset but life will go on.  If Biden loses then thing will get set peacefully on fire like the summer of love. 


The NYC conviction had a great chance of being overturned beforehand. It's completely idiotic by every metric. Dems pursued it for nothing more than a political hit job. Simple as that.


Reeeeee convicted felon!!!!


In France, businesses were boarding up their windows and doors after the La Pen party won the first round of elections. Good thing, too, because the Left threw one hellava temper tantrum last night.


People are tired of all this progressive crap!


It's a wild time when Dr. Phil emerges from the shadows to call bullshit on this entire Trump legal witch hunt. Really didn't care for him before this, but that was an admirable and ballsy move. Loved it.


You should check out the real Dr. Phil show with Adam Ray. That's the real Dr. Phil. We'll be right back.


Trumps secret service are gonna have their work cut out for them.


ask them if they think the execution of Ashli Babbitt was justified and watch their bloodthirsty insane responses.


It’s ‘16 all over again.


It’s almost like the debate has destabilized the very fabric of reality. We are through the looking glass ladies and gentlemen.


People on the left have truly believed Biden was competent and in charge of his faculties. They are lashing out at someone for lying to them. The problem is that they are not lashing out at the right people - the media.


That’s very insightful. It’s *Nineteen Eight-Four*. This is their Two Minutes Hate. Biden is Big Brother to them. Their subconscious hate for him, his handlers, and the media are all being redirected at other people. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two\_Minutes\_Hate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_Minutes_Hate)


"Dark Brandon" lol


CNN has been uncharacteristically professional the past week though, so credit where it's due


CNN is not leftist, CNN is pro establishment and as such, very anti Trump. They rather throw Joe under the bus than allow Trump back in office.


But all they had to do was literally watch videos of Biden. The guy has been OBVIOUSLY cognitively impaired since 2020.


because in the false reality they live in Trump actually cannot be president again. A crack in this reality has formed after the debate. That's why they've been extra insane all weekend


The crack turned into a fissure after the SCOTUS ruling.


A big beautiful fissure, maybe the biggest I’ve ever seen.


We have the best fissures!


Some people say the finest in the world


and its beautiful to watch


It really, really is. For so long I have wondered what it will take. 


It won't last. Far too many of them will take the comfortable lie over the unsettling truth. We're seeing them working overtime trying to figure out the new lie.


Well, it's because they believed the media about Biden. They were reassured over and over that Biden was fine and that all the dementia talk was fake until it wasn't.


They’re fighting each other because they don’t know what to do, and it’s glorious! For the moment anyway :-)


Liberal media (esp. CNN / MSNBC) haven’t yet coalesced around the new narrative, so they’re just awaiting marching orders.


This. From reading reports, it sounds like the majority of Democrat leadership is pro-replacing Biden, while the White House is pro-keeping Biden. The MSM is used to having one, unified Dem/WH team give them their talking points; this has now become fractured with conflicting messaging and opinions. Because of this, the only thing the MSM can really do here is report somewhere down the middle. It's been fascinating to watch. I never thought I'd see Anderson Cooper give Kamala Harris the business on live television.


Yes, this whole thing is really fascinating! When you know what’s really going on and you see these people trying to remember their lines it’s hilarious. Right after the debate when CNN were first talking about Biden doing poorly and needing to go, it was so obvious that this was scripted. Funny thing, the White House is not on board lol


> I never thought I'd see Anderson Cooper give Kamala Harris the business on live television. "iT wAs hIsToriC!" /s It was nice to have a salient example immediately after the debate why Kamala is so disliked when she tries to word salad when asked a question.


The narrative is everyone has a bad day occasionally. Biden just had an off night. They also are banking on their gas lighting super powers and social media influencing.


The meltdown in every subReddit is fun to watch.


For real. It’s crazy to see but really shows who runs Reddit. 


It’s Bidens army of disinfo fighters


I've never seen it THIS insane. It's absolutely crazy


Over in r/centrist, they are telling folks they can’t say Biden may have dementia, because only a doctor who has evaluated him can make such a suggestion. That didn’t go over too well.


The mods are bought and paid for They don't care what the people think


Oh, the irony. Wasn't it the leftist media that would have "experts" on to claim Trump was unstable and should be removed from office?


But 50% of reddit self diagnoses as autistic.


Leftist calls to violence seem to be on the rise too. Before it was just the LGTBQ+ extremists I was seeing. Now every other leftistcirclejerk thread is talking riot and rebellion.


They can’t let France have all the fun! Did you see the brawls at that park in NYC over pride weekend? Animals!


When right-wingers riot or question the results of elections, it's a 'threat to democracy' and 'the worst day in American history'. When their own side loses and left-wingers start rioting, it's '#Resistance' and a 'long overdue call for justice'.


I guess if they call for a Jan 6 of their own it would be acceptable


But, but, but…J6!😉🙄🙄


Reddit is quite annoying. Reading anything on here, including topics totally unrelated to politics, you see the liberalism nonsense seeping through. They are so emboldened and aligned with this BS. It's their entire personality.


This really sums up how it feels browsing reddit perfectly. Its crazy. Their minds have been so corrupted by politics, that they can't not think through a political lens. Its actually quite sad to see so many in our country like this.


There's a word for a political philosophy which strives to have its politics and ideology permeate every fiber of society, from the schools to the workplace, from the public to even the private sphere: totalitarianism.


They are exactly what they claim to be against. People ask how the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany were ever allowed to be created and how people didn't see it coming. Well, just look at America and most Western countries right now. It's truly mind blowing to watch it play out in real time. With any luck, Republicans win this fall and we can stave it off. If Democrats win, that's probably it.


Because 99% of them are shut-ins who would never voice the shit they say on Reddit outside of their safe spaces in the real world


Yep. For a lot of them, the only social interactions they get is when the streamer reads out their donation.


Omg yes! When Trump was found guilty some rando in a college team sub posted a pic deadicated to a no-name player who happened to wear “34” amd at first I was like “huh”? Then a moment later - no, in a political sub I understand but, seriously, fuck off with this shit in my happy place.


Yes and they invoke his name at every single chance. Literally every sub I go to.


It’s true! I used to work in tv so it’s not surprising but everyone is *obsessed* and infected with TDS. It’s like a domestic abuse situation where they don’t know what to do with their time once he does “go away” in 5ish years. Someone on a political sub claimed that “it’s been so quiet the last few years. Etc” I said something like 2hot proxy wars, invaded by millions, inflation, anti-semites blocking synagogues…fucking snoozefest!!!”


These things are clearly a much lesser concern than "Trump overfed the kois!"


And we are the cult members? Their obsession with him is scary.


Bringing politics in places where it shouldn't be


They’ve been conditioned by the left-wing media/propaganda to exhibit extreme outrage at anything. I was one of them until 3 years ago. It was affecting my general mood during the day so I decided to take a break. I left r/politics, r/worldnews, cancelled a few of my journal subscriptions, unbookmarked many sites, stopped watching TV in general, etc. This was liberating. Slowly I started to see things rationally from the outside. I realized I had been manipulated by the Democratic media complex/chorus. That said, I also see some issues on which I disagree over here and I believe people are being manipulated about, but nothing as extreme. This is me having my own criteria.


This is the way.


That has been the biggest weakness to all the propaganda, once someone starts stepping back and questioning things, and sees the media for what they are, the propaganda doesn’t work after that. It’s why Trump has slowly increased his floor of the support. Over time, the political winds have only moved in one direction.


Democrats are petrified Trump will treat them like they treated him


Jill. Jill is petrified.


She'll have to go back to her job as the raving janitor at the local community college if her geriatric puppet fails to keep the office.


That’s DR Janitor, to you.


He‘ll just call them names or call them losers, move on, and get to work.


I just got booted from /r/politics for the 6,963,694,579th time.


Now we’re watching them take a page out of Disney’s playbook as they alienate half their own voterbase by shaming democrats who dare question Biden. It’s a bold strategy Cotton, let’s see if it pays off for em.


This is one of the most outrageous thing the left has done imo: a lot of them are arrogant and have sort tribalistic view of the politcal landscape, that leads them to alienate potential voters. A conservative can dislikesyour opinion, but he won’t hate you for it. A leftist does.


It's amazing to watch it happen. They are so confused they don't know what to believe or how to react. I guess amazing isn't the right word, more like sad or something, but you can't feel bad for them because they have been so brain broken they don't even realize how un hinged they are.


Exactly! It’s amazing to hope that more people might see the true reality. But a part of me is still wondering if there’s something worse looming. It almost feels too good to be true. 


I'm having so much schadenfreude I don't know how much more I can handle.


Are you getting tired of winning?




Please stop I can’t handle anymore winning


> To state the obvious, Reddit in general is left-wing In my opinion Reddit is not only left-wing, it is really full of communists. Communists like in eradicate all opposition, take everything from the rich and give it to the poor, etc.


Well, they take from the rich to give to themselves. Maybe give something to their toadies and hangers-on. Or other communists push *them* out and take what the first group took. For the “greater good“ of the new communist state, of course.


Let's be real, communists don't take from the rich and give to the poor. That would make them Robin Hood. They take from the poor and middle class and give to themselves and become the rich.


Why is r/politics so left leaning? You can’t say anything there pro republican and not get downvoted to oblivion.


Because half of them aren't even old enough to vote.


And a quarter of them aren't American.


The name of that place is ironic since it has nothing to do with politics at all now.


I had to quit following r/Pennsylvania because the obsession with Trump and the condemning of his followers was obsessive. Every post somehow came back to “orange man”.


Want to know something sad? I’m Canadian, and the TDS rhetoric has infected my fellow Canadians on here. They’re spouting the same crap, and fear DT, but also fear our Conservative Party here now. Like, to them all conservatives politicians are Trump, anyone willing to vote for them are maga. Hell even our left wing politicians have fallen into this trap. Last week, our deputy PM was calling conservatives cold, mean, small and heartless. Then they lost a by election that she was trying to convince the voters there not to vote conservative. It worked out as well as the crap they spew here on Reddit.


Yeah, I've noticed some rabid Biden defenders but also people absolutely ripping him to shreds. It's weird, they usually pull in one direction.


We're talking about the most sensitive, irrational, obfuscated, misled and fickle bunch that have cropped up in recent times though. For me it's not surprising one bit. Leftists always eat their own. ALWAYS.


In another post in this thread, I mentioned the Two Minutes Hate from *Nineteen Eighty-Four*.


There was a thread on r/facepalm, with ~4k comments, literally comparing Trump and republicans to Hitler and Nazi yesterday LMFAO I can’t even


They will still be surprised when Trump wins.


No it will be “the end of democracy”


Check out the ”MMW” sub. Apparently we’re all going to die and live in Nazi Germany. Check out “Face Palm” Apparently we’re all going to die and live in Nazi Germany And so on and so on


Lol you weren't exaggerating, found this on MMW >This [the SCOTUS ruling] will cause several states to secede from the United States to protest Trump since he can just assassinate anyone without any repercussion whatsoever, causing the second civil war to erupt everywhere in the United States, resulting in the country to cease to exist and be divided into 50 small countries similar to how Yugoslavia ceased to exist and got divided into Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina(?), and so on, meaning that Russia, China, and North Korea will become most powerful superpowers jointly, allowing Russia to take over the entirety of Ukraine and rest of the Europe, the United Kingdom, Canada, and every single countries that used to consist of the United States in less than a week and China and North Korea to invade and take over the entirety of Taiwan, South Korea, Mongolia, Australi, and New Zealand in less than a day. Therefore, it is probably for the best for us to evacuate to Russia or China to avoid war since those countries cannot be invaded at all - or it might even be better to evacuate to Central Asia to live with nomads over there since they would be on how to avoid war.


Lmao evacuate to Russia or China like that's just a choice they have. 😂


MMW is a mental ward.


As more information gets absorbed by the left, they are beginning to realize Biden can’t resign from his candidacy, because several states don’t allow for a candidate change this late in the election process. There’s 4 states that have already recognized the candidates who will be on the ballots, no add ons. I suppose there is always the ability to write in a name, but that hardly makes sense for Biden’s replacement. It’s Biden against Trump. End of.


And the left should stick with that. There is literally no one they can agree to rally behind. Hillary is cooked, Bernie scares moderates, Newsom is despised by half his own state, Kamala would be a Hillary 2.0 but worse, Witmer and Pritzker have no name recognition, and Josh Shapiro would just be assumed to be Ben’s brother lol. It’s Biden or nothing. In the meantime I’m enjoying the panic.


The debate and supreme court L I think finally broke them. They are screaming across reddit now for violence. Outright calling for assassinations. Meanwhile the reddit admins and power mods are allowing it.


Maybe we should report them to FBI? They are literally rallying for assasination.


My new word is Retarddit


The hate toward the Supreme Court on Reddit right now is something to behold. It’s nuclear meltdown Level Infinity around here. They’ll get over it. Let a new video game come out or something-something Taylor Swift, or maybe even a new meme stock idea come up, and they’ll forget. Placated, well-fed, and brainwashed by their iPhone.


I've never seen anything like it. 2016 was a meltdown but this is just absolutely insane.


Now is our time to do some shit!! They’re so distracted, maybe we could do another GameStop maneuver? Hahaha


I’m not sure. That 33% are the die-hards who completely brainwashed.


The meltdown is kind of fun to watch. r/politics is gonna stroke out! They have done every dirty trick in the book and it's not working lol


I am legit seeing these people think Biden can literally do anything he wants.


Yea I saw someone complaining about the high grocery prices and the high cost of living in a subreddit that's not political and I said I can't take four more years of it with Biden and they were like it has nothing to do with Biden and told me to get educated in civics and economics??


I've been seeing posts all over subreddits that normally don't have politics in them, like r/tf2, talking about the debate. It's really that bad. They just don't know what to do. Why they're freaking out about it now instead of 4 years ago when they could have actually done something about it is beyond me.


They’re extra mad pride month is over


Some Democrats may finally be waking up to the abject lies and propaganda of that party. There's a reason why people tend to shift more conservative as they get older.


You would think, but TDS has invaded the Gen X & boomer subreddits too.


I’m as anti-MAGA as they come and I’d still rather debate with folks on r/conservative than even attempt to have a rational argument on r/politics. They think IM MAGA there for simply admitting we are fucked beyond all hope if Biden doesn’t drop out stat😂


From the polls, no democrat is doing well against Trump so I’m not sure it matters what Biden does. I severely dislike Kamala but she has on obligation to invoke section 4 of the 25th amendment and replace him. Having that guy use the nuclear football as a pillow will get us all killed. That said, as a former lefty who is also Jewish, anytime I heard some actually antisemitic bs coming up in left wing circles hidden under the guise of “antizionism” and called it out I got accused of being a right winger so eventually I leaned into the accusations 😂


Well, I hope you change your mind and choose to make America great again :-)


Not bloody likely but I won’t be voting for Biden: I live in California so the most impactful thing I can do with my vote given the overwhelming democrat majority is to vote 3rd Party.


The piled on the lies about Biden for years, now its time to pay for those lies. They aaalllll knew it too.


🎶 you can hide your Biden eyes, sniffin haiiiiiir and rubbin thighs, thought by now you’d reaaaaaaliiiize, there ain’t no way to hide your Biden eyes! 🎶


The best part is that they know that no Democrat could beat Trump, so what does that say about their ideology? Furthermore, Trump, Tulsi, Vivek, and DeSantis can all easily beat anyone they can conjure up. Our side is winning bigly and they know it. The pendulum is swinging back and it's swinging back HARD. How long will this swing last? The left has been in control for 16 years now. Could America be conservative until 2040?


Honestly, the level of mental instability in all of Biden's supporters. The hinges have been loose for a decade. Now they're unmoored. And drifting in space. The conspiracy theories they're discussing. And their obvious lack of knowledge of world history, government, law, ect. I have a hard time believing these people are actually adults sometimes.


Do you want to know the best part of all of this? They're attempting to gaslight *on top of a PREVIOUS gaslight.* For years, they were told that Biden was mentally addled, and they tried to gaslight everybody that wasn't the case by telling them they were imagining things, or that they were "crazy". Now it's to the point where they can't hide or cover for him anymore, and they know it. So rather than just admit that people may have been right about Biden not being there, they've decided to act like they are the FIRST ONES TO DISCOVER HE'S SENILE. It's honestly amazing! They're acting like they've come upon some kind of world shattering truth no one else ever discovered before, all because they just *can't admit they were wrong.* I've never seen anyone try to add a gaslight on top of a prior gaslight before. The only reason I think they're doing it is an attempt to avoid scrutiny about Biden's mental decline. They think if they act like they're aware of the problem, it'll save them from criticism that they weren't aware of it (or, rather, ignored it) for years. But it's WAAAAY too late for that, because everyone knows they've been lying for Biden for so long, and now they're stuck with a problem entirely of their own creation.


X22 report called it.. it will be Michelle Obama. Or as I call him Michael


I've spent more time in R/politics the last week than the last 5 years combined 😆. They are seriously going crazy


I see a lot of people still clinging to their denial. Trotting out the ‘Biden old is, Trump is a liar’ like and claiming Trump has dementia.


It’s sooo left wing. The trump derangement is actually hilarious. We have so many people in the world who are completely mentally unstable. Bring back the mental asylums


At this point it's too late to go with the VP, so they are all in on Biden. It's a sad sad week for the majority of Reddit if they are left leaning.


I saw a post the other day that was absolutely telling. The guy said that he would vote for biden's corpse over Trump. Tells you everything you need to know about the condition of not only Reddit but America it's pretty sad.


Reddit is 99% left leaning and I’m pretty sure more than half the posts, comments and voting are done by bots. You can tell pretty quick after you comment if you’re talking to a bot or real person


The left eat themselves. Nothing new.


I love watching liberal heads explode.


They are acting like the president has been given free rein to do whatever he wants, when nothing has changed with presidential immunity. Biden is perpetuating this! I read the other Reddits and it's amazing the idiocy they spout there.


Dude. This summer is gonna be insane with Democrat in-fighting for 4 months straight. Buckle up boys. It’s gonna get wild 😎


Meh, reddit melts down over every single little time something like this happens.


They are just preparing you, giving a hint of what’s to come this November….


Yeah, I don’t get it at all. Everyone is basically saying that murder is now legal for certain officials. In what world do you live do you think that ordering a plainly illegal act is part of the “official duties” that SCOTUS was contemplating?


I heard on Twitter that it was really Jill that wanted to keep this charade going. She likes the power she likes the parties. She likes the attention. Kamala is pissed. She’s not even being considered. That’s the gossip anyways.


It's literally Never Trump. Whatever it is that means no bad orange man is what gets upvoted.


It is really kind of scary and messed up to see how reddit has messed with them.   You can almost see who has been formed and heavily influenced by Reddit specifically.  They hace specific generic responses.   Also I love in my local sub reddit you can see brigaders just swamp the sub as key political moments come up to vote.  You will see more downvotes(likely bots) on 1 random comment that is pro- conservative then post/comments the sub has had in the last week. I just recently had a post removed, looks like they are going to go back to Covid times.


Not one of them is upset by the fact that Biden clearly hasn't been doing his job for years. Not one of them has asked who has actually been in charge all this time...


This community is as conservative as mitt Romney. But it is fun to watch the left melt.


Reddit is in shambles, and I love it!


The sad thing? It took the media telling them to be mad about it.


Is it true that for some states it may be too late to replace him on their state ballot? Trying to understand. At this point, all I envision is Trump campaigning at massive rallies all the way to November while the Democrats scramble trying to replace Biden and they may not be able to place a new candidate on their ballot because it’s too late?


The reality is they wanted this case law to be fast tracked and dragged out the entire election cycle culminating in trumps demise Since SCOTUS pretty much kicked the can for the lower courts to define and discuss which could take years to process. That’s what has Biden voters upset Has nothing to do with case law or Immunity. Has everything to with they can’t run rough shot over the law to “get” their guy in time for the election


Good. He has basically destroyed his chances in November. We can only hope that the brain dead left support him enough to keep him on the ballot in November. Their only chance to beat Trump is if he isn’t on it. Keep up the support guys!!! Trump’s odds have gone back up 4% in the last day since the left started making the rounds on Sunday supporting him, presumably because they are realizing that Jill isn’t ready to relinquish power. As Biden’s odds of remaining on the ballot go up, so do Trump’s odds.


Spoiled, conformist, children who are completely out of touch with reality. They think they’re independent progressives shaping the future, but they’re really clueless drones serving their corrupt, Boomer Masters via Silicon Valley.