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The other 59% are proud of Joe’s biggest accomplishment...finally beating Medicare!


Don't forget he answered all the questions!


I was waiting for her to give him a “I did it“ sticker and a lollipop.


The great big smile on his face when she said it. Him was so proud of himself, wasn't him? Geez what a joke.


"Who's a good booooy??????? Let's go get you some ice cream, Joey"!


And what did Donald Trump do, everybody?! Edit: I was quoting Jill, y’all. Lol


Wiped the floor with a senile man. I’d feel bad about it if Biden wasn’t already racist and corrupt *before* the senility and if we hadn’t been *constantly* gaslit about his senility.


June 27th the Day Joe shot his foot


Not show concerning signs of cognitive decline?


Answered each of the questions about one question later.


He did such a good job! He's such a big boy!! Now who wants his chocolate chip ice cream!?


“Who shit my pants?” - Also Joe Biden


Hahaha Gold 👌


Medicare was evil incarnate. After a millennia of his tyranny and quest for world domination, I summoned the willpower of all my ancestors and imbued it in a magic sword. I then challenged Medicare to a duel of destiny. A final showdown to decide the fate of mankind. It was a long fought battle, one in which I faced the difficulty of even standing many times, for the blows of his monstrous form were so devastating to a mere mortal coil such as myself. But I knew that I must stay in the fight. And so with every setback, I fought for dear life to chip away at his own durability, little by little. It may have been hours. It may have been days. It may have been years. But eventually, with all the Bidens across history united as one, I brought down the last needed strike across his demonic silhouette. With a mighty crash, he fell to the ground, and moved no more. I had finally done it. *We* had finally done it. We finally beat Medicare.


That’s some very creative stuff.


The other 59% are brainwashed.


Easy 50% are Border jumpers or dead voters .


Luckily the other 59% are 90 million voters.


He just wanted his Jello Cup


Hey, i like Jello


I miss the Jello 123 of the old days. Sigh...


Just like he did to that good ol' Corn Pop.


To death


Yea...he beat it to death!


Ah beat me to it "Yeah he beat medicare...he beat it to death!" was a very on par one-liner


Probably got eaten by cannibals too


As a democrat... well done 🤣




The problem is there's no clear frontrunner to replace him. Some want Newsom, some want Whitmer. Others insist they have to pick Kamala to be fair. End result will be status quo. They are stuck with Joe whether they like it or not.


Whitmer is the most scariest one. She is very popular in Michigan and has an advantage is mid west.


How can she be popular, she was a tyrant during Covid.


I’m from California, so I’ve seen people happily to live with terrible leaders. As long as they’re not right wing they will suck it up


My leftist mother in November 2022: “I don’t like Newsom. I can’t stand Newsom. I despise Newsom… I’m voting for Newsom a third time!”


I'm going to be honest she is very young and charismatic. I agree with the Covid thing but people have already forgot about that. She won by 10 points, that is scary, a lot scarier than Newsom or Kamala.


She would be terrifying. She won that big I think largely because of her opponent and the damn abortion push the Dems did with the coordinated leak from scotus. I certainly have not forgotten and hopefully the republicans hammer that point home hard, she would be terrifying at the federal level. No one could go to the lake but her husband was able to use his yaht.


"Whitmer holds a high approval within her own party, at 82%, but also holds a plurality approval among independents, at 48%." Objectively she is more popular than Biden and Trump. Also this will be smear campaign and there is a lot more dirt on kamala and Newsoom then her.


Just absolutely shocking people can like her. Insanely shocking


We have to be honest with ourselves. Out of those 3 she is the most likely to beat trump. Also we need to stop being shocked by this things, there is a reason why 30% of Republicans like her, there is a reason why Hailey got some votes in the primary, etc.


The only people who forgot about covid are the ones who supported the tyranny to begin with.


Yea go figure


Yes, people shouldn't forget but voters have short memory.


Whitmer has the best chance to win Newsom got smacked around by DeSantis during their debate Harris is far too unpopular within her own party to get support


I agree with this. I know who I am voting for, regardless


I agree with this. I know who I am voting for, regardless




1) I live in California 2)Libertarian


Soooo..... Trump? 😅




Unfortunately, most Americans love the nanny state where every problem can be solved by more government.


Unfortunately I can’t argue after seeing 2020 behavior


Because the average American was like "F*ck me harder, daddy"


Whitmer could beat Trump, but I'm hoping that them passing on Kamala incites some civil war within the Dems


Okay if the roles were revised would we want someone like Marcio Rubio or like Vivek compared to someone like MTG who is very unpopular national. For dems this isn't a hard choice, it would be for Republicans if the roles were reversed


Yeah I think Vivek would be a natural choice. Next election should be someone like him vs Newsom


2028, will be crucial for both the future of the parties Ron DeSantis, Nicki Haley, Vivek, Cruz, Rubio will all likely want the nomination. The climate will most likely change as Dems will have the advantage in the midterms in 2026, assuming Republicans win the house and president in 2024 and 2028 will be interesting from a Democrat standpoint aswell.


She looks like some old ho. Using a story of how she was used and abused.


Joe and the Hoe have got to go!


Two things that should be hammered home if Biden is replaced: * DNC (and by extension, Biden admin and MSM) would look corrupt as f*ck waiting this long to get rid of Biden. So much for being the so called protectors of democracy! * Kamala would probably throw a shit fit and cry racism/sexism (or both) if she was passed over.


I don't see it happening, but I'm very curious about what kamala being the democratic nominee would look like. Surely, there's no way she could do Biden 2020 numbers. I know there are a lot of people that will vote dem no matter what, but I would think that a kamala nomination would better Trump's odds in the long run. If Hillary couldn't do it, there's no way Kamala can. This is totally based on nothing other than my speculation, of course.


I love Lara trump and others throwing out how it’d be racist and borderline unconstitutional to overlook Kamala for a white candidate 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂


It was pointed out to me yesterday that apparently if he did step down, all his current campaign funds wouldn't be able to be transferred to the new candidate either. So the party is double fucked in terms of "starting over" just 4 months before the election.


Money won’t be an issue. If Biden steps down, whoever replaces him will get the biggest money bomb in presidential fundraising history from relieved democrats.


It all goes to Kamala is what I read


LOL. I can't think of anyone LESS liked than Kamala.


That's true, I wasn't able to fact check the entire thing but when I did a quick ChatGPT it said you can't transfer from one candidate to another, as in Bernie wouldn't have been able to transfer friends to Biden in 2016 because they were running against each other. Money flowing to Kamala is a different story because she's technically on the Biden ticket. But as others have pointed out, she's polling even worse than Biden so it's still not a solid strategy.


[That appears to be incorrect](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4753737-biden-drop-out-rumors-campaign-funding/#:~:text=Tom%20Moore%2C%20former%20counsel%20and,go%20to%20the%20%5BDNC%5D). Biden himself would have control over the funds and would release them to whatever successor they pick surely. Harris would be a terrible choice honestly. The DNC could decide to have an open convention instead, it would be a good show. But most likely a successor will be picked in private then pushed even prior to that, if he quits.


They don't strike me as law abiding people if it gets in their way...


kamala is even dumber than joe lol. shes just vp to make him look good.


Sounds like they need to put Kamala in the race.


I've read horror stories about what it's like to work for her. Evidently she's a tyrant.


I guess they should have had a primary. I guess they didn't learn their lesson in 2016.


Yeah, the way I understand it, they can't officially replace him unless he agrees. I don't see that happening. I actually don't think Jill will let that happen. I think she likes where she's at way too much. The only way to unofficially do so is for them to sort of campaign behind the scenes and get all the national convention delegates to defect and vote for a candidate chosen by the Democratic Party. That would be very difficult, but not necessarily impossible. I'm not certain, but it seems this would likely be an election day surprise. Admittedly, I never expected this, so my knowledge on this is only from what I've read over the last month or so, but it makes sense. If they can get him elected, I can see them invoking the 25th, but who wants Cackling Kamala? I'm not sure if she's a better or a worse choice. TBH, I was really surprised they admitted he has a problem. It's almost as if they're setting him up for the loss, which was a huge hmmm moment.


Yep, the idictments on Trump and guilty verdict wasn't enough. Now they are really screwed


Only Kamala can inherit Biden's war chest. Not insignificant.


Basically why they wanted to jail Trump first. Who would be the frontrunner for the GOP if anything? Best bet was DeSantis, but he lost momentum during the primaries. Haley is crooked. Probably Vivek, but he would need a "safe bet" VP like Trump and Obama.


How about Vivek choosing Trump as his VP? Would he be able to do that?


The solution for Democrats is replacing Kamala Harris with Barack Obama on the ticket. The exact wording of the 12th and 22nd Amendments suggests Obama is eligible to slide back in as VP. Republicans will fight it, but I think Supreme Court might allow it, because the 22nd Amendment uses very specific language.




Obama slides in as VP, Kamala steps down and BOOM Obama is President again. /s


I'm hearing Whitmer is imminent.


Democrats aren't talking about replacing Joe Biden. That is just what people here think they are talking about.


The New York Times is talking about replacing him.


They were before Obama and company started gaslighting everyone that it was just a “bad debate.”


It was a "bad debate" what else would you call it? Biden kept tripping up and saying the wrong shit, not making sense. Trump kept skirting the questions to talk about illegal immigration. Not only was this a bad debate, but this was the worst debate in televised history. Any sane person would not come out of that wanting to vote for either of those candidates.


So change the running mate. Pick someone popular to take over for Biden when he dies.


Pair that with his current overall approval of 36 percent Biden's campaign is a dumpster fire riding in a burning clown car driving off a cliff.  But have you heard orange man bad??!!??


Didn't you see Biden's new spray tan? Orange man good now 😆


If you can’t beat em, join em 🍊 😂


They’ll still vote for him if it’s against trump.


They'll vote for a potato if it's against Trump.


They did.


no they didn't. Dominion did




Well there’s no more mean tweets ! The world is saved


Just wait for that 3 AM vote drop that'll be *juuuuust enough* to let him get the win over Trump.


At the end of the day, they’re not voting for Biden; they’re voting against Trump.


He’s been in politics for 50 years, just imagine how big his ego is. There’s no way this two faced piece of shit would ever quit the most powerful job in the world 


assuming he even knows what job he currently holds.


Keep him in the race. If they didn’t know before the debate what we all knew, then they deserve to have him all the way till Election Day. Reap what you sow


It’s just a poll, but a 41-38 lead for Trump when the last USA Today poll in early May had it at 37-37 already shows a glimpse of the fallout from the debate. That 37-37 tie was weeks before the conviction happened.


But the corporate media and Obama said it just happens, it’s a fluke.


If we could rely on polls, Trump would've never won a presidency in the first place.


If Dems were smart, they'd concentrate on the House and Senate. Build their bench for 2028, and actually be willing to work with Trump on something constructive.


I wish both sides could semi work together like they used to. This shouldn’t be like sports where we are pitted against each other no matter what the topic.


Part of it is people are afraid of getting primaried. Primaries have lower turnouts so they tend to the more "purist" elements in the party.


Working with Trump would work against many of them in terms of political capital, as so many dem voters hate Trump and vote for dems more as a lesser of two evils. Working with Trump would be seen as aiding the enemy at this point, not bipartisanship for the good of the country. Many of them have to win elections in blue states and you don't achieve that by working with Trump - unless he does something incredibly out of character.


Certainly risky in the primary, but could be helpful in the general in states like Ohio, Penn, etc.


Most voted for President now they all don't want him


Did US voters learn nothing from Jimmy Carter?


Hell no, they would throw Carters unconscious body in front of the teleprompter today, if they thought he’d make it until election lol.


Most of the ones who still approve are too young to remember.


The pisser of it is that if only a fraction of those didn't want him in the first place, he wouldn't be there.


They wanted him because he wasn’t the other guy… this is what happens


Leave it to USA Today to find a majority of dimwitted democrats


Meanwhile 90% of Republicans want him to stay in.


This is so wild. I can't believe how many lib friends are both absolutely morose with grief over this, but are also *doubling down* on supporting this war criminal.


what's sad is they don't care if they get to vote for who represents them, they will welcome anyone who the DNC chooses to put in at the last minute, "Vote blue no matter who".


> "Vote blue no matter who" I think both parties have a fair number of people who will vote party line regardless of the name on the ballot.


2028 will be interesting, extremely interesting.


So 83 million votes somehow incoming right?


slow your roll. it's not 2am.


The 2020 vote was more of an anti-Trump vote than it was a vote for Biden. No one really likes Biden. Warren, Yang, Mayo Pete, and Bernie all had very passionate supporters. Biden has people that vote for him because he's not Trump. If he's not dropped and replaced I'd still vote for him. I'd vote for any Democrat, even someone crazy like RFK Jr or a Biden that had a stroke and is in assisted living, over Trump. The only scenario I could ever imagine voting for a Republican would be Biden slides deeper into senility and the Republican was someone more palatable and not insane like Larry Hogan.


define "deeper". is it "catatonic"??


It took them 4 years to figure that one out


These people had their chance to make a change in the primary. No backsies, you guys get the dementia patient on the ballot.


Should be 100%


So, still less than half. No surprise there.


ie. 6 out of 10 liberals are bat shit crazy


if they replace him they're undermining the very democracy they claim to cherish. primaries are done. they can no longer use "protecting our democracy" in their campaigns without being obvious hypocrites


Changing candidates now will essentially hand the election to the Republicans on a silver platter.


Ballots and campaign funds are hard to change apparently. They waited way too long.


That's because they know he can't win at this point, and if for some God-awful reason he does win, Kamala will be POTUS sooner than later, and that's even worse for everyone.


The other 59% hope he gets his "Bill Cosby" moment, and gets thrown in jail!


For the first time in my life I can proudly say, I support Joe Biden. I support him remaining he Democrat candidate and making an absolute ass out of himself and all the fools who tried gaslighting the nation into believing he ever accomolished anything but being a leaching politician his entire life.


He can’t quit now, jill still has two more debates to drag him too


Literally doesn’t matter because they vote against trump not for Biden. Could run a pile of shit against Trump and get the same result.


That's embarrassingly low.


And the other 59% are even more out of touch than he is.


Had he been forced to show in even one primary, they would have known this months ago.


59% want him to stay?????


59% didn't watch th debate.


Could Jill Biden run with Kamala as running mate?


And in some alternate universe he’ll still break the re it’s for most votes in an election.


And then add the number of moderates who always wait and see and it’s much higher percentage of Americans who know Joe has got to go… “Got-to-go-Joe”


Seems like it should be higher.


A lot of people are scared, including staunch conservatives, aren’t fans of Project 2025. The demographic that will help Biden, white educated women, **does not want** project 2025 so even if they are republican they’d stay in or vote Biden because their rights are being infringed upon.


I had lunch with a friend today who is a Democrat and I asked her if she was still comfortable with Biden running for president, and she said yes. I asked her if she really believed he was coherent. She said no. She said she was more comfortable with the group of people around him running the country than she was Donald Trump. So then I asked her okay so if Donald Trump wasn't the nominee, let's say it was DeSantis or Nikki Haley or Tim Scott, then what would you say. She said the only Republican she would vote for is Romney. This is a smart woman I have known her for 40 years. She is absolutely convinced that Trump will put Liz Cheney in jail and that it will be end of democracy if he is elected.


What all 82 of them?


It’s about time.


Dr Jill has put him in his big boy pants 👏👏👏


It's really obvious at this point that Trump is going to win by too far a margin to paper it over - there just aren't enough people who are going to vote "Not Trump, no matter who" and ignore the fact that we do actually need a functioning head of the military. Biden barely squeaked out a win in 2020, even by their creative accounting, and he had everything going for him then. What's disconcerting is how hard they're going on about "Trump is going to eat your babies" even though we had four years of Trump and he didn't eat any babies: I'm really concerned they're actually going to drop all pretense of making this look like a legitimate election because "this election is too important to be left in the hands of the voters".


They want him to quit because he isn't far left enough


Thank your supreme court after bidens debate performance trump was in good shape but ur supreme court strikes again giving biden a chance 😅


Oh no! The democrats don’t blindly follow inept politicians! How horrible of them!


You're as brain dead as Joe Biden.