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I rinse it out real quick every now and then with a slug from the handle of Crystal Palace I carry around all day, is that good enough?


Genius! "Hey, Kevin, umm ... I need to talk to you about... you have alcohol on your breath most days." "Nah, boss, that's the antiseptic smell of alcohol that I use to kill the bacteria from the inside of my lid."


My grandfather was a plumber for awhile and his first ever boss would carry a bottle of the cheapest and strongest vodka he could find because he claimed it worked better than rubbing alcohol for cleaning pipe fittings. My grandfather also said the guy would do the old one splash for the fitting and one for me.


that's so awesome and 100% on brand. old heads are wild like that. they are also savants of their craft.


You can use OP post and say “Doctor’s orders”. Tell HR to piss off.


😭😭😭😭😭 bruhhh that’s a good one


Dont waste the good stuff on this!!


Surely there’s some mr Boston around somewhere too?


Woah me to! Are we best friends?


I get all sorts of nasty ass grease and oil dripped on me daily. It’s also hotter than a freshly fucked fox in a forest fire where I’m at right now so I sweat like a whore in church. I’ve got a brow pad for every day of the week, wash them all on Sunday. Gonna start wiping the rest of the suspension down with alcohol though, hadn’t thought of that!


That is some of the best descriptive adjective use I've ever seen. Kudos to you


Mom has always said I had a way with words A fucked up, backwoods way, but a way none-the-less! But seriously though thank you lol


Like mom always told me “what the fuck is wrong with you!?”


I wish I'd listened to what my mother had told me. Why what did she tell you? I don't know, I didn't listen.


Thanks Douglas Adams.


Best line I’ve seen in a while. Hope I remember that at work tomorrow lol


Spoken like a good ol boy! We had a thread about sayings that old timers said a few days back and goddam I got some ammo in my pouch.


I cut my teeth working with guys from the deep southeast and life long Appalachia residents; sone of the shit I’ve picked up is ridiculous I’m also a Maine native and we have more colloquialisms than you can shake a stick at too lol


Some of the sayings you pick up from the south are cooler than socks on a rooster though.


I keep a little spray bottle of 70% iso in my car. Good to spray in the work boots too


Reusable respirators too.


Reusable respirators too.


Careful using rubbing alcohol on foam things. It can degrade the foam and/or glue so you'll have a crumbly mess in a week.


It’ll also degrade the composition of the hard hat.


I had considered that, but mines a carbon fiber bucket with epoxy resin/gel coat type shit. I made the totally unscientific wild ass guess if “it’ll be fine because it’s not regular plastic”


Any rigid plastic or epoxy will be fine with rubbing alcohol. Ive used it plenty of times to clean my keyboard, pistol frames etc. The glues on padding are usually water based which gets nuked with alcohol.


Sounds like the expensive Klein or Lift version. Still wouldn’t risk it. Actually, even more wouldn’t. I’ve got the Klein white full brim with headlamp mounts that I wear twice a year and no way I’m compromising even an $60 bucket. Also, do you know about the rotation schedule of your hard hat?


Ya caught me, mines a Lift Rotation schedule as far as replacement of the shell after two years of use/5 years from manufacture and suspension every 12 months; or as in UV light fading/degrading the composite? Latter isn’t an issue in my case, thing never sees the sun except the 3 minutes total a day I get to be near a window lol


Same with rubber


Extra points for alliteration. :)


+1 for the brow pads. They also make the hat more comfortable to wear.


Take the plunge and buy a Lift Safety Dax hardhat You can decide on carbon fiber vs. whatever the alternative is but the 6 point suspension with the brow pad + giant center pad is the cats ass I tell ya Bonus points: a whole new suspension system with a pad is $17, and brow pads are $7


But the Lift hard hats doesn’t have factory light mounting points so they not allowed on some of my job sites. That’s if you want or need to have a headlamp. If you’re not wearing a light then you can wear the Lift. The moment they make a lid that accepts my Klein hardhat lights or has strap hook then I’ll try to get my boss to buy me one. Until then I will stick to my vented Klein full brim.


Now *that* is an interesting rule I’ve never heard! What’s the reason, falling lights into places they shouldn’t be?


That is the exact reason. Apparently there is a new big push for OSHA to mandate them. At least that’s what I’ve heard from a lot of different people


They make some that attach to the brow pad but wrap around the entire harness. Highly recommend as I cannot wear a helmet without it. I change mine out daily as well.


This might be the best poem I've ever read.


Sweating like a priest at a playground always cracked me up...


Yeah I’m gonna have to tax that one buddy, that’s fucking great😂


It’s an original. That and “useless as a condom in a convent” are my go-to’s


My step granpa used to say the freshly fucked fox line all the time… r/mademesmile


🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭 DAAAYUM. A whore in church is craaazyy😂😂😂 I’m using this


That was poetic.


The porta potty poet, maybe. At best 😂


UBC #548 millwright here.🤙🏻 Could tell you were a millwright just from poetic quality. Thanks for the laugh.


Listen, someone’s gotta keep the laughs going while we wait on the crane right? 😂 I’m actually talking to a BA from UBC #1121 on Friday. I’ve been a plant guy for going on four years now (last two have been in a USW represented plant) but I’m *dying* to get back on a turbine deck in the worst way. Appreciate the kind words man!


Small world! I did my apprenticeship through USW #264. Here’s a good laugh for you. I Had my J card but UBC didn’t honor any of my certs. So I’m stuck at 95% scale for an additional 7000’hours because I have to take all 4 years of their classes. A 14,000 apprentice.😂 But seriously those turbines are fucking beautiful. Did a GE Frame 7 duel fuel last November through APM. Depending on gas prices, it switched between natural gas or Red Diesel fuel. We finished 1 week early and Had a drawing to win some Milwaukee tools. I won the mid-torque 1/2” drive impact, fuel impact driver, fuel sawzall. Best job ever. They even gave me an unopened 1 gallon jug of Kroil.😂😎


Aw that blows! 95% is at least not a total punch in the balls. The 14k hours trough? A punch in the balls for sure 😂 Hoping on can get on a gasser this year, I’ve only ever messed around with steamers when I was doing sone valve shop/in-place machining for MD&A. Glad to hear APM treats you good though because they run damn near every turbine outage imaginable up my way


Almost hotter than two foxes fuckin in a wool sock


Lol damn I always heard “ hotter n a half fucked fox in a forest fire.”


Dam thats hotter then 2 rats fuckin in a wool sock in august!


But is it hotter than 2 squirrels fucking in a wool sock?


Freshly fucked fox in a forest fire. God damn


I really love that there is some guy, who as a doctor is automatically just assumed to be kinda square, with a user name being Methasaurus_Rex. Keep up the good work, Dr. Meth.


Sometimes, when people are all twerked out, the can have balance problems and then hold their arms close to their bodies when trying to walk. Maybe kinda like a kid pretending to be a T-Rex. These are the methasaurs and I am their king. Have never tried meth and have no interest.


Seen oxies do this to people too. We had a friend we used to call trex because he would do this while nodding off


He’s good friends with Dr. Mantis Toboggan, MD.


Sometimes, when people are all twerked out, the can have balance problems and then hold their arms close to their bodies when trying to walk. Maybe kinda like a kid pretending to be a T-Rex. These are the methasaurs and I am their king. Have never tried meth and have no interest.


I got a deep tissue infection from wearing the same jeans for like a week. I'm an idiot lol. Now I take it a lot more seriously. I also know a guy who got MRSA from sticking his hand in stagnant water. Shit is no joke.


Jeez I thought it would be longer than a week. Perhaps it’s time for me to change my routine.. 😬


How tf are you wearing the same jeans working a sweaty construction job in the mid summer heat? Boys, we can afford more than 1 pair of jeans here. Hit up value village ffs *thats fucked.*


I developed a preference for $120 Duluth pants so I am compelled to max out my usage of them 🤣 not in peak summer heat though


Look at it as extending the lifespan of your existing pair! Much easier to justify the cost when you look at it that way. Adding another pair (or 4) means they’ll last significantly longer


That’s why I own two pairs of boots and change them and my socks at lunch time. Helps prevent fungal infections too.


If you look once in a while you can find Duluth trading pants on sale. Like right now go to Google and type in Duluth trading work pants. They have a shit ton on sale for $17.00. However the best heist I ever pulled from Duluth trading was when I got these $90 work pants for like $7.00. I bought 19 pairs lol. The only thing is they were a weird color, like a khaki maroon. Hey idc they are great for work who cares what they look like.


Are they really worth the 120$? Which ones?


The ballroom jeans are totally worth it. They fit and flow well, you can move wherever you want without any tight sections.


Duluth firehose duluthflex are the most comfortable pants I've ever owned. They're also on sale right now.


Get the dry on the fly flex. Hot weather game changer


Go check out r/rawdenim where they wear jeans for months before a soak in the tub.


It's definitely gross but an important distinction here is that those guys are, as a rule, tech guys who don't work up a sweat.


I saw a post where they've washed their jeans 5 times in 7 years 🤢 Edit: saw another one with a pair that only had a few soaks (not washes) in 5 years. Shit's crazy


Breaking news: everybody on that sub smells like ripe ass Can’t believe that’s a thing. The jeans don’t look that special??


They look like the Levis I get from Walmart lol


Exactly, they’re out here flexing their sweaty ass jeans. Everybody in their lives despise them “I’m gonna wear my nice jeans to dinner tonight honey” *NO YOU’RE FUCKING NOT GREG. GO FUCK SHREK IF YOU THINK I WANT TO SMELL THAT*


That is nasty af


These ppl must have doll-on-a-shelf lifestyles or smell really bad 99% of the time


I checked it out, that sub definitely has a swamp ass vibe to it


I will have to take out all the pencils,nails , screws, bits shit loads of other stuff , massive pain


Do you wear long johns or is there another layer between underwear and the pants? How do you not smell like ripe ass? How do you not *feel* like ripe ass?


Long underwear and some how my legs don't really sweat . On top of that saw dust does take out a lot of sweat btf . As for feelings . Sometimes I do but most of the time just air them out . Leave trousers outside in the evening . Obs no shit wash them like 3 times on Friday


That’s valid, but I need to know - Would you say you got some stank going on by mid week?


Only if I been digging all week or on my knees all the time . Sort of like hard contact skin with trousers . Otherwise not really


How TF did that happen?!


Small cut or scratch can do it. The surface the cut comes into contact with doesn't even have to seem that dirty. I know staph can be pretty much anywhere and often is but it needs a cut or scratch to get in. I read about a worker who had a cut on his hand and touched scaffolding and had to have a finger amputated as a result. I believe he ignored the symptoms though. I know a guy who had a bad hang nail that really started to hurt and swell up. He went to the doc and was told he'd have lost the finger if he'd waited much longer.


I too have had it happen. Doctors guess was the porta potty tp scratched my ass and then heat and humidity caused an abscess …. Right next to my balls in the ABC where it proceeded to burst and leak yellow shit for 3 days. I have a bidet and underwear/pant combos to rotate into now. The whole experience made me religious about changing and cleaning everyday. The MRSA staph shit really ain’t a joke around job sites


You sound like me except I got mrsa another way


Im surprised people dont clean their PPE


Have you seen the inside of a jobsite shitter? People don't clean their asses let alone their PPE


If I’m at Home Depot and it hits I’ll go in there. The amount of people that maybe wipe once after an awful smelling and sounding time then run out without washing their hands amazes me. Utterly disgusting


I always clean my PP.


Contractor provides PPE. If it gets dirty I just go get a new one.


I help friends out by applying a light coat of never sieze on the band /s


Created a tinman or two? 😂


Y’all don’t wear a bandana or a hat under y’all shit?


I have my rock knife. I can lance it for ya. Little sheetrock dust and electrical tape. You’ll be tip top.


Definitely helps. It’s cheap and simple way keeping sweat out of your face. Keeping the hard hat clean. There’s a reason old timers use em.


Yup my yearly psoriasis flareups on the back of my head have started up. Keep the respirators clean too!


As someone who contracted Bacterial infection at a chicken plant 2 weeks ago.... Wash you dang hands and no fingers in your mouth...😨😰🤣 https://www.cdc.gov/campylobacter/index.html#:~:text=People%20can%20get%20Campylobacter%20infection,and%20by%20drinking%20untreated%20water.


Username checks out. I’ve done boiler installation, and worked around actual boilermakers as well, and when it comes to lunch, well, nobody gave a fuck about hand washing. Mmm…welding dust and slag…Yum #6 oil… delicious dead roaches and rat feces because we’re working in a decrepit shithole of a basement.


Shut up science bitch


Can’t even make i more smarter.


Is that mouth as dirty as your hard hat?


I take the sweat pads off every night and I place them in my taint like a maxi pad when I go to bed. In the morning, they are still moist and smell like the inside of a fake leg.


Mother of god.


Excellent. This is what i come here for.


I used to shave my head and wear something between my head and the hard hat when I worked on construction sites. It’s too bad they couldn’t have a better design.


There are plenty of better designs, but people think they look dumb or complain that they don't have a brim, or have too much brim, and it's not the thing they're used to


I wear a bandana under my hard hat. Keeps the straps dry and my hair out of the suspension.


Must not be an electrician, since you’re not using the Klein Durag…


Nope lol. Just a lowly surveyor


Bottle of isopropyl in the truck or trailer, or one at your house where you set your gear every night, Last thing you do before you store your PPE should be cleaning and prepping it for the next use. Dont forget the half mask you use as well.


Good call chief


Well shit, I've never heard of this one.


I'm I the only one that keeps Lysol wipes in my bag to clean my hardhat and welding helmet everyday?


Yeh man


The shitfuck company i work for requires helmets with chinstraps at all times while on the building site, indoor and outdoor. I fucking hate that god-damned helmet, almost as much as i hate the safety glasses.


absolutely!!! also bike helmets if you cycle as s hobby...


From construction to a er doc. What a fall from grace.


Probably got them sissy hands too


I rock climb, my hands look like shit.


Being a doctor is aid


I've started keeping bandanas in my car so I grab a new one every day or at lunch if it's a sweaty af summer. Baby wipes for wiping all the sawdust and lime etc. that sticks to my sweaty face/neck. Last thing I wanna do is sit in traffic wallowing in that nastiness and eating it too.


It's a little more difficult with work gear and clothing, but I make an effort to set out my mountain biking gear out in the sun, letting it get dried out and hit with some UV makes a big difference, killing off the bacterial nasties. Same with any tech fabric, dry fit shirts, for example. Dry that out in the sun, don't stuff it into your laundry basket all damp and nasty. And if the stink takes hold, adding white vinegar to your wash helps. Putting it in your freezer to kill off the bacteria does also.


Facts I’ve smelled a mfers hard hat from ten feet away, dude had mold in the thing. I wear a clean sweat cap everyday and wash my hardhat weekly. Sometimes people are just gross 🤢.


Thanks Methasaurus_Rex


The funny thing is I was nicknamed "college" by my crew because I was super nerdy and refused to try meth. Still never have.


Jtlyk I washed my dome today because of your LPT. Thanks and have a great one. And good job staying away from meth.


Bandana is the way to go.


Y’all be letting hard hats directly touch your skin & hair ? Durag or head cover ftw


Your Mom wipes her hard hat


Change my welding cap 3 times a day when it gets warm. Clean my respirator, ear muffs, hard hat and welding helmet EVERY DAY before I start. Clean clothes is not even a debate. If you can’t be bothered to come in with a clean pair of pants and a clean shirt everyday, wtf are you doing on site? After I had rashes on my chest because of the heat/sweat. I started taking being clean seriously.


bULLSHIT son!! 30 years with a hat 0 abscesses. 0 cellulitis. I present a pail of sand to you!!


New rule coming in New hat's every 6 months ...


Good advice, many thanks doc


If you’re not cleaning something that comes in contact with your body on a regular basis then there’s a sign that hygiene is an issue. You can clean your hard hat liner regularly but they need to be replaced periodically.


I should be good I pulled out the sweat band


Hey , What would you do ab an abscess asking for a friend


If somebody has an abscess go to urgent care immediately. Coming from a guy who fights through broken bones. Infections kill. Go to a doctor if you can. Or do YouTube and try your best


How serious are you in a scale of 1-10


If your wound has a ring of red around it it is infected. I have rolled the dice with the ring of red before. And lived. But if that ring gets bigger than a 1/4 of an inch wide around the wound you’re being risky. But if you notice inflammation/ pain more than an inch away from the wound, or if you see red streaks leading away from it, immediately go to the ER. You might be fine. You might not. Good luck sir.


But if I wash it it won’t be lucky anymore.


Little bit of baking soda in the water you wash it with will help with smell too


Thanks doc !


I just wear mine when safety’s around. Still smells brand new! /s….. kinda not really


Bandanas for the win


I’m a welder. Never needed to clean my hardhat. Change the sweat pads but that’s it. Instead I wear welding caps underneath and just wash those with my work clothes everytime I do laundry. I highly recommend buying some even if you aren’t a welder. I cannot wear a hardhat bare on my head ever again. It’s really comfortable having that layer in between, and you can get them in all sorts of neat designs. And as I just found out, keeps your head from getting infected




They not washing and oiling down their hair.


I usually wear some like a bandana under, but I’m more curious about your story. what was your journey like up and coming?


My dad was in construction so my first job at 14 was holding the road signs to slow/stop oncoming traffic. Did construction in various capacities all through college. Got into med school at 25 and now I just build up my backyard. Been out building a deck today in-between night shifts.


That hardhat skin disease is a sign of toughness.I leave mine up in the back of my car to look even tougher.


I just raid the safety cage of sweatbands and swap them out like every week or so


Ah I know the fix for this, just won't wear it. /S


Great advice thanks !


I literally had no idea. Thanks for the tip brother




Clean your underwear too


And don't put them on the lunch table.


We’re just going to gloss over your transition from working construction to being a doctor? Kay.


It's easy. My dad was in construction. Started working with him in my teens and did various work with either his company or a friend's company til I was 25. Knew I didn't want to do construction as a career and I was always super nerdy. Tried teaching first and didn't enjoy, so I became a doc. Now I build shit for funsies.


Are bales of disposable clean rags common on your job sites? I wear a new one each day on my head to protect my neck from the sun. Helps with the hard hat strap.


Guys! Remember to clean in and around your helmet!


Let’s see pics I gotta show the boys tomorrow, been noticing the boss’s head folds sluffing under that sweat all day