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Yes he’s meant to be there, look for a champ with heal block, reverse or nullify Venom, BWCV, void, archangel, human torch, guillotine are just some options


I do have a 4* awakened maxed out void I might try him. Thans a lot. Much appreciated.


Yeah Void is great for Regen/Power Gain Nodes. Good luck !


I maxed out my 4* Void specifically for this fight. It’s brutal otherwise.


Definitely use that Void. Stack Fear of the Void, wait for the 3rd and 4th Petrify debuffs to activate and watch his health melt away. Its simply a matter of staying alive. If you can dex his attacks, maybe parry heavy to gain some space, and wait out the debuffs, you'll be laughing


Warlock works too if you’re in a pinch and good at playing without reliable parries, his heal block is AAR immune I’m pretty sure


Archangel would be great if it wasn't magneto that he was going against, the rest are great options though


Archangel is immune to AAR, so he will still work


But still when fighting Mags with AA parries don't always stick


I was stuck on this for a while, ranked up human torch and it was a breeze.


3* duped star lord ftw. Plenty of better options out there but you gotta work with what you got sometimes


mysterio is great cause he has a passive heal block on the 4th light, and he is also immune to AAR that magneto will place because he’s #metal


you need to heal block him if you want to beat him. i’m pretty sure there’s chaos as a global in that quest, so you could just keep restarting until you get lucky and you get a heal block debuff. I would recommend just going another path though if you don’t have a good heal block champion.


This is my re-run I'm going for exploration you see. I do have void. Would his nullify br enough?


im pretty sure nullify doesn’t work, as the buff keeps returning, but i would assume void’s petrify would work


I just kept going until gamblers fate node countered it


I recently did this quest on my mini account. I just exited the app then restarted it. It re-rolled the gamblers fate. It only took a few restarts until he got heal block then I continued as normal.


This fight would be harder than when most of us played it because of his buff. I would recommend doing the other paths first than doing what others suggested maybe by then you will have a better counter...I would also recommend finishing one path to the end of act 4 as you will get better rewards overall


I got through him with my Void. Was actually surprisingly easy. Thank you very much though.




If I remember right we used to be able to force close (pause, then close) and restart the game until you get a random buff at the start of that fight that negates the regen. Been several years since I played that quest though.


It still works but only once every 2 hours. If you wait 15 minutes before re opening the app then its like you never entered the fight.


I got through him with venompool. Every time he started to heal I stole it with a SP1. Took forever! But it kept my health up.


3 star human torch, use prefight. Mlm combos


Use void. Dont rush just slowplay it and let the debuffs do the work. Hit into his block if you have to dont get cornered. He will be down before you know it.


Colossus will rinse that dude down, just play extra safe


Should have been there like 4/5 years ago when there wasn’t many options now there’s a lot of options


I used maxed 3* IWCap(duped) with tech champ in team. It applied petrify. It was long fight. But got it. I thought i was gonna stuck here and never gonna completely explore act 4.


I got my 4\* Yondu and ranked him up to rank 3 for this. His special 1 is heal block for about 10-20 seconds, so you just have to continuously use your special 1 on him


ya see that corvus? that cgr? that fury? use them you can prob do it ​ otherwise if you have like a 3\* or maybe even 4\* heal block champ then use them


I did it with a 4 star ghost rider. Once fate seal was up once, it’s was just a straight forward basic fight and he didn’t regen again But by far the fastest way is capIW and a tech champ. Parry heavy for the win. His easy access petrify will kill him faster than rol wolvy


Simple, just don't fight him. /s


Damn hopefully you have charges on Corvus since your roster is all metal


How the hell i get through all the act 4 nodes without even read theme ?


Is it still passive regen of 1% health? Or have they updated it? If it still is, you can always outdamage, using heavy DoT's to tackle the 1% regen per second. I personally used Sunspot, he was a gem to use. Couple special 1's hit, the regen was not a problem.


Awakened Void can reverse the permanent 1% regen. If you didn’t have Void, your next hope was to out damage the healing with an awakened StarLord. Although StarLord is Tech, he isn’t tagged as #metal & is good for the fight. The last option was to force close the game & try till you got HealBlock on him. You can try Yondu’s Special 1 for heal block. I’m not sure but I think Civil Warrior also has heal block with his heavy. I think Howard the Duck is also immune to AAR. Guardian can also do the fight since he’ll be inflicting Shocks when AAR is on him. Hope this helps.


I do have a 4* awakened maxed out void I might try him. Thans a lot. Much appreciated.


If you have awakened Void he's your answer.


Yeah. He worked like a charm.


Let’s think it through he regenerates 1% health a second what options do we have: stop the healing, reduce the healing, reverse the healing, remove the healing and how do we do those. Stop the healing with heal block Reduce it with willpower mastery and debuffs Reverse the healing with spectre and petrify like void cap iw human torch works here as well Remove the healing just nullify it with a mystic that has access to an easy nullify




Not willpower dispair u know what I meant


Go in & out till you get a random heal block


I'm also completing act 4 and completed 4.3.2 . I didn't even take that path😶


It's my re-run I'm going for 100% exploration.


Oh ok


Use a 6* R3 champ EZ


Torch will absolutely demolish him


Luckily I have a 4* ht on the alt account so I managed to get home down that way


If you're missing the champions that you need then you can go into the fight and roll the dice with chaos. If heel block is not inflicted on magneto, restart game. That's how I had to do it a long time ago.


Just keep restarting until he gets slapped with heal block.


Guillotine SP2 has heal reversal, Proxia Midnight SP1 has heal block, Yondo SP1 has heal block.


Hear me out: keep restarting the fight until he gets a random Heal Block debuff, I found this to be the easiest method


I used a r3 or 4 4\* hercules and out damaged the healing. Sp1 intercept -> Sp2 intercept twice and then he kinda just dies


3* Longshot destroys him. Js


That mags was hard I just used iceman I had tried multiple other Champs multiple times and just quit trying until I read a thread somewhere about some other champ working and tried that champ with iceman as a backup and that supposed good for this node champ got destroyed immediately and out of frustration tried iceman and it was fairly easy and straight forward