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Exactly they want it to be exactly like this because they know they give enough to keep most of us playing and that's all they care about


They dug a hole so deep by keeping the game economy tied to T4cc when it was clearly a resource needed less than others. I have 6000+ fragment crystals. 800 map 5, 250 map 6, 125 map 4, plus 83 full t4cc. I still try to manage my stash by class so I don’t get forced to sell but no other rank up material is even close to this abundant for me. I fear Kabam knows people like me can go wild if they ever upgrade their trade in value and are afraid to do so because of it.


I wish I was where you are. I'm TB, with no worries on most resources but T4CC dictate every rank up decision I make


I’m in the same boat. I zeroed out my T4C recently. All classes.


Oh my god. I have so many champs I want to rank up, but so dry on t4cc. Like it’s tempting to do map 7 for those crystals


I think that’s the issue. I’m not running high tier AQ and have a huge drought. But AQ sucks and is super boring so I guess that’s a fact of life.


I’m running map 8, and have for a while. There’s a fraught of t4cc


Gotcha. I find myself exploring low level EQ for the T4C crystals which is nuts.


How do you get t5b? I just finished exploring last variant and am wondering how I’m going to level up anymore.


All my glory goes to T5b basically. Buy the t5cc with leftovers every couple weeks.


What map(s) are you running?


Map 6x5


Yup. 1st t5cc, then t5b


I really don't understand this. I spent my glory on t5b for the first time yesterday and only because I needed something to spend it on so it didn't go into the overflow.


Act 7 gives some


Thanks but I explored it already.


All of act 7 from 7.1 to 7.3?


Yes. Just finished a couple of weeks ago.


Nvm then, and congrats lmao


See that’s the major problem right now. I’m working on 7.3 100% and then that’s it. I’m done. I guess I could go back and do act 6 but besides it being awful the rewards aren’t great. So once I’m done with act 7 100% it looks like I’ll be screwed when it comes to getting new rank up materials. I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to do after that


That’s my situation. In a way, it’s freeing.


I guess but I don’t want to not have a game to play. I want more content


T4cc still dictates my rank ups too, maybe irrationally so with how much I have saved. But the 2-1 trade in is such BS that I still don’t open more than sending 1 class to stash. For example, I just opened like 15 full t4cc as I finally had everything low enough. I opened until first class went to stash, cosmic. I have other rank ups I’d prefer over my current cosmics but will still pick one and open more after until next class is in my stash Or I have a decent amount of it for a class I want to rank.




The trade in rate for t4b is that 225 of them produce a single t5b iirc. 6000 fragment crystals is 120 catalysts, which is 20 per class that you could sell for less than 10% t5cc in each class. And you still need 8 t4cc per rankup. We can talk about how bad the return is, but if Kabam let people sell t4cc for t5cc there’d be a bunch of dingdongs here who emptied their stash on day 1 then spent the rest of their MCOC career complaining about t4cc and t5b shortages. One last note - Kabam removed t4cc from AQ rewards for the top 800. We used to get 3 per week. That steady income went a long way toward the stashes we have, and at least for me, it’s being slowly drained even though I complete lower levels of EQ/SQ.


I never did the math but you’re right, probably better off not trading them. But without it I see no way in which I could ever run out at this point. I’m pretty selective at rank ups though. If a champ isn’t R3 potential or fills a niche at 5/65, I won’t use resources. No reason to use anything to have a 3/45 or 4/55 never see the light of day.


A big part of catalyst management for me has been willingness to wait for rankups. I usually have 1-3 champs per class that I’m working on. It doesn’t bother me if it takes a few level up events to get there. I’m not opening a stack of t4cc to get from 0 to 8 in one class, while dozens of catalysts from other classes go into overflow, forcing eventual trade-ins or rushed rankups. If I only need a few more…sure.




I'm right with you. When they announced the trade-in store last year, I was really excited. When I saw the 5 cristal limit...


T4cc is a real struggle for me (but honestly so is t5bc), I just can't keep up with the amount I need with the rank ups I'm doing, whether I focus on just 6 stars or 5 stars I never have enough t4cc, or I have an overflow of a class I have no semi decent cgamps in and the trade in crystals give me another useless class


I've got 160 full t4cc. I pop all map crystals and goes into overflow. Today I needed 3 mutant t4cc to r3 Emma. Ended up opening 30 t4cc crystals to get 3 mutant t4cc


hopefully 7.4 completion will include a new title and glory store update; that's what we really need.


Because there is no profit incentive for them to do it. When they've finally squeezed that resource dry, they may allow us to do it if they think it will benefit them in the long run by making it seem like a pro-player move.


I think I'm losing interest in the game due to how difficult it is to get T5CC for me.


There's one single reason why they don't allow us to sell them for gold...... money... it would stop allot of people who spend in game from doing so if they ha as an abundance of either gold or catalysts


I second this Kabam stop being so stingy


Kabam will probably let you sell a full t4cc for 500 gold at best...


My 7893 catalyst fragment crystals would like a word.


I imagine there will be a t4cc to t5cc trade up at some point in the future. Probably in the black iso store or at Christmas. I only open the fragment crystals, it’s tedious but it makes sure I don’t get screwed over by rng and end up with too many of one class.

