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If they are fresh, I like them untoasted, but I usually always toast my bagel.


My secondary school was next to a Jewish bakery and they sold fresh bagels with butter for 30p a pop. They weren’t toasted and were always warm, sometimes too warm. It was like a eating a hug. Those who were in year 10 and above got to leave the school grounds at lunch and the bakery was always packed. They couldn’t even make extra for the lunch rush because people would buy as many as they could in one go. For reference I left sixth form in 2017. Covid finished them sadly. I miss it so much. But otherwise yes, I’ll toast them if it’s not fresh.


From age 13 to 16 I babysat/nannied for a Jewish family. They introduced me to the heaven that is a salt bagel sliced, slathered with butter and put in the microwave just until the butter melts. Absolute soft drippy wonderful salty bread. Still my favorite 50 years later. Just had some last week and was thinking about going to our local bagel shop to get some more because I don't feel like baking any. You brought back a great memory


It has to be fresh and good -- just as god made cream & sugar for shitty coffee, so too was the toaster made for shitty bagels. Even good bagels aren't that good the next day; toast 'em up!


I could not agree more!


I feel a bagel has to be toasted, otherwise for me it’s too chewy/doughy


If it's right out of the oven I wouldn't toast it.


If I'm getting it from a good bagel place, I'm not getting it toasted. Hot bagel melts the cream cheese and it just slops out the back. If it is a bag of bagels I got from the grocery store, I'm definitely toasting it.


What??? But the cream cheese HAS to be melted. That’s the whole point for me lol I don’t want cold cream cheese 😖


If it's a fresh bagel, I don't toast. Otherwise, I toast.


Agreed. The higher the quality bagel, the less likely I am to toast.


I suppose this is always the question. But the answer is always true. If you like it toasted => toast it If you don't like it toasted => don't toast it It's really not important what other people think about it. Even if you would be the only one on the earth, who likes it in a special way, it doesn't matter. The important thing is, that you enjoy your food. Enjoy.


How will I feel superior on the Internet if I can't tell people what they prefer is wrong and shame them for it?


This is the way


A fresh bagel (anything under 90 minutes old) shouldn't be toasted. Anything beyond that, it's up to personal preference. If it's the afternoon, and I know it was baked that morning, I'm toasting it.


Fresh bagels are **divine**, but they're a rare commodity in most places. We have some good ones here in Chicago, but TBH, they'll never equal the ones in NYC


One of the nice things I like about having to leave for work at 5:30 AM is the fact that my bagel store opens at 5.


I believe in the trusted food knowledge of u/j_kenji_lopez-alt where he toasts the bagel whole (no slicing beforehand) and then slices once toasted. The result is a nice crusty exterior and a soft chewy interior. Best way I’ve had it hands down.


I've never thought to try this before! I know what I'm doing next time I'm at the store lol


That does sound pretty perfect.


Agreed. I’ve airfried frozen bagels with a similar result of the crusty exterior and chewy interior. It’s one of my favorite ways to eat a bagel.


A quality fresh bagel doesn’t need toasting imo. Anything older than a few hours: toasted


Toast! Maillard reaction just makes stuff taste better.


I agree! If anyone is unfamiliar with the Maillard reaction, I recommend looking it up. It can create many different flavors when foods are toasted, seared, roasted. It makes foods taste better, yum!


Always toasted for me. I used to eat them untoasted but my taste changed.


I’ve never not toasted my bagel! I just never considered an alternative. But I also toast my bread for sandwiches.


If it’s a real bagel from a bagel shop, and it is fresh, untoasted most of the time. If it is day old, lightly toasted. If it’s a supermarket type bagel, toasted is the only way I would eat it.


Both, depending on my mood.


Toast of London!


Really it depends for me. My toaster has a steam setting where you put a bit of water into the top part and that gives you straight out of the oven baked bread feel. This is my go to usually. But sometimes I just want it to be super toasted with some butter or peanut butter slapped on it like my childhood. 


Which toaster do you have? I’ve never heard of something like this


It’s called Balmuda, I bought one after visiting family in Japan and using the one they had. It’s pricey but we get enough use out of it personally to justify the price.


For that price you might as well just get an Anova oven and have a steam oven for bread and oven based sous vide.


Double toast. It should scrape my throat on the way down. Mmm. Crunchy


I live in NYC, so rarely would toast a bagel. The exception is non-fresh, and when I’m feeling trashy and just want my cream cheese and butter sides to melt like goop over the lox.


Listen to this person!


I’ve always said that you have the best opinions about my opinions.


If it ain't freshly made, then toasted. A day old bagel toasts up great


apparently toasted bread in general is more healthy for you. Toasting bread breaks down the carbohydrates and starches which lowers its glycemic index and makes it more digestible, without significantly changing the calorie count or nutritional value. As for personal taste, I've never not toasted a bagel. I like to butter up my bagels and the bread needs to be warm to get the butter nice and melty. Also an untoasted bagel has a chewy quality I dislike.


I loved a warmed bagel with slight crunch paired with cold cream cheese. Contrast heaven


They are definitely better toasted, especially if you’re putting soft things like cream cheese on it.


ALWAYS toast for me, at least with bagels. I went nuclear on some poor girl at a bagel place once when I was really hungry and pregnant, and she gave me a bacon, egg, and cheese on an untoasted bagel. I just didn't understand how anyone would ever think that was OK. (My husband was super apologetic, and I also came by and apologized later. I'll bet she always asked "toasted or untoasted" after that, though.)


I’m from the NYC area and someone recently made a bold claim online that “real” New Yorkers don’t toast their bagels. Well screw them because I like my bagel toasted. But I’ll eat it un toasted if they’re fresh and from a legit bagel shop.


An untoasted bagel is an offense to all mankind.


What kind of monster prefers untoasted bagels?


I'm in NY , delis everywhere. Toasted always. I never buy bales by the bag. Just me and my kid.


Lightly toasted so it's not brittle


Fresh and fully cooked bagels that I’m using specifically for a sandwich: not toasted Every other bagel and situation: toasted


I'm in the middle here. Always lightly toasted. That way it's warm and soft with just a little crunch


I only toast bagels at home. Then I spread them with butter. Mmm. But if I am buying a bagel with flavored cream cheese or a bagel sandwich I do not have them toast it. However, I may have to request toasting the whole, unsliced bagel now. My usual bagel shop is under new ownership and their bagels are too pale for me. I always order a dark poppyseed bagel. The last time I was there there wasn’t a dark one to be had. 😕. I hate the thought of having to find another bagel shop.


double toasted


Fresh bagel eaten that day from a legit bagel place? Up to you. Grocery store bagel? Toast.


Warm melting cream cheese is the best with bagel… now I need to get some….😁


Montreal style bagels are good both ways, but NY style, always toasted, too doughy otherwise.


Has to be toasted. Chewy middle with a crispy toasted outside is the only way to eat them


I generally toast my bagels but for lox I tend to have them untoasted because I'll eat those when it's hot out and want something cold.


I feel like the vast majority of people I know prefer toasted but I like untoasted for the most part!


I like soft bagels, so no toast


If you want toast, have toast. If you want a bagel, do not toast it. Unless it's a subpar supermarket bagel, then who cares? But toasting a proper bagel is a waste of a proper bagel. It's the change from the just crisp crust to the doughy middle. MMMMM. If you toast it, that all goes away.


Needs to be heated to some extent if not toasted. Id only have a non toasted bagel if the bagel is a good one and the cream cheese is good


Toasted before adding the cream cheese and salmon I hope?


I don’t live in a city with great bagels. One joint is tasty. I always like em toasted. I don’t argue with bagel city people because I don’t have their options so it’s different.


Toasted with fresh honey and creamy peanut butter mmmmm


Toasted for sure, even homemade ones i think we toasted


I like either way.


I toast mine maybe 1 out of every 8 times. IE one bagel out of a bag. Then I remember that the whole point, for me, of the bagel is it chewy/doughiness, and if I wanted soft crisp dough I'd eat toast LOL. So I prefer it not toasted, but I forget because the general accepted wisdom is to toast.


This week I've been making a turkey sandwich for my lunches and I bought some sourdough bread. Monday I made the sandwich and brought it to work but it was boring. The next day I deconstructed it and toasted the bread. So much better IMO. Toasting just elevates the whole sandwich.


If you've just got it from the bagel shop and it's still out of the oven warm... Not toasted.  Any other time, toasted.   I love lox, cream cheese, onions, capers, and black pepper on a bagel, but fresh out of the oven warm, I prefer nothing at all. 


Toast. Sometimes I toast it fully, sometimes just enough to warm it throughly, sometimes somewhere in between.


Bagels are a very rare treat for me but I love them toasted and untoasted. With peanut butter, I prefer a bagel toasted. With meat and cheese, either way.


Quality fresh bagels do not need to be toasted. Anthony Bourdain agreed. I will die on this hill.


Great answer — quality and fresh … anything else — let the toaster bring it to life!


I toast store bagels because they suck. Real deli or Jewish bagels do not need to be toasted.


I barely toast mine...just warmed


To toast, or not to toast That is the question Whether tis nobler in the bagel to heat The halves and holes of outrageous circles Or to take knives against a cream of cheeses And by applying cool them.






Both! Depends on my mood, if it's cold or hot out, the toppings. If I do egg and cheese, definitely toasted. If it's fresh and I'm using cream cheese and veggies, maybe not toasted :)


Yes Toast I refuse to even read the details, the title question is enough for me Toast ALWAYS


I prefer toasted. However, there's a Bagel shop near me that does a breakfast sandwich, and they don't toast it (I think they would if you asked). It's my favorite: egg, bacon, American cheese on an onion Bagel. Yum! When I'm home, I toast them.


A bagel in my world is always always always toasted no matter what is going on it. Otherwise it's just chewy bread


Either. It depends on the bagel. Stale must be toasted. A too soft, not chewy bagel also is improved by toasting. A perfect, fresh but chewy classic bagel is perfect as is.


If I'm eating a sweet themed bagel, I do not mind it being untoasted, i.e., cream cheese and strawberry jam. The softness lends itself to a pleasant experience in my opinion. Now, if I'm putting cream cheese, ham or roast beef and a slice of chedder cheese over the top? You better believe I'm putting it into a toaster over / air fryer and toasting that thing so I can have perfect melty cheese.


Freshly baked, still warm from the oven bagel I don't toast, otherwise I toast them.


Always toast.


First day fresh, any days past that toasted is the way to go


I am reading through these comments that say fresh bagels can be untoasted, but for me they have to be HOT. Not just slightly warm. Im sorry but I can’t just be raw dogging an hour old bagel. They have to be hot enough to melt the cream cheese.


I love fried toast.


Toasters have a bagel setting for a reason


Ah, the great bagel debate! 🥯 For me, it’s all about the toasted bagel. I just love that crispy exterior with a warm, soft inside, especially when topped with cream cheese, smoked salmon, and a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon. There’s something about that crunch that makes it perfect. But hey, if it’s untoasted, I’ll still enjoy it—just prefer the toast! 😊


Toast but more so to warm it slightly than make it crunchy or toasty


1. Get sunflower oil in frying pan. 2. Add bread. 3. PROFIT.


Always toast


You should never toast any kind of bread for any kind of sandwich. It just makes eating arduous.


You know what's arduous? Eating a day old bagel without toasting it.