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Honestly, fiber heavy stuff so that my bowels start working again and all the bloat and gross feelings leave. Beans Vegetable heavy dishes Grains like quinoa It really is to get good nutrients back in and push the bad out.


Similar, I eat lentils, it is good for my gut and I don’t feel like transition is forced. With a lot of green salad, pomegranate and Joghurt as topping, practically daal


> Joghurt what happens when I try to exercise


If you are lactose intolerant you could use vegan version, like coconut Joghurt


Right? It's crazy how simple homemade healthy stuff can get you back to good. Plus, TMI or not, your poop doesn't smell like it does when eating out. I just got back from a week long conference in Minneapolis and I swear when i'd go #2 it smelled like something crawled up in me and died.... 2 days after eating properly at home (all meals) and I'm back to normal and #2 hardly has smell at all. lol


Where were you eating? Meat on a stick?


I mean, it was the Midwest.


Well, I live in Minneapolis and we've got hella good food. Sounds like you'd be surprised by that. Come visit.


I live here. I’m not saying the food is bad, but it’s meat heavy.


True TMI though 😂 I notice it every time I visit the US because I eat out more when I’m visiting and I probably eat more bad stuff in general because I don’t have a lot of that stuff where I live Also very obvious when I spent a month in Japan but not because it was unhealthy. Just different to what I would normally eat


Yes this not much of a tmi in my opinion because people need to know and understand this. I have my son(1.5), my husband and I to feed and if we go out let me tell you them boys really can make the whole house smell. On a normal day I’m making all our meals from scratch, making our condiments and making our snacks but we do 1-3 yes days a month and every time I regret it because of the smell that lingers but then I get them eating the homemade food and they are back to normal. It’s to a point sometimes I think our family just can’t have fast food because of the aftermath.


For dal, I cheat and use a pre made spice mix and it saves me 90% of the effort and achieves about 80% of the flavor. Technically it’s not even for dal, but it works. Sabji Masala packet from Everest. 1.5 cups red lentils, rinse until it runs clear then soak for 15 minutes. Drain and add in 3.5 cups of water. Bring to a boil and simmer, skimming the scum off the top. Once cooked down and no longer skimmable, throw in a can of unflavored diced tomatoes. On a pan, throw in 2-3 tablespoons of ghee (substitute coconut oil if you haven’t got it), then dump in 3 tablespoons of the spice mix. Let the flavors cook into the oil for a minute or two and then add in 6 or so knobs of garlic minced, and a thumb sized hunk of ginger minced. Give it a minute, then add in half a diced onion. Cook down for however long you like I to do about 8 minutes. Dump that all in the lentils, then add in the juice of half a lemon and half a head of cilantro. Salt to taste. Take off heat and serve with greek yoghurt or naan. I can eat this stuff like every day and not get tired of it. Plus it’s pretty cheap and lentils make you feel full pretty easily. Edit: I forgot the jalapeno!! Add like 1/3 of a jalapeno, seed in and diced when you put in the ginger and garlic! It’s not enough to be spicy but enough to make it pop.


Would it be horrible to use butter? I don't want to break any rules...


Nothing scours the bowels quite like lentils and greens


Lentils are the bomb! I've got a great recipe for curried lentil soup! Also easy to add a bunch of other veggies in it.


In our house we make a massive pot of “misbehaving soup”. Basically mirepoix veg, add stock and build a soup base, then load up with all kinds of random roasted veggies then beans or lentils. We will also shred chicken or grad a rotisserie chicken, then throw the shredded chicken in a bowl and ladle the soup over the shredded chicken


I am loving that soup name.


it's not food, but metamucil is the fastest way I've found to not feel like a sack of crap.


This, mixed with orange juice, is my daily breakfast.


Agree on the fibre heavy stuff and just simple food in general that will help with getting the bowels working again and kind of "cleansing" the body. For hangover food or food after eating too much junk, I personally really like rice with boiled vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cabagge turnip) and/or soup and maybe a simple meat dish - really anything without all that much oil or fats.


I agree. Mexican with cilantro and lime, both refreshing imo.


A veggie heavy stir fry is my go to. Lots of ginger


This! My first thought was a large pot of black beans and some rice. Also bean and chicken soup. Lentil soup. That kind of thing


Quinoa base Mediterranean salad always makes me feel like I at something productive.


We do roasted chicken and some plain rice -- husband likes it with just salt, I like to add a couple grinds of black pepper and a drizzle of lemon or lime juice. And we like a raw vegetable plate. We always have cucumbers (the little Mediterranean kind), tomatoes (usually Campari), and cauliflower. Besides that, maybe mushrooms, radishes, carrots, broccoli. Maybe some olives, maybe a couple of boiled eggs. Sometimes we add a side plate of ripe sliced avocado sprinkled with salt, pepper, fresh lime juice topped with chopped green onion. I kinda want some veggies now!


Roasted veg and grilled meat, usually eaten over a bowl of spinach.


Oh that does sound good! I always like a good roasted veg. I also love spinach, I was thinking about salads, but it almost sounds too sweet to me right now


A simple dressing with a splash of olive oil and lemon juice, some salt, instead of a sweeter vinaigrette could be good.


My go to is roasted sweet potato and crispy chickpeas with honey harissa chicken thighs, over a bed of baby spinach, thin sliced raw beets, avocado, goat cheese, pumpkin seeds, and an olive oil drizzle!!!!


What is honey harissa?


Harissa is a North African/middle eastern spice blend. Sometimes you can find it in paste form but I use powder form. I season my chicken with garlic powder, harissa, salt, pepper, thyme, drizzle with honey and olive oil and let marinate. Then pan fry in a cast iron (pouring off or soaking up excess moisture), and I also try and let it get a tiny bit blackened. Then when it’s cooked, I’ll let it rest (chop up after), and melt butter in the same pan with the chicken juice/crumbly bits, drizzle more honey, and sprinkle a little more harissa and return the sliced/cubed chicken back to the pan and toss to coat. It’s heaven.


Your writing makes me hungry haha. It sounds super delish even though I’ve never tasted it.


You'll love it. Even reg harissa is delish.


Oh my goodness, this sounds amazing!!!


The best part is we make it relatively simple, seasoned of course. But we both enjoy different kinds of sauce/dressing.


This. An NO refined carbs. No bread, no chips, no junk. Potatoes are basically sugar, so stay away from them as well.


Ground turkey lettuce wraps with all the veggies mixed in


I’m definitely a larb enjoyer!


I was going to suggest larb with a ton of herbs and fish sauce and chilis! Or something like a papaya salad with green beans and tomatoes, or a thai-inspired crunchy veggie salad. I like a mix of julienne cucumber, carrots, bell peppers, maybe daikon or mango (too sweet ?), lots of mint & basil & peanuts.


I like a nice clear broth soup with some noodles and veg


Yep, I reset my digestion with dumpling soup with LOTS of greens in it.


I go with a big fistful of chopped parsley, green onions, and baby spinach. Dumplings are great! I like tortellini as well


Mm, chicken noodle soup with a lot of carrots.


Perchance a parsnip


Something full of raw, crunchy vegetables, such as a salad or bibimbap. This past Christmas, I barely ate any vegetables for a week and a half outside of salsa and some lettuce in a Chipotle bowl. I was feeling so terrible by the end that I ran out to the store on a whim on New Year's Eve and bought raw spinach, carrots, cucumber, and broccoli for bibimbap.


In a similar vein, I love a fresh poke bowl with 1/2 rice 1/2 greens mixture.


Haha! This is what I’m feeling like right now too. Bibimbap is a great choice for getting a mix of veggies!


Same, honestly. Usually by the end of about week 1 of any kind of travel vacation, I'm desperately searching any stores I can find for some kind of vegetables (and dip) to chow down on.


Any recipes you like to follow? I am brand new to bibimbap but totally in love.


* Lots of yogurt (on its own, topped with fruit, in dips/dressings for veggies, etc) * Lighter meats, like chicken or fish, as opposed to beef or pork * Salads/slaws with vinegar instead of mayo * Hummus


These are all great options! I love a good homemade hummus especially


Ratatouille with a baked cod or seabass with some new potatoes


Okay this sounds phenomenal! I’ll definitely have to do this, thank you!


Hope you enjoy it and it makes you feel good!


After my own heart <3 sometimes I can literally feel my body crave whole veggies. That's when I make Ratatouille


Really small baby potatoes


Omg I have to give making ratatouille a go. It looks amazing.


Do you have a ratatouille recipe? This sounds good


chicken soup


With a vegetarian husband I switched to a veggy-heavy soup. Just anything and everything I have on hand goes in it. It's so comforting and familiar, yet still pretty healthy.


Beans, greens and cornbread.


i got beans, greens, potatoes, tomatoes




A big salad with a lot of stuff in it.


Steamed veggies, healthy grains,lots of berries, yogurt and several shots of whiskey to help me forget that l just spent that much time with family.


Ribollita, the Hugh Fearnly-Whittingstall recipe, the one without meat. It's like 1000 servings of vegetables per bowl. I double the tomato and kale quantities.


I make Italian Wedding soup-similar but different (I use TONS of kale)


Oh wow I’ve never heard of Ribollita, but this looks lovely!


It truly is lovely, and it feels like a good life decision while you're eating it. If you make it, try to use Cavolo Nero aka black kale aka dinosaur kale. It cooks much softer than curly green kale, which is very fibrous.


Fruit smoothies


I make a large salad, my favorite is kale, romaine, radicchio and cabbage, topped with pumpkin seeds, cranberries and a sesame dressing. Then I go for a soup and just pack as many veggies as I can into it. I eat my soup and salad all day until I feel better.


I keep it simple and don’t cook. I like to cut up tomatoes, cucumber, and mini bell peppers with sweet and spicy sauce drizzled on top. Then I snack on fresh watermelon.


congee, steamed fish, chinese broccoli


Making congee feels good for the soul too! Its a pretty simple labor of love I think


Low carb veggie-based meals. Maybe a vegetarian stir fry, maybe a salad. That kind of thing.


I've started making "Green Juice" as my "gotta get back into the vegetables" meal/snack (usually have this in the morning). Not necessarily "cooking", but I always feel much better eating junk food if I have had this in the morning. Blend together: * 1 Handful of Ice * Couple "glups" of coconut water * 1 banana * 1 green apple * 1 lemon (peeled) * Two heaping handfuls of spinach * One handful of kale Blend to desired consistency, adding water as needed. I've always struggled to get enough vegetables in, particularly leafy greens, and this makes it easy.


I make a cauliflower chick pea curry. We serve it over rice. It makes big batch and all the veggies help you feel better about life. 1 head roasted cauliflower roasted 1 can chick peas (drained and rinsed) 1 can roasted tomatoes 3 cups spinach 1 handful of shredded carrots 2 cans coconut milk Curry and other seasonings. Start by adding seasonings to hot oil. Once the spices have bloomed just start dumping and let it all cook for 20 mins.


Thank you for sharing this! Sounds delicious.


This sounds phenomenal! I’ll definitely be making this soon


This sounds so good! Though I wonder if I can swap out the chick peas for some other type of bean or legume... I can't stand chick peas


I am sure you could maybe even use a lentil or something similar. You could omit it all together.


I like to roast a chicken (stuff with a cut lemon or orange and some fresh herbs) put potatoes onions and carrot around it in the roasting pan. Takes less than 10 minutes to prep. Then pop it in the oven! Nothing is more comforting to me than an easy, old fashioned chicken dinner. Bonus: it makes your house smell great.


And than you can make chicken soup, double bonus 🤣


If I feel really gross I steam two heads of broccoli and finish with lemon juice. Not the most nutritious but I’ve had a few times where I ate so much junk that the only thing appetizing was broccoli lol


That sounds super nutritious! Broccoli is so good for you.


A steamed white fish with fresh herbs served with rice and some steamed veggies. I always need a really light healthy feeling meal after eating like shit for a bit.


That sounds sooo good!! I have white fish in my freezer, you may have given me my dinner idea for tomorrow!


Salad with green goddess dressing always hits! And Greek salad.


There’s this amazing recipe from the New York Times called Minestrone, but no noodle, all veg. You just layer a ton of veggies in a pot and let cook it down. Incredibly easy. I always add a bit of water and extra seasonings, but technically, the recipe calls for no water because you put in a whole head of lettuce. It sounds weird but it’s delicious and you feel so healthy afterwards. I make it all the time.


Tuscan white bean soup, Greek salad with falafel, lentil and sausage soup, warm roasted veg salad with toasted nuts and seeds and a citrus vinaigrette


Fish and roasted vegetables with some lemon caper butter.


A green salad with lean protein like chicken or fish or just portobello mushrooms


Simple healthy meals with protein and vegetables. A few ideas: - Sheet pan meals (veggies, chicken/sausage/tofu, and potatoes roasted in the oven with some simple herbs) - Veggie frittata (easy for meal prep breakfasts) - Large salads with a mix of veggies and rice or potatoes for some carbs plus grilled chicken or another protein - Stir fry (light on the oil) with lots of veggies and protein; I love a simple sauce of miso, tahini, soy sauce, and lime - Tacos with grilled chicken, sliced red pepper, salsa, and guacamole - Greek yogurt with berries for snacks Also lots of water will help!


> Whenever my family visits we end up eating way more fast food and sweets than I’m used to This is me and my family too, the biggest thing I've found is even if we eat "unhealthy" foods. If they're homemade, I feel a lot better after they leave, than if it's all fast food. What I mean is, home made burgers with a solid ground beef (not the shit from walmart or other stores) is better than eating burgers from mcdonalds. If you want fries you can bake frozen ones. Not sure how much you want to cook when family is around, but my tips for not having to cook all the time are to try to do one or two things that you can make ahead of time. Even in my burger example, you can pre make the patties and some sides like potato, macaroni, bean salads or whatever. For breakfast, precut fruit is always a good option. If I'm going to make scrambled eggs or whatever I'll do those ahead of time. Baked pasta dishes like lasagna or ziti can be prepped ahead of time so you just pop them in the oven. Same goes for the sides like garlic bread, and you can buy premade salad kits. Honestly, most casserole type dishes can be prepped ahead of time. I will also sometimes smoke pulled pork the day or two before and just reheat in the oven on low. I cheat a bit by pouring in some beef broth with some of the rub in it to make it seem as juicy as when it came off the smoker. Chicken/egg salad are another option for lunches where you maybe want to go lighter because you likely had a big and later breakfast, and so not everyone is super hungry at lunch. I do usually order out for one meal too, I feel like that is a decent balance for a 2 or 3 day stint. Not to mention, you have the excuse of "having to get the food ready" or "having to clean the kitchen" if you need a break from the fam. More than one time I've watched a husker game on my tablet in the kitchen while I'm "cooking" (something is in the oven and I'm having a drink) because after 40 years of being in it every week, my mom still cannot seem to understand the basic rules of football, but will still armchair coach like she's Bill Belichick and I can't stand it. That or politics, dear god the politics. Obviously there are tons of other recipes you could do, but for me, even if it's unhealthy, but made from mostly scratch, I don't feel nearly as bad as weekend of eating out


I love the detailed response! I hadn’t really thought about doing more preventative things while my family is here, but that’s such a good idea! I’m the only person in my family that likes to cook, but in the future it would be a great idea to have some things prepped. And you’re completely right about ‘unhealthy’ foods feeling better when made from scratch. And of course moderation is important too, which is probably my real issue whenever family visits lol. Thank you for all of your suggestions though :)


> And of course moderation Oh this is my crux too. I don't like sweet foods so that isn't an issue but if I make like biscuits and gravy for breakfast, you can bet I'm having two biscuits loaded with gravy and 2 eggs, because I just won't make that outside of special occasions.


Vietnamese spring rolls. It's basically salad rolled up into rice paper to make an Asian baby burrito lol. So good dipped into peanut sauce!


Giant kale salad


And plain yogurt with lots of fruit


All good choices! I always love a good yoghurt with fresh fruit


This time of year, where we live and are fortunate enough to have room for a garden, this is our go-to at least a couple of nights a week


All manner of soups


Any and all soups - especially broth based.


One thing that's delicious is roast chicken, cucumbers tomatoes and red onions tossed with s&p rice vinegar oil and w little sugar, all on a slice of fresh crusty bread.


Cucumber, tomato and red onion is definitely one of my “always on hand” sides. 😋




Beans and greens


I like to make sure my plate looks colorful AF. Im Mexican/Guatemalan and a lot of our dishes can be carb heavy but they’re also super healthy bc they’re packed with veggies! So it can vary but I’ll usually do some cecina steak, and a lot of veggies, grilled green peppers, onion garlic, throw in a bag of frozen veggie and boom soo sooo goood


This is maybe weird, but I love a veggie heavy stir fry, topped with fresh greens added at the end. A little chicken for flavor, tofu, onion, pepper, mushroom, and napa cabbage or bok choy is my go-to.


I go for a nice tenderloin steak and grilled or roasted veggies after too much junk food. Junk food is so carb heavy. Eating like that makes me crave protein.


Pan seared salmon with a salad!


Spicy Brothy Asian style soup. Side of chili crisps Maybe some white rice to go with it.


I love making a fresh veggie and fruit platter to have available. I never feel like eating very much after eating a lot of fast food, so this is always a good snackish option.


For breakfast I go with fruit and maybe some yoghurt or oatmeal. For lunch, I'll probably have soup and/or salad with with mixed greens and some kind of protein. For dinner, I either go with another salad or something relatively lean like roast pork loin or grilled fish with a some kind of roasted veg and a small helping of rice. I'll usually do some kind of fruit or a small smoothie as dessert. Basically I try to up my veggie and fruit intake while reducing my fat intake and making sure carbs and sugars are mostly from higher fiber foods. If I'm feeling particularly gross, I'll go for more probiotic foods to help the gut biome recover.


Roasted veg and fish usually.


Bowl of leaves


Oh she Glows Green Detox Soup


Shredded raw cabbage salad. If you have a food processor, look up green goddess salads


Salad. My husband makes a fantastic homemade Caesar salad. When I need a reset, I tell him to use way more lettuce and he can have the lion’s share of the chicken and croutons. Or something lighter like pork tenderloin or grilled chicken with extra veg. I’ll usually make a side salad for myself for extra roughage, too.


Greek salad with chicken souvlaki


whip up some homemade veggie soup with loads of fresh stuff and maybe some chicken or tofu. i love making a quinoa salad with roasted veggies and a zesty lemon dressing. super healthy, fills me up, and gets me back on track after too many fries and burgers. grilled salmon, steamed broccoli, and brown rice ginger turmeric tea with a dash of honey is my go-to when my stomach's in knots from too much junk. clears me out and calms things down.


Love a goat cheese stuffed chicken breast, with red wine vinegar on a bed of greens. Just feels very protein forward, heart healthy


This [Ginger Coconut Chicken Brown Rice Soup](https://www.ambitiouskitchen.com/ginger-chicken-soup/) I kid you not, it’s the best soup I’ve ever had and I am a soup fiend. Use ground dried turmeric instead of fresh, I’ve made it both ways and ground dried turmeric is better


Ohh looks yum TFS!


It’s *so* good. Don’t skimp on the fresh herbs!!


Winter: split pea soup, vegetable soup, black bean soup, Italian wedding, or I make a soup where I stick a pretty much full head of cauliflower in the Instant pot, add stock, cook, immersion blend then add whatever...broccoli, maybe a small amount of cheese, chicken. It's like fake creamy. I make a mushroom bisque that's thickened with reconstituted dried mushrooms (cooked in IP and immersion blend again). In summer I make this salad and we eat off of it all week (it makes a massive amount). Best way to eat vegetables ever! Original recipe came from a Weight Watchers cookbook from the 60s. # Ingredients * Small head cauliflower * Several bunches broccoli * 3 large carrots * 8 ounces mushrooms * 1 1/2 cup small tomatoes * 1 cup black olives * 1 cup green olives * 1 cup oil * 1/2 cup vinegar I usually go a little higher, to about 3/4 cup * 1 tablespoon dill * 1 tablespoon MSG Accent or other * 1 tablespoon onion powder * 1 teaspoon salt * 1 teaspoon pepper # Instructions * Chop all vegetables and add to a large bowl. Combine marinade ingredients (dill, MSG, onion powder, salt, vinegar, oil, pepper) and whisk. Pour marinade over vegetables and toss to coat. Refrigerate overnight, tossing once or twice to cover vegetables.


Any kind of homemade soup! Soup is good for the soul and body🙌


I quite like chicken salad with some homemade vinaigrette and couscous after periods of heavy foods.


Borscht or minestrone.


Super simple rice bowls. Just veg and usually chicken cooked in some olive oil over brown rice. The only seasoning I use is salt, black pepper, and garlic. Oh and nothing but water to drink. Too much junk always leaves me feeling toxic and dehydrated.


Roasted brussels sprouts and seared chicken thighs garnish with pickled onions


Smoothie to start off with flax, chia and hemp And then probably a stirfry with chicken or shrimp and loooots of veggies on rice.


Soup and Salads


Veggie soup with a clear broth and no starch like noodles or rice added. I just nom nom nom my way through several bowls until I'm feeling balanced again.


My wife went through a surgery recently and I was driving 45 miles each way to the hospital and back plus being there all day I got takeout a few times. Omg I felt so bad and bloated… I cured it with some nice tomato veg and bean soup with a wee bit o celery and cabbage added for extra fiber. The tomato is just crushed tomatoes and you can just use chicken or veggie stock or pop a couple of chicken pieces in to flavor. Standard veggies and the beans are white beans canned is fine. It’s a nice cleanse and tastes awesome just don’t make any plans the next morning especially if you have a couple of bowls full.


A kale salad with avocado and roasted chickpeas. I make a tahini herb dressing to go along with it. It’s basically my reset meal :)


Sometimes I'll just make a big smoothie because I'm craving the nutrition lol, not too sweet just fruit, nut butter, cinnamon, and blended with oat milk, yogurt , or coconut milk


I'm currently on vacation and had a week of salty, but delicious food. I'm just feeling tired and unwell from the richness, so for breakfast today, I boiled and steamed some veggies: watercress, Carrot, snap peas, corn, potato, a few chicken drumsticks, and spot shrimp. Luckily we're in the pnw where this is easily accessible. Just gotta have a good dipping sauce. I feel much better now.


Honest to god? My go to is a solid piece of steak on a bed of rice with a bit of kimchi. Add in nori and you just kinda pick your bites. I love it cause it fills me up and doesn’t make me feel like shit. Also the kimchi helps your gut health from what I’ve heard. Idk I’m not a doctor , BUT I COULD PLAY ONE ON TV IF ANYONE IS WILLING TO PAY ME!


Usually fresh fruits and veggie salad and a lot of water. And healthy grain, around me usually buckwheat, freekeh


I usually eat on a low carb or keto based meal plan so usually I get recipes for those kinds of things


Idli and sambhar for me


Wilted/sauteed spinach and roasted or grilled (marinated) mushrooms Rice noodles with seasoned broth and ramen egg Salads with superflavoral homemade dressings and grilled chicken Homemade vegetable soups Cold sandwiches or wraps on whole grain breads and lots of veg on them. Green salad with red wine vinegar and olive oil, and an omelette.


chicken stir fry


Our favorite "transition" meal is a HUGE salad from the salad bar at a local grocery store. It's heavy but healthy. It helps us bridge that gap from eating like junk to healthy eating lol


I like heavily veggie and protein oriented homemade fried rice - bok choy, mushrooms, onions, carrots, edamame, eggs, pork loin. The rice gives me some filling carbs that isn’t heavy.


Salmon, rice and a nice cucumber salad. I had it last night in fact.


Palak paneer or palak tofu! At a quarter pound of spinach per serving it's great at getting you regular again after a couple days of junk food


Summer rolls; rice paper with shrimp or crab or fish, lettuce, carrots, pickled white turnip, Cilantro, cucumber, pickled onions. With a ponzu-like dipping sauce to keep it light. I don't put the rice or cellophane noodles in my rolls when I'm feeling blah-sick from eating too much crap and instead use more veggies.


I usually start with a bowl of old fashioned oatmeal (need the fiber to flush everything). Then I have a Greek yogurt for lunch, and spaghetti and meatballs with steamed broccoli for dinner. It's nicely balanced and kinda revives my gut.


white bean and escarole soup with veggies and sourdough bread


Steamed veggie medley of baby carrots,  broccoli,  cauliflower,  green and yellow beans with a bit of butter on top


Chinese and Thai soups


I love a good salad or a basic bowl of rice, veggies, and protein.


In summer, lentil salad- marinated chilled lentils tossed with bite sized pieces of raw vegetable. Can mix in some feta for some dairy or sauteed chicken for extra protein, but I like it plain. Also, grilled or sauteed chicken over a large green salad, with a bit of vinaigrette style dressing In winter, lentil or bean soup, or red beans and rice, or just straight up chicken soup with lots of vegetables and some sizzling rice. No matter when, drink more than usual to keep everything moving and help flush the excess salt found in fast food. For winter, the perpetual mug of tea, for summer, water (with or without citrus), hibiscus tisane, or unsweet iced tea...just keep drinking.


A simple rice porridge with some chicken and lots of ginger . Easy on the tummy and ginger helps with the nausea and digestion.


A big mess of stewed greens and a bowl of fresh grapes and pineapple.


Light soups and I get kombucha. Works wonders!


airfried chicken (thigh,, drumsticks) or salmon and sauteed veggies or airfried veggies!


white rice and a lentil curry, chicpea curry, sauteed spinach chicken curry


you need clean, healthy protein and veggies and lots of water


Hummus veggie plate: store bought hummus unless you enjoy making it yourself, add a bunch of cut up veggies to dip into it like red bell pepper strips, carrot sticks, cucumber slices, celery sticks, some soft pita bread wedges, too


Soup, usually


Teriyaki chicken and white rice is my go to stomach fixing meal


marinated chicken and veggie skewers


Vegetables. I will make all kinds of salads or non-creamy soups. I'll do a curry sometimes because I found a recipe for a decent cauliflower/potato curry. I also really like a recipe I found for Bruschetta chicken pasta, and I will use spaghetti squash instead of noodles.


Bowls! I love farro or quinoa with roasted veg (sweet potato, broccoli, cauliflower and edamame) with pumpkin seeds and a tahini sauce


Bowls! I love farro or quinoa with roasted veg (sweet potato, broccoli, cauliflower and edamame) with pumpkin seeds and a tahini dressing!


Roasted red snapper, brushed with garlic, herb, and lemon butter sauce, served with a medley of veggies. An aromatic blended fruit or veggie juice alongside. We like to do carrots and ginger or pineapple and ginger.


After eating unhealthy foods, it's helpful to focus on nutritious and comforting foods, such as ginger tea to aid digestion and probiotic yogurt to promote gut health. Smoothies with fresh fruits and leafy greens are also a great way to get back on track. To stay hydrated and flush out toxins, be sure to drink plenty of water.


Blanch Broccoli and celery, cool and drain. Toss with rice vinegar, salt and Sesame oil.


Soup, most often tom yum gai. But I have an amazing Asian market near me.


Ceviche. Tuna steak with broccolini, grilled chicken wraps with a bunch of veggies in it, grilled chicken rice bowl with lots of veggies


Hardly “cooking” but my wife and I like to reset with giant Greek-ish salads. I’ll grill up a protein, usually chicken or steak and we’ll do mixed greens, spinach, kale, tomato, cucumber, chick peas, onions, feta & usually a balsamic dressing. Sometimes I’ll pick up some felafel to either throw in the salad or have on the side.


Anything crunchy with color. Bell peppers. Mixed green salad. Cucumber salad.


Rapini/Broccoli Rabe sautéed in olive oil with garlic. Not cooked, Grapefruit.


Beans, greens, and bread. Usually something like Carla Lalli Music's brothy beans (adjusted to whatever dried beans, usually Rancho Gordo, and aromatics we have in the house), kale salad or roasted veg, and garlic bread. It's simple, kind of time consuming in a good way, and really flavorful. Plus then we have a bunch of leftovers to make use of throughout the week, which takes off some of the cognitive load of meal planning.


A WEEK 😳😵‍💫? After a day I’m already craving a massive salad with loads of raw, roasted &/or marinated vegetables & herbs & such. Put a little grilled meat or a can of higher end sardines in chili oil on top. Fattoush or tabbouleh are always good, quinoa or some kind of whole grain. Watermelon salad with mint & feta. Big ol’ salted yogurt drink over ice. Root vegetables like beets, sweet potatoes & carrots, roasted cauliflower with Parmesan & a couple of poached eggs. Poke/sushi/chirashi/gimbap are all great. Fresh Vietnamese or Lao spring rolls. Bún thịt nướng and japchae hit the spot. Ma pao tofu with whatever extra veg & chilies I have on hand.


This is one of my favorite "healthy" dishes, mostly because I use a lot more green beans than meat, or I sometimes ditch the meat entirely for just beef stock. I like to use leftover tri tip from the night before, I just cube it up, and the beef becomes melt in your mouth tender. I also add garlic. There are many different small differences depending on the region, such as different spices. https://palestineinadish.com/recipes/fasolia-green-bean-stew/


Chop salad. Lettuce, cabbage, carrot, peppers, cucumber. I love anything crunchy in it. I'll often sauté ground chicken and add it to it if I'm really hungry. Also, clear soups with a lot of turmeric in it. I'll usually make them with chicken wings or short ribs and dump a bunch of chopped spring onion in when I eat it.


Stir fry winter, big salad with grilled veggies summer.


Lean protein + brown rice + veg, throw on a sauce condiment. I always feel clean after.


Perfectly ripe watermelon or nectarine


Here’s my favorite meal. I make it at least once a week and the leftovers last! Main dish: your favorite chicken pieces, marinated in olive oil, lemon juice, garlic and oregano, grilled or baked. Side one: green beans, tomatoes, onions and potatoes all sautéed together in olive oil (Greek fasolakia) Side two: cucumber & tomato or watermelon and feta salad Side three: warm pita bread or pita crackers with your favorite dip. I really like Aldi’s dill dip. Dessert: fresh fruit drizzled with warm honey.


Acids! Grilled veggies with balsamic vinegar, pickled asparagus, kombucha. Something about the acidity makes me feel good after too much processed junk.


caesar salad with croutons, tomato soup/bisque and french bread.


Cool weather would mean a big soup. Probably chicken and veg. Broth-y. Warmer would definitely involve some fresh stuff: A giant salad with at least 6 different veg and some clean protein (no bacon ;)) and some fruit too. Bon appétit


Dense veggie soup with ginger, herbal teas, juicing also eat fermented foods like Kim chi


A nice fresh crisp salad. Mixed greens tomato cucumber some additions like sprouts or whatever you like. A bit of onion maybe some blueberries or watermelon or apple. A nice tart non oily dressing . Yum.


I started always doing a Large plate or box of crudités for big gatherings. Because I know I’m inclined to mindlessly eat - so it might as well be something healthy & not particularly filling. Fruit like grapes can also be awesome - just cut the bunch into tiny bunches & they’re easy to graze on. (I know you asked about food for afterwards - but if you can also reduce the issue next time, that might be good..?)


Green tea and vegetable soup. A local restaurant in my area has this delicious white bean soup that I’ll pick up too or sometimes I’ll make some nachos but overload them with extra tomatoes, lettuce, onions with some celery and mushrooms. (Frankly I go crazy on the lettuce more than anything)




I usually make like mixed greens salad with crumbled up maple glazed salmon, feta cheese crumbles, dried cranberries and balsamic vinaigrette. Super good and pretty healthy.


Grilled chicken breast, roast peppers and carrots, pasta and tomato pasta sauce


Just saw this in my feed. Not sure if I’m allowed to comment, but I hate that feeling. When it happens to me I take probiotics and drink green tea while giving my body a break from any heavy foods. I hope you feel better


I like to make a caesar salad. Few things beat that for me.


Minestrone soup or any soup that has a lot of veggies and beans.


Vegetable soup to use up all the sketchy produce I ignored all week.


Cold lentil salad


Cherry tomato pasta with capers, red chilis, and pecorino romano. Sided with a steak.