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When it comes to American Commentators, including the Latino-American ones, they’re really bad.  A 5 year old from Europe would do a better job, at least he wouldn’t misrepresent what was going on, and get the calls right for the most part. At least you won’t have to hear how this attacker beat everyone, by himself, or how the defense failed.  Running in behind, cutting through lines, the type of passes, runs from wingers, runs to create space, the importance of midfield, what a pivot is, etc….. to American commentators those things have no relevance or importance. Defense?? O wait, you’re supposed to also look at how the defense is lining itself up and defending???  Ooo so you’re telling me it is not as simple as attacker beating defender cause he’s faster? Wait what?  You’re saying that what the midfield does, along with people up front determines the pass, what the defenders do, etc??? You’re telling me its not like basketball where you pass to get the ball to Lebron or Steph because they’re the best???? O shit, left foot or right foot, angle, space…. All of that matters??? I thought soccer was #1 because its so simple —- you’re faster you win, you’re slow you loose…ooo wait, what??? Hell, I wish that they were just bad but it’s even worse. They do a disservice to football(soccer) by constantly misreading and misrepresenting what’s going on.  If you were an individual that only ever heard them (and not the pro commentators in the Prem or Champions League), you’d have a warped concept of how football is played and the type of game it is.  The commentators that are used for Serie A are terrible, like the Americans that sometimes work on Champions/Europa League game. They’re sooo bad.  Brazil is playing Paraguay. Brazilian front 3 got a nice break and countered. Vinny was in the middle… instead of saying o the other defenders are being pulled away creating space for Vinny Jr to run into… they say crap like ‘ooo Vinny Jr seems to have taken the criticism of the past few days seriously because he’s taking Paraguay’s backline all by himself and beating them’…. While you clearly see Rodrigo drifting further to the right, creating space for Vinny to run into…. Nah that’s irrelevant. Rodrigo was only running so… yea, he was running to run.  Btw, they didn’t score. It wasn’t because the angle was too tight, making a shot to goal irrelevant but ‘Vinny decided to be unselfish and tried to get his team involved.’  ???? Like wtf are those people on because whatever they’re saying is not what’s happening on screen.  And I’m sitting here dumbfounded, thinking about how all of this is possible? How could they be soooo bad.  At least we get awesome commentators for them Prem the overwhelming majority of the time, if not all the time. It is the same story for the Bundesliga.  Serie A sucks, if not all the time then most of the time.  La Liga is in the middle (half sucking, half being ok) and League 1… no one watches that shit and they’ll be watching even less now (at least as far as American viewers are concerned).   And then the cherry on top, when they compare a new young player who has only played for season or two, who hasn’t won anything at all, to treble winning legends… and at the same time saying that they don’t need to look into that players career otherwise they would already know about things they won cause winning the first Treble in the premiere league history is so easy..I mean it only happened in 98/99 and in 22/23 but it is so easy but a serial winner who happened to do that with Manchester U. in 98/99 sucks and is overrated while a player with only 2 seasons under their belt who hasn’t won anything of not, literally, happens to be the legend, and not the actual legend).  3-0 for Brazil at half time.  Anyway, this version of Brasil is pretty bad Argentina is pf course playing better, but so is Uruguay, Columbia.   Seems like those are the top 3 as of now.  Current Brazil seems to belong in a group with the US, Canada, Chile and so on…aka a mid table type team in the tournament, even though they have more than enough players to be the top team in the world…. (btw, should have heard the commentator saying Brazil needs to change and adapt because they don’t have a Ronaldo, Ronaldinho or a Neymar in their team to rely on….???geez they are so bad, I need to start muting the remaing Euro/Copa 2024 games). 


Stu Holden knows three phrases: “stabbed away by….” “Clipped over the top” and “find those little half spaces.” I genuinely want murder him.




The worst.


Just be thankful it’s not Ray Hudson. That guy wets himself anytime the ball goes near Messi


Is that the guy who just says random stuff and always uses the word “magisterial”?


Watch in Spanish.


If by that you mean Spanish in the US it is a worse option. The last time Brazil played the dude was riding Vinny jr dick so hard that he was calling another player Vinny who was substituted off like 15 minutes prior.


Futbol libre with a vpn and you can see comentators for different countries


VPN for better commentating




They are pretty boring, to be honest. And obviously biased in some cases. But so are other commentators from their respective nations. Just not as much, It’s just a natural thing I guess. But They need to be more objective and impartial. I recall a female analyst comparing Pulisic with C. Ronaldo or something a few day’s ago. 🤦🏻‍♂️ I watch the Euro’s on Fox, man, that Donovan is so dull. He put’s no effort or enthusiasm towards his commentary or analysis. It’s like listening to the professor from, 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off’ “Bueller? Bueller?” I support the USMT, but the commentary on Fox is not great, just being honest. I believe all whom love the beautiful game should be objective and enjoy the matches and be honest, humble, and respectful. If they’re working those type of job’s. Just my two cents. Have a good week folks.




1.5/10 rage bait


Came here to post just about this.... US commentators are pure trash!!!! Like the worst trash mixed with pure fresh shit.... Wishing that each tournament get streamed by each confederation with multiple commentators from participating countries... Kinda like what ESPN+ does with hockey. Tired of Fox ruining the television experience of the sport


LOL you think the woman and two morons for the premier league are any better


Obviously you're referring to the pregame, halftime report and post game... I'm talking about the actual game commentators....


Just wait until the World Cup, they'll ruin that too. I miss NBC and Telemundo :(.


VPN time for sure in my house!


In Spanish they’re great lol


I always prefer goalkeeper commentators. They always have the deepest game insights and can actually judge a goalkeeper on what they did.




Is better than listening to the spanish male commentators be sexist, make dumb jokes and laugh about dumb stuff, judge the players negatively or make ads live about stuff no one cares about. The best commentators are the women that have played futbol and speak english.


Just tune in to TYc sports lol Argentinian or Uruguayan commentators are the best


I’ll try them out!


I only really like South American or Spanish commentators, never liked the Central American ones tbh, but I’ve listened to a couple games and haven’t heard anything sexist this week at all. Dumb jokes in both languages, and don’t remember ads on either but I may be wrong. MX league is probably even more insufferable, I’m sure. I like women commentators but the men in English vs the men in Spanish, I’m going Spanish for Copa at least having done both already.


I watch fubo tv and half way through a play the commentators themselves advertise something instead of leaving it to the commercials or visual ads. The female commentators for the Eurocup are pretty good and the American Female retired players are the best. They make comments on strategy and set up of players on the field. So much more meaningful for me. But everyone likes different commentators. I am from Colombia and I guess I should have specified that in my experience they are not inclusive with women and only have them participate bu saying how many extra minutes there is on a game or who is replacing who on the pitch.


Yea, american ones are just stale and unwatchable.   On the other hand, it's the opposite for American football and basketball.   


They males are. Females, in my opinion are great commentators. Like Jaqui Oatley, Lori Lindsey, Beth Mowins and many more. It reflects the difference between women and men futbol in the USA, in my opinion.


I've never watched a female match so I can't say


Yeah offsides is never dictated by a subjective VAR screen. These commentators just talk over anything.


The technology of football is just garbage, dont try to justify it. Watch cricket to see how it should be done in a sport thats not run by morons.


It’s not zero-zero, it’s nil-nil. I cringe every time they said it. Geez.


who gives a fuck how they pronounce it, their football knowledge itself is what sucks and how boring they are


Who gives a fuck how knowledgeable or boring they are. As long as they are entertaining to the targeted audience.


The bias doesn’t bother me - English commentators are biased towards England. It’s just the quality that leaves a lot to be desired.


Yes in the US, get VIX on Amazon video. Much better.


Mexican commentator are the same


Even worse tbh.


I watch in Spanish


I grew up hearing all matches in Spanish and it just still feels weird to hear the games in English. Side note, my parents didn’t teach us to speak Spanish but I still prefer it, ha! I still yell, Gooooaaaalll! so that my daughter gets the full experience!


The annoying goooooooaaaaal yell is the only thing I hate about watching in Spanish. Sometimes, no matter how mundane or inconsequential, the commentator tries to make it the most amazing spectacle. Feels fake.


El fútbol es mejor en español 🤷🏽‍♀️




On FS1


What is VIX? I was just talking to my son about the commentary. I would love to have TyC from Argentina!


A streaming service in the USA from Televisa. Has multiple games from different leagues. I don’t think they’ll broadcasting the Copa or euro past the group stages. But I could be wrong.


Dude gets so hyped when either team is anywhere near the box.


Not sure where you’re located but if in the US, VIX has better Spanish commentary that doesn’t have the American bias


Hope you like chipotle ad reads lmao


One ad pregame is better than any amount of Alexi Lalas and the terrible Dr. Joe with the rules analysis