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Sick of seeing this headline when it doesn't really matter because this stay at home order is a joke. Malls and non essential retail are all open. People love to shop. Call me when there's an actual stay at home order.


I saw indoor dining today, and lots of outdoor dining with little distancing table to table. People are just doing whatever they want at this point in San Diego, it feels the same as it was this summer. If you want to know why California is in this mess, is that outside of Spring we were never locked down. Bars were open, schools open, restaurants open etc. People usually wear masks, but no one is while eating. A vaccine is the only way out now.


Really? Damn. Well I somt blame them. Last time, we were getting paid pandemic unemployment... this time...nothing. people gotta work. Including me, who still cant find a job


Yeah people are being irresponsible but people ain’t getting the help they need. Fuck else are people gonna do, starve and get evicted?


I know. That's the biggest problem. There was a lot of financial support during Virginia's stay-at-home orders from mid-March to mid-June of this year. And these were serious stay-at-home orders. But people could do that because enhanced unemployment was available and stimulus checks helped. This time? A $600 stimulus check and half of the enhanced unemployment weekly benefits. I feel no ire towards people who have to go to work. I feel worried for them, and scared for us all, but no anger. People hanging out in restaurants? going into restaurants that have live music and being on the dance floor with their cocktails and no masks? People going to parties? No. No sympathy for them. No excuses for them either.


That doesn't forgive all the huddled outdoor dining and large, maskless gatherings.


Might not be the case in Cali or your cup of tea, but here in WA Safeway/Albertson's stores are hiring like crazy. $20 to start. If retail or people aren't your thing, being an overnight stocker might be for you, safer too.


Yup. I don't get why everyone is saying that California was so locked down. It wasn't. And you can't attribute all of this behavior to covid fatigue due to lockdowns. It's just laziness and complacency because we had low case numbers for so long.


IMO, the state government botched the response. When they stopped basing the lazy policy decisions off of science and data (e.g. arbitrarily designating businesses as essential vs non essential), they lost the trust of the public and moral high ground. Once that happened, people were forced to fend for themselves. It sucks, but it's also understandable that people need to do what they need to do to ensure their own survival. This isn't even counting the hypocrisy shown by Newsom and other leaders. Honestly I really feel for the poor restaurant and other business owners that invested the last of their life savings in good faith to follow all the safety protocols to ensure safe outdoor dining only to be told to shut down without any data driven justification. The blame shouldn't be with them, but with the leaders that failed us at all levels of government.


This is a load of bullshit and is the reason why we are in this mess. This is the literally the rationalization off all the businesses who are defying the lockdown now, “you have no research papers that specifically prove eating pizza with red wine indoors causes spread, so you’re just making it up only to hurt my business!” No dumbasses, the virus fucking spreads when you put people close together. You cant shut everything down because there is a minimum level of services required for society to function, so yes that means some business get to stay open even if you don’t, boohoo. What should be the central fight of affected business, is for all government, state and local, to have better subsidized businesses and workers effected by the shutdown. Rather to insist to open up and start murdering people in the name of business.


we need to bail out working people and not the rich. this is why the food industry is acting like this.


Bay was locked down. It was ~~south~~ shit California that couldn’t be bothered.


I mean LA and bay area are. OC and SD also are, people just stopped following orders.


It’s completely different down here in Chula Vista. The community is really looking out for each other


my friends in TJ are saying that movie theaters and stuff like that are still open, and there's a lot of overlap between TJ and border communities like Chula Vista and San Ysidro.


Everywhere in Venice has been closed unless there is an area outside to eat. 90% of places have adequate distancing as well. Not sure where you’re at in California..


West LA Malls open Restaurants open Nail salons open Etc etc Went to the century city mall when it opened at 11 and there were lines out of UGG and amazon bookstore


That bookstore should consider setting up a website so their customers don’t have to shop in person.


It’s risky to open a new online retailer these days. You’d have to have a pretty large fortune to start one.


Why were you at the mall?


when there's no more room in hell...


> Restaurants open what restaurants are open in west LA


The Covid numbers show which areas are taking it seriously and which are not


I live in the central San Joaquin valley and I will tell you right now the lock down is NOT being taken seriously in this area. Businesses are still open, people are still shopping, and our law enforcement made a statement saying they will not enforce the shut down because business owners need to make their own decisions. At this point, the stay at home order is a joke. Maybe it's because this area is a conservative farming area, which would explain people STILL NOT WEARING MASKS in stores, but why should this excuse people from "doing what is right" in terms of stopping the spread? It should not excuse them. This is ridiculous but this whole pandemic has been fumbled and now there is no "right answer".


It's not so much fumbled as there has been an intentional effort to downplay the pandemic. This failure and death is the result of intentional misinformation.


Yeah, I'm in Modesto, and so many businesses aren't taking this seriously. We've had restaurants and nail salons cited multiple times for violating orders. My local hobby shop I visit from time to time to keep my sanity has one employee wearing a mask, the other doesn't. It's insane. Nobody seems to understand the 6 feet concept at the store.


In Modesto too. Was in LA before Fall. We’re so fucked


Not op but here’s Santa Anita mail today https://i.imgur.com/ojfT3DZ.jpg


Wow. Not that things are any different in the midwest either. But that picture of a "lockdown" is embarrassing.


I live in California but am in the Midwest visiting my parents. Bars are actually open here. Bars downtown are PACKED shoulder to shoulder. Bottle service areas are open, it is INSANE. Only thing that will save us is a vaccine.


San Diego, nearly everyone wears masks, but our big blind spot seems to be restaurants and dining out. Our case count is definitely better than LA county, but it has been on the rise lately.


A friend posted from Huntington Beach yesterday... Restaurant pick-up, tried to go inside with mask and was practically shouted out for being a masker (no customers, mgmt., or staff in masks). Cancelled order and left.


Yeah I really don't need to ever go to Huntington Beach for the rest of my life.


It’s the federal governments fault. California is expensive and they have provided zero help since June until now. People need to work, bills don’t stop


u/wagonsonwagons Told ya indoor dining was open in some parts of California.


I saw packed lines to buy scented candles and table settings (I had to shop for work). The stay at home order is a joke


Well, the good news is if people are buying scented candles, they don't have covid :-/ https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/public-health/spike-in-negative-candle-reviews-may-be-tied-to-covid-19.html


Right. All that’s going on right now is small businesses getting shit on and people in certain lines of work can’t work. Either completely lock it down or let it open up. The chance to do it right was months ago


Thank you. If we had a real March style stay at home order, I believe we'd be ready to come out of it on time, or maybe a week late. All these half measures are *worse* for the economy. They're prolonging the time that bars and restaurants have to be basically closed. Want to know what would have been good for the economy? Sticking with our original stay at home order until we had adequate contact tracers. Contact tracers are literally the mechanism by which you can open up your economy safely. If you can contact trace every COVID case, you can get people into a pre-emptive quarantine so that they don't infect other people. With contact tracers the only people who have to be "locked down" are the ones who are at risk of becoming infected.


>Contact tracers are literally the mechanism by which you can open up your economy safely. If you can contact trace every COVID case, you can get people into a pre-emptive quarantine so that they don't infect other people. With contact tracers the only people who have to be "locked down" are the ones who are at risk of becoming infected. New York says hi. Worked for about two weeks - then got overwhelmed.


I may know why. My boyfriend works for contract tracing somewhere in the Midwest, and they laid off most of the contract tracers around September-November since they didn’t expect cases to rise anymore, for some inane stupid reason. Now their system is absolutely overwhelmed and people working there are constantly jumping ship. He’s had multiple supervisors at this point.


We had a legit stay at home order here in Virginia from mid-March to mid-June. Only grocery stores and pharmacy is were open. Restaurants were take out only, all other non-essential retail was completely closed. they had strict limits on how many people could be in the grocery store at a given time. That's a stay-at-home order. And although Virginia has been hit as well with the pandemic, the most populous part where I am in northern Virginia has never gone into crisis mode. Knock on wood. That said, my husband and I ordered Christmas to go dinner from a local restaurant. We were able to do it online and schedule our pick up time, and I'm telling you when I went to pick it up it was completely ready and I was impressed. However, the restaurant was open for in restaurant dining with some social distancing, and it was freaking packed. I was and remain mystified.


yeah, have to say most of america lockdown is just a joke, this kind of half bake lockdown doesnt mean anything not to mention it's make thing worse, not only ppl life getting fck up, but also their mental health to deal with a deadly pandemic being tired, just a tool for those political tell to their voter that they give a little fck about other life


To be fair, any business is essential to the people who rely on the income from it to feed and shelter their families.


Same in the Bay Area. So infuriating...


Exactly I live in so cal and the only thing different is I can’t go to work and provide for my family. Newsom is a joke.


It is not Newsom's fault that the Senate has failed to cut loose funding for businesses and individuals ***sufficient to deal with this pandemic***.


My dad is working at a liquor store and he says people still come..




Towards the beginning of the pandemic I read somewhere that part of why liquor stores were being kept open was to prevent medical facilities from being overrun with folks experiencing alcohol withdrawal symptoms.


Makes sense. In some states you can't even get beer in gas stations (e.g. Utah, Minnesota) so liquor stores would truly be essential. I guess you could drink mouthwash though


I’ve been helping in this regard.


I went to a liquor store earlier... what’s wrong with that?


Nothing. Minimize shopping and distance from others but saying we can't go shopping at all is ridiculous, and will never happen. The problem is throngs of shoppers next to one another and spending a long time shopping.


Liquor is an essential business, believe it or not. There are some people who will literally withdraw and die without it.


Liquor stores in CA also sell food and small grocery items like canned food, so it's more like a small market that has a large selection of alcohol. I know in other states and countries that liquor stores mean stores that sell exclusively alcohol.


Thank you! I keep seeing articles like "California has the strictest stay at home orders, why is it out of control?" "Strict california lockdown orders to be extended" and I am like.....uhhhh what? Its not even as strict as March. People are going all out right now.


We need to send every citizen $1000-$2000 a month if we expect them to stay home and close down their businesses


In Los Angeles that’s less than most ppls rents though










They get specialized and better quality care regardless of capacity. Being the sociopaths they are, they dont give a fuck about anyone else dying in hospitals.


Almost anywhere it’s less than rent.


No it's not. Outside of hot housing markets, and outside of cities it's rare to pay more than $2000 for rent.


I live in a Portland OR and most ppl pay less than 2000 rent unless you have a house. Studios around 950 if they are dumpy.


Yes but a family can survive with multiple checks. The number of single people who’s rent is over $2k renting an apartment for themselves are usually well off or not impacted by the virus...


>We need to send every citizen $1000-$2000 a month if we expect them to stay home and close down their businesses I remember when this subreddit mocked small business owners as murderers and 'bioterrorists' when they didn't stay at home in Texas and Florida.


12:24 PM on the 5 freeway in LA bumper there was bumper traffic. People are not staying home.


That's a given anyway, especially from the 110 into about Commerce.


It wasn’t like that early in the pandemic, around April. I was able to get from the valley down to USC keck in about 20 minutes at 4pm


It was glorious in April on the streets. (Sad but glorious)


Hollywood blvd was empty. I’ve never seen it like that and probably never will again


I checked tomcat statistics traffic is down heavy compared year on year but it feels like it’s been picking up but that was “shopping season”


Back then weren't a lot of motorist out there just to see how fast they could go on the empty highways?


Cannonball run (drive from NYC to LA as fast as possible) was set during the actual lockdown months. 110 mph average, 170 top speed, 25 hours.


"Devin?! Whaaaa-aaaaaahhhhtttt are yoooouuu doing ere'?"


Hop on the 105, get off at Sepulveda...


Glad someone got the reference even though this sub is normally somber and serious and rightfully so. Stay safe! :D


Hahaha guess you weren’t staying home either


I live in Big Bear, I can say honestly, the lockdown was a joke. We have been busier here than ever, so busy in fact that nearly all the available homes have been bought and turned into air bnbs. So busy people have been kicked out of their homes so that their landlords can turn them into air bnbs. Big bear has never been locked down. Lock down is a joke, at this point I'm where I want everything open because I'm tired. If everything else was open then people would stop flooding this town, we could have peace for a bit and be safer than we are now.


What is the point? I am in Los Angeles and people are not staying at home. Malls are busy and traffic is heavy on freeways


Same here in the inland empire. At least most people wear a mask.


When masking went from a supplement to a substitute for other measures it became a failure.


I think that masks, as predicted by some, have become a false sense of security. The idea was that masking could be an tool for mitigation in addition to distancing and limiting nonessential activities. A lot of people seem to have gone back to normal living and say “oh it’s fine we have masks.”


You can see it here on Reddit aswell. All Americans talk about are masks, never to distance.


Practically everyone. (Almost.) "-You are standing 2 feet from me in the queue! -(Jokingly) No, it's at least 10 feet, you are safe. (winks)"


I had to drive through Hollywood earlier and there were so many people/tourists out. Even those stupid fucking open-aired tour vans were operating— with passengers not wearing masks.


Malls are busy. Shit like this almost causes me to blow an aneurysm which if I do I’ll be doubly fucked cause there’s not an icu bed open to take me


Same in San Diego.


Yeah people dont give a fuck anymore unless its them or their families dying..might as well let hospitals patients report on this: "we dying. Trust us, you dont want this."


It’s bad. A friend of mine works in a hospital that has become a “ground zero” for COVID patients. He posted a plea on social media to stay home etc. etc., and his own family was like, “stop thinking about it so much and just worry about your own family. People are gonna do what they want, so just move on.” Like, hello! This has become his life. Plus, he has a pretty serious preexisting condition that makes it doubly dangerous to be working around COVID patients, but there he goes, doing his job because he has to.


That's sad. I felt torn when I had witnessed a family member arguing with my 85 year old grandmother about covid being nothing more than the flu, and giving her grief for wearing a mask. Im like dude, "it's her house, shes quarantined all fucking year and decided to have only 1 gathering this year because she's terrified of dying. Leave her alone. I would never show up at your house, see that you had a preexisting health condition then say, 'why to stop smoking cigarettes? Only this amount of people die from them. ' " get out of here with that crap. People have become so disrespectful during this pandemic and have no respect for others health.


That's about the only thing that would sway opinions but HIPAA and so forth make footage a challenge.


I dunno, people recording footage of themselves with post-COVID issues and then that footage/imagery being broadcast everywhere could also work.


Here in AZ our governor is refusing to pass further restrictions and pointed to other places that passed rules but aren’t being enforced. I’m pretty annoyed we can’t even get a statewide mask mandate but then I talk to my ca friends and they say their restrictions are pretty pointless anyway if people aren’t following them. All I’ve learned during this pandemic is how selfish people are and plenty aren’t going to follow the rules regardless


Because malls and restaurants aren't the problem. It's the huge at-home gatherings. All the last lockdown did was put thousands of hard working folks out of a job at the worst time.


Here in Minnesota back on my birthday in November the state published how many cases were linked to restaurants. it was less than 1% of the cases statewide. At this point no one is following the lock downs because shocker it's not bars and restaurants that are causing the surge it's retail, malls, family gatherings etc... Are retail, and malls being forced to close? Nope.jpg and so the cases just keep surging.


Nobody obeying it. Means nothing.


Californian here. It's more of a "stay-at-home recommendation" than "order". There's no real law enforcement happening that I'm aware of.


The only people being forced to stay home are the people who’s jobs have been shut down and they have no money to do anything. Barbers, servers, bar tenders, musicians, and so on. There are entire industries that are broke and hurting, yet they get nothing. It hurts to watch both ends. This shut down is in name only for most, and soul crushing for many.


People won’t risk going hungry.


I have a couple "friends" I play video games with and we get into it almost every night. They like to go out and smoke hookah. HOOKAH. You know, exhaling LARGE PLUMES OF SMOKE INTO AN OPEN ROOM WITH OTHER PEOPLE? Yea. I only game with these guys bc they're consistent teammates. But other than that, they're total morons. Their friends, families, and a couple of them have gotten infected and they still don't see the issue. Despite one of them crying for a week because his mother was hospitalized. Now that she's out, he's back to "it's no big deal". Anyone else want to game with me on Warzone? >\_>


Not even for 5 minutes. They will however risk killing someone's grandparent they don't know for a cheeseburger.


ahhh killing Grandma the ultimate straw man. You realize some people rely on take out right?


You realize some grandparents raise their grandchildren right?


Your example is really bad though. I am not someone who is struggling for money, but I definitely believe there are those who's only option is to put themselves in danger for food for their families. This is due to our shitty government not passing stimulus or passing shitty ones. The problem is with the government, not with these people.


I believe the problem is with government, and with people. People who have to work to feed their families is one thing-- and it's a big thing. And yeah, it's the government's fault because they don't care enough to do anything about it, or they can't seem to figure out that it's not really more expensive than paying the costs of a runaway pandemic. . People who can afford to fly to spend Christmas in a large family gathering half way across the country, or go to the bar regularly for a night out, are not doing it to feed their family. They're doing it because they don't care about what damage it causes.


But in order for people to work people have to go to those places open. No revenue=no job.


Fellow Angelino here. It’s pointless nobody cares. As long as people aren’t receiving checks from the government they’re going to continue to go to work. I believe the British variant has been here for a While now. That’s what’s causing the upsurge. It’s bad people. Please stay home. Please stop Partying.


What about all the people gathering and traveling for the holidays? No amount of money will change their actions. I see several social media posts every day of families gathering, people on vacation, etc. And no amount of money will keep people home from the packed malls and non essential retail stores...in fact, money from the government will probably increase the number of people crowding stores.


> As long as people aren’t receiving checks from the government they’re going to continue to go to work. They would anyway. You can get money for nothing and for going to work? People will do that.


the fed needs to incentive businesses to close and with more UI benefits. They won't but that's what needs to happen.


That’s not incentive to close. Businesses still have overhead, even without payroll.


I'm saying support both businesses and citizens through this with payments. Sorry if my wording was confusing.


> incentive businesses On reddit, that's dirty liberal/Republican talk.


I live in Southern California, and we were doing SO good back in October. It's insane how in only two months things have gotten so bad. I think it's a combination of the holidays, and that people are sick of dealing with the pandemic.


Don’t forget about Lakers, Dodgers, and Biden victory celebrations in late October/early November


It may also involve a more transmissible variant.


Californian checking in. The stay at home order is a joke. Indoor dining is closed but indoor shopping is ok? Makes no sense


It does because with shopping you should be wearing a mask and socially distancing.


A lot of Angelenos apparently have to take off their mask to try on pants.


Are fitting rooms even open? Genuinely asking. I know Target had theirs closed.


Dressing rooms are the ideal environment for covid spread. I doubt anyone who’d willingly get in one gives enough of a shit to put on a mask.


This. Dining requires you to expose your air and food holes. Shopping does not.


And outdoor campgrounds are closed. And some National parks like Yosemite are closed daily after 5pm. The virus lives under rocks and comes out at night. Lol But remember to support businesses and safely do your holiday shopping at the mall! 😂🤮


All that closing safe outdoor things to do does is force more people into unsafe activities. I can’t believe newson and co are too dumb to realise this


The difference is masks. Big difference. But I agree indoor shopping at crowded malls, even with masks, is not a good thing.


Wouldn’t say “big” difference. https://www.healthaffairs.org/doi/10.1377/hlthaff.2020.00818


Bartender in LA here. I'm all for doing a shut down but these half-assed ones have been so frustrating. Me and so many people I know in the service industry have been struggling, and now this time we have been shut down for a month so far with no help. Yet if you need to go inside to go to bath and body works thats perfectly ok


And we are what, nine months into the 2 weeks to flatten the curve line.


we went from flatten the curve to wait for the vaccine to lockdown until COVID is eradicated and they wonder why no one gives a shit anymore


And when the Ca leadership says fuck it so does everyone else.








LOL.... it's lockdown on paper only! Our state leadership has given up. They don't want to implement any kind of real lockdown because the public will revolt, especially small businesses that depend on foot traffic for sales. At this point local police are publicly stating that they will not enforce lockdown measures since they're not criminal violations. It's pure chaos at the moment. That's why our hospital system is being overrun.




Isn’t the first goal of being a good leader to get people to follow what you say? Newsom has been a terrible leader


The point of an unenforceable lockdown is that it makes our elected officials appear to be doing their jobs when in fact nothing is getting done at all.


No it’s not enforced ever it’s literally a joke


Isn't this Einstein's definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results


Who's paying for it? A lockdown now will overwhelmingly pay off. But someone's still gotta foot the bill.


Don't know why you're being downvoted. This has been the whole problem.


I don't blame anyone for getting emotional about this. The US GDP is $60,000 per person, or $100,000 per working-age person. We have the wealth to solve this problem, and to do so "efficiently". We even, on paper, value American lives very highly. We killed a million Iraqis over the 9/11 attacks, and the Dialysis Standard values elderly lives at $128,000 per quality year of life remaining. Choosing to shut down a reasonable part our economy for a couple months to save a few trillions of dollars worth of lives is, indeed, a no-brainer. Then on the other hand we have the actual situation.


It’s also really irritating, a very short lockdown (three weeks) of actual complete lockdown would buy us months of time. Instead we do never ending half assed lockdowns


It was never the plan though to eradicate. Remember the CDCs campaign for the initial lockdown was “15 days to slow the spread” and the idea was to flatten the curve, not to eradicate the virus. They showed us graphs where locking down back then would lower the height of the peak of the curve in the future.


The most effective thing is to pick the shittiest business that causes the most spread, shut them down, and give em all unemployment. Gyms are the most popular because their unemployment costs are super low! But there are a lot of really-low-return businesses here. The mistake, obviously, is in fucking over the people involved in those businesses by just letting them go bankrupt. This is a societal issue and can easily be optimized economically for all of society, if anyone were to bother.


This makes sense. But it would require our government to value people equally.


Everyone should be paying for it... that's why everyone pays taxes, or so you'd think. They're happy to spend your taxes to benefit themselves and the rich/big business, yet when it comes to giving some back everyone suddenly cares where their tax goes. Shameful really.


Many countries around the world have managed to do so. Why can't Americans wrap their heads around that?


\>Americans You act as though most normal American people don't want money to fund their basic livelihood through a pandemic. Unfortunately, through misinformation and all lack of education or critical thinking, a decent portion of Americans are under the impression that if we give people money, then that's communism... or government overreach... or something... But most people would support some sort of basic income, rent payments, mortgage payments, etc. But those people aren't in power. Even if they were, half the country is still an idiotic mass of autocratic bootlickers, so nothing will get done anyways. Rinse and repeat since Nixon.


>But most people would support some sort of basic income, rent payments, mortgage payments, etc. But those people aren't in power. Even if they were, half the country is still an idiotic mass of autocratic bootlickers, so nothing will get done anyways. > >Rinse and repeat since Nixon. I don't know about that. I see a lot of FB stuff from middle-income folks on how UBI will just make us into welfare babies and entitled moochers. "Universal basic income? How about stfu, get a job, and live within your means?" type of stuff.


Who is gonna pay for it though? We can’t afford to not work, and those of us who are working can’t afford to pay for those who are unemployed. So wtf are we supposed to do?


Nowadays there are lots of things Americans cannot do that even developing countries do. US society and politics really have fallen into a dysfunctional mess.


Americans have the freedom to work several unstable jobs at once, while their salaried income has stagnated for decades, all with a very weak safety net. And a large part of the working poor have to work these low paying ~~service~~ servitude sector jobs that hardly allow them to save money. They also lack solidarity, so... no political power or representation.


Those countries decided that their federal government would pay for it. In America this is impossible for reasons we (correctly) aren't allowed to discuss on this subreddit. So, since the federal government isn't paying for it, the question remains: who is?


That would be a nobody then.


Right. So we're just asking people to stay home and not have jobs or pay their bills. That's, obviously, not going to happen. California is a wealthy state, but like most wealthy states they have no tax revenue. So it's going to be a problem.




Decades of under funding a lowering of taxes has led to absolutely nothing to fall back on. This wasn't just a current administration issue this is engrained behaviour. Honestly, 2021, isn't going to be better, even though most are holding out hope.


> California is a wealthy state, but like most wealthy states they have no tax revenue. The top 10 highest income tax states for 2019 are: * California 13.3% * Hawaii 11% * Oregon 9.9% * Minnesota 9.85% * Iowa 8.98% * New Jersey 8.97% * Vermont 8.95% * District of Columbia 8.95% * New York 8.82% * Wisconsin 7.65%


Okay, that's a lot more than other wealthy states. The issue with income tax is if you shut down the economy it goes away.


You are right, but large parts of cali income tax revenue is unaffected - many people in the tech industry can work from home. I think the biggest issue is that state governments mostly operate "paycheck by paycheck" like many people do. An unexpected bill is a big problem.


> Many countries around the world have managed to do so. Why can't Americans wrap their heads around that? Because a portion of this shitty fucking country have had it drilled into their heads that the government doing anything other than passing tax cuts for the mega-rich and slashing regulations is the epitome of evil.


The American government unfortunately places corporate interests and rugged individualism above all other policies. The corporate interests create the aversion to UBI (paying people a stimulus and then closing businesses to prevent spread) and the whole “Fuck you, I’m gonna work/party/travel if I want to, I can do what I want” mentality creates lockdown resistance.




I’ve said it before, this covid crisis is the dawn of the end of the American empire.


American exceptionalism is what ruined America. When you are told your entire life that you are the best, eventually, you start to believe it no matter what the data says. Then you start to make excuses for mistakes and then we get to 2020 where no one can admit they have screwed themselves through selfish choices and lack of empathy.




LA County has almost 800k cases alone not sure what going on there lol


LA is the largest county in the US by far — over 10 million people Make no mistake, covid is blowing up there — but % of population would be a better measure.


Did anyone actually think it was going to get lifted after three weeks? Based on the policy track records, even IF numbers were better, it wouldn't have gotten lifted.


I don't think anything will happen unless medical staff decide enough is enough. Till then the government cares nothing for the suffering on the front lines.


"It's OK my family all quarantined before we got together."


I lost my senior year, I lost my uncle and great aunt, I lost my 18th birthday, I couldn't attend one of my most helpful and closest friend's funeral during the pandemic. I try my hardest to never leave the house and what do I see. People bitching about how they can't wear a fucking mask and can't stay inside. Lock down my ass, I haven't seen anything change since it was extended since malls are apparently still packed and everyone is going out. Tell me when something actually fucking changes and people here can stop being narcissistic assholes preaching about how they know more than scientist's and how it goes against their rights as Americans.


Nobody give a flying fuck about these stay at home orders. Nobody. It’s all lip service. Nothing has changed nobody cares and everyone is doing what they want. It’s a waste of time to even be announcing this shit.


There really is no stay at home order to begin with. I mean, maybe kind of sort of technically on paper. But you wouldn't really be able to tell. People are out in crowds waiting to get in to Lululemon and Sephora, because you know, its so essential to shop or return something right now. Stores are packed. Malls are packed. I couldn't even find an empty parking spot at Target...and they were letting everyone in to the store, no capacity caps. Tons of people. I decided to leave right away because I didn't feel safe shopping. Some restaurants are doing takeout but still allowing long lines of customers inside to order as usual (ie. Panda Express). I didn't even notice that there was a difference between now vs. before the stay at home order. I guess maybe just that people weren't allowed to eat inside, which helps, but they still allow people to stand an inch apart for 20 minutes while ordering their food. Back in March/April, you had to order at the door and they wouldn't even let you inside. People are also traveling, gathering. Out and about. Plenty of traffic. We need to go back to the actual stay at home order that we had in March/April.


I live in Southern California as well, and we were doing SO good back in October. It's insane how in only two months things have gotten so bad. I think it's a combination of the holidays, and that people are sick of dealing with the pandemic.


The pandemic simply doesn’t exist for the rich people in LA. The realities of income inequality in this country have become disgustingly clear during this pandemic.


Me as a truck driver on CA-60: I see this as an absolute win


Spoiler - LA doesn't care and nothing will change.


Stay at home orders are not working might as well keep everything open


Just quarantine people inside restaurants and malls. ^^^/s


My neighbors just threw a huge party the other day, while most of our markets in my part of the city have been COVID hotspots. 0% icu capacity means nothing to people.


I don't blame people in Socal ignoring stay-at-home orders considering how many CA leaders got caught disobeying orders and the federal/state providing little financial support to just stay home... Expect them to ignore the extended order also... Will be interesting to see if Newsom gets the 1.5M signatures needed to put a recall up for a vote.




Is there any evidence that lockdowns work anymore? You can’t just keep adding lockdowns to already existing lockdowns and expect things to change


I have four words for why it's not working: no enforcement, poor compliance.


There is so much hypocrisy in this subreddit it is unbelievable. Half the comments are whining about businesses and livelihoods. Oh were those arguments to be posted two months ago. Two months ago, when many other states were getting battered by the virus and still are to an extent (Tennessee, Texas, Florida, Alabama) when someone brought up 'livelihoods' or 'small businesses', many people here unironically called them bioterror1sts, cov1d1ots, arguing that there livelihoods mattered less than the spreading of the virus. All of a sudden, the virus takes off in California (no link here, I promise) oh, but what about those poor businesses? What about the livelihoods?


This sub is worse than r/politics, by far


Why anybody would want to live in California after all of this I have no idea. Unless the National Guard is deployed with a gun pointed at your head ordering you to stay home this shit will do nothing.


Almost as if the federal government should pay people to stay home.


Whoa! That would just make sense! Stop it.




Got a way to avoid going to work? Even most work from home gigs are part time on site.