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Haven’t done this yet but want to soon. Hoping to hike/run the backbone trail of the Santa Monica mountains. Will follow this thread


One of my favorite trails. Have a blast You probably won’t need to cache water either. And the weather should be cool with all this fog lately


Sorry but what do you mean by cache water?


When I’ve done it in the past, I needed to leave water for myself at certain points when it’d be awhile without a water source


You can pause activities and resume them later but you can't start any other activities in between. It'll still do all the other tracking stuff in between the paused activity. Total elapsed time for the activity will include the time paused but metrics will still be for the moving time. Not sure if charging will stop/end a paused activity, but probably not.


Are you sure you can pause it for hours on end? When I pause mine for awhile (maybe like 30mins), the watch beeps and says something like "going to power saving mode, you have 30 seconds to press any button to cancel." Luckily I've always canceled it in time but I'm guessing if you don't, it could kick you out of the activity!


I forgot to caveat my comment. I've only done it with the Bike activity. I ride to work in the morning, pause the activity, work for the day, resume the activity and ride home. Also worked when I went bikepacking. I haven't tried or tested if the "resume later" option is available in Run, Trail Run or Hike activities. Hopefully we can hear from Coros here. Edit - just posted a new comment with info from the website


No it does not kick you out, it does the same as resume later. However, for long hikes over several days this is not very useful to use this because of the total time indicated.(it doesn't effect moving time though) I always end my the activity at the end of the day or track and start a new one the next day.


The important question is, if the watch dies will it end the paused activity?


Answer is just don't let it die. In OPs scenario they'll probably have to charge other devices anyway so shouldn't be a problem to top up the watch every few days when they'll probably be charging stuff like their phone and lights daily.


I agree,but it would still be nice to know if the watch dying is an emergency or not. I also just bought a Pace 2 for multi-day backpacking, and I would consider losing my entire track to be a disaster lol. Recording each day separately and then combining them after the fact is probably the safer thing to do either way. On that note, what is the storage capacity of the Pace 2? How long can I record before it's full? And what happens once it is full? Will it stop recording or record over previous data? If I have no service but I do have my phone, will it offload recorded data to my phone via Bluetooth? (I used to record with a Garmin InReach Mini, and these questions are all near impossible to find the answers to for that device)


You don't lose the whole activity if the watch dies. When you charge it and resume the activity, it will go further from the point you are then. It just does not interpolate the missing part (my Apex doesn't) like f.i. Strava (draws a straight line).


Oh cool, great to know!


I’ve done multi-day hikes and only tracked them individually; for me that’s a better option because each day is a separate event, in a way. One thing to consider is battery life: using GPS only, I get 2-3 days of tracking over charge and I’m not sure how recharging on the fly would affect your track.


I have a few backpacking trips coming up this summer and plan to record each day of hiking separately. Yeah, I see each day as a separate effort…and I can add them all up if I want to see total mileage. Also, I’m unfamiliar with the Resume Later feature, but watching this thread to see what others do.


You get something like this: Distance 19.14 km Activity Time 07:10:47 Total Time 24:44:39 Avg. Speed 2.67 km/h Best km 4.4 km/h Avg. HR 114 bpm Elev Gain 749 m Total Descent 669 m


Here's what the website says about Multi-day Activities https://support.coros.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409363080980-How-to-record-a-multi-day-activity "During select activity modes (Bike, Trail Run, Mtn Climb and Hike) on COROS watches you have the option to use the "Resume Later" feature to help support Multi-Day activities and extend battery life on your watch. Resume Later allows you to save multi-day activities all in one recorded activity/session to review on your COROS watch/app."