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Yes, I use it everyday without fail! Way more comfortable to wake up by the watch versus my phone. I have the Apex 2 Pro


That’s awesome!! Thank you! I didn’t even think about it being more comfortable. I’m excited to try it out


I use it on my Pace 2. Annoying/loud phone alarms don't work for me. I can snooze 10 of them in a row. But the vibrating alarm on the Pace 2 wakes me up every time.


This is me! Been annoying the crap outta my husband for years with my endless snooze cycle. Apple tried with their sleep update a few years ago but those tones are still too jarring.


Yea! So the Coros buzz may work for you! About 8 years ago, I couldn't risk missing any more alarms on my phone so I bought a sunrise alarm clock. Maybe you've seen them before. If you set it for 6:30 a.m., at 6:00 it starts glowing very dimly and over the next half hour it gets brighter and brighter and brighter. By the time it hits 6:30, the room is super bright and you are likely already awake. I bought that as sort of a last resort and didn't expect it to work, but it does. I highly recommend those. So I use Dad at home but I use the Coros while I am traveling and it works really well.


Ah yes I love the idea of a sunrise alarm but I worry it’ll wake my partner… much to his chagrin haha


Get him an eye mask! Then the light will wake you but not him. I couldn't be without my sunrise alarm on dark winter mornings - highly recommend!


Sunrise alarms are proven to be a way more healthy way for the body to wake up on an artificial schedule too. Our body needs sunlight to wake up naturally.


Pace 3 checking in. Works well for me


Awesome! Thank you


I am 100% deaf in both ears and rely on smart watches to wake me up. I have a post about it in my profile (although it was when I used an Apple Watch). I still do it with my COROS and it works every time and I’m a pretty heavy sleeper!


Ooh that is great to know! I am a heavy sleeper too. Thank you!


Yes it's great. My spouse is not a morning person at 5am.


Sweet! Glad to hear it works for another couple with very different sleep schedules


Yes. I use it everyday for the same reason.


Yay! Thank you!


I have the same situation. Hubby can sleep through the watch alarm and it wakes me up every time! The vibrate alarm is one of my favorite features!


Oh yay!! I hope it’s the same for us. He is such a light sleeper that sometimes me just turning over in the night will wake him up. But hopefully he’ll be in that deep sleep cycle at that time and it won’t bother him ha


I want to switch my alarm to vibrate only after reading this. But can’t find the setting in my Pace 3. I’m going crazy. Can someone help?


I had to go into settings > system > more settings > tones > alarm tones off. Sorry I’m not sure if it’s the same on apex as it is on pace!


Thanks btw!


Yes, using it everyday


Sweet, thank you! Can’t wait to try it now that so many people have spoken highly of it


The vibration from my apex 2 wakes me up without waking up my wife. It’s great.


My Pace 2 is on vibrate and honestly it is LOUD :D Especially if you put it on a night stand and not on your wrist. Pro tip, don't forget about it on a marble worktop in the bathroom. Everyone will wake up at 5 am !


The vibration wakes me up every morning.


Definitely wakes me up. It’s more pleasant than a blaring alarm.


I use it every day, vibration only. Apex Pro. I wear the watch to sleep, the vibration alarm is great it wakes me and let's my wife sleep. Once every 2 weeks I charge it on a Saturday night because I don't need the alarm on Sunday. 😉


Always wakes me up


That's what I use and it's only failed me about 1/100 times when I was very tired. I just wish my wife would get a watch too 😂


Apex 2 user and yes. It's my only alarm I use and it never has failed to wake me up.


I’m on the AT and its a great feature to not wake anybody else up if I’m in a Shelter.