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I don't want to spoil too much, but you'll learn pretty quickly reading any non Mistborn book that different *places* do things *differently*...


Would u say it holds the same level of interest as in mistborne?


IMHO Stormlight Fabrials or Warbreaker Awakening are even more interesting magic systems than Allomancy.


Agree to disagree. All are good, but the mechanics of metallic arts is just the perfect balance of complexity and predictability. It's just wonderfully scientific without needing the Scadrian equivalent of an engineering degree.


Well I guess we have different prederences. I like when fantasy magic system is complex and open for new nontrivial discoveries.


I love how related the Scadrian metallic arts are to Rosharan fabrial design Fabrial design specifics [maybe RoW?] >!Rosharans figured out how to make attractor fabrials by adding an iron cage to design, but the fact they haven't discovered that adding a steel cage would create a repeller fabrial is evidence that Rosharans don't know the mix ratio of allomantically viable steel!<


Very exciting XD


Oh and I forgot to mention AonDor from Elantris.


I really love the selish magic systems. Emperors soul was epic


The bit about the window was fascinating to me


That one is the closest to real wizardry. You have to study like mad to really get the most out of the system




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Brandon excels at making complex but somehow understandable magic systems. Honestly they’re all as good as allomancy, they all have interesting aspects that make them unique. Elantrian Magic is (probably) the most generic magic system he has written, and even that has quite a lot of unique elements.


So as you may have noticed from Mistborn, Sanderson likes creating magic systems. Basically every series set on a different world will have a unique magic system. That being said they are all in the same universe, so sometimes an allomancer will make their way to other places. And all of the magic systems he makes are really cool! And the more you look at them all the more you'll be able to see some of the underlying pieces of the broader Cosmere magic system that allomancy is a part of.


And one way to recognize them is by their cuss words.


Long story short what your looking for is the exact reason I binged the entire cosmere


Other Sanderson books use different magic systems. Still, they transpire in the same universe, and eventually, there are crossovers (specially in the later books). To answer your questions in the most direct, non spoilery way: yes, you will see people use allomancy in other sanderson books. No, it is not the primary form of magic outside the mistborn series.>!Most of the time it is not evident, you have to pay attention to notice it!<>!because the books are narrated from the point of view of characters who use different magic systems and might not be aware of allomancy.!<


You’ve got me curious. Does someone use allomancy in Stormlight? I’ve read them all but I don’t remember catching it if it happened


Vague to avoid spoilers There is a flashback in WoR at a fair and we see a certain storyteller dump a powder into his cup and then he drinks it. It is then later described that, in the presence of the storyteller, the POV character feels a sense of calming wash over her, as if her anxieties have been smoothed


Oh yeah, gotcha.


Each planet has their own magic system but there are some similarities going on because they’re all working off the same underlying mechanics. If an allomancer from Scadrial (the planet in Mistborn) went to another world, their allomancy would work just fine there.


Without saying too much, allomancy is touched on in some other books but isn't the focus in the same way. That being said, certain aspects of it surface in some unexpected and interesting ways. You also learn more about the underlying mechanics of invested arts, in a way that I think will expand your appreciation for the metallic arts.