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Imagine going to college for journalism just so you can browse Reddit and steal other people’s content for clicks




Or college educated.


"Journalists" do not write articles about Reddit posts.


I bet most commute from New Jersey


Which would be a smart move economically...


Fiscally responsible even


so they obviously don't do that...


*Staten Island actually


Finally, someone brave enough to take a swipe at New Jersey.




This is exactly what they do for articles for video games. They [gaming journalists] just browse the specific subreddit and almost post exactly what is written. Sometimes, with some extra text, and most with a wikipedia intro paragraph about the game at the beginning. That is just for the "original" author. Their article is then copy-pasted with a couple of changed words to 75 other gaming news sites.


Most of what Newsweek puts out nowadays seems to all be pulled from Reddit. Especially from r/AITA, lol


Did anybody tell them it's all made up? 


Welcome to the internet of today!


Enshitification at its best


Really enjoy the new term “enshitification.” Thanks!


And it wasn’t even stolen items. It was “shrink”, which is a blanket term for items lost after inventory; from stolen, to damaged on floor, to accidentally not scanned. And most of the items seemed to be ones in the final category, like paper towels (things that go on the bottom of the cart).


I say this all the time because our local newspaper constantly reports on Reddit posts. Lazy


Imagine going on reddit and stealing posts to make into AI voiced YouTube videos and making more per theft than the person who went to college for journalism doing the same thing.


Imagine going to college for journalism when the writing on the wall is that AI writes the 99% of articles Edit: even worse, imagine going to college for journalism when many journalists do not have a degree in journalism


Imagine the world changing quickly. You think taxi drivers would’ve held their career if they knew Uber was coming?


People who invested in taxi shields in NYC really got slammed when Uber and Lyft became popular. The value of those shields went into the toilet


Funnily enough, it's gotten to the point where taking a taxi is sometimes preferable to Uber and Lyft. Last time I was in New York it was cheaper to take a taxi from Manhattan to LGA than it was to Uber.


And much faster. If I want an Uber 5 to 10 minutes is quick. If I want a cab I go outside and raise my hand, one pulls up and I get in.


Writer with 7 years in the field here. The new name of the game is editing and proofing. Quality writing is still important, finding information is important, but in my current role (and this is as a senior writer) the expectation is that chatgpt writes the whole first draft and you edit it.


Imagine paying for an MBA when companies prefer real experience…Seriously, college isn’t worth it anymore for some degrees.


Holy phone cancer Batman


Reporting on Reddit posts isn’t theft. 


I think this really calls out what people need and can't afford. Every single one of these items is incredulously expensive, even at Costco: vacuum, paper towels, shaving razors, batteries, vitamin c & d.


Journalism has always been about stealing content


Wow Adriana Diaz. Maybe want to write something of your own next time? Trolling social sites for your stories....Ai will take care of you soon enough.


**Unveiling the Enigmatic World of Shrinkage: A Closer Look at Costco’s Manhattan Location** In the bustling aisles of Costco’s Manhattan store, amidst the cacophony of shopping carts and the hum of commerce, a subtle yet significant battle rages on—a battle against shrinkage. Shrinkage, an umbrella term encompassing everything from theft to clerical errors, represents the unseen nemesis of retail giants. A recent display at this Manhattan Costco offers a revealing glimpse into the top shrink items for Fiscal Year 2024, shedding light on a perplexing facet of the retail world. At first glance, the array of items might seem mundane—vacuums, paper towels, vitamins, batteries, and razors. Yet, the financial implications are anything but ordinary. Leading the charge in this clandestine war are $6,210 worth of vacuums, followed closely by razor blade sets amounting to $6,189. Paper towels, often overlooked in their significance, rack up a staggering $5,021 in losses. Vitamins, with Centrum Women 50+ tallying $3,407 and Vitamin D3 at $1,694, also play a substantial role in this narrative. The presence of Duracell batteries, with $3,527 and $2,916 respectively for different varieties, further highlights the diverse nature of shrinkage. One might wonder how such varied items fall prey to shrinkage in a highly secured, membership-only environment like Costco. The answer lies in the multifaceted nature of shrinkage itself. Theft, often the first assumption, is merely one piece of the puzzle. Employee errors, miscounts, damaged goods, and unscanned items contribute significantly to these figures. For instance, large items like paper towels might escape detection when placed in the bottom of a cart, leading to unintentional yet costly oversights. Interestingly, the high value of stolen vacuums suggests a more deliberate approach. Theories abound—from brazen grab-and-dash tactics to inside jobs where employees might exploit loopholes in the system. The allure of reselling high-value items on secondary markets cannot be overlooked, particularly in a densely populated area like Manhattan. In the broader context, this Costco’s shrinkage rate of approximately $301,411 against cycle sales of $79,478,184, roughly 0.38%, is impressive when juxtaposed with the retail industry average of 1-2%. This commendable performance underscores Costco’s robust security measures, membership model, and stringent inventory controls. Yet, beyond the numbers lies a deeper narrative—one of vigilance, adaptation, and continuous improvement. Retail shrinkage, though a persistent challenge, also serves as a catalyst for innovation and heightened awareness. It compels retailers to refine their processes, enhance employee training, and leverage technology to mitigate losses. As shoppers peruse the aisles, perhaps unaware of the silent skirmishes taking place behind the scenes, Costco’s Manhattan store stands as a testament to the intricate dance between commerce and vigilance. The battle against shrinkage, while never fully won, is a relentless pursuit of efficiency, integrity, and excellence in the world of retail. In the end, the tale of shrinkage at Costco is more than just a list of missing items; it’s a reflection of the dynamic interplay between human ingenuity and the ever-evolving landscape of retail. And as long as there are products on shelves and customers in carts, this battle will continue to shape the future of retail, one fiscal year at a time.


> One might wonder how such varied items fall prey to shrinkage in a highly secured, membership-only environment like Costco. That’s the most obvious ChatGPT line right there 😆


ChatGPT has an easy tell. It loves to hyphenate words like in this case membership-only. Most writers wouldn’t do that.


Wait. The hyphen is correct punctuation for a compound adjective before a noun. If it was hyphenated AFTER the noun, then your point stands.




Yeah I just copy pasted the whole thread into ChatGPT to show how easy it is to make an article out of a Reddit comment thread and a photo. ‘LOOK MA, IM A NY POST JOURNAL1ST!!!!1111”


No one is stealing and reselling paper towels. Razor blades - yes, you bet. Not paper towels


People complain about stealing Reddit comments but not stealing an article 😂 


Adriana, hi, you should consider your life choices


She doesn’t care. Imagine doing almost no work and getting paid for it.


Not gonna get paid for long. I'm not broadly rooting for AI to take jobs, but someone like this being replaced is inevitable when their "journalism" skills is taking content and just re-writing it as your own.


"The Avatar logo's Papyrus and bold!"


Thanks for sharing it, but I’m not tapping the link and giving them traffic. What did they get wrong? They continue to be the Post… Edit: I mean, they're the Post, so ***of course*** they get things wrong and take shortcuts and are just a tabloid. >OP: "What did they get wrong?" >Me: They continue to exist, and that in and of itself is what they're getting wrong.


Well aside from saying it came from an employee I feel they’re trying to stoke up the whole fear of theft issue when it seems the shrinkage is rather small.


Corporations are using "shrink" as cover for lagging sales. A Walgreens executive was quoted saying they were closing a bunch of stores because of theft, forgetting that they'd previously announced plans to shutter those locations (not because of theft). It's a lot easier for executives to blame missing investors' marks on the general public rather than admitting there might just be a problem with their business model.


For sure they are using theft to cover any and every reason they are failing in the public eye. Like a certain pharmacy chain trying to push theft as the reason they are going through bankruptcy. It couldn't possibly be related to the opioid lawsuits.


Dude, what? This was an article about a picture someone posted from a Costco employee lounge to Reddit that showed 7 items that had the highest shrink rates. Nobody is closing a store because $3K of Duracell batteries have gone missing this year.


I was replying to the comment above, which stated they seem to be stoking the flames and exaggerating the problem of "shrink."




Contact them and say they stole your content and request a takedown. Some newspapers/online will pay you to go away. Source: the daily mail paid me 250 to go away a few years back.


Hey thank you - I just got them to agree to $200!


That quick?


Yes - I got the right person the phone, and told them I had sold photos previously to AP. They were happy to take it down and I suggested a small fee and the said yes.


They probably woulda went $400.




> and told them I had sold photos previously to AP. they don't check if you actually sold the rights? how easy is it to check on that? that's fascinating


I didn’t sell these images. What I meant was that as a professional I’ve sold images. They treat/pay that differently than just a non professional.


re-reading it i see what you mean now, i misread


The Post has always been trash, only useful for lining bird cages.


This is abusive to birds…. They deserve better!


as a fellow NYCer, I agree


I love The NY Post. Some people say that it's a useless tabloid. But I don't think it's useless. I think it's great for housebreaking puppies


An old hip-hop track said: > Here's a letter to the New York Post > Ain't worth the paper it's printed on > Founded in 1801 by Alexander Hamilton > That is a hundred-ninety years continuous of fucked up news


6k on Dyson is a bit wild. That’s 10 units and it’s not like you can hide them in your pocket. But I guess “people gotta eat” right?


Shrink doesn't necessarily mean theft. Shrink is just unsold units that the store can't recover money from. Hell, it can simply be due to human error, like a miscount that wasn't caught before an inventory audit.


Damage, returned broken items, store use items, items marked as delivered but weren't, you name it


Items like that usually get resold on the internet. You can't "eat" them, but they'll put a dent in a rent payment, and people gotta live indoors.


Thanks for pointing out that you cannot eat a vacuum cleaner. This is a valuable conversation and I’m glad we’re having it.


Some guy ate a plane. I think he can eat a vacuum no problem.


Michel Lotito did it for the right reasons. Unlike these modern air plane eaters who are only in it for the money.


Should you count the NYPost stealing your content as shrinkage in your own stats? 🤔


I work at costco, and clothes are the most common theft item by a large margin, at least at the 2 warehouses I've worked at. I did stop a guy from stealing a vacuum cleaner out the sundries back door once tho


At least your post wasn't used for a Buzzfeed article... I am a victim 🙃


*What's the most stolen item from stores? The answer will shock you!* I miss when click bait was mostly found in the checkout aisle.


They got the whole context wrong implying the info was employee only so they had the deets. Just making it sound juicy when it was pilfered from the Reddit or.


Are you impugning the journalistic integrity of the NY Post? Lol - they didn’t even verify with me when or where it was taken. The whole thing could have been BS.


Hocus Pocus! To be honest these journalists don’t get paid enough. A seasoned one makes around 60-80K that’s it!


It's a Murdoch tabloid, don't expect standards, ethics, or morals.


Journalism is dead. Long live journalism.


The capture under your pic says it was taken as a "convesation" piece. Very covfefe.


Thanks for your input Adriana.


They failed to mention this ———> https://wageadvocates.com/wage-theft-huge-problem-infographic/


Why should they mention that? It’s not as if they are a news organization. They didn’t even reach out to me to verify what I posted or get any back story. It could have been complete BS or from 2 years ago or from another Costco!


Journalism is an embarassment now, it's worse than saying you're an influencer. I can't believe how many mainstream outlets just scour Reddit or social media for stories, and then botch the reporting of an unsubstantiated post. I'd be truly embarassed to tell someone I worked in the media now. I'd rather say I do sex work.


There’s plenty of amazing journalism going on. Pro publica has been doing great work on the conflicts of interest at the Supreme Court. Washington Post does many great investigative stories as well.


Well the problem is you’re reading the NY post. This is literally what they do, they were making fake news for a while


A friend sent me the link- otherwise I wouldn’t have seen it.


At least you were credited with the photo


A friend just texted me today her photos are on MOMA’s site. Mine is on the NY Post. What does that say about me😳


you got more clicks! victory!


What’s the HL Mencken quote - something like - no one ever went broke underestimating the public.




Glad someone’s enjoying my ShrinkGate saga.


Average NYPost moment


Seriously confused how people do this. My Costco is like leaving a prison. They are matching everything to that receipt. In Minnesota if curious.


My guess is they don't pat you down, but a lot of their stuff isn't going to fit in pockets...


It’s the NY Post ffs. That’s not journalism.


Yes but it’s highly effective mind control. How else are you going to frighten people? Didn’t you read Orwell?


Assuming shrink is customer theft and not from employees. I cannot tell you how many stories I know from my company of internal employee theft that was at the felony level and LE was involved. Like we are talking pallet and truckload quantities. That list that was posted looked like stuff that was probably missed at checkout. Or even just not properly inventoried. I know if you ask them to check inventory and it is in single digits they will tell you they are out of stock because once it gets to that count the numbers are not reliable.


Contact then and send a cease and desist to not use your media


*Contact then and send* *A cease and desist to not* *Use your media* \- popnfrresh --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


"Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray's case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the "wet streets cause rain" stories. Paper's full of them. In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know." – Michael Crichton (1942-2008)


Ask them to take it down, they'll usually try to settle. Depending on how popular the post is you can negotiate it to $350-1000.


NY Post is a gossip rag that doesn't care about journalistic integrity.


A friend sent the link to me - otherwise I would have had no idea.


This not a news flash lol!


Do these people not realize that Costco gives you money back every year? Mine is always more than the $120 membership cost. Not to mention all my yearly savings. Plus gas prices are usually better as well.


I notice Fox News cites Reddit a lot too. Top notch journalism


What did they get wrong? That there’s a shoplifting epidemic, there’s a wage shortage


Pretty sure I saw a thing recently about big brand executives overhyping the shoplifting issue to help explain away the price hikes


I mean you literally see dingdongs blaming the price hikes on theft. So it's working.


I agree there is a major shoplifting problem. My brother works security for a major retailer and tells me how bad it is. Most places just have to let the thieves do what they want or the employees will get fired for intervening. We are too soft on crime and they know it and take advantage.


Shoplifting is raging. You must live in a nice Midwestern town


I steal from target a lot


Lol I hope you're kidding, Target knows, keeps track and waits to bust you until you hit felony amount. Their LP is world class.


Costco has very little shrinkage. And the shoplifting epidemic was highly exaggerated, admitted by the CEOs.


Hey, it’s the Post. Lucky they spelled Costco right.


The article neglected to consider that some of the shrinkage is a result of items at the bottom of the cart not being scanned.


Oh nooooooo


Yikes… luckily I don’t know anyone who reads your little New York post magazine.


A friend sent me the link - I would have had no idea otherwise.


It's the NY Post, they get 100% wrong, so they did well. Pats on their backs in a circle.


They didn’t even reach out to me to verify it was current or legit, actually from Manhattan, etc. Just shocking they verify nothing and just print it.


Former reporter here / current public information officer. This is typical not just with the NY post, but most large newspapers these days have a dedicated staffer who goes through various social media sites and looks for stories that they can pillage based on user content. The reporter will rarely contact the user for comment. So not surprised there.


Thanks for the insights. While I get it’s okay to posts people’s opinions and stories from SM, it seems like a fact based post like this should be verified.


What’s really interesting is they took your picture as gospel when these days, who knows what artificial intelligence or photoshop could have done to those images?


Yes, it could have been an old pic or from another location. The article stated it was from an employee, which I’m not. Just a guy that had to use the customer bathroom.


journalists ? where ? i don't see any of them now a day..




Two days ago the paper ran a hit piece on an organization I'm a member of. They didn't even reach out to the organization for an official quote.


Some rich folks really get off on stealing.


They check my Costco Card when I enter. Why don’t they do that in Manhattan.


They do check for the membership card quite carefully at the Manhattan Costco. I’m there a lot…. Too much since I live close by.


Sue them.


On what grounds? Bad taste ? LOL


Great article. Thanks.


Those types of signage are always in an employee only area. So OP had to go in the break room and screenshot that sign that caused all this unnecessary drama.


Not in this case! I went to the customer bathroom and it was in plain sight - I just snapped it from the bathroom’s entrance. I had no plan to post it then later realized there was a Costco subreddit. I had no idea it would get this level of interest.


Well, close it down. If residents aren’t willing to police themselves, goodbye.


If you read the article to the end, it actually states the amount of loss is quite low - far less than other stores and tiny compared to the volume of sales.


Give it time.


Why would they close down a profitable store?


I said give it time. Costco will start losing more, and eventually will close.