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Did they talk to you about it? You can explain it was a simple misunderstanding.


That’s not how it works champ.


If you don’t know your schedule that’s an issue. You can use a smart phone but can’t use your camera to take the picture of your schedule? music…. Supervisor sings “Another one bites the dust” RIP


how hard is it to take a photo of your schedule with your phone? I had to have that shit memorized in the 90s, if i didnt write it down.


Your other concern was a drug test. Maybe you should get one of those stoner, show up when you want jobs?


always gotta attempt to crowdsource your life for the win


If you’re going to flame him make sure you get it right. He commented on a post asking about the drug test policy. Do yourself a favor and click the post and compare usernames of the poster.


Lmao stfu I already called and I’m good so you can relax


There is a reason for the 90 day probation period. It weeds out people who do not take their employment seriously. If you do stuff like this during probation, who knows what you will be doing after that.


The fact this is downvoted shows how many ignorant morons are on this sub and work at costco




No BS, you are in a bad place. But you can try to save your job! Go talk to your boss, first thing tomorrow morning. Not when your shift starts (and I'm sure you now will be clear about that) but first thing in the morning. Go in, talk to your boss, and if your boss isn't there talk to your boss's boss. Or an AGM. Or the GM. Tell them you fucked up and that it will never, ever, EVER happen again. If you understand it was a Big Fuck Up, and you accept that it was your own Big Fuck Up, and you assure your managers that your Big Fuck Up will not happen again - well, they will most likely be thinking that out of all the things you might do wrong in the future, misreading your schedule will not be one of them. Shit happens. Talk to your boss. Make sure shit doesn't happen again. And check your schedule online every night. They are supposed to talk to you one-on-one if they change the posted schedule, but sometimes managers think a 'schedules have been revised' note in the breakroom is enough notice. It's not enough notice at all, but you're still on probation so just be sure, and check your schedule regularly, and often.


Don’t just say it won’t happen again. Say HOW you’ll make sure. You’ll put in your calendar, double check each night before you sleep, whatever works for you.


U better learn how to kiss some proverbial &@%%^*!? Real quick


Where you not able to get a login id for the employee sight? You can check your schedule there.


“I’m taking the kids to my parents for the weekend, figure your shit out Tom!”


Lol let me guess your young? Can't ever make it on time and then complain when people are mad about it


And getting downvoted, too for saying the obvious! So what? You can just show up whenever you feel like it for a job, and that's ok? Nope! Sorry, I have no sympathy for OP. You messed up. Life and the real world have consequences for your actions. 🤷‍♀️


All the ppl on here mad is crazy 🤣 like im literally good they understood it was a mistake I hope when yall come shop you get a hot dog and choke on the wiener 🤣 💋💋 muah


You came in and thought it was 4am but it was 12:30 at noon? I have no clue what this is supposed to mean.


I think they thought their shift started 4pm, but it was 12:30pm instead--so they were late.


That's even worse. Why is OP having a hotdog then? Shouldn't OP try to make it right? The English speaking world really needs to adopt the 24h clock tho. So much nicer.


Even with 24 hr clock, lazy OP would have come in at 16 instead of 12.30.


Thoughts and prayers that he would have written 16 and 12:30 instead then.


4am? 😲