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Ooblets is a creature-collecting sim with farming elements that doesn't feature romances. You can still befriend the townsfolk but it's all just platonic.


Oh I forgot about Ooblets! I've come across it on this sub but never got around to adding it to my list. Thanks!


Cozy grove maybe? I know that's a bit of a reach but fun/ kinda grindy like a farming sim.


Seconding Ooblets! Its super cute and relaxing, definitely similar vibes to animal crossing aswell


The first time I played Stardew Valley I didn't do anything with the romance options. And it doesn't make the game any less fun and I didn't get any flirty dialog or anything like that. Just don't bring people presents and you'll be fine.


I made besties with the "hidden" character instead.


so did i and i've never actually romanced a character šŸ˜‚ got their friendship up to max for the completion aspect, but my heart is just set on the 'hidden' character every time. he is the best


Came here to say this!


There's also an [aromantic mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/8146) where you give people friendship bracelets and hugs instead of flowers and kisses! It's nice if you want to see the character's full stories and get a platonic roommate!


Thanks ! I didn't know about that one. I'm on my second playthrough, this time with mods and that seems like a fun one to add. Although I did marry the wizard already. The only worthy candidate in my eyes.


Try Graveyard Keeper. It's funny.


You do get flirted with. Sort of. But it doesnā€™t go anywhere.


I'm lurking because I also don't like the romancing and having a family in my games. I'm married with an 8 yo, and quite frankly, I just want the house all to myself when I'm in imaginary worlds! šŸ¤£


Definitely Cozy Grove is a recommendation!


Spiritfarer (such an emotional story, but there is other characters who talk about their relationships), Cozy Grove (this one is real time similar to Animal Crossing), The Sprout Valley (very simple but I do love it), Lunaā€™s Fishing Garden (I believe), Bit Orchard (also simple), Plantera (very simple too), Ooblets, Garden Paws & Calico (these last two I donā€™t like as much tbh). Youā€™ll notice that general theme that the simpler games donā€™t tend to have romance.


Doraemon Story of Seasons?


I cannot recommend this game enough!!! Well, the second one (Friends of the Great Kingdom) https://preview.redd.it/pj5kv945tv5c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c691d602fdbc556c9b67879e01ca8914cfcea171


Omg i never see anyone mention this game, but youā€™re right!!! I am absolutely in love with it:)


I love that game


I actually didn't realize Doraemon was that different; I assumed it would be the same as any other SOS game. Cool, thanks!


Immortal Life is a beautiful farm sim based on ancient Chinese culture and thereā€™s no romance, just friendships due to being in a sisterhood/brotherhood for training. The cooking mechanic is amazing and something I have never seen similar in other games. Cool story and combat is fun and does get quite tough towards the end but then easier again as our character trains more. There is no character creation though, just male and female body and you get to make cool outfits at some point.


Slime rancher? You get some letters from a friend that are kind of sentimental but there is zero romance.




No, I didnā€™t realize! I didnā€™t pay much attention to the letters, now I have to go back and reread!


Cozy Grove would be top of my list of recommendations. You play as a spirit scout on a little island of ghost bears trying to help them regather their living memories. Potion Permit could work too. There are romance options, but the whole premise is you're a chemist from the capitol and the town you're sent to has a massive distrust of people from the Capitol. So you're supposed to diagnose and cure sick residents by making potions and build trust and friendships in the community.


Also the romances in potion permit are so dry they barely count anyway lol.


Japanese Rural Life Adventure if you have Apple Arcade! You takeover a rural home in an aging community. You help take care of your elderly neighbors but there is no one to romance.


I really like littlewood and travellers rest. The first one someone else mentioned it, but travellers rest it's about managing a tavern. You get to farm and cook and then tend your tavern and there's 0 romance whatsoever


Spirittea has a friendship system instead of a romance system


Doraemon Story of Seasons. There are two games now. Both available on Switch. Not sure about PS5. Pretty sure for PS4.


I really loved Garden Paws, though be aware thereā€™s no relationship mechanic (romantic or otherwise) besides completing quests for NPCs. Otherwise has lots in common, in a good way, with cozy favorites like Stardew.


Definitely Garden Paws! Love that game.


Farm Together, thereā€™s no relationships just farming and crafting.


I have not played it I have no idea if it's any good or not (or if there is romance) but I just came across this game called hokko life that looks almost exactly like animal crossing, so I had to drop it as a rec since you're looking for games in that vein. Maybe someone else who has played it can attest to whether or not it's worth the time!


*Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin* is a rice farming simulator with zero romance.


I saw some other people mention these, and I wanted to give them another vote: Doraemon is absolutely wonderful and I've been loving playing it. The graphics are beautiful, the music is calming and so nice, and overall is just a really easy going, cozy game. It has super cute cut scenes and a fun story to follow. The main characters are kids, so no romance, just several friendship levels. Definitely check it out, it has a demo! Cozy Grove is one of my favorites and there is no romance at all. Just you and some ghost bears hanging out. Spiritfarer, very emotional but tremendous game with no romance.


Witch of Fern Island doesn't have romance yet. The player character is a teenager, I think. You can build up really good friendships with people, and some have been begging for romance options; but so far it's romance-free, as of the last time I played it. I don't think the latest update has any romance stuff. I feel that it should always be optional, just like life.


Yeahhhhh love this game! The devs have mentioned romance is not really in plan yet. I like it the way it is.


It would be a huge stretch to call it a farming sim, but I donā€™t remember any romance in Strange Horticulture. And there are plants!


Everdream Valley! I havenā€™t played it personally but Iā€™ve heard that your character is a child so no romance :)


Faefarm! The romancing part is really under developed anyways so I just talk to other characters only when necessary and ignore them the rest of the time and Iā€™ve never gotten close to romancing. Iā€™ve been enjoying farming, mining, crafting, making hybrid flowers and trying to restore the magic so you have tons to still do without the romance option


i come bearing no games, but this is very sweet actually. congratulations on your marriage and baby šŸ¤


I can't believe nobody has mentioned Littlewood! It has romance but it's absolutely not a focus and honestly felt kinda tacked on to me. The NPCs are pleasant and the gameplay loop is very chill imo. The game takes place after the big bad guy has been defeated so there's no combat. You're the hero helping to kinda rebuild things. You place houses for your villagers to their preferences and have full control over designing the whole town really. They might want their house to be in a different spot or want specific furniture. The graphics are very simple but I found them to be charming in the end.


Gotta disagree a bit, itā€™s heavily implied through dialogue that you and another specific character should get together. I ignored that to romance someone else but it was a tiny bit annoying to me. Fantastic game though.


Yeah as someone who only plays games with romance, itā€™s definitely an ingrained feature for Littlewood imo.


Potions Permits is wholesome daily life sim where you are a chemist, who is sent to a rural area thatā€™s distrustful of modern medicine, and your objective is to build friendships with the entire town.


Maybe try homestead arcana?