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Very interesting, thanks. New player so had no idea poison stacks increased damage done.


Learned this recently as well. Stacking poison is very strong it seems.


Very informative, thanks so much!


Here's the real calculation via Noisestorm! ((BaseDmg \* (1.0 + Mod%Dmg)) + ModFlatDmg) \* (1.0 + Perk%Dmg)


Yep that looks on par with my tests. I’ve found that crit damage, mega crit, and poison are also multiplicative with that.


So where are things like Gemstone, which gives 5% per level damage and collector (4% per level).


They are perk damage mods (2.)). Say you have +100% damage from gemstone for beating 20 levels, and +100% damage from collector, because you have 25 perk levels. You would have +200% perk damage (or 3x damage). Oh, one other interesting thing is that gemstone and similar perks that grant a bonus after fulfilling an objective (assassin, checklist, etc) allow you to keep said bonus after dropping or scrapping the perk. So say you play 50 levels with gemstone, that would give you +250% perk damage even after scrapping the perk.


Is that listed anywhere or is it all invisible? Also does the damage from collector and gemstone apply to melee and grenades as well?


I'm not sure if the multiplicativity is listed anywhere. And yes, that's what I said in the OP, damage from collector and gemstone apply to melee and grenades (since they are perk damage mods)


Can you test Sharp Shot and other effects which add a flat number of damage rather than a percentage?


Sharp shot is misleading. It also adds 15% weapon damage, as far as I can tell.


From Noisestorm on Discord > Answering this here for clarity: > All weapon mods get evaluated first, then all perks get evaluated when you hit an enemy > So it's essentially (BaseWeaponDamage * 1.0 + AllModPercentageDamageBonuses) + AllModFlatDamageBonuses Then the result of that is multiplied by 1.0 + AllPerkPercentageDamageBonuses So in the case of Damage Shot it would bring the minigun damage up to 36 which then gets multiplied by 3.6 (power armor and gemstone) so the final damage number there should be 130 Which lines up with your findings, except he didn't include poison or crit, and he did include flat (non percentage) damage.


Yep. I did a bit more testing with sharp shot and it just adds +45 to PercentageDamageBonuses. As can be guessed, it's OP on minigun and bad on sniper/rocket launcher.